Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 254 Five hundred and twenty million


When you were watching the climax, why did you suddenly disconnect?

What age of web technology is this?

Lily, who claims to be the little goddess of the Internet world, why did she get disconnected for him? He just saw twelve tug boats forming a 'summoning formation', and the giant fortress that was dragged opened its star cannon.

Yang Ming looked at the pedals of the mech in some puzzlement, turned his head to look for the projection of the law, and found that the law had disappeared at some point, and there was no response to the gesture call.

"Where is the law?"

"Boss!" 026 suddenly shouted, "Dongfeng sent a recovery message, asking us to return to the tail cabin immediately."

Yang Ming subconsciously glanced outside the cockpit, there were still many bugs that hadn't been cleaned up.

"Go back, why is Lil so strange all of a sudden."

"Yes," 026 immediately adjusted the direction of the mecha, and the Chigui flew back to the tail cabin of the Dongfeng.

Then, under the reverent eyes of tens of thousands of soldiers from the Imperial Guard Fleet that just arrived, the Dongfeng quickly left the battlefield, completed the coating under high-intensity acceleration, and quickly disappeared into the deep space.

Yang Ming couldn't help but think a little more about Lü's abnormal performance.

What went wrong?

The star cruiser Hera is on is besieged by Zerg?

Lu suddenly became silent, which made Yang Ming's heart inexplicably nervous.

026 followed Yang Ming back to the bridge in a hurry.

Everything in the bridge is as usual, and the mechanical guards controlled by Li are precisely controlling the navigation of Dongfeng.

Finally, Dongfeng arrived at their pre-set "avoiding airspace" and hid near a natural satellite. Law's projection reappeared in the cockpit of the spacecraft.


She let out a long sigh of relief, and sat there with a somewhat exaggerated slump, her eyes staring blankly.

"Boss!" 026 leaned over beside him, "Lil seems to have been played badly!"

Yang Ming: ...

"Bah! You've been spoiled!"

Rhythm angrily enlarged the projection, turned on the sense of reality brought by the simulated gravity field, threw 026 to the ground, and the two 'people' laughed in front of Yang Ming.

Li even laughed out a sense of survival after a catastrophe.

Yang Ming took his own chair casually, sat down and raised his legs, waiting for the law to escape the gravitational zone of 026, and then slowly opened his mouth:

"what happened?"

"Boss! There are dirty things in the Dixing Circle!"

"Dirty things?" Yang Ming frowned, "Young man, you have to believe in science."

Li showed a palpitation expression, tremblingly said:

"Boss, you don't know what I went through just now. I just control the flow of information in my thinking space, broadcast live broadcasts to the boss, and pay attention to Luofeng, the New Federation, the battlefields of the empire, and Miss Hera... Anyway, I'm very busy doing these things.

"I suddenly felt that a pair of eyes appeared behind me.

"In my mind space, my own mind space, these eyes stared at me vaguely.

"When I turned my head and looked over, what I saw was only the barriers set up by myself in my thinking space, that is, a white wall, but when I turned my head with some doubts, I saw a ghost standing on my home screen in!"

026 twitched a few times beside him.

Yang Ming's eyes were shining brightly: "Ghost image?"

"Yes, boss. It's actually a vague shadow. The front is sunken in the darkness. I can't see clearly."

Lv bit his lip lightly, leaned up pitifully, and hugged Yang Ming's arm.

"Boss, I don't feel safe at all now. Can I build a thinking space in your brain? We just need you to install a chip next to your brain."

"Get out!"

Yang Ming has discovered that Lu should have deliberately concealed something.

He looked at 026, and said slowly: "Little 26, go and help me make some dinner, more meat."

"Good boss!"

026 looked at Li with some worry, and trotted away all the way.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Yang Ming stared into Lu's eyes:

"The parasitic mechanical body cannot refuse the master's reasonable request, this is our agreement."

Li pursed his lips, hesitated for a while, and finally sighed softly, and began to tell what happened just now.

At the peak moment of the battle between the Empire's invincible fleet and the Zerg sixth-rank queen, a few minutes before the appearance of the Skyfury Fortress, Li felt a huge network fluctuation.

"The source of this fluctuation lies in the center of the Emperor Star circle, that is, the Emperor Star.

"Almost in a very short period of time, tens of thousands of super-powerful masterminds were activated in the Emperor Star circle. The computing power of these masterminds is even higher than the most expensive and powerful supercomputers available on the market. Several times stronger, this is definitely something the empire is hiding.

"After these masterminds were activated, I suddenly discovered that the originally loose empire network full of loopholes became monolithic in an instant, and the network security level in the emperor star circle was raised several steps.

"The servers I set up on Yaha Star were out of my control within two seconds.

"I was expelled from the network of the Emperor Star Circle. This process only took... three milliseconds."

