Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 445 Three Plans

Yang Ming had no intention of comparing his mistresses.

But Catherine is indeed the closest to him in terms of physical strength, which can make him feel like the pressure has been released after the madness.

When they stayed on the uninhabited planet for seventeen or eighteen galaxies, they worked out the detailed steps to incorporate the Dominguez resistance organization.

If it wasn't for the urgent urging from the Military Intelligence Bureau, Yang Ming really wanted to stay here for ten days and a half months.

Unfortunately, Catherine still has a lot to do.

Yang Ming can leave the Military Intelligence Bureau alone, but Catherine cannot leave her brothers and sisters alone.

After Yiyi bid farewell, Yang Ming and Xiaolu went through various details of the follow-up plan with the school. The Dongfeng made a detour, circled twice from outside the empire, and then rushed to the airspace where it met with the Military Intelligence Bureau.

According to Law's calculations, three conditions must be met in order to cause internal division of the empire or a drastic change of power in a short period of time.

First, the people were seriously dissatisfied with the imperial authorities.

Second, the defense system of the entire empire will not take action. Ideally, it will use force in the opposite direction.

Third, there is a certain external push.

Uniting the resistance organizations on the border of the empire is a very important step in the third condition.

Only by making the empire look precarious, the new federation, the United States of Freedom, etc., the powerful countries that have long been afraid of the empire, can it be possible to push the empire forward into the abyss.

In order to meet these three conditions;

In particular, to fulfill these three conditions before the Sherman Empire launched an attack on the Luofeng Alliance, Yang Ming and Lu formulated a series of plans.

Among them, there are three most important plans, code-named [Shimmer], [Flame], and [Challenger].

What Lu said made Yang Ming feel a greater sense of urgency.

Imperial New Year 753.

Before that, Faya's game will inevitably start, which should be one of the rules set by the Faya people.

The balance of time is obviously insufficient.


When Boss Yang appeared on the special command ship of the Military Intelligence Bureau, he was refreshed, and his big eyes under his thick eyebrows were piercing.

This made Major General Atro, the deputy director of the Military Intelligence Bureau, somewhat puzzled.

Atro pulled Yang Ming to the corner, and muttered in a low voice: "Hanton, shouldn't you be...um...shouldn't you be in a state of being overwhelmed?"

Yang Ming wondered, "Why do I have to worry about it?"

"No, now so many people are trying their best to hack you, and rumors are spreading everywhere that you want to change the imperial system, don't you even go online?"

"Heh," Yang Ming smiled and shook his head, "You've said it's all rumors, so why should I care about it?"

"People's words are terrible."

Atro said in a deep voice:

"Not to mention anything else, what would His Majesty think? What would those great nobles who really control the lifeline of the empire think?

"Don't they envy you in their hearts?

"There is only one great hero in the empire for 50,000 years, the vanguard of the human race against the space zerg, and the only ancient god warrior in history who surpasses any biologically modified body. Now your prestige and influence have surpassed the royal family , it is absolutely impossible for the royal family to tolerate your continued development like this."

Yang Ming looked at Atro, carefully distinguishing Atro's kindness.

This guy seems to really regard himself as a friend.

But Yang Ming also understands Atero, this guy is a realist at heart, although he can't be said to be mercenary, but if the stakes given by others are high enough and he himself is safe, he will betray his friends without blinking an eye .

"Atro, what do you think I should do?"

Atro asked: "I heard that the military department wanted you to go to Domingos to capture slaves, but you refused and even scolded them?"

"Otherwise?" Yang Ming said sternly, "Can I do this kind of thing? Wouldn't the signboard I erected with great difficulty be destroyed if I went to plunder the slaves? There is only one kind of justice in the galaxy, and that is to defend oneself." The right to survive, and there is only one kind of injustice in the galaxy, which is to deprive others of their basic human rights."

"But the problem now is!"

Atro lowered his voice: "They are about to unite to impeach you!"

"I think that His Majesty the Wise, and those Sherman family rulers behind His Majesty, will not allow this situation to develop."

Yang Ming said solemnly:

"If the nobles impeach me, it will only tear the empire apart and expose the contradictions within the empire that have been squeezed for tens of thousands of years to the light of the stars, which is extremely dangerous.

"If I am at fault in any way, I voluntarily resign.

"I didn't do anything wrong, but if you want me to force myself to discredit myself, then I really can't do it."

"I came here today to talk to you about this, otherwise I wouldn't have come to such a dangerous place," Atro lifted up the corner of his jacket, pacing back and forth in front of Yang Ming with his hands on his waist.

Yang Ming leaned leisurely on the board of the boat, and said in a gentle voice, "Atro, don't worry, the situation is not that bad yet."

"It's not right, Hanton."

