Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 252 Battle of the Emperor Insects!

"Boss, we will arrive at the third marker in fifteen minutes."

"There is a small situation here, boss, do you want to sleep for a while? Still not awake."

"Be one with me... Oops!"

Li's realistic projection held his forehead and squatted down beside the medical cabin.

Yang Ming sat up from the rest cabin with a dark face, and then saw the projection screen in front of him.

The picture he saw in that 'strange state' before resurfaced.

The difference is that what is displayed on the projection screen is a real-time picture from an airspace somewhere in the empire.

There is no place for a Valkyrie here.

Yang Ming was silent for half a minute.

He understands how powerful this queen is.

The queen of the fifth-order bug swarm already has strong combat effectiveness, and is no longer the weakest link of the bug swarm.

The sixth-order queen, or the queen who is about to ascend, is already the most powerful creature in the galaxy, and can even lead the swarm across the boundless gap between large galaxy clusters to migrate across large galaxies.

In short, the Empire is in big trouble.

"How is the imperial army returning to defense?"

Law didn't dare to joke too much, and stood aside obediently, turning on a series of projection screens.

The first line of defense outside the Emperor Star Circle has gathered nearly 2,000 firepower warships at this moment. Four dreadnought ships, like giant gun barrels, were surrounded by various ships and floated in different directions in front of them.

Yang Ming could tell at a glance that the empire must have buried ambushes nearby.

This formation is obviously intended to fight a semi-encirclement and annihilation battle.

Behind the arc line of defense paved by these firepower battleships, there are countless supply ships, transport ships, and maintenance ships.

In the rear of the battlefield, one can still see the continuous leap light, and there are still a steady stream of ships converging here.

Counting all the wealth of the Luofeng Empire, it can't compare to one-tenth of the army gathered here...

There is also a gap between empires and empires.

What's more, here is far from all the military power controlled by the Imperial Army.

At this moment, there are still more than a dozen "insect extermination battlefields" in the empire that are fighting fiercely. In the rest of the battlefields where the mother insects have been wiped out, there are also a large number of local defense fleets to wipe out the remaining insect swarms.

This is the military power of the empire.

Yang Ming asked, "How far are we from the No. 3 target?"

"Thirteen minutes," Lu reminded, "Boss, this queen is too powerful. Even if the Empire's Invincible Fleet can stop her, it must pay a huge price. The Imperial Fleet is likely to stretch the defense line. You most……"

"We continue to support the established No. 3 administrative star, and still aim to destroy the fourth-order female insect."

Yang Ming said seriously:

"My physical strength is constantly improving, but my spirit is already very sleepy, and I can only support one more battle.

"The next battle will be as long as possible. After I kill the queen, I will aim to clean up the remaining swarms. If the imperial army sends an order, it will say that I have been injured and lethargic.

"I must avoid this sixth-order female worm. This is not an existence I can fight against at this stage. If I show up, I will probably become her priority target for eradication.

"This is a war belonging to the empire."

"Yes," Lil breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really afraid that her boss would become a great hero of the empire if her boss got mad.

Yang Ming looked at the projection screen for a while, then opened the empire star map, searched carefully for a while, and raised his hand to draw a barren star field.

The mother-in-law is in that position.

He jumped out of the rest cabin, took the combat uniform and toothpaste-like nutritious meal from 026, quickly replenished his energy, dressed neatly, and ran towards the tail cabin.

He had abandoned a Li Gui mecha before, and now he only has one Li Gui to use.

"Boss," 026 chased after him, "026 applies to play!"

"Well," Yang Ming nodded, "After I kill the queen, you come out and harvest bugs together."

"Okay... obey! Boss!"


‘Thomas, the safety of the empire rests on your shoulders. '

Lieutenant General Thomas stood in front of the podium with a gloomy expression.

This 2,000-meter-class medium-sized battleship has already activated the global command mode. In Thomas' sight, every battleship formation has become a pawn. As long as he makes any action to push, pull, or move these formations, it will be Corresponding ships have received command orders to complete the transfer as quickly as possible.

The air battle banner is a compulsory course for every imperial general.

Of course, the orders issued by Thomas will be deduced and checked in detail by the supercomputer group to optimize and complete his orders.

——This way of commanding wars will only appear in super-large-scale fleet wars.

Come on, swarm.

Thomas adjusted his breathing, kept his mind calm, and repeatedly deduced the tactics he might use in his heart.

He didn't think about his future.

Behind him is the most densely populated administrative district in the empire.

In this battle, there is no retreat.

"The target insect swarm has started to leap, and the landing point is the prediction point No. 3."

Directly so close to them?

It seems that this queen does not take the empire's regular fleet seriously.

Thomas has received detailed information. This queen invaded the empire thousands of years ago, and was finally successfully expelled by the imperial fleet.

Even if the empire today is weaker than it was a thousand years ago, it is still beyond the reach of these inhuman beings!

"Report the position of the white ghost."

"General! The white ghost has wiped out the third fourth-order female insect and saved one-sixth of the population of the target administrative star! Judging from the battle situation, the white ghost is almost exhausted. In the process of fighting the fourth-order queen, he suffered Surrounded by Zerg personal guards, killing the queen is by self-explosion of high-performance bombs and mechs."

