Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 442: Tough

After waiting for more than a dozen galaxies, Yang Ming had no interest in continuing to stay in the underground world after receiving the list given by Sang's mother.

He directly appeared on the surface, put a cover on himself, and started to fly towards space, and by the way, he notified the fleet to send a transport ship down to meet him.

The monitoring station on the surface of Domingos star did not report the whole process of this UFO.

But the picture of Yang Ming's own flight was simultaneously conveyed to Sang Mu and other high-level Dominguez people.

This is the best proof of the identity of the white ghost.

The first thing Yang Ming did when he returned to the fleet was to send two reports to the military headquarters.

The first report was that list. Before sending this list, Li had already started to implement the plan set by Yang Ming, using the Imperial Military Intelligence Bureau to make a bad face, so that Catherine was ready to make a good face.

The content of the second report is his evaluation of Labrador.

Labdo's performance was indeed excellent in Yang Ming's case. In Yang Ming's report, he did not hesitate to praise Labdo.

After all, such a warm, caring, talkative, interesting, and easy-to-control mechanical life can easily become his help in the future. At this time, it is important for Boss Yang's overall layout to hold Labrador in one hand. , also has a positive meaning.

When the report was sent up two galaxies, Yang Ming received an official letter from the military, asking him to prepare for the projection meeting.

After a while.

"Now a routine inquiry meeting of the military department is being held, and the commander of the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet, Hanton, will come forward to answer."

Military meeting composed of stereoscopic projections.

Wearing a dark blue imperial military uniform and the badge of the imperial knight commander, Yang Ming appeared in front of more than a dozen top generals of the empire centered on Admiral Thomas, and gave a standard military salute.

"Lieutenant General Hunton!"

Admiral Thomas looked very solemn:

"Did you enter the dangerous Domingos star fifty galactic hours ago, privately and alone, without reporting to the military?"

Yang Ming replied in a confident manner: "Yes, General! But I have already made a report in advance! It's just that the military department didn't give me any instructions! The time is fleeting! My battle results have been reported to the imperial military department, I think Everyone has seen it! I found a list of terrorist organizations related to Domingos Star, and found out more than 20 double-members who were hidden in the imperial army, their ancestors were from Domingos Star, and were actually controlled by the new Federal CIA. Face the spy!"

"Lieutenant General Hanton, now is not for you to show off your military achievements!"

Admiral Thomas yelled:

"You left your own fleet and soldiers in space and entered the high-risk zone alone, which is against military discipline!

"You are playing with the lives of millions of soldiers!

"Only by this mistake! You can take off this military uniform on your body!"

Yang Ming just stood there without speaking.

Of course he knew that Admiral Thomas didn't really want to blame him.

No one in the Imperial Army dared to question him.

This is actually the tradition of the Imperial Army.

Generally speaking, problems that are directly scolded in person are problems that can be big or small and ultimately small.

General Thomas is considered to be Yang Ming's immediate boss. The two have cooperated for many years, and they have been linked with each other since the white ghost entered the empire. Over the years, they have achieved each other and made progress together.

Now, General Thomas yelled a few times and attributed the problem to the word 'mistake'. Naturally, others would not be able to make trouble because of Yang Ming's dereliction of duty.

An old general on the side smiled and smoothed things over:

"Thomas, there's no need to get so angry. Lieutenant General Hanton's personal strength is obvious to all. Except for the sudden nuclear explosion of Star Domingos, it is impossible for him to suffer any damage.

"I suggest, let's put this matter aside for now.

"Lieutenant Admiral Handon himself is not a commanding talent, and when he left the command ship, he had already completed the temporary handover of the command and made a very proper arrangement, and there was really nothing around that could threaten our fleet. enemy.

"Lieutenant General Hanton was also able to achieve such a rich result after discovering the opportunity and attacking decisively."

Then, the group of old foxes expressed their own opinions shallowly, basically to excuse Yang Ming's explanations, and by the way, show their goodwill to the Grand Duke of the Empire and sell their personal favors.

Admiral Thomas' expression gradually warmed up.

Yang Ming showed a shallow smile, and took the initiative to say: "I must admit that I made a mistake, and I must self-reflect here. I am still used to the idea of ​​fighting alone, and I don't have much experience in commanding large fleets. I will definitely do it later. It will enhance self-learning."

"Okay," Admiral Thomas frowned, "tell me about what you found on Domingos."

In the following words, Yang Ming didn't lie a single word.

He said slowly:

"I visited the ruins of the Domingos tragedy, a Mediterranean Sea, and I can't imagine how many lives were evaporated in that explosion.

