Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 426 Rules and Patches

The sky in Papaloka's memory is always narrow and small, filled with light blue light.

Even if she closes her eyes now, she will still recall the constantly shaking pendulum clock and the faint smile on her mouth when the 'mother' died in front of her eyes.

In the hotel room, Papaloka poured himself another glass of wine.

Her eye sockets were moist unconsciously, she held the wine in her left hand and poured it upwards, and took a strong puff of the electronic cigarette with her right hand, letting the gas that can slightly paralyze the nerves penetrate into the chest cavity.

"I know you are very curious now, the strength of my home planet, and why they were rejected by the Fayas to integrate into the Milky Way."

Papaloka licked his lips and whispered:

"The strength of my home planet should be able to crush the sum of the other four competitors, and my home star has formulated a series of coping strategies. When the game starts, they will unite the two stronger planets to fight as fast as possible. The speed kills the game.

"I can describe it to you in this way...we have 20 billion people, of which 8 billion people have excellent neural response speed, and they are warriors prepared for the trials of civilization, and the remaining 12 billion people are responsible for providing for the warriors. Living security, both online and offline.

"We have a simple and efficient command system, the supreme commander has completed the six purifications, made himself into a pure brain creature, and rationally controlled everything on the planet.

"Do you want to know what the six cleanses are? That is a series of assessments.

"Among them, the third assessment is to personally terminate fifty-five-year-old genetic inheritors who have irreversible defects and have made no contribution to society.

"The sixth test is to abandon one's body in infinite pain and let the brain be shaped with a special coagulant."

Yang Ming couldn't hold the wine glass in his hand.

Damn, this is a group of old sixes!

Papaloka was very satisfied with Yang Ming's expression. She lay lazily on the sofa and said with a smile:

"This is the deformed society under the dimension-ascension test. There are more than 7,600 planetary turnover years, which is equivalent to more than 12,000 standard galactic years."

Yang Ming frowned slightly.

Wouldn't that be equivalent to just over 10,000 years on Earth?

Good guy.

A super greenhouse civilization with full militarized management, inherited the technological heritage of the previous generation of the planet, set the goal of the planetary trial test early, and worked hard towards this goal for 10,000 years!

Yang Ming interrupted Papaloka's narration: "Is your civilization level 1.5?"

"Technology has it."

"This?" Yang Ming said in a deep voice, "Have you really cleared the "Abyss" on a single planet?"

"Yes, through the efforts of the whole society, we defeated the ninth natural disaster fleet, and gradually defeated the seventh and third natural disasters, and won the final victory of the battle."

Papaloka frowned and said, "You're interrupting my conversation."

Yang Ming made a gesture of invitation: "Sister, please continue, I will not interrupt."

"Where should I start... before the server of "Abyss" opens."

Papaloka sighed and said slowly:

"I was twenty-one years old and a non-combat member of the second echelon.

"Following the law, my friends and I stepped out of the youth reserve camp and onto the train to the base, where we were raised in an environment where discipline, obedience, mental activity, and physical fitness were the things we were most familiar with. a few words.

"Active thinking is to better shoulder my mission in society and the characters in "Abyss", and being healthy is to keep myself running efficiently.

"In order to ensure that the physical fitness and brain quality of individuals are above the qualified line, genetic optimization and genetic screening have been going on on our planet for more than two thousand years.

"I successfully entered the base, got my game equipment, and was assigned to a living cabin with only eight cubic meters.

"My life will take eight days as a cycle. I must spend two-thirds of the rotation cycle in the "Abyss" every day. Every action we take in the "Abyss" must be done by our team leader." And under the watchful eye of the patrol watchers to make sure I'm not slacking off.

"Of course, we have been taught since childhood that as long as we are lazy, we will have a deep sense of guilt.

"After seven days of continuous work, we will get a day off, and during this holiday we can leave the underground base, walk around the square on the surface, take a look, and eat some rare food that is provided for free.

"That was a very happy memory."

Papaloka sighed softly.

Yang Ming asked: "Your planet feeds 20 billion people?"


"Has this population size lasted for a long time?"


Papaloka said slowly:

"Everything on our planet is within the plan of each commander. We have a ten-thousand-year development timetable. About three hundred years ago, we began to increase the population base and reached 20 billion in a short period of time. scale.

