Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1,294: The Fairy City Tower above the Spiritual Sea!

As the space turned, Luo Li left the ghost market and appeared in a strange place.

Here Luo Li felt endless spiritual energy, boiling and roaring like the sea. The spiritual energy rushed towards his face, and his whole body suddenly felt endless comfort, as if thousands of shackles were being opened.

Luo Li took a few deep breaths and hurriedly shut up.

Even with his level of cultivation, he would not dare to absorb more of this spiritual energy. This spiritual energy is too abundant, even more than when a monk absorbs high-grade spiritual stones during cultivation.

In this area, the minimum requirement is to become a god or above. Otherwise, if the Nascent Soul comes here and takes a breath of spiritual energy, it might be exploded by the spiritual energy and explode to death.

Is this the so-called Linghai?

Luo Li looked and saw that he was standing on a stone platform, which seemed to be a reef.

Looking around, there are patches of white sea beneath our feet.

The fresh wind blows in the face with abundant spiritual energy. On both sides of the reef, there are clouds and mist. Above the head, there is a blue sky, so pure that it is not stained with any impurities. At the feet, there is the boundless sea, blue and calm.

Luo Li reached out and touched the seawater at his feet, and immediately fished out a handful of seawater. The seawater contained endless spiritual energy, which could be compared with the best thousand-year immortal juice in the world of immortality, or ten thousand-year stone milk.

But this is sea water, and there is a strange energy in this sea water. If you really use it like the Millennium Stone Milk Millennium Immortal Juice, you will be harmed by that energy.

This sea water can only be felt, not used!

Throwing it away gently, the sea water was thrown away, and Luo Li looked up at the sky.

The sky is blue, but it is not the real sky. But another kind of water!

This is the world of water element, and the whole world is filled with endless water!

The Star Sea area where the Zhongtian Lord World is located is a star sea composed of many great worlds such as the Zhongtian Lord World, Qilin Great World, Yuxu Great World, Whirlpool Great World, Penglai Great World, etc.

And Yan Nalou Star Sea, Jinque Star Sea, Fire Demon Star Sea, Badaro Fruit Star Sea, etc., these star seas. Same as Zhongtian Xinghai. They are all juxtaposed star sea worlds in the universe.

But this water elemental realm is different from them. It is the original elemental realm of heaven and earth. Transcendence encompasses this universe. All the stars. As long as there is water in the world, it can be connected to this elemental world.

All the big worlds in the star sea can be connected to this elemental realm. This shows how grand and terrifying this elemental world is!

This water elemental world is infinitely vast. The spiritual water world where Luo Li is located is a world formed by the aggregation of spiritual water in the water element. The endless spiritual water aggregates, emits spiritual energy, and lifts up other water elements, so an ocean is formed here. , forming the sky.

Looking at the sky, the so-called sky is actually not the sky, but another water element, which is just held up by this spiritual energy. In a simple word, this spiritual water realm is just a bubble in the pool of the water element realm!

Luo Li sighed here. Suddenly, someone appeared behind him. It was a human rather than a monster. He had a huge body, three heads and six arms. When he came out, he saw Luo Li and shouted:

"Hey, boy, give way, don't block the road, go quickly, go quickly!"

Luo Li looked back and immediately knew that this was Zhan Shura!

The other party spoke with spiritual consciousness, and all living beings could understand it. Luo Li nodded, slowly avoided it, and then looked at the Zhan Shura, walking towards the distance along the path beside the reef.

There is a tall building in the distance, standing on this spiritual sea! Is that the Jade Tower and Golden Tower that Beichenzi mentioned? What a great Jade Tower and Golden Tower!

That tall building is better said to be a fairy city than a building!

Stretching for more than ten miles, there was a colorful fairyland building. Luo Li felt that his eyes couldn't get enough of it. It was too gorgeous.

The walls are all made of white jade, without any seams. They look more like they were hollowed out from a single piece of white jade.

Just as Luo Li was watching with emotion, another creature appeared on the rocks behind him.

Those creatures were three ferocious ghosts. Their whole bodies were made of steel, and there was a huge steel horn on their heads. These were the strong ghosts among the ghosts!

The three Goukis appeared and saw Luo Li. One of them stuck out his tongue and said:

"Human race, human race, it seems very delicious, eat him!"

Suddenly, an old gangster slapped his backhand and said: "Eat whatever you want!"

This is the territory of Yulou, Jinque and Yusan people, no fighting is allowed!

If you want to eat, you have to wait until he leaves the Jade Tower and Golden Tower before eating! "

Luo Li looked at the Ganggui and smiled. Their Ganggui looked good and could be used to refine some magic weapons. If you have a chance, go out and try it out.

He also walked along the foundation path towards the tall building, and soon arrived in front of the building.

Luo Li didn't fly away, and Zhan Shura didn't fly away either. He should hurry up and don't do this himself!

Luo Li had just walked a few feet away when the Ganggui that appeared after him rose up in the wind, and then heard a pop and fell into the spiritual sea.

The old gangster rushed to help, and then cursed:

"You bastard, I specifically said that you are not allowed to fly above the spiritual sea. As long as you fly, you will fall into the sea immediately..."