"I am actually familiar with the general who gave the order to fire. Now he is staying at the highest level of the military department. I will not make any comments on this matter for the time being.

"But I don't think this is a meritorious service, because the Dominguez people have never invaded the empire before this tragedy, and the empire's revenge is a bit too much."

The expressions of a group of generals suddenly became extremely serious.

This is one of the most sensitive topics in the military, and it cannot be mentioned on weekdays.

Just like the previous Elder's House, it is not allowed to discuss how the previous elder was forced to death by the emperor and the white ghost.

Admiral Thomas said: "Soldiers don't think about political issues, tell me what you have seen and heard on Domingos."


Yang Ming said:

"I am the Dominguez star who entered in disguise, using my mind control method to influence the minds of some Dominguez people.

"Here, I learned a lot of secrets that the empire didn't pay attention to before.

"First, eighty-five percent of the Domingos belong to the survival camp, which is different from the revenge camp and the extreme radical camp.

"Secondly, the national strategy of the Domingos is to strive for procreation. In order to prevent being destroyed by the empire, they strive to allow the national genes to spread among the galactic regimes.

"From these two perspectives, unless the empire launched a large-scale massacre, it would not be able to make the Domingos truly and completely submit.

"Third, the Domingos have successfully infiltrated all aspects of the empire by encouraging the slave population plundered by the empire to work hard to procreate. Although most of them are still slaves, there are at least one billion imperial citizens and Domingos There is a direct relationship with the Sri Lankans, and there are indirect social relationships with tens of billions of imperial citizens.

"Based on the above three points, if the empire wants to launch a massacre, or even repeat the Dominguez tragedy again, the empire's interstellar environment will become extremely bad.

"After the queen of the bug swarm was repelled, the empire has become the strongest imaginary enemy of almost all regimes. These regimes, especially those from the federal camp and the free camp, can't help but think that an empire that can repel the bug swarm, Will it become their nightmare.

"How should the empire reconcile the relationship between itself and the Dominguez people? This is the question I thought about the most when I was on Dominguez!"

Admiral Thomas nodded, and said slowly: "How did you get this list?"

"It's through a method that can't be disclosed directly," Yang Ming said, "I don't want to cause panic among the top management of the empire."

An old general frowned and asked, "Is it mind control?"

"There is a certain factor, I can only say," Yang Ming curled his lips slightly, "There is also a certain factor, which is through words and empty promises."

"Lieutenant General Hunton, your ability amazed us."

"In addition," an old general said, "the team in charge of Emperor Guard 2.0 reported that some data in this system had been damaged or lost, and that Labdo entered this planet with you at that time. Is there a connection between them?"

Yang Ming said: "Yes, there is a connection. Labdo deleted part of the data on his own. He is a pure mechanical life, and he is somewhat unable to face what the empire has done on Domingos. For the specific details of this incident, we will It has been written in my assessment report on Labrador, if the research team over there has any questions, they can ask them to come to me directly."

"Lieutenant General Hunton, what's your overall evaluation of Labrador?"

Yang Ming: ...

These old guys don't even bother to read a report with a few thousand words?

"I have a crush on him."

Yang Ming said seriously:

"He is a highly anthropomorphic command and dispatch system, he is full of friendliness to human beings, this kind of friendliness is not simulated or pretended.

"His biggest hidden danger is actually that when facing the enemies of the empire, he may be merciless and unable to issue orders to fire on civilians or prisoners of the enemy country, but this is not a shortcoming.

"However, I am still cautiously optimistic about whether he can successfully take over the war of ten thousand ships, which must be tested in actual combat.

"These are the comprehensive judgments given by me and my private technical team."

Admiral Thomas continued to ask: "The information in this list includes the internal personnel composition of 19 large terrorist organizations, covering all aspects of these organizations... This makes me have several questions."


"How do you judge that this list is not used internally by the Domingos to eliminate dissidents?

"It's very simple, general," Yang Ming said with a smile, "they can't lie in front of me. The information in it can correspond to some of the information held by the Military Intelligence Bureau. Sorry, I didn't go through the route of the military department. Let the Military Intelligence Bureau provide me with information for verification."

"What is the level of unity among the Dominguez people?"

"If there is a second tragedy, they may become the complete enemy of the empire. At least 15% of the Dominguez people will become terrorists."

Yang Ming sighed:

"After all, if the basic right to life cannot be guaranteed, what does it matter?"

"In this case," Admiral Thomas said sharply in his eyes, "Why can't these large numbers of survivors who regard having offspring as a glory be potential vengeance factions and extreme radicals? Lieutenant General Hunton, what do you think about this issue? The perspective of the empire is not purely from the perspective of the empire, you are the hero of the empire, the lieutenant general of the empire, everything should be in the interests of the empire."