Thomas frowned slightly: "Notify all the armed forces near the white ghost, and support the white ghost in time!"

"Yes, General!"

"General, why don't you send the white ghost to come here to support, can't he restrain the swarm? Even if it can affect the worms."

"You can't ask a hero who defended the people of the empire to do what he can no longer do."

Lieutenant General Thomas said indifferently:

"He moved three battlefields in a row, and each time he went to raid the Queen Mother Beetle alone. It is only natural that he was exhausted. He has recovered huge losses for the empire.

"The next enemy belongs to us and belongs to the empire."

From Thomas' command perspective, a thin black line appeared in the starry sky ahead.

The universe is inherently empty, cold, and dark, but that black line is so abrupt.

"General! The target swarm has completed the leap!"

"The enemy is speeding up and is expected to enter our furthest range in twelve minutes!"

"The insect swarm began to unfold! They wrapped the female insects! The number of insect swarms is estimated to be... 3.9 billion! According to bioenergetic feedback, most of them are sixth-order adults!"

General Thomas kept thinking.

Generally speaking, some mutated individuals will appear in the swarm, and individuals of a higher level can also appear.

But the sixth-order swarm is the final form of the space Zerg in the three-dimensional world (the calculation time dimension is the four-dimensional world), and there will be no seventh-order adults living in this dimension.

How difficult is the sixth-order adult worm to deal with?

Ordinary sixth-order basic worms have a body length between six meters and twelve meters. Their body structure is relatively simple, and half of their body weight is made up of a hard shell.

The sixth-order basic adults can use their tails and mouthparts to launch bio-energy light bombs, which can easily destroy small patrol boats; they can also allow individuals to interact with each other, and jointly stimulate more powerful light bombs, and this light bomb The energy carried by the ammunition is positively correlated with the number of adults.

Not only are the long-range attack methods amazing, ordinary sixth-order adults can already activate energy shields to protect themselves.

Their blades can easily tear apart the outer armor of battleships, and the corrosive liquid ejected from their mouthparts can directly melt the alloys used for ordinary ships.

And those, on the basis of ordinary adults, all kinds of special insects produced by mutation...

"The mother worm started to slow down!"

The signalman's shout made General Thomas stop thinking and focus on the screen in front of him.

The huge female worm began to slow down slowly, and remained relatively still with the human fleet, but most of the worm swarm did not stop moving forward, but continued to accelerate.

The original thousands of giant Zerg battleships have been quickly reorganized.

Sixty percent of the insect swarm spread out in the outer space.

There are a huge number of them, just like this powerful human fleet, they are still extremely small in the background of space.

Dispersing and assaulting the human fleet is a common tactic used by high-level swarms, which can effectively reduce the losses of the swarms when they charge.

Among the rushing insect swarm, a large number of sixth-order adults shrank again, and they formed twelve giant battleships, protecting twelve pseudo-mothers in the center of the battleship.

The logic of this war is simple.

As long as more than half of the bugs pounce on the battleship group, the human fleet will lose its chance of winning.

What they have to do is to eliminate the insect swarm in front of them!

"Command the ships."

Thomas' voice is heard all over the line:

"The swarm has dispersed and charged towards us.

"The dreadnought battle group locks on to the airspace where the pseudo-mothers are located, and destroys these pseudo-mothers within three charging cycles.

"The battleship turns on the full secondary gun mode, covering the damage with the secondary guns and saving the energy of the main guns.

"The star cruiser turns on the full gun mode, and the gunship fills in the gaps in firepower according to the command system marks.

"Shield forward."

"Repeat, the shield ship moves forward."

In the human fleet, more than 200 umbrella-shaped large ships moved forward slowly, spreading thick light films in front of the fleet.

The swarms of bugs swarmed forward, they disturbed the gravitational force of space, causing the hulls of human ships to transmit humming vibrations.

The soldiers completed each order in silence.

The officers nervously watched various display screens.

The general gazed into the distant space, staring at the female worm.

Out of the range of the ship, orange light balls were squeezed out from the tail, spreading a bright light curtain in the space.


Scalp tingling.

When Yang Ming used the holographic image to see this scene, he no longer knew how to express the shock in his heart.

Looking at these low-level bugs flying around outside the mech control room, I always feel that these fourth-level bugs...

Pretty cute.

Is the sixth-order bug swarm too strong?

In the holographic projection, four ion beams with a diameter of hundreds of meters suddenly flashed, and four long gaps were torn open by the insect swarm. The four Zerg warships wrapped in pseudo-mothers were instantly defeated, triggering a series of "vacuum cores" along the way. burst'.

Yang Ming clearly saw that the powerful barrier formed by the sixth-order swarm allowed the four pseudo-mothers to survive for more than ten seconds under the dreadnought's shooting.

The swarm was still rushing forward.

The remaining eight pseudo-mothers did not respond, and the swarm evenly dispersed, faintly surrounding the human fleet.