Luo Li smiled, it was indeed so!

The little Gouki over there was rescued. He just drank a few sips of spiritual sea water and let out a sigh of relief. However, Gouki had a strong physique and recovered quickly. The three Gouki also ran forward along this road.

"This spiritual sea water is really weird. We, the Gouki clan, can refine it even if we eat steel, but this spiritual sea water cannot be refined?"

"Of course, otherwise why would the Yusan people build the Jade Tower and the Golden Tower here? It is difficult to practice all the methods of the Linghai Sea. Only some special methods can be used for your own use!

The Jade Tower and Golden Tower is one of them. There are other Linghai cities such as Diaoao Island, Bitter Melon Forest, and Taisui Mountain. They are all methods of refining Linghai Sea! "

"Ah, that's it. Then can we, the Gouki clan, build a city like this and refine the spiritual sea water!"

"Go ahead and dream. The seventy-two cities above the spiritual sea were all created by ancient gods and men. Now we have that ability!"

The three Goukis walked as fast as flying, came to Luo Li's side, and passed away.

Luo Li was not in a hurry and let them pass!

But looking at them, Luo Li felt that they were definitely not here in the ghost market. It seemed that there were other ways to get here!

Soon the three gang ghosts, as well as Luo Li, arrived in front of the Jade Tower and Golden Tower!

When you look up at this building, you can see that the buildings are layer by layer, with hundreds of floors. The bottom seven floors are made of special rocks. They don't have any doors or windows. They just look like a single piece of rock.

At the end of the road, there are four black-robed creatures here. Next to them, there is a light door, which should be the entrance to the Jade Tower and Golden Tower!

They were just men in black robes flying around. They had no feet, their hands were gloved, and there was a void in their hoods, and they didn’t know what they were.

One of them saw Gouki who was the first to arrive and shouted: "The entrance fee is one living creature and ten spirit stones!"

Gouki stretched out his hand, took out a high-grade spiritual stone, threw it over and said, "The extra ones are my reward!"

The black-robed man in the void smiled when he saw the high-grade spiritual stone and said:

"One living creature, ten spirit stones. How can you reward us with just one spirit stone? You are despising our Jade Tower and Golden Tower!"

Immediately the Ganggui said dumbfounded: "This is a high-grade spiritual stone, it can hold up to 10,000 spiritual stones!"

The black-robed man in the void said: "You old haters! That's what you call it in the outside world. In our place, the top-grade spiritual stones are just some paving stones.

If it weren't for the fact that this place is above the spiritual sea and the stones are scarce, we wouldn't ask you for them as the entrance fee.

Is there any? One creature, ten spirit stones! "

As soon as he said this, the three Goukis were dumbfounded.

Luo Li smiled, stretched out his hand and took out a stone from the Taichu Cave.

This stone is just an ordinary stone. After taking it out, it immediately shattered in this world.

This is a water world where ordinary stones cannot exist. Luo Li thought about it and changed it to an ordinary spirit stone.

The spiritual stone contains spiritual energy, which resonates with the spiritual energy of this world. It is no longer shattered. In this world, no matter how good the high-grade spiritual stone is, it is the same price as the ordinary spiritual stone!

Suddenly, Luo Li seemed to see a business opportunity!

The three goukis over there finally took out thirty high-grade spiritual stones, and then they were allowed to enter.

When I got to Luo Li, I took out ten spirit stones and passed the test!

Luo Li had just disappeared. On the reef, Ancestor Tiantian suddenly appeared. He sniffed hard and said:

"Boy, I smell your scent, you're dead!"

Patriarch Tianqi had just left the reef when three more monks appeared. One of them was wearing a green cloud crown, with five strands of gray beard hanging on his chest. He was wearing a light green robe without any obvious marks, and his magic boots were ordinary. , with regular facial features, yet light and airy, making people feel relaxed and freehand when they see her.

But if you take a closer look, you will find that there is always a faint and faint purple energy behind his elbow and shoulder. It seems that he cannot see clearly, but he can clearly feel it. The faint fairy energy floats out, which makes people no longer feel... I wouldn't think of him as an ordinary cultivator.

He slowly said to the person next to him:

"Are you sure that Luo Li has arrived in this world?"

The man nodded and said: "Please rest assured, Sir, I will use my secret method of stealing fortune to track him here!"

There was a female cultivator on the side, frowning and saying: "Are you really sure? Remember that Hunyuan Sect disciples cannot steal fortune and observe the sky!"

The man smiled and said: "Yes, I can't trace the traces of Hunyuan Zong Luo Li, but this son is carrying the Kunlun Mirror. The Kunlun Mirror has not been refined yet, and there are traces of precious energy, which I can track!"

The female cultivator nodded and said: "Master Wuji, no matter what, we must take back the Kunlun Mirror!

Otherwise, this will be a catastrophe for our Kunlun! "

That powerful monk turned out to be Kunlun Wuji, who was named after Taiyi.

Wuji nodded and said: "Don't worry, this Kunlun Mirror was lost on my servant Kunlun Three Immortals, I will definitely get it back!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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