Sakar star.

The one-person airship driven by Yang Ming landed towards the surface city of Saka.

The action of the military has always been amazing, and this time is no exception.

Yang Ming was still on his way back to Saka, when a rapid response fleet under the direct control of the military headquarters, with a total of more than 120 main warships, appeared in the star field near Saka.

The two orders were conveyed to the Governor's Palace of Saka at the same time.

One, the empire is about to hold periodic military exercises around Saka to enhance the sense of security of the residents of Saka.

Second, in a standard galactic year in the future, the Imperial Army will move a deep air port and be stationed near the commercial shipping lane near Saka.

These two commands are nothing at first glance;

However, when the imperial fleet appeared on the periphery of Saka's planetary defense system, which had not yet reached a large scale, and made a posture of attacking at any time, the governor's mansion and lord's mansion of Saka immediately felt tremendous pressure.

Rumors abounded on Saka.

In the local area network, the new and old Saka stars reached a consensus in the discussion - their lords were deeply suspected by the high-level of the empire because of their high achievements and influence, and the high-level of the empire wanted to suppress the white ghost.

When the empire's fleet aimed its guns at the planets in the empire, it made Saka even more turbulent.

Many youths with fresh blood, especially the officers and grass-roots soldiers in the Saka Star Guard Fleet who have experienced the life and death experience of the insect swarm, have begun to gear up;

They kept sending requests to the Lord's Mansion to take off to meet the enemy.

Even knowing that there is a high probability that civil war will not really break out, they will lift off all the ships of Saka's escort fleet and conduct a military exercise of the same level in front of the fleet sent by the Imperial Army.

Only when the barrels are facing each other can they prove their determination to fight at all costs!

However, although the young lads on Star Saka were filled with righteous indignation, the decisions made by the Lord's Mansion and the Governor's Mansion were still steady and steady.

[The Saka star guard formation and the rest of the lord's private armed forces remained silent. 】

[Personnel and family members of any local government and army are not allowed to make any remarks against imperial officials. 】

This is the environment that Saka was in when Yang Ming arrived on Saka.

He didn't say much to Godoy and the others, and drove a small boat back to Saka alone.

He turned off the stealth function of the boat, and actively broadcast positioning noise on all channels. ——This is equivalent to telling everyone that he has returned to Saka.

If the Empire was going to try to see if it could kill him, this was the best time to do so.

The Dongfeng hid on the back of the Saka star (relative to the position of the imperial fleet), and kept the farthest particle transmission distance from Yang Ming.

There was no more hustle and bustle in Law's thinking space, and the clones were executing each order in an orderly manner.

The dreadnought sent by the empire to Saka is still on the way;

Yang Ming ordered the Terminator assassination robot arranged by Li to be ready at the border of the empire.

Based on the information that the law has now on the elite elites of the Sherman family in the empire, they are sure that they can wipe out 40% of the members within one galaxy day, paralyze the government affairs department of the empire, and take over 60% of the generals in the empire's military department. .

This is a war that if it breaks out, there will be no retreat, and their preparations are not fully adequate.

Law can definitely feel the change in his boss' mentality.

The boss had always held the mentality of testing the empire before, and while advancing their many plans step by step, he also left room for relaxation of "let it go as soon as it is good" and "come back next time if it doesn't work this time".

But when the boss heard that the Imperial Army dispatched a dreadnought ship to the vicinity of Saka...

Lu felt Yang Ming's long-lost anger.

Yang Ming did have the right to be angry.

Even if they can't defeat the entire empire head-on, they can still bite off half of the empire's life;

What's more, Li has been silent now, and Li doesn't approve of the current imperial family.

On the projection screen in front of Lu, Boss Yang's expression was rather stern.

But when the small boat was about to land, Yang Ming twisted his face, and he became very easy-going.

The airship landed directly towards the Lord's Mansion.

Her Royal Highness Daphne, Governor Godoy Saka, the two sisters Hanyin and Hanxiang, and several core officers of the ghost private army represented by Peterson, who had received the news in advance, stood and waited outside the lord's mansion together.

Daphne folded her arms, her face was a little tired.

She had just rushed over from a distant star field, and she was upset by the messy public opinion on the Internet.

However, when Yang Ming's airship appeared in her line of sight, her slightly frowned brows slowly eased, and the slightly pursed corners of her mouth also gradually eased.

As long as he can come back, everything has a solution.

——Daphne thought so.


A moment later, there was a closed-door meeting in the lord's mansion.