Atro frowned and looked at Yang Ming:

"Aren't you the best at making online campaigns? Why is your technical team silent this time? Let them slander you?"

Yang Ming: ...

Whoever says Atero is stupid in the future, he will be the first to refuse!

"I really haven't made a move yet."

Yang Ming folded his arms calmly, strengthened the body language of 'confidence', and said with a smile:

"I'm waiting for the attitude of the royal family. If they, like the great nobles, put on some coercive gestures towards me, then I will take my own way."

"Own way?"

"Yes," Yang Ming shook his head, "I want to maintain this influence, and then let go of the real power in my hands. As long as I want to, these powers can be achieved through various channels at any time, but the prestige I have finally established at the grassroots level of the empire , As long as it is damaged, everything will be gone, I cannot be the enemy of the people, nor can I become a real privileged class, I must maintain my basic image of fighting for justice and defending the right of the people to survive."

Atro was at a loss for words for a moment.

He looked at Yang Ming with complicated eyes: "This is an extremely dangerous idea, you know...you know, when I came, what did my third uncle tell you?"


"The third uncle said, I'd better divide the distance with you, don't get too close, you may become the enemy of the imperial regime! You have to make a choice now, whether to assimilate with the power center of the empire, or be squeezed out by them , and stand in opposition to them."

Yang Ming restrained his smile, and said seriously: "I'm looking for the third way."

"Oh, it's unlikely there's a third way."

"Letting your third uncle and the others make changes is the third way."

"It took them a lifetime of hard work to get to where they are now. They will not give up all their interests, and they will not allow anyone to shake the status quo of the empire!"

"This is probably the conflict between me and them."

Yang Ming shook his head:

"I still say the same thing, you can convey it to them for me, after finishing solving the terrorist organization of the Domingos, I will go back to Saka and live in seclusion, quietly waiting for my mission to arrive.

"Where the empire needs me, I can stand up.

"There is nothing in the Empire that needs me, and even if something happens, I will try my best to remain silent.

"This is the biggest concession I can make for the sake of the bigger picture."

Atro pondered for a while, then sighed: "Okay, I'll deliver the letter for you... Actually, there is no need to do this, Hanton, if you want to get to the center of power, you have to endure the blood on your hands, you have to endure yourself His body was splashed with ink."

"That's not what I want an empire to look like."

"Ideals are just ideals. The human civilization between the galaxies is originally a competition between everyone."

"That's them!"

What Yang Ming said was categorical.

Atero couldn't help raising his hand to his forehead, and sighed long:

"Why didn't I see that you were so upright before... However, your character has always been so strong.

"It is true that the nobles of the empire are rotten, and the power structure of the empire is also rotten, but after all, this is related to all aspects of hundreds of billions of people.

"Okay Handon, we won't discuss this topic anymore, but I still want to remind you that they may take action in the near future."

He glanced around, lowered his voice, and said in a low voice:

"Your Majesty already has some regrets about transferring you from Saka. If you can recover from your injuries for a longer period of time, the resistance from the whole class of nobles will inevitably be much smaller.

"This time to wipe out the terrorist organization of the Dominguez people, let's strike while the iron is hot, cut through the mess quickly, and catch a group of terrorists to go to work and we're done. Go back and rest."

Yang Ming nodded with a smile, and said leisurely: "Let our people cheer up, I want to take revenge on those guys who dropped human poison gas bombs in my territory."

"But, Hendon," Attero asked, "how do we lock down their positions?"

"Don't worry, the information I have has not been fully shared with the Military Intelligence Bureau," Yang Ming said in a low voice, "I ask Admiral Thomas to let the Military Intelligence Bureau get involved, just to give you a fortune, after all, only the Military Intelligence Bureau The system is my real political reliance."

Atero suddenly smiled: "I like this kind of thing, then you can watch it."

"I will make a solo assault later, you come and act as a war correspondent for me, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

"You mean, let me tell my third uncle how you killed terrorists live?"

"You have become smarter," Yang Ming praised sincerely.

Atro froze for a moment: "Is this your threat to them?"

"you guess."

Yang Ming blinked his eyes lightly, and Atero was a little bit overwhelmed for a while.

"By the way, Atro, the commander of the Dominguez tragedy, the frontline commander of that fleet, is really your third uncle?"

"Hmm," Atro said, "Although this is not a feat worthy of praise, my third uncle did do such a great thing more than a hundred years ago, and after this incident, he successfully entered the military headquarters the true core of

Yang Ming nodded, thoughtfully.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"just asking."

Yang Ming patted Attero on the shoulder, and walked towards the bridge with his hands behind his back.

"Surface skills still need to be done. Come with me, and I will teach you how to make a live broadcast."


Half a galaxy hour later.

