Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 237 Discussion on Baichui

Connecting the head back is indeed a technical job.

Fortunately, there are many mechanical experts in the Overhaulers organization. Yang Ming went to the maintenance station with his head in his arms and walked around, and then returned to the team battle intact.

For the next week, Yang Ming tried his best to maintain an upright manner in front of Captain Catherine.

Yang Ming could feel that Catherine actually had a good impression of him, and now that their identities were no longer hindered, their relationship was naturally running in the direction that the TV station would not allow.

Catherine has some longing for the relationship between men and women, but she herself is very restrained.

Yang Ming is also considered a veteran in the field of love, but he dare not be too indulgent in the face of a powerful super reformer who will cut his head off at the slightest disagreement.

After all, it's not the main body here, and this mechanical body's ability to resist blows is always limited.

In a week, the two of them only completed the following tasks:

Hiding in the corner of the base together, watching the funny movie projected from Yang Ming's chest;

Men and women practice mixed doubles together;

Learn the manipulation skills of the new exoskeleton armor together;

Carry out battle sand table deduction together;

Study Bly's psychogender together.

Catherine laughed a lot after training, and it was the first time for Yang Ming to talk about this kind of military camp love, which felt very strange.

Of course, their relationship didn't progress that fast, they were still in an ambiguous period, and no one made it clear.

Although Yang Ming is a gentleman, it is impossible for his eyes to stay on Catherine's slim and fit figure all the time. He is also taking advantage of this rare opportunity to observe the background of the empire.

This super reformer organization... Feelings are like a boss nest.

Yang Ming's mechanical body wandered around the training base for a week, and after a brief summary, he found six legion-level bosses and a dozen or so high-level and difficult local bosses with some impressions.

——It is also because super-reformers continue to come to the Yaha star base to observe the white ghost.

Even, Yang Ming clearly remembered most of the strategies and tactics of the bosses.

Yang Ming carefully searched his memory and found a small problem.

In "The Abyss", these bosses belong to various departments of the imperial military, rather than serving the Super Reformer Organization.

Yang Ming reasonably speculated that 80% of the super-reformer organization was disbanded later, and the resources were redistributed by the elders' house and the military.

As for Captain Catherine, Yang Ming reckoned that she was killed by Bligh in the original timeline, or died in the battle. There is no data about her in "Abyss".

For this reason, Yang Ming also intentionally reminded Catherine that if she had nothing to do, she would instill in her the idea of ​​not forcibly sacrificing if she could survive.

During this time, Yang Ming did not have frequent contact with Bligh.

In order to avoid being suspected by the superiors, Yang Ming and Bligh have always kept a certain distance, and they are in pairs with Catherine every day.

As a rare super-reformer with spiritual power, Bligh himself is also very busy.

In just one week of training, Bligh was seconded out twice.

Yang Ming secretly asked Bligh about the mission content, Bligh naturally didn't dare to hide it, and told him in detail what he did when he went out.

——He often goes to help some secret courts to deal with some difficult criminals, including some political prisoners.

"No way, I'm destined to do these dirty jobs," Bligh replied with some trepidation, "If you mind, I will find a way to refuse."

"Ah, no need, follow your own pace and work hard for the empire."

Yang Ming was still afraid that he might not be able to express himself clearly, so he specially told Bligh: "My moral values ​​are not that noble."

"I admire your humility."

Yang Ming: ...

Strange mental imprint.

The team training plan originally lasted for half a month, because the empire discovered a new swarm, and their training was also stopped by Director Rewa.

In the team meeting room, Director Ruiwa and Catherine stood on the podium, and a dozen team members including Yang Ming sat below.

Three planets appeared on the projection screen.

"Thanks to the new technology contributed by the white ghost, the military has discovered three new burial sites."

Director Ruiwa said slowly:

"First of all, on behalf of the Imperial Council of Elders and the military, I would like to express my gratitude to White Ghost. The Council of Elders has already sent an application to the Supreme Council of Nobles of the Empire. As long as the application is approved, White Ghost's status as a reserve baron will be converted to full status.

"Prior to this, the Elder's House has already issued a commendation order, and rewarded the white ghost with a high-end residence on Yaha Planet.

"Everyone knows these things."

The team members all looked at Yang Ming, Yang Ming smiled and took up the commendation order and made a tour exhibition.

"Alas," the corner of Catherine's mouth twitched slightly.

Director Ruiwa quickly cut to the chase. The middle-aged woman put on a straight face and issued a battle order:

"The three newly discovered burial sites, two of which are worthless uninhabited planets, the Imperial Dreadnought has locked the target, and will carry out a live broadcast to destroy it.

