Walk alone

Volume Three Chapter 1,300 Void Monsters!

After Luo Li disappeared, the fish washing platform returned to calm. In the distance, there were three ferry boats arriving here.

The leader among them is Kunlun Wuji.

He replaced Kunlun Taiyi, hunted down Luo Li, and recaptured the Kunlun Mirror.

He looked at the person leading the way and said nothing. The female cultivator next to him immediately understood what he meant and began to say:

"Master Mingtian, are you really sure that Luo Li is here?"

Master Mingtian is the monk of the Luck-stealing Guantian Sect. Even though he is only in the realm of divine transformation, as a female cultivator who has returned to the void, she still calls him master because he is good at tracking luck!

Master Mingtian held the compass in his hand, searched it carefully, and said:

"I can confirm that the aura of Kunlun Mirror is in front, and Luo Li must be on the island!"

The female cultivator took a deep breath and looked at Wuji, who nodded slightly, and the ferry boat of three people slowly flew to the fish washing platform.

In the sea water of the fish washing platform, the octopus looked at them and couldn't help but salivate. However, he thought of Luo Li's power and the many tentacles he had been killed, and finally held back and did not take action.

When they arrived on the island, Master Mingtian searched carefully and quickly found the big black tree where Luo Li disappeared. He looked at the big black tree, frowned, and said:

"Master Wuji, Luo Li should be here, but I feel that this world is so terrifying that I dare not enter it!"

Wuji looked at the big black tree, savored it carefully, and then said: "Nine Heavens Dimension Island!"

As soon as he said this, the other two people were stunned. Master Mingtian said: "Nine Heavens Dimension Island? The Hunyuan Mountain Gate back then?"

Wuji nodded and said: "Yes. That's it. Opposite is the remaining world of the Nine Heavens Dimension Island.

It seems that God has blessed me! "

There was endless excitement in the words.

Then he continued: "Everyone in the world knows that Jiutian Dimensional Island was the mountain gate where Hunyuan Sect was possessed by the devil, but they don't know where Jiutian Dimensional Island was before Hunyuan Sect."

The female cultivator frowned and asked, "Sir, where was it before?"

Wuji smiled and said: "Before, haha, the Nine Heavens Dimension Island had another name, South Kunlun!"

Suddenly the two people opposite were stunned and said: "South Kunlun?"

Wuji said happily: "After the battle between Fairy Transcendence, Kunlun was divided into four parts. It was divided into southeast, northwest and northwest, and they fought against each other endlessly!"

"South Kunlun is proficient in the method of summoning and raising spirits. It can be said that Zhenling Sect and Hunyuan Sect are both branches of South Kunlun. Later, South Kunlun became war-weary. He cut off the Yuxu Peak of Kunlun, left the Kunlun area, and wandered nine days away. That's it. This nine-day dimensional island.”

"Later, South Kunlun encountered a great calamity and was robbed by Landa's rebellious mad monk Thunder Demon. Although the mad monk Thunder Demon was killed, the sect suffered heavy losses. Then the Thunder Demon stole Landa's Great Sun Tathagata Sutra. Nan Kunlun was transformed into the Buddhist Tianlong Temple.

This matter should have been done by Lord Buddha to lay out the overall situation. So far, Nan Kunlun has perished. The Kunlun Yuxu Peak where it is located is meaningless to them, so they gave it up and was finally acquired by the Hunyuan Sect!

When Wang Yangming was born, there was internal strife within the Hunyuan Sect. The Nine Heavens Dimension Island was affected by the war and disappeared. Unexpectedly, it was here!

As long as I find it, my status in Kunlun will skyrocket. I will surpass Jian Kuai and Queen Mother of the West and become the number one person in Kunlun!

Come on, we're leaving right now! "

Immediately, the three of them teleported away through the big tree.

Not long after the three people left, another figure appeared here. It was the clone of the Abandoned Ghost Saint that day.

He looked exactly like a little old man, with a bump on his butt and a slow walk. Unlike others who took the ferry boat, he just like Luo Li, flew here through the air and wandered to the island.

When he arrived here, the octopus immediately sank carefully into the sea. All the creatures in the sea disappeared and did not dare to show their heads.

Tianqi Ghost Saint came to the island with a smile, and quickly found under the big tree, but he looked at the big tree but did not enter, as if he was thinking about something.

After watching for a long time, the Abandoned Ghost Saint shook his head. He did not enter, but began to wait under the tree!

Luo Li was slowly moving forward in the void. In the distant ruins, countless black lights rushed towards Luo Li.

Those black lights arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye and turned into endless black mist in front of Luo Li.

There is a strange power in this black mist, which is a kind of filthy power, the filth of the underworld!

Thick, thick, as dark as ink, it can corrode everything, turning into a dense fog that never disperses, squeezing and wrapping everything it covers.

Even if Luo Li returns to the virtual state, he can't see through the filthy atmosphere of the underworld at a glance.

In the filth of this underworld, countless figures are looming and wandering around.

They rushed towards Luo Li, in countless forms, all over the sky and the ground.

These filth from the underworld are monsters, and they come in various forms, but they all have rotten skin and flesh, runny mouth, move quickly, look like ghosts when they come and go, and make disgusting sounds in their mouths.

In the depths of the black mist, there were even more shadows flickering, making people feel as if they were surrounded by countless ghosts and monsters, stretching out their terrifying claws towards them and opening their bloody mouths that exuded a foul smell...

In an instant, thousands of pairs of pupilless bloody eyes rushed towards the sky and covered the earth.