"General, I am considering the interests of the empire."

Yang Ming said calmly:

"I did not do anything to harm the interests of the empire, nor did I use my sympathy for the Dominguez people to gain political capital for myself like those grandstanding clowns.

"I don't need any political capital either.

"I'm just thinking about how to reverse the image of the empire in the interstellar world to avoid the crisis that the empire will face in the future visible to the naked eye.

"In the previous empire's expedition to the New Federation, this crisis has already emerged. The other three of the four major powers in the galaxy have formed a group, and the other two of the three major ideological camps in the galaxy have carried out a substantial military alliance.

"When the population and battleship losses caused by the bug swarm return to the previous level with the filling of time, the empire is likely to usher in an era of multiple pressures."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little stiff, an old general smiled and said, "These are all future issues that require us to do multiple investigations and discuss in detail. Today is not the right time to discuss this topic."

"Lieutenant General Hanton, have you made any follow-up plans?"

"Plan?" Yang Ming asked back, "You mean?"

Another old general said: "Now that we have obtained this list, it can be directly proved that Dominguez is the soil where terrorism is brewing, and it is a planet that poses great harm to the empire."


Yang Ming frowned tightly.

Several old generals looked at each other, each said:

"There are no outsiders here, and it is also a confidential meeting, so we don't have to hide it."

"That's right, Lieutenant General Hanton, we can now justifiably plunder a part of the population, only in this way can we bring actual benefits to the empire."

"The Ministry of Finance wants to revive the economy and wants a batch of cheap labor. Do you understand?"

"This time, at least 30 million Domingos are needed."

Yang Ming's expression became icy visible to the naked eye, and his eyes were a little scary.

Yang Ming said coldly: "What do you mean, you want me to plunder the population to fill the slavery of the empire?"

Admiral Thomas said: "This is a compulsory course for the generals of the empire."

Yang Ming was silent for a few seconds, and said calmly: "This is an extremely short-sighted behavior, and it will damage the long-term interests of the empire."

"Lieutenant General Hunton, you know what you're talking about, don't you?" Thomas reminded.

"Yes, I know for sure."

Yang Ming took a breath:

"You said that soldiers should not discuss politics, but general, I am not just a general in the military department, I am also the Royal Knight Commander, the white ghost trusted by hundreds of millions of people in the empire, and the Grand Duke of the Sherman Empire.

"The future fate of the empire is one of the issues I have to consider. Your vision may be limited to the interior of the army, but I can't just focus on this.

"I refuse to plunder Star Dominguez.

"If you want me to do this kind of dirty work, get my hands dirty, and get along with everyone, please let His Majesty personally give me this order!"

A group of old generals were speechless.

Some people even felt a little guilty.

Admiral Thomas showed no expression, just nodded, and continued to ask: "The last question, even if we can get this list, how can we arrest these elusive terrorists?"

"Please don't worry, I got the list back. Naturally, I will keep an eye on this matter until the end. I will personally arrest these terrorists."

Yang Ming said coldly:

"Everyone, please convey my next few words to the military headquarters.

"The Imperial Army can take this as my suggestion, or as my order.

"Before I clean up these terrorists, whoever touches Domingos Star will be at odds with the future of the empire and with me personally. If anyone wants to provoke me, please try.

"Since I promised the Dominguez people who gave me this list, so that they can live comfortably in the interstellar world, I will fulfill my promise.

"If you are completely blinded by the immediate interests and don't think about the future of the empire, then I will question whether you are qualified to be the managers of the empire's military department."

After saying that, Boss Yang's assistant cut off the connection from a distance.

The environment in Yang Ming's line of sight changed several times in a row, and soon returned to the scene of the bridge of the command ship.

Why is there a little tension around?

Boss Yang, who was more sensitive to life fluctuations, turned his head and glanced. Several staff officers on the side, as well as the messengers and operators in the distance, all stared at this side in a daze.

Yang Ming frowned slightly.

"Do I have flowers on my face?"

"No, no, General," a staff officer couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Are you just chatting with the highest level of the military...?"

"if not?"

Yang Ming shrugged: "There is no prince here, I have the highest title and I have the final say, we are an imperial system."

"Yes, that's right."

Yang Ming stretched his waist: "Pass me an order to get all the fleets to prepare for their return. Don't stay on top of people if you have nothing to do. Isn't this time to counter-terrorism? I got the list of terrorists, and I'm still here to affect the normal life of ordinary people." What is life for?"


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