Yang Ming leaned on the chair, enjoying the fragrant massage service, with a 'peaceful' smile on the corner of his mouth.

Daphne sat on her exclusive sofa, sipping the fragrant tea in her hand, thinking about what she could do now.

Governor Godoy and Hanyin paced back and forth, like ants on a hot pot.

"Handon!" Governor Godoy sighed, "My lord, my ghost brother! How can you still be so calm now? There have been a lot of rhythmic hacking topics on the empire network, and the officials have not suppressed it. , but fueled the flames, and even transferred the fleet to put the muzzle on our foreheads! This, what's going on, what the hell!"

Hanyin also said anxiously: "I can get a little news from the tentacles. His Majesty the great emperor acquiesced to some big nobles' pressure on you... There are also unfavorable remarks from the military department... Almost just Overnight, they seemed to be ganging up on you."

"Calm down."

Yang Ming opened a slit in his right eye, and looked at Daphne who was drinking tea next to him.

"The matter is more complicated than you imagined. If you don't believe me, you can ask my dear Princess. She has her own source of information, and now she can be regarded as a bystander."

"The bystander knows? This statement is quite interesting."

Daphne smiled gracefully:

"Actually, it's not a big deal, but it's because your lord, when he led his troops to Domingos, didn't follow the will of the army to plunder the Domingos as slaves, and insisted on his own innocence." Honor, so some old guys in the military department felt offended.

"After the bug swarm, your lord's prestige reached its peak, and the people even developed various beliefs about the white ghost, deifying and sanctifying the white ghost.

"When the white ghost refuses to do what the empire wants and cooperates with the powers of the empire, it will naturally cause great panic among those in power. Therefore, through the massacre of terrorists by the white ghost, all conflicts broke out in a concentrated manner.

"The main contradiction now is the conflict between the power in the hands of the rulers of the empire and the excessive influence of the white ghost on the grassroots. That's it."

Godoy thought carefully, and said in a low voice: "Then you are right to do so, Hanton... Hui, it is the right choice for you not to become a member of those great nobles, even if it will make the great nobles of the empire They get angry, but that's behavior that has to be encouraged."

Yang Ming raised his eyebrows at Godoy, and his bad mood recovered a lot.

Hanyin said helplessly: "But this is the empire, the nobles unite, and the energy is terrifying. Now not only the nobles unite, but also the old generals of the imperial army."

Hanxiang added in a low voice: "If these people are really aggressive, there is a risk of causing the Dominguez tragedy in China."

Godoy also said: "I understand them, and I have intuitively understood that as long as they do not conform to their own interests, they will be destroyed at all costs."

Yang Ming spread his hands: "So, what's your suggestion for me?"

"The easiest way is to take the initiative to ask to become the commander of the Imperial Expedition Fleet again," Daphne said quickly, "to plunder the Domingos, get your hands dirty, and spread the glory of the Empire without limit. sense, to curry favor with those self-satisfied nobles."

"I can't do it," Yang Ming shook his head, "My temper is like this, if you want me to do something against my will, why don't you just kill me."

Godoy asked: "Can Prince Jinofu help to say a few words? And Earl Revell, his influence in the aristocratic circle is very important."

Yang Ming said with a smile: "I have never paid attention to these rabble-rousing nobles. Of course, Revel is not counted. He is a young man I am more optimistic about. As far as the Imperial House of Elders and the noble forces under them are concerned, even I The opponent has no qualifications, and the one who wants to punish me now is Daphne's great-grandfather, the generation of the Sherman family in power."

"Uncle Ino is against them," Daphne said softly.

Yang Ming blinked at her.

Daphne served tea and looked aside.

Hanyin asked: "Then what should we do? Oh yes! Go and ask Your Majesty!"

"I've considered this," Yang Ming said with a smile, "Using His Majesty's dissatisfaction with some members of the Sherman family is a great idea, but this is what I will do in the future. Now, I must .”

"Why?" Governor Godoy didn't know why.

"The empire is about to send a dreadnought over."

Yang Ming shrugged:

"I haven't experienced how nervous it would be to directly face the main guns of the dreadnought ship. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I want to see if the empire will really treat a man who has not violated the laws of the empire or violated the moral bottom line of the empire. The heroes of the empire, as well as the tens of millions of imperial people here, issued an order to exterminate.

"If you really come to that point, Daphne, you can tell Director Ino for me.

"If you really take that step, the Sherman family needs to take full responsibility, and I will do whatever it takes to avenge the people of my planet Saka."