Several special warships from the Empire's Skyfury Fortress, with their optical invisibility turned on, carried a special combat team member and more than 3,600 logistics supply crew members, and arrived at the synchronous orbit of a giant gaseous planet.

For the sake of stealth, these special warships sacrificed a lot of firepower and energy units, which ran counter to the empire's consistent shipbuilding thinking.

There is a terrorist base on one of the planet's moons.

As the deputy director of the Military Intelligence Bureau, Atero held an online meeting, and invited dozens of core generals from the empire to conduct a live broadcast of the closed combat screen.

The first angle of view of the live broadcast was first shown at the bridge of the battleship.

Standing by the big screen in the virtual conference room, Atero introduced seriously:

"This is our intelligence support team, they are intensively preparing for the preliminary work of the battle.

"According to the information provided by Grand Duke Phantom, we have successfully locked here, and after the battle starts later, we will use various means to block communication in this airspace.

"What is certain now is that there is a huge terrorist base here, which is one of the three strongholds of the Free Chauvin Organization. The reason why we chose to attack here first is because we have received a clear tip that the Chauvin Free Organization is nearly two The management of one of them is having a half-month gathering here.

"In addition to here, we will also conduct simultaneous operations in fifteen directions at the same time. When the battle starts here, the hidden fleet we send will directly destroy fifteen bases of the opponent."

Atero pressed the remote control in his hand, and a four by four grid split screen appeared on the big screen.

Fifteen small fleets consisting of three to five imperial special warships have arrived in hidden starry skies.

Then, a close-up of fifteen ultra-high-yield shape bombs appeared on the screen.

"After the battle begins, we will directly drop fifteen shaped energy bombs to directly destroy the bases of these terrorists."

Atro smiled and continued:

"At the request of Grand Duke Ghost, we specially left this most important enemy base to Grand Duke Ghost to solve it himself, which is also the main reason we held this meeting.

"The Grand Duke Ghost wants to use his actions to prove his absolute loyalty to the empire.

"Of course, what's more important is that we need more intelligence information. Only by invading the base instead of directly blowing up the base can we find this part of the information and continue to expand the results of the battle later.

"There are a total of nineteen terrorist organizations established by the Domingos, half of which are within our range this time.

"I think today must be a moment worth remembering for pacifists!"

The screen switched again to the bridge of Yang Ming's ship.

Atro wanted to continue talking, but a gray-haired imperial lieutenant general interrupted him impatiently, and asked with a frown, "Where is Lieutenant General Hanton now?"

"Oh, here he is!"

Atero pressed the remote control, and an empty ship bilge appeared on the virtual projection screen.

Yang Ming, who was wearing a light green imperial military uniform, stood quietly in front of the weapon rack, wrapping his hands with bandages that increase friction.

As if feeling that many people were watching him, Yang Ming started his simple battle preparations.

Adjust the tightness of the laces of the military boots, and put some explosion-proof patches on the periphery of the military boots;

He took out a tactical belt, tightened his military uniform, hung two special lightsaber hilts on the left and right sides, and carried a laser gun that is routinely equipped by the army on his body;

After finishing all this, Yang Ming walked to the long table beside him, looked at the off-white exoskeleton armor covered on it, and lightly brushed his palm over the armor, as if saying some kind of farewell.

Atero cleared his throat: "Hanton, we have arrived at the scheduled delivery area."

"En," Yang Ming responded, took a slow, deep breath, lifted the helmet and put it on his head, and put the jetpack on his back.

Then, he walked to the side cabin door.

There was a tiny ship only three meters long parked there.

The ship is in the shape of a rocket as a whole, and the exaggerated jet ports on the back reveal its powerful thrust-to-weight ratio.

It made Yang Ming feel that it was a pity that the empire's special ships were not equipped with electromagnetic acceleration orbits. It would take more than twenty minutes to rush to the surface of the target satellite only by the acceleration of the small boat itself and the speed of the mothership at the moment.

It was definitely a rubbish time.

However, even if the terrorists in this base find an intruder, they have nowhere to escape.

Before Yang Ming and Attero met, they had already circled here and sprinkled some tiny drones.

This base has been fully controlled by Law.

What Yang Ming has to do today is to show his ferocious side.

——No way, the visual impact caused by cutting bugs is far worse than cutting people.

This is the first step of the [Challenger] plan.

"If you want to blame, blame you for massacring civilians, free chauvin."

Yang Ming's voice was clearly heard in the meeting room.

The third uncle, who was sitting in the middle, had an unnatural expression.

The bottom compartment of the mothership is opened.

The assault boat slid down, its tail spewed out azure blue flames, drew an elegant arc in the silent space, and rushed towards the reddish-brown celestial body in front.

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