Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 199 There is a way, but it is a bit wild

Yang Ming's plan to go to the Sherman Empire is essentially a race against the Valkyries, so it's better to be fast than slow.

He has to run now.

After eating a meal, drinking some wine, and chatting with Edwang, Yang Ming left Luofeng Palace and rushed to the supply ship where Gudun Maha lived.

He didn't say hello in advance, directly crossed the layers of defensive barriers, and appeared behind Gu Dun Maha silently, patted Gu Dun Maha on the shoulder like greeting an old friend, and greeted Gu Dun Maha for a while.

The No. 2 figure in the Luofeng military's real power was almost taken aback by fright.

Under normal circumstances, when Gu Dun Maha spoke to his subordinates in a similar tone, he probably thought that it was time for this subordinate to sacrifice his life.

Fortunately, Master Yang Ming rated his work as 'barely qualified' and gave him some criticism.

This gave Gu Dunmaha some psychological comfort.

——As long as Master Yang Ming criticizes him, it means that he still has room for improvement, which indirectly proves that Master Yang Ming will continue to reuse him.

Of course, Yang Ming didn't know what kind of mental journey Gudun Maha had gone through. He stayed at Gudun Maha's place for a while before rushing to the Dark Star No. 2 base.

In the dark second base, Yang Ming held a simple ideological mobilization meeting for the mechanical thinking bodies represented by Dabiqi that have penetrated into human society, and asked them to work hard and not slack off.

Compared with human subordinates like Gu Dunmaha, these mechanical thinking bodies are more stable. What they are thinking, the background data is clear at a glance, and their mental health index can be monitored at any time.

And there is also a one-click soul and flesh double headshot system.

In order to be on the safe side, Li secretly arranged a few mechanical thinking body officers around Gu Dun Maha to prevent Gu Dun Ma Ha from getting out of control.

After the ideological mobilization meeting, the most important preparation step before leaving Luofeng.

Boss Yang needs a big sister who specializes in biology to comfort his fragile heart broken by the Valkyrie.

——referring to ask Miss Hera to keep her cell tissue.

Ever since Hera plunged headlong into the dark second base, she lost interest in information from the outside world.

Her current life is full and busy, and she is surrounded by mechanical thinking bodies engaged in scientific research, helping her complete research experiments on Zerg and ancient god life forms.

Therefore, when Yang Ming expressed his intention to come, Hera felt very puzzled.

"Leave independent cells and tissues? What are you going to do? Isn't it best not to leak your biological information?"

"Just in case," Yang Ming said, "I may also have the ability to recover from a single cell to a complete body...Of course, I have no way to verify this, but as long as I leave a mass of cell tissue behind, when I face a desperate situation in the future, I will always be able to recover." It’s a little bit more hopeful.”

After thinking carefully, Hera replied: "This is the characteristic of the ancient god's lifeform, and it is also the key to the ancient god's lifeform being considered immortal, but I don't think you can reach this level now."

"Uh, it's just a reserve method."

"Okay, then let's try first, whether your cells will self-necrosis after leaving your body. If this phenomenon occurs, it means that you may indeed have the above characteristics. We don't know how the Valkyrie you mentioned It can be stored alone outside the body."

Hera is still very strict.

After a few simple experiments, Yang Ming couldn't help but frown tightly as he looked at his piece of dermal tissue floating in the nutrient solution.

No necrosis and no changes.

He doesn't have such a perverted trick as "rebirth from a drop of blood"?

This made Yang Ming faintly feel a little disappointed.

"Do you want to keep stem cells or something?" Yang Ming muttered.

"I don't have any equipment here that can extract your stem cells," Hera held her forehead, "It's already given me enough headaches to break your epidermis."

"Okay, let's keep it for now."

Yang Ming shrugged: "This is also the kindling of my life."

Hera pursed her lips and chuckled.

The eyes of the two met inadvertently.

Yang Ming thought of those nights where desires intertwined.

Hera lowered her head and staggered her gaze, and said in a low voice, "Do you want something to eat? I recently learned cooking, but I haven't practiced it a few times yet."

Yang Ming suddenly took two steps forward.

She subconsciously stepped back, her back resting on the cabinet.

"Ming, we'd better..."

Before she finished speaking, her dark pink lips were already sealed. When those still warm palms covered her slender waist, Hera suddenly hugged Yang Ming with her backhand, and closed her eyes forcefully.

For Miss Hera is too charming;

Therefore, Yang Ming's plan to enter the Sherman Empire was officially postponed for three days.


Yang Ming arrived at Dongfeng.

Lv imitated Yang Ming's voice and shouted beside him:

"Law, our time is precious now, every minute and every second is precious."

Yang Ming smiled, but ignored this guy's ridicule.

The mechanical thinking body knows the joy of people.

Yang Ming asked calmly, "How's the preparation going?"

The projection cameras in various places in the corridor adjusted their direction slightly, one after another light interweaved, the simulated gravity field changed slightly, and the lawful life-like projection appeared beside Yang Ming.