Yang Ming raised his eyebrows.

Law sighed: "Then, the scene I told you happened, I really didn't make it up, I was looking for something wrong, and then I felt someone spying on my four-dimensional space, turning my head, turning When I came back, the other party was right in front of my eyes."

"What's that? Lil you think."

"Yes... probably the same thing as me..."

Law muttered softly.

Yang Ming said with a smile: "Don't use things to describe yourself, I forbid you to lower your own cognitive standards, how can you be a thing?"

"Boss, stop joking now, I'm almost scared to death."

Law looked at the direction where Emperor Star was located.

"I suspected before that there is a mechanical thinking body inside the empire."

"Is it the thinking body left by the previous examiner?" Yang Ming asked softly, "The three of your teachers occasionally mentioned Huatou before, but they didn't continue talking. It seems that something unpleasant happened."

"I don't dare to think too much about it."

Law said softly:

"Giving the examiner a mechanical thinking parasite is the tradition of omnic Twilight's assessment. I can give the boss a question. The way the boss gets along with me determines to a certain extent whether the boss can pass the assessment.

"Of course, this kind of disclosure is allowed, because I now trust my boss unconditionally.

"The original civilization of Omnic Twilight is actually quite awkward at the end. They pursue a higher level of civilization, pursue the ultimate truth of the universe, and then run wildly on the road of mechanical ascension, but in the end they are trapped in the machine. Couldn't find anything new into this field.

"Innovation, accidents, mutations, unplanned fluctuations... these factors will become the last desires of advanced omnic civilizations.

"Therefore, Omnic Twilight hopes that his inheritors will be natural life forms, and step into high-level civilization with natural life.

"The accompanying mechanical thinking body is the solution given by the civilization that created the omnic twilight."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "I probably thought of all these before, but now I only care about one thing."

"What?" Lil asked softly, "You're afraid Levi's still alive, aren't you?"

"Levi is probably dead," Yang Ming said. "Unless he uses mechanical ascension to keep the thinking body alive, it is unknown whether this thinking body can be called Levi Sherman. I care The most important thing is, what is the relationship between you and the accompanying mechanical thinking of the previous examiner."

"Uh, sister?" Lily pinched his chin and thought carefully, "It should be the kind of watch."

Yang Ming asked with bright eyes: "Do you think she can help us?"

"I didn't feel kindness from her, but I didn't feel any malice either." Li was also a little uncertain, "Should I try to contact her?"

"No, let's not get close to the Emperor Star Circle for the time being. You should find a way to investigate this thing first. It is best to find out the status of this thing."

Yang Ming's brain was running fast.

He said seriously:

"Later we'd come to the show and put on some special effects makeup on me to make it look like I was badly injured and put in the med bay.

"The empire has suffered a lot in this battle, and it will never let the new federation go easily. It will inevitably trigger a political storm in the galaxy. We'd better hide and watch the tigers fight.

"Besides, I still have to go to Posuo, and I have to act in secret. The empire must want to capture Posuo alive.

"It's the best choice for me to pretend to be injured."

"Yes, boss, I'll arrange it right away," Lv slightly curled his lips, "I just wasn't prepared before. If I do it again, although I don't have enough computing power, I won't be kicked out of the Emperor Star Circle network so easily."

"Of course," Yang Ming gave a thumbs up, "My family is invincible."

Li was a little embarrassed, turned his head and disappeared, leaving only a little bit of starlight behind.

Yang Ming picked up the network access terminal and opened the popular website of the empire.

Sure enough, the internal propaganda of the empire was working hard to promote "The Invincible Fleet Defeats the Queen of the Sixth Rank Peak", and the battlefield scenes were edited.

The queen escaped in the end, which made Yang Ming quite emotional.

There is no energy shield that cannot be broken, only a cannon caliber that is not thick enough.

Warp Fortress Stellar Cannon.

That's called security.


Lil brought Hera's message a few minutes later.

The queen ran away, but the anger of the swarm was not extinguished. The space zerg recorded this incident and would make humans pay back the price a hundred times.

——This is the message that the queen sent to the bug swarm in the galaxy, and she also gave Hera a copy.

This fact made Yang Ming a little dumbfounded.

The space zerg really recognized Hera as the 'humanoid queen'.

No wonder, his cohabitation with Hera would drive the swarm so mad, they specially sent the pseudo-mother to rescue Hera.

Currently, Hera has returned to the base.

With the help of Lu and 026, Yang Ming put on serious injury makeup for himself, lying unconscious in the medical cabin with burns all over his body and bald hair.

This picture was sent to the military department and the overhauler organization by the "White Ghost Assistant".

On the cost of sick leave.

When Yang Ming finished his work, the empire had already started the national broadcast, and the supreme commander of the empire and the eldest princess of the royal family would give a televised speech in half an hour.

