Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 233 The Brilliance of the Machine

"Oh, I almost thought I couldn't come back."

026 let out a melodious lament, opened his hands and fell backwards, and fell firmly on the soft big bed, the fabric of the blouse was rippling like water waves.

Law's projection appeared on the side, and said with a smile: "Everything is under the control of Law."

026 rolled his eyes.

If she hadn't been running fast that night, she would have almost been unable to reach the edge of the crowd. If the other party killed the white ghost, she would have died honorably for the boss.

"By the way," 026 turned his head and asked, "At that time, I released the smoke and ran away for the boss. Where did the boss go?"

"The studio building."

"The boss has returned to the studio?"

"That's right, the boss pretended to be a drama manager and stayed there for more than ten hours," Lv clicked, "The most dangerous place is the safest place."

"I still don't understand." 026 sat up with his hands on the side of the bed, "The boss made a big circle, just for this live broadcast?"


Ritsu became the size of his body, and sat on the edge of the bed with a smile on his face.

"The emperor has begun to pay attention to the white ghost. This is the most favorable news we have received so far. The military has made a positive statement, and the voice of the Elder's Court to sanction the white ghost has become smaller. The boss will then be able to formally cooperate with the empire.

"Isn't this the purpose of our coming to the Emperor Star Circle?"

"Ah this."

026 was a little dazed, and muttered again: "Is Grace one of us?"

"He's half of us, he has a certain tacit understanding with the boss," Lily sighed, "The boss took advantage of Gris' respect for the white ghost, and the boss noticed that Gris was aware of Hui Saka's identity. , When seeing the black ghost plan given by Griess, the boss conceived this plan with a twitch."

"Nahui Saka's reputation as a celebrity is wasted."

"Waste? No waste."

Lv clicked on a projection screen, inside was a warehouse closed on all sides, Yang Ming was wearing blue work clothes, and was welding a certain robot together with several robots.

Yang Ming kept Hanton's true colors;

The face of the bionic robot is Hui Saka.

A series of question marks appeared on 026's forehead.

"Hasn't this identity been exposed?"

"That's right," said Li with a smile, "so Hui Saka will continue to be active as a substitute for the white ghost. The officials know it well, but the public doesn't. This is the beginning of the gradual cooperation between the boss and the empire. How could the boss Appearing directly in the army barracks of the empire must use a substitute robot."

026 Zhang opened his mouth, his face was full of bewilderment.

"Don't worry, the most risky part is over."

Li patted 026 on the chest: "The boss wants you to rest for a few days. This suite is just for you. Except that you can't order male technicians, you can enjoy everything else you want! When you're done resting, go meet the boss."

026 whispered: "I still don't understand... Is the boss using Bligh to control Gris? Why did Gris help us?"

"According to my observation, the boss seriously considered letting Bligh control Gries, but he still didn't take this plan."

Lawyer said:

"It is now confirmed that Gries has two purposes. The first purpose is to help the white ghost to make a sound and promote the cooperation between the white ghost and the government. The second purpose is to complete his own mission and catch the white ghost.

"This is a bit contradictory, so Gries is also very tangled.

"The boss chose to take a gamble in the end, betting that Gris would help the white ghost complete this live broadcast.

"Someone must help break through the obstacles of the empire and bring the real military generals and government ministers to the white ghost. Gries's trapping plan has perfectly realized this.

"Gries wove a big net, and he also tried his best to keep the white ghost, but in the end he came to nothing."

026 asked: "How is Greis doing now?"

"I've been suspended, and I still have to accept several rounds of questioning," Lil sighed, "For the boss, the value of Gries has been exhausted, so the boss will not contact Gries directly, but go to Find the commander on the overhauler side, that middle-aged woman."

026 pursed his lips: "If it's worthless, the boss won't take it seriously, right?"

"No," Lil squinted and smiled, "Only if there is no use value, can you become the boss's friend. The boss just asked Bligh to go to Gris, and he told Gris in a disguised form that some of the super-reformers belonged to white ghosts." Man, he doesn’t need to worry too much in the future.”

"All right."

026 stretched his arms and lay back.

"Let me be a free fish for a while, and I will go to work for the boss as soon as I sleep."

"Sleep, sleep, I'll watch the door for you... Tsk tsk tsk, you've grown up pretty good recently, girl."

"Cut, mere mechanical thinking body, not even worthy of owning a bionic entity, and dare to moleste the master of this machine!"

"Damn it! I'll order a female robot later!"

"Hey hey, I want the boss's mold, it's just for us to warm our quilt!"

The two were fighting on the bed for a while.

If Yang Ming sees this scene, I don't know how wonderful Boss Yang's expression will be.


three days later.

"The self-test of the brain processor is completed, and the connection channel has been established."

"The zero-point energy battery self-test is complete, the energy channel is unblocked, and the backup energy is ready."

"The scan is complete, you can send the consciousness, and the consciousness is completed."

On the Dongfeng, accompanied by Li's voice, Yang Ming, who was lying on the captain's chair, slowly closed his eyes, and the indicator light on the helmet flashed continuously and then became stable.