Facing countless monsters, Luo Li smiled, stretched out his hand, and a galaxy appeared.

All over the world, there are so many different oceans!

The endless sea of ​​light swept towards the filthy underworld.

Look carefully, you will see that the world around us is different from before. It used to be a sea, but now it is a river!

In the past, the sea swept across the world and was boundless, but now the river is like a stream of light, showing no power, but it condenses the previously endless power into a moment, and then explodes!

Abandon the encyclopedia and keep the specialization!

Wherever this river of light goes, whether it is monsters or the filthy odor of the underworld, everything is wiped out and turned into ashes.

Wherever he went, everything disappeared and turned into ashes!

Suddenly, the filthy atmosphere of the underworld changed, and there was laughter!

whee! Ha ha! Hip-hop hip-hop hip-hop hip-hop!

It seemed like the sound of a child's laughter, only to see nothingness in the distance. Countless children appeared. They were about seven or eight years old, but their bodies were black and red with blood.

A pair of eyes that should be clean are bright red, without pupils, and extremely empty. The empty red pupils also reveal a ferocious look. The mouth is bared with shining fangs, like a bloodthirsty beast, bringing a sense of gloom!

They were playing and playing, and a dark wind was generated on them, wherever the wind went. It's as if the soul is about to be aroused. Soul-sucking!

In Luo Li's ears, the miserable laughter of children sounded one after another, overlapping and inextricable. In the blink of an eye, the trickle has turned into a huge roar. I don't know if there are tens of thousands of children laughing at the same time.

Thousands of pairs of pupilless bloody eyes staring at him. The gazes were all real, making Luo Li feel as if there were thorns on his back, which was quite creepy.

It seems that laughter is ineffective. I don't know which child stopped laughing and suddenly shouted: "Go to hell!" The voice was sharp, as if it could pierce the heart and lungs!

In an instant, thousands of children were infected and shouted at the same time: "Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell!..."

The young children's voices were as sharp as knives, and they merged into a rushing tide, rushing toward Luo Li like an overwhelming force!

Luo Li snorted coldly! Want to suck my soul?

Take a deep breath!

Then spit it out!

Suddenly there was a sound of humming and haha!


It's the divine power that sucks**!

With a groan, the thousands of demon children in the vicinity all froze, and then a spiritual light rose up on them. This was their soul, which suddenly gathered towards Luo Li, and was sucked by Luo Li, destroying them all!

The demon child disappeared, and another group of demons appeared in the void.

This group of demons were flying, all five feet tall, with a pair of featherless wings behind them that seemed to be made of flesh.

The mouth was pointed, the eyes were small, and there was a hint of coldness. Luo Li could see from the eyes, they were a pair of eyes without any humanity, they were red and exuded a sense of death.

Luo Li could tell this thing at a glance, Feitian Yaksha!

They rushed towards Luo Li, and behind them, there were a group of demon generals. Each of them was three feet tall, covered with armor, and had four arms. They held swords, axes, and shields, and rode black bone horses at their feet, floating in the air.

Feitian Yaksha was the soldier, Bone Demon was the general, and over ten thousand monsters rushed towards Luo Li.

Luo Li sneered and took a closer look. This was not the spiritual water realm. He just stretched out his hand.

A burst of real fire erupted, with a bang, covering a radius of tens of thousands of feet,

It formed a sea of ​​fire, blazing with endless fire, and the flames shot straight into the sky. Whether it was the flying yaksha or the bone horse demon general, if they were burned to the point of being burned by the fierce fire, they would immediately let out a shrill cry and turn into flames!

This was the supreme true fire. No matter how hard they struggled, they were burned into black smoke and scattered into ashes before they could get out of the flames!

A real fire, burn down the enemies!

When these enemies died, endless auspicious light rose between heaven and earth, as if to welcome Luo Li, thank Luo Li for destroying the monsters.

Destroying the enemies and burning everything, it was as if a restriction had been burned, and a golden door suddenly appeared in front of him.

This should be a portal. Entering this door, you can come to the real world of Jiutian Dimensional Island.

That portal is incredibly wonderful.

The door is carved with nine layers of extremely delicate talismans using very complicated techniques. The layers of talismans are intertwined with each other, but they faintly form a dragon pattern, which is beautiful. The metal used for the door shows a magnificent purple-red color. There are faint streams of light rippling inside the portal, just like the morning glow on the horizon, making the soaring dragon look like a real thing.

The door slowly opened, revealing the things inside. Inside was a beautiful river and mountain, with countless light and shadow changes, and various smoke and clouds floating around. When people saw it, they knew that entering the door was the right way.

But Luo Li laughed loudly, stretched out his hand, and burned the door into ashes under the real fire.

He is too familiar with this thing. This is the palace market path of Hunyuan Sect's Forest of Living Beings. Whoever goes in will be stupid!

The endless underworld odor just now is the prototype of the underworld path of the Hunyuan Sect's forest of living beings. The laughter of those demon children is the change of the heavenly sound path of the living beings forest, and these countless flying yakshas are definitely the ultimate of the zombie path.

Compared with the current Hunyuan Sect's Forest of Living Beings, they have an extra layer of demonic energy and are not as perfect and mature as the current Forest of Living Beings. Just like the Palace Market Road has only a gate to deceive people into entering, the current Palace Market Road of the Forest of Living Beings is It's an endless point of light.

Luo Li nodded, it seemed that he had really arrived at the Nine-Tian Dimension Island!

It was only four steps, and he didn't know what was coming next. Luo Li took a long breath, glanced at the sky in the sky, and continued to move forward! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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