Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 207 Code Name: Asexual Angel

Seeing the photo of this 'sea urchin', Yang Ming's first reaction was to run.

How could this thing suddenly appear in a remote place like Saka?

The stinger ship is a rare special ship for special agents in the empire. The high-power, multi-purpose antennas shaped like sea urchin stingers are its only weapon.

In "Abyss", it rarely appears on the frontal battlefield, and it will not even participate in any external wars of the empire. It roams in every corner of the empire, controlling the network, purifying information, and controlling public opinion. There are even rumors among the player community. It is capable of collective brainwashing - akin to mind manipulation - of humans in large cities.

More outrageous rumors have no reference value, for example, it can make players disconnect and block IP.

That is pure nonsense.

Simply put, the application field of this ship is information warfare.

In Yang Ming's memory, the first time the stinger ship appeared in the player's sight was in the late stage of the "Abyss" empire camp's 95th-level epic-level legion chain mission.

The Stinger's super information warfare capabilities have caused heavy losses to the player fleet that has abnormally developed heavy firepower, and it has also become famous among the player group, becoming a symbol of the empire's special ships.

Its performance and functions are very similar to those of the New Federation's new experimental ships that once appeared outside Ilando.

What Yang Ming cared more about at the moment was the symbolic meaning of this ship.

Nothing else, the stinger ship is the standard vehicle for the debut of the empire's major humanoid bosses!

In "Abyss", as long as the stinger ship appears, it means that there is a legion-level boss from the empire camp coming soon!

law exposed?

Tracked to the location of the mastermind by the stinger ship?

The Dongfeng is not near Saka now, even if Lu was tracked to the location of the main brain, it shouldn't be on Saka.

The other party confirmed through some means that the white ghost is on Saka?

That's not reasonable. If you want to catch the white ghost, you should dispatch firepower warships and special forces. A single information warship...

Use its 'sea urchin' antennae to stab the white ghost?

It doesn't make sense.

Thoughts flashed through Yang Ming's mind, he immediately got up and rushed to the toilet, and sent a letter invitation to Li.

"My stomach hurts! Eat first!"

Godoy and Mrs. Delly looked at each other, and the latter frowned and tasted the meal he made, and asked in a low voice, "Have the ingredients gone bad?"

"No, it's very fresh." Godoy swallowed a big mouthful of food, "He may have eaten something outside, and the air pollution is getting worse every year."

In the bathroom.

"Imperial Stinger Ship... Information Warfare Ship..."

Lu's soft moan came out of the frame of Yang Ming's glasses, with some doubts:

"Boss, its appearance means that there are big figures from the empire. This seems illogical. The imperial family and nobles in the empire pay great attention to comfort. The interior space of this ship should not be spacious."

"Law, the big shots I'm talking about are not powerful big shots, but rather tricky guys."

Yang Ming sighed:

"The Empire has several very strong troops. They are different from the cannon fodder special troops that are on the surface. They are all the best of the best.

"There is a unit numbered 402, also known as the Empire's BOSS concentration camp, and there are many powerful reformers in it.

"They travel on Stinger ships.

"Because every time they make a move, they need to perform a large-scale memory erasure, and the Stinger Ship has this ability."

Li was silent for a few seconds, probably searching for information.

But on the empire's network, there is no news about the stinger ship and Emperor Star 402 troops.

Soon, she wondered: "Isn't the most powerful reformer a Valkyrie?"

"It might be a Valkyrie in the future, but not yet."

Yang Ming recalled those tough boss battles in those years.

After all, a game is a game, and everything follows the game's own mechanism. Squad-level bosses and legion-level bosses are more different in statistics. The comparison of strength in the game is limited by the level value, which cannot be used as a reference in the real galaxy.

But there was one thing that impressed Yang Ming deeply.

The "talents" of the 402nd Legion of the Imperial Star Guards came out in large numbers, which is also the main reason why the empire was dubbed "evil" by players.

The members here are getting more perverted one by one...

Law: "Boss, the target ship has been determined to be heading for Saka, and will enter the atmosphere of Saka in two hours. Maybe you should retreat."

Yang Ming said: "Are you sure we are not exposed now?"