On the distant Yaha planet, in a certain hotel suite, 'Yang Ming' opened his eyes, a series of data appeared in his pupils, and then quickly returned to normal.

Standing up, the movement is a little stiff.

"Turn on motion optimization," Yang Ming murmured in a low voice, and the motion immediately became very smooth.

Walking around the bed for half a circle, gradually getting used to the feedback from this mechanical body.

This can be regarded as his bottom-of-the-box inventory, which condenses several black technologies of the Dark Star and combat machines of the New Federation's most cutting-edge bionic technology.

Different from the bionic robots commonly used by politicians, this bionic machine allows Yang Ming to attach his own consciousness, so as to slow down the signal delay between the body and the machine, thus achieving a true bionic simulation.

Yang Ming's feeling of using it...

The experience of playing "Abyss" back then is back.

"Lü, are all combat robots this weak?"

"Uh," Lil's projection appeared on the robot's shoulder, "it's because your body is too strong, so it feels like this body is too weak. In fact, this is already the level of an ordinary remodeled warrior fully armed, loaded with a gunboat equivalent to a hundred meters The ship is full of energy."

Yang Ming clicked his tongue: "Mechanical Ascension... Mimi Li will probably be very happy to see me like this."

"I'm also very happy," Lil pushed the non-existent glasses, "do you want to proceed as planned?"


Yang Ming moved his wrists and ankles, went to the closet and chose a high-end dress, and smoothly completed the movements of putting on clothes, shoes and socks, and was already very familiar with this body.

Opening the bedroom door, 026, who had been waiting for a long time, brought Hui Saka's watch and network access terminal.

As soon as Yang Ming opened the terminal, he received a series of messages.

They were all sent by Catherine, and the content was very simple. On average, a message from [Liar] was sent every half an hour.

After thinking about it, Yang Ming turned on the projection screen and sent a message back to Catherine.

[Hui (well-known anchor): No, why am I a liar? Apart from concealing my identity, I have nothing to hide. 】

The message showed as read, but Catherine didn't message until a few minutes later.

[Catherine (Captain): Where are you? Not me asking. 】

[Hui (well-known anchor): Fly freely in the vast starry sky. Make an appointment with your boss for me. I'll talk to her about something. It's still in the restaurant where we eat. I'm using a bionic robot to move around. 】

[Catherine (Captain): You are looking for me because of this matter? 】

[Hui (well-known anchor): No, after seeing more than 120 scammer messages from you, I feel the need to make a solemn statement to you. I am the white ghost, and I have a showdown. 】

【Catherine (Captain): Go liar! Give you contact information, contact yourself! 】

She did send her the contact information of her immediate boss.

Yang Ming smiled and thought for a while, before contacting the middle-aged woman, he first sent Lieutenant General Thomas a call request.

The super reformers are under the orders of the elders' house, Yang Ming just wants to maintain a good relationship with them.

The military is the umbrella that Yang Ming identified.

A few hours later, in that busy restaurant.

When Yang Ming was seated to eat, there were many customers taking pictures beside him, and some people were eager to ask the famous talker for his autograph.

But after Yang Ming drank two drinks, some plainclothes people with hurried expressions appeared in the restaurant, persuaded one customer to leave, and paid the bills for these customers one by one.

Soon, the restaurant was empty.

Amidst the sound of high heels colliding with the floor, the middle-aged lady appeared on stage with more than a dozen heavily armed overhaulers.

The lady obviously dressed up deliberately, put on a professional dress, and added some makeup to her face.

Yang Ming stood up and saluted a gentleman, before the lady could say anything, the little finger of his right hand left the palm, with a light blue halo at the end, and finally returned to the gap in the palm.

The other party said with a smile: "The famous white ghost has also started using a substitute robot."

Yang Ming said slowly: "I have always had a clear understanding. The reason why I can have the influence I have today is not my individual combat power, but the technological strength I have mastered."

"For formal acquaintance," the middle-aged lady stretched out her right hand, "Reva Figueroa, the position is the Director of the Relationship Coordination Office of the Overhauler Center."

"Director Ruiwa," Yang Ming said with a smile, "Handon, the white ghost."

Reva Figueroa sat opposite Yang Ming, and the dozen or so overhaulers stopped a few meters away, and they all looked at Yang Ming carefully.

"What did you ask me to talk about?"

"A lot of things," Yang Ming said sincerely, "I think it's time for me to return to the order of battle of the empire. According to my understanding, you and the military are not in the same system."

Reva Figueroa said with a smile: "You want to join the super-changers? This sounds very interesting, and I think the higher-ups will be very interested."

Yang Ming asked suddenly: "Is there anyone still advocating slicing me?"

"Of course not, your live broadcast was very successful this time."

Reva Figueroa said softly:

"I don't know if you planned it or just pushed the boat along the way, but now the top management of the empire has known you.

"You are wise enough to know when to shed the veil of secrecy and show allegiance to the Empire.

"I can tell you frankly that His Majesty the Emperor praised you as a good young man, and the princes and dukes all felt that you were a military officer who had been wronged and was loyal to the empire.