"This is a great opportunity to boost the confidence of our people.

"But there is a burial spot."

She slightly adjusted the projection screen, and the two planets were directly erased, and a light brown planet slowly rotated in the center of the screen.

"This is a second-level resource reserve star, rich in a large number of rare mineral deposits, on the development list of the empire for the next hundred years, and it is also a semi-livable planet, with the potential to be transformed into a habitable star.

"So, this planet, after research and judgment, will not destroy the star core directly, but find a way to clear the insect swarm on it.

"This is the exact data detected."

A few lines of notes appear next to the planet.

The fourth-order queen, half of the fourth-order adults, half of the third-order adults, and a small number of fifth-order special adults.

"This is not an insect extermination battle in the emperor star circle, it has nothing to do with us.

"But the order from the Council of Elders is for your team to cooperate with the special forces of the Skyfury Fortress to execute the task of beheading the queen.

"After absorbing the lessons from the failures of the previous missions to behead the queen, this time we will use many secret weapons and formulate more detailed combat plans.

"The military and the Elder's House mean that this battle must be fought beautifully."

Director Ruiwa pushed his glasses and looked at Yang Ming: "Will the main body of the white ghost directly participate in the battle? The higher-ups want to get a definite answer."

"If you can't solve it," Yang Ming said sternly, "My new Specter Mecha just needs to be tested on the battlefield."

"Very well, I won't count the combat power of the main body in the normal battle sequence. The protagonist this time is this team."

Director Ruiwa glanced across the audience, and most of the overhaulers present were ready to fight.

"This time the pest control battle will be officially broadcast live across the country. The meaning above is to prove to the public that the empire not only has white ghosts, but also has more and more powerful vanguard soldiers! Do you understand?"

"Yes! Director!"

Catherine said: "Director, I don't really need this backing. I trust the team members here."

"No, Catherine," Director Rewa looked at Yang Ming and said, "The power of the ancient god's gene is still an unsolved mystery, and we also need to collect more relevant data."

Yang Ming: "You can discuss it in private, it seems a bit offensive to my privacy."

The members of the team smiled.


After taking refuge in the empire, the treatment is different.

After the empire discovered the new insect swarm, it publicized on the Internet that "the gift given by the white ghost works miraculously", and gave the white ghost a big boost.

Watch Hui Saka's political program, that is Tu Yile;

If you really want to watch The Empire Make Stars, you still have to watch "White Ghost".

However, public opinion is a double-edged sword, there are advantages and disadvantages.

After the imperial officials began to praise the white ghost, there were also a lot of arguments on the Internet about "the white ghost became a pawn of the empire" and "after all, the white ghost accepted the recruitment".

Yang Ming could only turn a blind eye to this.

No way, it's all forced by the Valkyries.

Public opinion will eventually calm down, neither praise nor slander can enhance or weaken one's own strength, just treat it with a normal mind.

Catherine's team set off directly after the meeting, and it was rare for members of their team to participate in the same operation together.

The 15-member team surrounding Catherine also has a 300-member support team, including more than 20 weakly modified fighters, a 50-member technical team, a 100-member Stinger crew, and equipment maintenance personnel. , emergency medical treatment, communications, massage and massage and other logistics personnel.

Most of the people who transferred the command before Bligh were members of this support team.

After boarding the Stinger ship, Yang Ming couldn't help but look around.

When playing games before, he often used this thing as a BOSS to fight. What he saw most was the scene of the Stinger ship exploding. Unexpectedly, one day, he would also become a crew member of the Stinger ship.

Catherine convened the combat members of the support team and selected ten reformers with good strength to supplement the team's combat power.

After Catherine finished the tactical meeting, Yang Ming was surrounded by people again.

"Mr. Hui Saka, why did you choose to retire? You are in the limelight now, and why are you here?"

"Can you sign me? Sir! Just sign it on my back! I don't take a shower these days, so I'll go find a tattoo machine when I'm on vacation!"

"Mr. Hui Saka, I heard some rumors that you and the white ghost are teammates. Is this true?"

Yang Ming looked at Catherine as if asking for help.

Catherine said indifferently: "All combatants go to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and Vice Captain Bligh will tell you the answer. Don't surround our capable operators."

Bligh smiled and approached, and the crowd around Yang Ming quickly dispersed.

"Huh," Yang Ming muttered, "I thought this matter had already been made public."

"No," Catherine said, "However, there is no clear confidentiality order from above. The fact that Hui Saka is a white ghost will be known to everyone sooner or later."

"I'm ready."

