Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1321 Harvest, endless harvest!

Kill the ancient demon Greed!

Everyone let out a sigh of relief as they watched the demonic body shatter and dissipate, splashing in all directions.

Tiger Zen Shinichi suddenly stretched out his hand, as if he caught something in the void, and then looked at it. It was the remnants of the greedy body of the ancient demon after its collapse.

It’s better to say it’s the residue than it is the essence of the devil!

There are about twelve one-inch crystals. When held in the hand, they are warm and restrained, smooth and lustrous. The color is condensed inside, containing an unforgettable color. It has a luster like glass, is quiet and deep, and there seems to be stars circulating inside. At first glance, it feels like you are in the depths of the universe.

Tiger Zen looked at it, his expression suddenly changed, and he said:

"Quick, look for it, there seem to be some scattered everywhere!"

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately started searching, and finally found nine more pieces in the sea, a total of twenty-one pieces!

Luo Li asked: "Master, what is this?"

Tiger Zen Shinichi said: "The remains of the ancient demon, the essence of the demon god!

However, unlike the remains of the ancient demons and ancient gods in history, this ancient demon was greedy. After your blow, all the demonic thoughts and souls disappeared, leaving only the essence of the demonic body.

This demon essence contains the power of all the laws of heaven mastered by the Greedy Ancient Demon. As long as it is refined, it is possible to master the laws of heaven possessed by the Greedy Ancient Demon!

Moreover, greed has completely disappeared, there is no possibility of resurrection, it is very safe, and the refining success rate is very high! "

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately knew what it meant. Mu Shen looked at the remains of the ancient demon and said:

"In other words, just a few Demon God Essence Crystals can give birth to several Void Return True Ones?"

Tiger Zen Shinichi said: "I can't say 100%, but it's still 90%! However, this kind of return to the void can only master part of the laws of heaven mastered by the greedy ancient demon.

But, Return to the Void, this is the True One of the Return to the Void, these are twenty-one fragments of gods and demons, which can at least give birth to eighteen Return to the Void for our Hunyuan Sect! "

When everyone heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up!

Eighteen Return to Void, an astonishing number!

Mu Shen said: "If I, the Hunyuan Sect, had eighteen more voids, my strength would be greatly increased, and it would be Kunlun..."

Jin Sheng hummed, interrupted Mu Shen's words, and then said: "It seems that there is a crisis. It is indeed a dangerous opportunity!

Encounter an ancient demon. Extremely cruel. But there are many benefits to killing it. Can we study it? If you encounter a being like the Ancient Demon Greedy, how to kill them cannot just rely on Luo Li, right? "

Hu Chanzhen nodded and said: "Actually, Greed is a strong person in the ancient demon lineage. There are many ordinary ancient demons under him!

We can study it carefully..."

The greatest ability of a monk is to study and create, so as to gain strength and make up for the shortcomings of the human race in nature.

Headed by Hu Chan, several major return to virtual states began to be studied.

Seeing Hu Chan being so prominent, Xin Yuan, who had been silent, suddenly said:

"My fellow students, I think this research direction is wrong!

The world now is no longer the world of the past. I am sure that in this world today, Huixu is not the strongest, but Guiyuan is the strongest!

Isn't it, no calamity? "

Fan Wujie immediately cooperated with his master. On his body, the powerful aura of returning to the origin appeared. When this aura appeared, the three majors returned to the void. Hu Chan and Luo Li couldn't help but take a step back!

Xin Yuan was very satisfied and continued:

“So, everyone, don’t be short-sighted, look far ahead!

No matter how many ancient demons are killed, countless essences of gods and demons can be obtained, and countless virtual-returning true ones can be born.

But these deficiencies are all caused by man-made innate deficiencies. No matter how many deficiencies there are, they are still cannon fodder if they are not strong. Only by being promoted to Guiyuan can we become stronger!

Isn't it, no calamity? "

Fan Wujie said slowly: "Return to the realm of origin, the way of heaven is unified, the inner universe is generated, and you can control endless power. This is the great road!"

Xin Yuan nodded and continued:

"Back then, Patriarch Yan Kuangtu allowed me, Hunyuan, to advance to the realm of spirit transformation, and Patriarch Wang Yangming enabled me, Hunyuan, to advance to the realm of returning to the void!

Now, if our Hunyuan Sect is promoted to the Guiyuan realm, we may be the third ZTE Patriarch of our Hunyuan Sect! "

He looked at Fan Wujie as if Fan Wujie was the third Zhongxing Patriarch of the Hunyuan Sect!

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "Well, Fan Wujie's magic seems to have broken away from my Hunyuan Sect lineage!"

During the last catastrophe, Luo Li felt that Fan Wujie and Lu Zhou's cultivation had completely broken away from the Hunyuan Sect system.

Xin Yuan shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter. The return of all laws to the Yuan is guided by no calamity. I believe that our sect will soon find a way to advance to the Yuan!"

Although he was talking about our sect, the words he spoke with endless confidence showed that he was actually talking about himself!

Luo Li was speechless. He was about to say, "Guiyuan? Guiyuan was also beaten to pieces by me!"

Mu Shen suddenly said: "For the matter of returning to Yuan, after we finish the sweep, we will start cultivating immediately!

The ancient demon Greed appears here. I wonder if there is a resurrection of this kind of ancient demon and ancient god in other places?

If a monk from my sect meets him, it will be a catastrophe. Alas, what a pity for that kid Miao Tong! "

Miao Tong Zhenjun was eaten by the greed of the ancient demon. Everyone lamented that he escaped the catastrophe of heaven and earth, but he did not escape the catastrophe of the demon!