Daphne frowned tightly: "At this time, being so strong can't solve any problems, Hanton, we must find a way to communicate."

"Daphne," Yang Ming sighed, "if I take this step back, what will happen next? You are smarter than me, you should be able to imagine that today they let me conquer Domingos, and tomorrow they will let me To conquer other countries, I will become a tool of the empire to slaughter the weak, and the nobles of the empire will be complacent and say in private - oh, what kind of imperial hero is this, it is just a dog raised by the Sherman family. Dave Ni, I am now qualified to be a human being, not a dog."

"I understand you, but..."

"No one can touch my principles, otherwise I can only die."

"Don't you think about your hometown?"

"If I admit defeat and shrink back this time, my hometown is really hopeless," Yang Ming said indifferently, "It is meaningless to talk about morality with poisonous snakes."

Daphne pursed her lips in thought.

Daphne said: "I'm sorry, I can't bring this word for you. This is against my interests. I hope you can calm down. We seek dialogue between the two parties to find another solution."

"It's okay," Yang Ming picked up his watch and glanced at it, "There are still a few minutes, and I will release the second video on the whole network."

"What do you want to do?" Daphne asked with a frown. "At this time, public opinion should be cooled, not fueled."

"It's okay, I just want to see how far this fire can go."

Yang Ming curled his lips slightly, tapped the watch twice, and a projection popped up.

Yang Ming said: "You can watch the content in advance, but this video has already been released in advance when you watch the first frame, so don't think about stopping me."

Daphne: ...

Godoy and Hanyin Hanxiang had already come over and looked carefully at the picture on the projection screen.

Inside the projection screen is a bust of Yang Ming, wearing his signature off-white exoskeleton armor, standing in front of a starry sky with his hands behind his back, his eyes are still slightly moist.

"Feel sorry."

The white ghost whispered:

"I can't kill the traitors of the empire, nor can I hurt my former lover.

"Catherine...Catherine is an idealist, and she is also a super transformation warrior of the empire who thinks about contributing to the empire and dedicating her life to the empire at all times.

"She was destined to end her life when she was born, because this kind of super transformation warrior is a human being cultivated from an embryo, in order to break through the shackles of human genes and surpass the limits of human beings, so as to provide for the empire's dimension ascension laboratory. Carry out individual dimension-raising experiments.

"These are topics that are far away from everyone, but what I want to say is that individual dimension ascension has always been the pursuit of the highest level of the empire. Entering the high-dimensional world, obtaining eternal life and endless energy, and enjoying a higher level beyond the current dimension The level of life is the pursuit of generations of imperial families.

"Catherine is the victim of this goal. She and her companions have been calibrated. At the age of 30 or 40, when their own strength reaches its peak, they will accept the energy bombardment and become the fate of cosmic dust.

"So, I can understand their betrayal of the empire. Under such high-intensity pressure, they can easily distort their minds.

"Here, I want to implore the empire, implore the empire to be more tolerant towards Catherine and Catherine's partners, and don't really regard them as traitors to the empire...I admit, I said these are a bit naive, sorry I shouldn't use the white ghost Speaking of his identity, the mission of the white ghost is to protect this ancient empire and repel all incoming powerful enemies.

"But I really can't do anything to my former lover.

"I have noticed that many people are now attacking and attacking me for killing terrorists. What I have to explain is that under the circumstances at that time, in order not to let a terrorist go, so as not to brew greater revenge in the future To act and damage the people of the empire, I can only use all my spiritual strength.

"At that moment, I actually established communication with their thinking. I felt, felt that many people who should be happy and kind, were forced to embark on the road of hatred because of some historical problems.

"For a notorious terrorist organization like Chauvin Freedom, killing them a hundred times or ten thousand times is not enough, but for those potential criminals who may be forced to become terrorists, we actually have many opportunities to save them. They amount to fewer casualties among innocent people.

"Now I'm a little confused, and I'm a little unclear whether my previous persistence was right or wrong.

"But I firmly believe that the empire I love will not live up to my love. The empire carries my ideal, and my ideal is to let everyone have an equal and prosperous life, have human rights that can be respected, and be able to A job that brings happiness to my family has a safe and stable interstellar living space.

"May the empire built with the blood of countless soldiers and people be immortal forever.

"I am willing to bear all the consequences of letting Catherine go and accept the fair trial given by the empire. I will wait for the army of the empire to arrest me on Saka. I will not harm any imperial soldiers who are friendly to me."

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