"Then, we made up for those intentional technological shortcomings, rapidly raised the level of civilization, and actively touched the wall of time and space."

Yang Ming nodded: "Use the rules reasonably."

"Yes, first you need to know the rules."

Papaloka smiled wryly:

"Our natural resources have been exhausted in the nine thousand years of development, because there have been more than a dozen technological explosions and population explosions in history.

"By the time I was born, our planet had reached its limit.

"Even if we have a large amount of energy and can continuously synthesize organic matter, food will still be a problem, so everyone must control their diet, suppress their appetite, restrain their stomachs when necessary, and accurately calculate how much they need for their growth and activities. energy.

"Part of the options in genetic screening are related to obesity, which is considered to be an individual storing too much useless energy.

"For people with genetic defects, the legal age of survival is fifty-five years; even scientists with special talents, they will end their lives as the ultimate glory after their thoughts are exhausted.

"Under the internal and external pressure of civilization testing and resource depletion, my home planet has been twisted into a hemp rope.

"Individual tragedies continue to be staged, so what should we do? Let us sing the tragedies and modify people's cognition..."

She closed her eyes tightly, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.

"Can you imagine? Our hospital is a place of suicide. Our children have been away from their parents since birth, raised and educated collectively, and even reproduction is carried out collectively.

"Desire is limited in number.

"Humanity is locked in a cage.

"Survival is the greatest pursuit, but survival is also precisely stuck in the second.

"Is there any need for such a civilization to exist? It's just an examination machine for the Faya civilization, so what's the point?"

Yang Ming asked: "So the Fayas refused you to enter the Milky Way?"

"Yes," Papaloka sneered, "After the Faya people communicated with our commander, they just said one sentence-you have lost the possibility. Listen, what a ridiculous reason, they claim that everything follows rules, but various patches have been applied to the rules, allowing them to have the final right of interpretation.”

"In other words, the rules of the Faya people are not static."

Yang Ming's mind suddenly became lively.

"If your planet is hostile to my planet, there is no chance of winning," Papaloka whispered, "Can you destroy them? I ask you seriously."

"Is your home planet as self-sacrificing as you are?"


Yang Ming said in a deep voice: "Madam, I'm afraid we won't be able to affect the subsequent trials. When "Faya's Game" starts, your home planet will enter the competition process. If it is as you said, your home planet will The possibility of promotion is still very high.”

"You want to work with them?" Papaloka asked.

Yang Ming nodded honestly: "My home planet's comprehensive strength is too weak, even if there is external pressure, it's not bad if I can gather more than one billion players."

"I can't help you," Papaloka said, "I just want them to disappear."

"Can you do it? Keep talking like that?"

"I can pass on misinformation to them."

Papaloka said indifferently:

"I planned it like this before, but when I thought about it...they don't need pioneers, and I don't care. In the past twenty years, I have realized what real life is. Now I can leave comfortably. I Live more meaningfully than any of them.”

"First of all, I don't think collective priorities are wrong."

Yang Ming thought carefully, and said slowly:

"The problem with your home planet should be due to the imbalance between the individual and the collective.

"Generally speaking, things have their own laws of development, and so is the form of human society. The progress of society is not only dependent on ideas and structures, but also closely related to the personal qualities and personal cognition of social constituent units.

"More than 10,000 years, this time is too long, and the pressure generated is too great.

"If the existence of the trial was known hundreds of years in advance, perhaps the individual tragedies could be reduced a lot."

"You haven't experienced it at all."

Papaloka curled his lips slightly: "Do you have anything else to ask me? Although I don't know much information, I do know a lot about the treachery and evil of the Faya people."

Yang Ming asked: "Are there any supplementary rules for Faya's game?"

"All I know is that there will be a standings."


"Yes, the five greenhouse civilizations are playing a survival game in a virtual universe based on the instantaneous data of human civilization in the Milky Way."

Papaloka said slowly:

"According to the information we found in the ruins - which I learned and recited when I was a teenager - when the game starts, five civilizations will land in five areas, each area has a powerful regime.

"The game is divided into four phases.

"The first stage lasts for three years and is a stage of full cognition and adaptation. In this stage, the scope of civilization activities is limited within their respective political systems. Every civilization can expand outward, but the best way is to It is to use all means to integrate with the political system in which it is located.