The rain of Zerg bullets struck, but the energy shield of the shield ship remained motionless.

Dozens of ships' protective shields were in danger at the edge of the fleet formation, and more than a dozen small warships were directly broken through the protective shields, becoming the victims of the first wave of Zerg attacks.

More than 300 battleships began to cover and shoot secondary artillery!

Thousands of star cruisers have become the main force of long-range combat.

Various types of gunboats serve as supplementary firepower, filling all firepower vacancies steadily.

A large number of swarms melted rapidly under the irradiation of ion beams and lasers.

The rear supply ship opened the bomb bay, and countless missiles dragged their tail flames and fired scatteredly towards the airspace ahead.

The deep-space mines began to detonate in batches, and countless scorching light balls appeared in the insect swarm, tearing apart neat gaps in the spreading insect swarm.

The swarm doesn't care.

The swarm continued to disperse evenly, maintaining an accelerated charge, as if the front was their final destination.

The human fleet is fully fired.

The four dreadnoughts continue to recharge, but it will take about five minutes to complete the second shot.

The shooting intensity of the dreadnaught ship has been calculated in detail. It is not a full-energy shot, but just enough to defeat the pseudo-mother, otherwise the charging interval would not be so short.

In the past hundred years, the largest war between humans and Zerg has entered a fever pitch.


Yang Ming sighed softly, and moved his neck back.

He is currently hiding in the cockpit of the New Red Ghost, sitting in the co-pilot position.

The new Akaki is a two-person cockpit with a slanted cockpit design. The co-pilot is on top and is mainly responsible for the fire control system. The main pilot is on the bottom and has full operating authority.

At this moment, 026 is driving the Chigui, responsible for driving and firing, and constantly chasing the bugs fleeing in space.

The Dongfeng followed behind them, and the secondary guns fired continuously, sweeping away the small groups of insects that could pose a threat.

When Yang Ming killed the third queen, he didn't expend too much mental power. At this moment, he didn't have to worry about anything, he was only responsible for keeping the intimidation of the insect swarm, enjoying the strange biological energy harvested by his subordinates, and observing the overall situation in the distant star field. war.

Yang Ming suddenly thought of something.

"Law, what are they doing in the New Federation?"

"Assembling the army," Li frowned, "They didn't seem to expect that such a powerful Zerg would appear in the empire."

Yang Ming frowned and said, "Are they going to attack the empire?"

"Uh, no, they're defending Mingte Star," Lil clicked. "They're terrified now that the Zerg will also retaliate against them. The entire territory has entered the highest defense level."

Yang Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

He really didn't want to see this hypocritical new federation grow bigger and stronger.

"It's different," Yang Ming sighed, "It's different."

Law naturally knew what the boss was talking about.

Everything that happened in the Milky Way now is completely different from the background that the boss knew in the previous first civilization trial game.

Lu really wanted to put a mirror in front of his boss and tell him that the biggest promoter of all these anomalies was right in front of him.

Obviously the boss himself messed up.

With his own power, the boss caused the empire's insect plague to break out ahead of schedule, and the empire took the initiative to clear most of the buried insect spots...

"Boss, are we here?" Lu Zheng said, "There must be a lot of biological energy over there, but there are billions of sixth-order adults..."

"Are you looking for death?"

Yang Ming snorted and said calmly:

"To be a human being, you must be content. Who can guarantee that if we pass by, the mother insect will not take me as the first target to get rid of?"

Lu laughed and said, "This is not like the boss, the boss is usually very brave."

"That depends on the situation. I am naturally fearless when facing the third- and fourth-order insect swarms, but the sixth-order peak female insects... whoever wants to go will go."

"Where is Po Wah?"

"She's hiding too," the corners of Yang Ming's mouth twitched slightly, thinking of the whirling singing that he heard before.

The information contained in it not only reminded Yang Ming that "the natural enemy is coming", but also reminded Yang Ming to "hide quickly", so as not to lose his genes.

"Law, take advantage of the chaos and mobilize all the exploration ships of the Molly Miss Mining Group to search the barren star field I circled."

Yang Ming's eyes flickered faintly.

Po Sua probably didn't expect that the 'contact' inspired by the female insect this time just exposed her hiding area.

In the holographic projection, the four dreadnoughts fired again.

Yang Ming continued to immerse himself in it, feeling the suffocating space battle.

The four dreadnoughts fired twice, and the swarm lost eight pseudo-mothers, seemingly suffering a huge loss.

But in fact, the first batch of bug swarms charged forward had already covered two-thirds of the distance, and they only lost a quarter of their number.

Calculated according to the law, nearly 40% of the insect swarm will rush to the defense line formed by the shield ships.

Yang Ming couldn't help thinking, if he were the commander, what should he do now?

The defense line moves back as a whole to increase the buffer space;

But this seems to be not enough, other methods must be adopted to hold back the progress of the bug swarm, and let the ship's firepower quickly wipe out the bug swarm.

Law suddenly said beside him: "Boss, this seems to be a trap."

There are many things during the Chinese New Year, and this paragraph is also difficult to write. The update time is too late, so please bear with me.

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