Jin Sheng said: "This is fate. Although the catastrophe of heaven and earth has ended, but now that the devil has been resurrected, and the coalition forces of all races outside the world have gathered, it seems that in my world, the catastrophe will continue!

An ancient demon can bring such essence and give birth to many incarnations. Although their path is difficult to enter, they are still dozens of times more powerful than the transformed gods. Therefore, we must not let go of the essence of gods and demons, even if we sacrifice our disciples for it. in this way! "

Then he immediately issued an order: "Instruct all disciples of Hunyuan Sect to first and foremost look for traces of ancient gods and ancient demons! Remember, be extremely careful!"

The mission of the disciples of Hunyuan Sect has been changed from the original mission of collecting treasures and searching for famous mountains and rivers.

After thinking for a while, Jin Sheng said again: "Send a message to our allies and tell them about the existence of Ancient Demon and Ancient God!

If they can't deal with it, they can ask for help. We can help them kill the ancient gods and ancient demons! "

Those sects saved by the Hunyuan Sect all formed an alliance with the Hunyuan Sect and obeyed Luo Li's orders.

The Hunyuan Sect had prepared here for thousands of years for the grand plan of ascension, and after searching hard, there were only a few monks who had mastered the power of the origin.

In other sects, monks who have mastered the power of the origin are very rare, almost none. When they meet the ancient demon and ancient god, they are just plates of delicious food, so Patriarch Jin Sheng gave such an order.

Immediately, the monks of the Hunyuan Sect continued to scatter, looking for the ancient demons and ancient gods, looking for heavenly materials and earthly treasures, looking for heavenly and earthly spiritual objects, looking for famous mountains and rivers, looking for the earth's veins, looking for the cave heaven and blessed land,...

Soon, news came from all directions that no one had met the Ancient Demon and Ancient God anymore, as if they didn't appear at all in the world.

News also came from other sects that there were no ancient demons and ancient gods at all.

The Ancient Demon and Ancient God could not be found, but the Hunyuan Sect disciples found countless good things.

The treasures of heaven, materials, and earth are the resources in the world of immortality, including thousand-year-old spiritual grass, spiritual materials for refining weapons, spiritual energy spring water, and all kinds of precious resources.

Above the treasures of heaven and earth, there are the spiritual things of heaven and earth. The so-called spiritual things of heaven and earth are the spiritual things with various attributes naturally generated by heaven and earth. Each kind of spiritual things of heaven and earth is very rare, and each kind is extremely precious. Very important.

This heaven and earth spiritual creature is very important to the Hunyuan Sect monks!

The famous mountains and rivers are actually super spiritual places, where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gather together, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

The monks of the Hunyuan Sect cast their nets everywhere, and when they found them, they immediately marked them. Then the monks of the realm of gods came here and began to study the reasons for the formation of these famous mountains and rivers, and made evaluations on some of their benefits.

Some of these very valuable famous mountains and rivers can be selected according to the analysis results and the Feng Shui layout of the Hunyuan Zong Xuanzhou area!

Once they are suitable, these gods-incarnation true masters will use the method of penetrating the heaven and the earth to collect the mountains and rivers, thousands of miles in radius, together with the underground veins, move them to Xuanzhou, and put them into the Feng Shui layout left by the ancestors of the Hunyuan Sect. Among them, it became part of Xuanzhou.

Moving mountains and rivers requires not only magic power, but also vision. Hunyuan Sect disciples, when they were in the outer sect, were exposed to this Feng Shui method and were extremely familiar with it.

The earth spiritual veins are the spiritual energy veins underground. This is the most basic thing for cultivating immortality.

Ten small spiritual veins merge into one medium-sized spiritual vein, ten medium-sized spiritual veins merge into one large spiritual vein, and ten large spiritual veins merge into one giant spiritual vein!

Back then, Kongyuan Peak of the Spiritual Butterfly Sect was spied on because it had four medium-sized spiritual veins, and was finally sold by Luo Li in exchange for the treasure that started the business. The side sect, the Ice and Fire Sect, only has eight large spiritual veins!

Now that this new world is born, the spiritual veins are unstable and easy to find. After they are found, the Hunyuan Sect Huixu Zhenyi will take action to move the spiritual veins inside the Hunyuan Sect and distribute them to many peak veins for use.

But for a sect, the most valuable thing is the Cave Heaven Paradise!

There are three types of blessed lands: Feng Shui Treasure Land, Cave Heaven Dimension, and Disaster Land Ruins!

Only with a blessed land can the disciples of the sect thrive and grow, and the sect is the real sect!

Because according to the rules of the world of cultivating immortals, any sect of cultivating immortals that does not have a geomantic treasure land, a blessed land of caves, or ruins of misfortune as a mountain gate are all first-class casual cultivators and wild cultivators. No matter how great the background is, no matter how awesome the inheritance is, this is the same!

You must at least have a blessed place, open a mountain gate, and have a foothold before the world of immortality can count you as a sect. The Hunyuan Sect has one hundred and eighty-eight blessed places, which is why the Hunyuan Sect is so powerful.

In this new world, no ancient demons appear anymore. Although there are some obstacles, for the Hunyuan Sect monks, they are vulnerable to a single blow. Countless treasures of heaven and earth, spiritual objects of heaven and earth, famous mountains and rivers, earth spiritual veins, cave heaven and blessed land are all destroyed. The discovery of meaning was brought into Hunyuan Sect!

Harvest, endless harvest!

Suddenly, all the Hunyuan Sect disciples were overjoyed and showed endless smiles! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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