"This game designed by Faya Civilization will have a certain compensation mechanism.

"If a greenhouse civilization is weak, or if this civilization has a high probability, and this civilization has a group of highly creative thinking bodies, it is very likely that it will merge with the most powerful political system in the game background."

Yang Ming leaned back.

He did things in the empire, and it was calculated by the Faya civilization? Is this a compensation mechanism for the earth?

Papaloka continued:

"When the first stage is over, it will enter the border integration stage. During this process, the game content will be extended outward, and there will be regional and non-border wars, allowing the five regimes to expand rapidly and improve in various fields. .

"The second stage is to test the creativity of the greenhouse civilization itself. If this civilization can better integrate into a powerful political system and bring higher possibilities to this political system, it will be easier to establish certain advantages."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "So, we also have a chance."

Papaloka said: "The chances in the first half didn't help."


"Because of the standings," Papaloka said, "the first three stages are the stages of earning points. During the nine-year period, whoever can earn more points will establish an advantage, and the same will be established. crisis."

"What's the third stage?"

"Comprehensive tests, there will be various large-scale natural disasters, and the ultimate test of the resilience of each greenhouse civilization."

"The fourth stage?"

"Grabbing points," Papaloka said, "a standard galactic year voyage expansion, everyone enters a new battlefield, using the resources obtained in the game world in the previous nine years, the five camps will conduct a comprehensive confrontation."

Yang Ming raised his hands to cover his eyes.

Papaloka sneered: "Using the points as a bargaining chip to carry out an all-out war, the winning party will get the bet chips, and the losing party will inevitably become fat in the eyes of other civilizations."

"Ah," Yang Ming picked up his glass and drank it down, "This Faya game..."

"It's cruel, right? Five into three, two out."

"Yes," Yang Ming said, "That is to say, the more players a civilization has in the game, the greater the possibility of winning...a total of ten years of game history...the direct confrontation at the final stage..."

Papaloka nodded: "The more players there are, the more efficient it is to get points in the first three stages."

"How do you usually get points?"

"Do all the difficult things," Papaloka said, "Scientific research breakthroughs are added the most, but if you want the greenhouse civilization to contribute to the development of scientific research in the game regime with the civilization of the Milky Way as the background, then it is really... The second is In the content of the game, conflicts and contradictions are the main theme, and points will be rewarded for defeating some powerful enemies."

Yang Ming nodded: "Is it the same as the single planet version of "Abyss", right?"

"I can't even imagine the legend of the white ghost appearing in 'Faya's Game', what kind of scene it will be."

"I might be beaten as a BOSS."

"Hahaha, yes, and it must be the most difficult boss to deal with and the most difficult to attack."

Yang Ming pouted slightly, sitting there thinking quietly.

Population is really a decisive factor.

The earth has a population of eight billion, but Yang Ming only needs to think that before he was sent to the Milky Way, wars were still burning in many areas on the earth, and hegemony and confrontational thinking became more and more high...



destroy it.

It is easier said than done to fight for two and protect three!

"You said before that you can ascend the dimension?" Papaloka asked suddenly.

Yang Ming shrugged slightly: "Yes, it is an insecticide cultivated by the Faya people."

"Perhaps, you can save your planet from this direction."

Papalloka said:

"What I said just now is that my home planet can single out the other four planets. It is not empty talk. The rules of the Faya people cannot be modified, but they can be patched. They are hypocritical and say that they will respect all life forms. However, it still controls all the civilizations in the low-latitude world at will.

"However, this is the nature of human beings. Whether it is collective thinking or individual dimension upgrading, it is an indelible nature."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "Now, can you go back to the empire with me?"

Papaloka shook his head: "Kill me, just take it as a relief. I told you this, and I have essentially betrayed my planet. This makes me feel very happy."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, you have to give me some reward."

"Why don't you commit suicide?"

"Suicide is against the law...my mind tells me," Papallocka sighed, "and you know, I have a resurrection armor, let me experience death once, and I may find the meaning of life in death .I am different from you, I was randomly selected when I successfully cleared the level, and I have never died."

She extinguished the e-cigarette in her hand, and raised her hand to straighten her long curly hair like withered grass.

"Thanks for your hard work."

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