"Yes boss, it is extremely unlikely that we have been exposed, unless the other party has network technology that I cannot understand, but that seems unlikely.

"I am very confident in the various techniques taught to me by the three teachers."

The law suggested:

"But to be on the safe side, you might as well hide on the surface of the planet first, and let Dongfeng come nearby to support you.

"Dongfeng is currently staying outside the false base, with two jumps and straight-line sailing, it will reach the outer periphery of Saka in about three hours."

"Don't let the Dongfeng come over," Yang Ming thought for a while, "If you collide with the other party, it will be easier to be exposed."

Law worried: "The emergency ship we prepare on Saka is an ordinary cargo ship. If the other party is here to arrest you, how can you get away without the Dongfeng?"

"Let 026 go to the emergency ship first," Yang Ming said, "Don't mess around. Since we are confident that they won't find out, then we should be confident to the end. In the worst case, we will show our cards in advance."

"Okay," Lil was still a little uneasy, "Do you know the universal gesture of surrender among the stars?"

Yang Ming's mouth twitched slightly.

Does he need to surrender?

Real man, just do it!

"Send me the surrender gesture again," Yang Ming said indifferently, "Don't encounter a good person who surrenders and I'll kill you."

Immediately, a set of actions appeared on the interface of the glasses, which was almost the same as the Baiqi culture that Yang Ming knew.

There was a faint flash of light in the starry sky outside the window.

The special ship in the shape of a sea urchin sailed into the night of Saka.


Sergeant Mog had just entered the house, and before he had time to hug his young and beautiful girlfriend, he received an emergency call from the police station and hurried to the police station building.

Members of the police force assembled urgently and arranged a welcome venue in front of the building.

In fact, it is to bring the green plants in the office to the front door, sweep the floor at the door, and spread a thick green and soft carpet.

The garrison of Star Saka also sent several small warships, and more than a dozen young female soldiers wore high-slit skirts, and they were divided into two teams as hostesses.

‘Made, what kind of big man is coming? '

Sergeant Mog cursed a few words in his heart, and followed behind several elderly local officials with his usual expression, looking up from time to time.

After waiting for almost a galaxy, a ship with a strange shape began to enter the atmosphere.

Mog looked up for a while, eyes full of bewilderment.

"Cheer up," the person in charge of the Saka Star Police system whispered at the moment, "Mog, come here and stand by my side."

Mog was a little confused, so the two-meter-tall head was a wall, blocking the view of the sheriffs and deputy sheriffs behind.

Mog asked, "Boss, what's the matter?"

"This lord came from Emperor Star, and today he is here to visit Hui Saka, who is also your little partner. You should behave well later, and I don't ask you to gain any benefits, but please don't anger the big man who came here. .”

"I understand," said Mog, "not for merit, but for fault."

"Yes, they shouldn't be here to cause trouble... Your little partner is very handsome, isn't he? The masters of Emperor Star like this style."

Mog felt a sudden chill.

Of course, he also knew that his boss was just joking.

No matter how handsome Xiao Hui is, it is impossible for him to attract mad bees and butterflies from Emperor Star.

Half an hour later, the Stinger floated above the police building.

Mog looked up and couldn't help expressing a few sighs.

Metal spikes ranging in length from tens of meters to hundreds of meters were densely inserted into the black sphere.

At this moment, the longest 100-meter spike reached the ground, and the tip of the spike opened two metal doors, and two teams of guards wearing imperial uniforms stepped out of it.

The guards, loaded with guns, lined up before Mog and saluted at the same time.

On their shoulder badges are the imprints of Emperor Star, and there is a number of '402' next to them to indicate their identities.

Mog led the members of the police force to return the salute, using the imperial military salute.

The old man beside him kicked the big man, and Mog quickly said, "Excuse me..."

The two teams of soldiers turned around at the same time, facing each other left and right, and took two steps back in neat movements, stabilizing the laser rifles in their arms.

The metal door at the bottom of the spike opened again, and a 'slender' figure strolled out.

Sergeant Mog stared blankly.

This is a very beautiful human being;

She has a slender figure without being too thin, with exquisite facial features, a slender neck, and a sense of dusty beauty exuding from all over her body, especially the retro robe, which highlights the spotless and excellent temperament.