"So you can now come out openly and accept our reorganization of you. You will be treated better than ordinary super-reformers, and your power will also be used for justice."

Yang Ming said with a smile: "I never believe these beautiful words, the big shots are too busy, they will soon forget about me."

Director Ruiwa raised his eyebrows slightly: "Let's talk, what do you want?"

Yang Ming said solemnly: "I will join you with a mechanical bionic body, accumulate achievements, and exchange for a protection order signed by the elders' house."

"Use a mechanical bionic body?" Rewa frowned, "What combat power does your body have?"

"I feel that my communication value is greater than the combat value."

Director Ruiwa fell silent.

Yang Ming said slowly: "Actually, I have already talked with the military, and several lieutenant generals expressed goodwill to me."

"I heard about it."

Director Ruiwa skillfully took out an e-cigarette. He didn't know what ingredients were in it, and it gave off a faint fragrance when it was burned.

"Why did you choose the super reformer?"

"I want to stay in the emperor star circle," Yang Ming said with a smile, "Joining the super reformer is not my way back, it's just a path for me."

Director Rewa nodded: "I must remind you that no reformed person can hold a government position, nor can he become a senior military officer. Gris is the best proof. He is very good and has excellent leadership skills, but he You can only be a captain, even if you give him extremely high authority temporarily."

"I know," Yang Ming nodded, "You don't need to worry about this, I know it well."

"Oh well."

Director Ruiwa exhaled a puff of smoke lightly.

"After half a month, I will arrange an assessment for you. If you can pass the assessment, I will recruit you as a member of the organization.

"I must remind you that if your real body comes over, there will naturally be no problems. The test for super-reformers is based on force."

After saying that, Director Ruiwa stood up and stretched out his right hand.

Yang Ming smiled and shook hands with her lightly.

"Let's go," Director Ruiwa greeted, and the figures in the restaurant retreated quickly.

She also bought the bill for Yang Ming, which Yang Ming did not expect.

"Boss, is what she said true?"

Law asked with some concern.

Yang Ming's current consciousness is placed in the mechanical body, and Ritsu can directly make secret calls.

"Which one?"

"The Emperor of the Empire praises you for being a nice young man."

"I heard similar things from General Thomas."

"Uh, do you want to go to combat training?"

"Don't worry, they will definitely magnify the water in this assessment, and now I am a sweet potato."

Yang Ming smiled calmly:

"Help me contact the TV station, let's earn some announcement fees."

"Good boss."


The guest spaceport for the planetary rings of YahaStar 1.

The shaved Gris put his arms around the slender waist of the beautiful woman beside him, and the two were bidding farewell.

Gris opened a bottle of drink, poured it into his mouth and rinsed his mouth, preparing for a romantic goodbye later, as the end of this flash love.

Some exaggerated artistic words danced on the billboard floating above, and Gris took a closer look.

[Live now: Legendary host Hui Saka is about to start his first show after the White Ghost incident! 】


Gris turned his head and sprayed out a cloud of water mist, and the beautiful woman next to him screamed and jumped aside on high heels.

"What are you doing honey!"

Gris stared at the billboard in a daze for a few seconds, then raised his hand to his forehead.

Although these have nothing to do with him, Gris still feels that he seems to have been completely used by this guy.

"Sorry, oh sorry honey, let me wipe it for you!"

Ding Ding!

Grace's watch vibrated slightly, and a text message jumped out of it.

The transfer income is 30 million imperial coins.

Thirty, thirty million?

What the hell is this? The source of the transfer is Chuanlin Yuanhang Trade? No, when did I have this account? This account seems to be a secret account, uh, opened overseas?

Gris opened his mouth, and another message jumped out.

[Welcome to join the White Ghost support club, honorable vice president, I will give you a full set of genuine figures, plus the autograph of White Ghost. Please check the activity funds of the support club, you can use it as you like. 】


This is a blatant frame-up!

Does anyone else care about this white ghost?

Gris hurriedly began to report to the higher authorities, this matter has nothing to do with him, he and the white ghost are really not in the same group!

Plot description: Seeing that many readers are not slowing down, let me explain a little bit. This live broadcast is a one-time completion of the effect that Hui Saka's identity can only achieve after several years. Yang Ming completed the positive contact with the empire, which attracted a lot of attention, and because he took off his mask, he took the initiative to reduce the mystery and gained the trust of the high-level empire. This game is a game between Yang Ming and the top management of the empire. The top management of the empire cares about face and control, and Yang Ming must lower his stance. In the final analysis, what Yang Ming was afraid of was the alliance between the Valkyrie and the empire, so he wanted to unite with the empire first to seal the way of the Valkyrie. So this plot is not to waste Hui Saka's identity, but to solve the hidden dangers left by Hui Saka's identity, including the hidden dangers of Godoy's family safety, which have been effectively resolved this time. Chapters 230 and 231 are the plot, 232 is the result, and the three chapters are conceived together. When Calvin didn't know what to write, the output was low. Today's three chapters were written in almost six hours, because it was a concentrated presentation of the earlier conception of the plot. Creation is not easy, please bear with me~

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