Yang Ming motioned the two of them to take a walk, and Catherine readily agreed.

Their squadron of Stingers had been incorporated into a fleet and was headed for a fixed jump orbit in the outer space of Yaha.

Outside the porthole, the Yaha star with six giant artificial planetary rings is rapidly becoming a tiny light spot in the universe.

"Have you set off on your own?" Catherine asked.

"Of course, I'm already waiting outside that planet," Yang Ming said with a smile, "I still have to guard against the Empire, try not to have any contact with the Empire, and I'm serious, if you can solve the bug problem, I will I won't shoot directly."

Catherine said: "Didn't there be research before that said that killing insects might improve your strength?"

"No matter how strong your personal strength is, what can you do?"

Yang Ming shrugged, stared at the starry sky outside the porthole, and said slowly:

"The reason why the human species can occupy the Milky Way, and even similar situations exist in other large galaxy clusters, is because humans are social animals.

"We rely on and use technology to turn all kinds of energy in the universe into our energy sources, tame planetary atmospheres, resist the strong magnetic fields of stars, form powerful fleets, and even directly destroy stars.

"This is the real strength."

Catherine said: "However, a powerful individual can become a sharp knife hanging over the head of a political system, and can also interfere with the direction of human groups."

"It depends on your understanding of strength."

Yang Ming thought of the old omnic emperor of Luofeng Empire.

He is always awake.

If only relying on the strength of the lesser ancient god life form, he should still hang out among the pirates now, or, like Catherine, put on a mask and become a sharp blade of the empire.

What really allowed him to have all this now was the technological power brought by the mechanical thinking body of Law.

Yang Ming said with a smile: "In various senses, His Majesty the Great Emperor is the most powerful individual in the empire."

Catherine smiled noncommittally.

The stinger ship began to jump, and the two didn't feel anything. A flowing star appeared outside the window, and soon entered the target star field.

"There are still two hours of voyage ahead," Catherine said, "Let's take a rest first, I'm going to check the equipment and hold a liaison meeting."

Yang Ming muttered, "Captain has to do so much work?"

Catherine raised her head slightly: "That's why you get a salary card and I get an official credit card."

"Yes, yes, the captain is amazing," Yang Ming shrugged, "Fortunately, I have specially prepared a new film, the original source of which I bought from the Guell Union, to help you pass the time on the road. .”

Catherine was a little confused, but she still shook her head and left.

"I'm going to do what a captain should do, work hard when I'm working, and relax when I'm free!"

Tsk, quite principled.

Yang Ming stretched his waist, and let the mechanical body go back to the cabin to rest.

He also has to do some preparations before the battle.


at the same time.

Captain Gries, who was fully armed, was looking sullenly at the projection screen in front of him.

Dozens of captains and deputy captains of the combat brigade from Skyfury Fortress are holding an online tactical arrangement meeting.

Gris asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure? The white ghost also wants to participate in this extermination operation?"

"Yes, Captain Gris," the general presiding over the meeting laughed, "The white ghost's mechanical body will come with a super-altered squad to serve as your battle supplement, and it will be with you later and directly accept command Ministry orders."

Someone scolded: "To transform a soldier is to transform a soldier, and what else is there to do to transform a super soldier?"

"It's just a title within the Emperor Star Circle."

"This kind of troops are the hearts and minds of the old men in the elders' house. This is a fighting force directly under the elders' house. We are incomparable."

"Their basic salary is three times ours, and I can't bear it."

"However, it feels pretty good to be able to fight with the white ghost and still be in the same command system."

The general called his name directly: "Captain Gries, seeing your solemn expression, do you have anything to say?"

Gris clenched his fists tightly, tried to take a deep breath, and said seriously:

"Brothers, this time we have to show some energy!

"We must let the top of the empire see who is the real backbone of the empire!

"We must let these super reformers know who is most qualified to stand behind the white ghost and to be his teammate!

"This is a battle about the glory of our Skyfury Fortress!"

After his words fell, the atmosphere in the entire chat room suddenly became extremely anxious.

"Yes! We must let them see our abilities!"

"We are the best teammates of White Ghost!"

"This show will overturn them! Let these overhaulers know how powerful we are!"


The middle-aged major general who presided over the meeting thought carefully for a while, and his forehead was gradually covered with black lines.

No, what the hell is this? Why are you proud to be a teammate of White Ghost?

It is understandable for everyone to want to argue, but who is going to stand behind the white ghost? Is this an over exaggeration of the influence of the white ghost?

Mad, this guy Gris is really the first one to blow it for nothing, and he has all gone astray!

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