Elegant, classic and charming.

Mog now closes her eyes and tries to think about her girlfriend. All she can think of is the hair on her legs that she forgot to shave occasionally, and the strong smell when she opens her mouth in the morning when she has an upset stomach.

The only fly in the ointment should be that this person's chest is flat, and it is no exaggeration to call it a certainty.

Because of this, Mog had some doubts whether it was a man or a woman, but when he glanced upwards, he found that there was no particularly obvious Adam's apple on this man's neck.

A slender hand that seemed to be carved out of jade was stretched out in front of Mog.

The man said slowly: "Hello, Sergeant Mog."

Wow, the sound is so clear too.

"Hello, hello," Mog shook hands with each other cautiously, and hurriedly said, "I'm Mog, who are you?"

"I'm the vice-captain of the 402nd Formation of the Imperial Star Guard, Bligh."

Blair said without hesitation:

"This time I still have official business, so I can't stay in the beautiful Saka planet for a long time, so I used some authority to let you make some preparations in advance to save time for both parties.

"Can you take me to meet that Hui Saka now?

"I'm very interested in him, and I came to get to know him specially while I was able to go out this time."

Mog sighed secretly.

Xiaohui's luck is really enviable.

Mog said: "Please come with me, we have prepared the convoy, and I will take you directly to visit his house! Oh, yes, his father is an imperial viscount."


Bradwin said loudly.

Mog had already turned his head and started calling, asking Yang Ming to take a shower and change into bright clothes, and soon a beautiful woman would come to visit his house.


Yang Ming who put down the phone looked out the window blankly.

what's the situation?

Was the other party really attracted by his face?

His current appearance is based on Hanton's appearance, with some dressings added. He can't be regarded as a handsome man, at most, he is a little more handsome than the original Hanton.

Although he didn't understand, Yang Ming was greatly shocked.

In order to avoid being caught by the stinger ship, he has cut off contact with Li, and 026 has entered the emergency ship and is on standby at this moment.

The Dongfeng still has an hour to arrive at the pick-up location, and the Dongfeng cannot easily approach the Stinger's detection range.

If there is a real conflict now, the only way out is to seize the Stinger ship by armed forces.

Yang Ming also felt great pressure.

He thought for a while, and immediately sent a message to Mog.

"You can send a car to pick me up. My father and Mrs. Delly are ordinary people among the nobles. Don't disturb their quiet life."

"Uh, we're almost at your house. The police car clears the way and passes directly above the city. It will take a few minutes."

A soft voice came from the side: "If it's inconvenient, let's meet outside. I can't stay too long. I just want to get to know this detective. I like detective literature very much."

Yang Ming blinked.

This voice is quite nice.

"Then I'll wait for everyone at the door," Yang Ming said slowly, "The convoy should not approach."

"Okay," Merg replied in a low voice, "you're quite particular."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "I don't want to affect them, my position in the family is actually very embarrassing."

Mog hung up the communication.

Yang Ming sat at the table for two seconds, then stood up abruptly, ran to the bedroom on the second floor, finished brushing his teeth, taking a shower and spraying perfume in three minutes, and changed into a decent casual outfit by the way, which was full of technology and hard work. He put away his glasses and put on a pair of ordinary communication glasses.

When he opened the door and walked into the courtyard, a police car stopped at the door.

Mog pushed open the cab door and got out, trotted to the rear door, opened the door and did not forget to block it with his big hand.

The beautiful figure in a robe bent over, stroked her chest, turned around, stepped on her leather boots, and slowly stood up.

Yang Ming's eyes lit up first, then he blinked, carefully identified, and after confirming the identity of the person who came, Yang Ming had two black lines on his forehead, and then his whole body was swallowed by the black lines, he raised his hand to cover his mouth, and coughed to cover up My own heart is surging.


It's really the late boss of "Abyss"!

This is a rare master of spiritual power, possessing the ability to control the mind of a Valkyrie, and he uses this ability superbly.

Boss of the intelligent legion, a member of the Emperor Star Guards, one of the twelve giants of Unit 402, and an artificial human.

Code name: Asexual Angel.

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