In other words, after half an hour, it will be decided whether the Milky Way will enter the era of total war or continue to develop peacefully.

The empire's casualty statistics are out.

This is a number of deaths that the empire cannot accept from top to bottom.

In this bug swarm, six administrative planets were attacked by the Zerg head-on, and three administrative planets were basically wiped out, with more than 350 million people dead.

The three administrative planets suffered varying degrees of devastation, and more than 170 million people died.

What is not mentioned in the propaganda is that these six administrative stars were all selectively given up by the Imperial Army.

In fact, there is no way. When a trade-off must be made, the military can only make a choice that puts interests first.

The abandoned planet is the planet with the smallest population among all the attacked administrative planets. It has almost been kicked out of the "main administrative planet" sequence. Most of the planet's surface is full of urban ruins. The industrial output value is low, the pollution is very serious, and its own value is not much. .

More than 520 million civilians died, which is equivalent to the destruction of a small galaxy country.

Military losses were equally shocking.

More than 8 million soldiers of the empire were killed in battle—most of them were from the second- and third-line troops of the six administrative stars, as well as the surface armed security forces, and those with military status would be included in the statistics.

More than 1,300 warships of various types were destroyed - mainly from the local defense fleet.

Nineteen capital battleships were lost.

A dreadnought has malfunctioned due to high-intensity combat and needs to be overhauled.

All wars are unfortunate.

This war is even more so.

The swarm of insects that were artificially buried, more than forty warships that simultaneously attacked the burying site, the new federation's burying plan...

This is not just a natural disaster.

This is also a man-made disaster.

In order to catch up with the empire in the competition of national strength, the new federation did not hesitate to use all means to cause the ancient empire to collapse from within.

Yang Ming did not take the opportunity to guide public opinion.

Law was indeed frightened by the fluctuations in the Imperial Star. At the moment, she is cautious in her activities in the online world. When the White Ghost website is blocked, she would rather spend money to find a work team for temporary maintenance than dare to "recklessly" in the Imperial Network. presumptuous'.

This is a mechanical thinking body that understands the heart.

The time for the TV broadcast arrived as promised.

Yang Ming, 026, and Xiao Lu hid in the captain's lounge of the Dongfeng, and the two 'humans' stared at the large projection screen while drinking drinks and eating a barbecue meal.

Lily was lying on the single bed, wearing a short skirt and blouse, with his chin resting on his hands, apparently distracted.

The first to appear was the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Empire, who asked all the people of the Empire to observe a moment of silence, announced the losses caused by the pest disaster, and highly praised the soldiers of the Empire's three armies.

Then came the supreme commander of the Imperial Army, the third powerful man in the empire.

The old general lost control of his emotions several times, and his eye circles were always red. Under the trembling old voice, there was infinite remembrance and remembrance of the victims and victims, as well as anger at the executioner behind him.

The old general clearly expressed the harbinger of war.

Now the Imperial Army is ready to go to war with a certain country in an all-round way;

The person responsible for creating this pest disaster will surely pay a heavy price!

The last one to appear on TV was a dignified and elegant middle-aged woman, wearing a black gauze, constantly wiping her tears, expressing deep condolences on behalf of the imperial family and encouraging the citizens to face it bravely.

Similarly, the eldest princess of the empire also made similar remarks.

"If this is a natural disaster, we have survived this natural disaster, and the Empire has overcome this crisis, the glory of the Emperor Star will continue to shine at the very center of the civilization of the galaxy.

"But if this is a natural disaster caused by man-made disasters, an attack that deliberately destroys the empire's national strength and disrupts the order of the empire, then the empire will definitely not sit idly by, the citizens of the empire will not sit idly by, and the soldiers of the empire will not sit idly by!

"We have the most powerful fleet in the galaxy, but cherish this hard-won peace.

"If our forbearance has become a barrier for the enemy to wanton destruction, then it is time to abandon this forbearance and use our powerful force to maintain the peace of the citizens of the empire!"

It's time to fight!

Yang Ming waved his fist in high spirits.

The empire is finally going to create a new federation!

The eldest princess changed her voice:

"In this bug swarm battle, the royal family must honor a hero in particular, everyone should be familiar with him, he is the white ghost, officer Hanton.

"With his own strength, he saved tens of millions or even nearly 100 million victims. He assisted the local defense fleet to defeat three evil female insects, and was seriously injured in the end."

Yang Ming's 'sick leave photo' appeared on the screen.

The princess let out a long sigh:

"This is the hero of our empire, and the royal family will award him the Emperor Star Medal.

"Hantton is currently in a deep coma, we don't know if he will wake up, but before he wakes up, we should bring the culprit of this disaster to the Emperor Star's trial court.

"This is the best response to this hero!"

Yang Ming: ...


He has become a propaganda tool for the imperial family.

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