She put on the "hot" outfit that is popular in the Sherman Empire star circle-the inner is a small vest, a small leather skirt with hips, and silky stockings, and she puts on a red leather coat outside. Let the smooth long hair hang down naturally.

Lv laughed and said, "Except for the fact that you are not in place, the boss, the other preliminary work has been done."

Yang Ming pretended to be surprised: "When did you become so efficient?"

"I was making preparations before," Li said with a smile. "Your entry into the Sherman Empire is actually a high probability event in the long run. Now it is just forced to accelerate because of the Valkyrie factor."

Yang Ming shrugged: "It can't be said that we were forced to speed up... If we didn't go to the Valkyrie this time, the dreadnought's gun barrel would probably be on my forehead by now. This is called strength and luck."

Ritsu kept laughing with his hands behind his back, and broadcasted in the bridge:

"The captain arrives at the bridge."

The bridge hatch opened, and 026 led several silver-white robots that looked like maids to bow and salute.

"Hi boss!"

"Well, let's go to work."

Yang Ming dismissed these guys with a wave of his hand, and 026 ran to the rest area in the corner to make tea.

When Yang Ming took his seat at the captain's seat, more than ten projection screens opened up in front of his eyes.

Lawyer reported the overall situation in the Luofeng Empire, the Sherman Empire, and the New Federation.

There are three things that Yang Ming is more concerned about now:

The forerunner in the new federal capital Minter City;

The Sherman Empire's actions against the White Ghost;

Luofeng Empire Economic Development Index.

Other reporting forms, such as the number of new mechanical thinking bodies in the Dark Star, the expansion progress of the Dark Star Base, the business briefing of the Molly Miss Group, the periodic construction progress of the Luofeng Army, the new member induction ceremony of the New Industry Federation, etc. , Yang Ming just glanced at it roughly, and if he was sure it was normal and a benign development, he wouldn't take it too seriously.

He is not Edwan's workaholic.

After Yang Ming waved away the projection screens, Lu immediately said, "Boss, first mate Kolev and third mate Mimily are already waiting online."

"Let's have a meeting."

After Yang Ming finished speaking, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and a virtual conference table appeared beside him, and Mimily and Kolev appeared on the left and right of the conference table.

"Going to leave?" Kolev frowned, "Are you in such a hurry?"

"Of course, the sooner the better," Yang Ming said with a smile, "Lü should have sent my plan to you two, let's talk about your ideas, I really need your help to come up with suggestions now."

Kolev remained silent.

The old man has attended several businessmen's gatherings in the past two days, and now he has just opened up the action plan.

In comparison, Mimi Li was more concerned about this matter.

"I have no objection to this plan. Uncle, you have prepared well."

Mimily replied solemnly:

"As for the part about me in the plan, I think that I can actually add some more tasks for me."

"Is there still your part in this?"

Kolev frowned and muttered, and soon discovered Mimily's role.


The so-called couriers are the key personnel who regularly replenish Yang Ming with supplies when Yang Ming started to implement the 'Sherman Raiders'.

Mimily has outstanding personal abilities. She has not yet become a widely wanted pirate, and she has nothing to do with the Sherman Empire and many other things before. She is also a person who knows the identity of the white ghost. She is indeed the most ideal candidate for a messenger.

—The candidates are Mimily and Kolev.

Kolev hesitated for a while, but didn't say anything about it.

The old man carefully looked at Yang Ming's proposal.

The plan is divided into three parts in total, and the three parts are executed at the same time.

Plan 1: Open up a 'real' white ghost base in the Sherman Empire.

The purpose of the existence of this base is to discover the Sherman Empire officials and use it to explain the source of the white ghost's technological power.

There will be some "high-dimensional civilization heritage" information in the base, indicating that the white ghost discovered an ancient site, opened the treasure left by this civilization, and obtained two spaceships.

Plan Two: White Ghost Transformation Plan.

The previous white ghost has been fighting against natural disasters, and then the white ghost will be completely transformed into a 'royalist' superhero.

Based on the glory of Emperor Star, give full play to the law's information advantages, report those corrupt officials, rich businessmen and gentry who provoked the anger of the sky, and serve as a member of the Sherman Empire's officialdom committee for a period of time.

The purpose of this plan is to maximize the folk prestige of the white ghost, increase the deterrent power of the white ghost, and use public opinion as protection.

Of course, there will be many disadvantages in doing so, and the white ghost will also offend more bureaucratic classes, which will definitely be accompanied by abuse and public opinion wars.

But Yang Ming's thinking is very clear - let the existence of the white ghost benefit the core imperial power and basic public opinion of the Sherman Empire.

The success of this part of the plan is related to the actual situation of the white ghost after being captured.

Plan three: Yang Ming's wild way.

Use money as a stepping stone to establish a status as a minor noble in the Sherman Empire, and then use the status of a minor noble to enter the Emperor Star Circle to work in politics, looking for opportunities to make friends with high-ranking officials and nobles, and establish your own influence in the shortest possible time.

Yang Ming and Mimi Li discussed the details of the steps to get the identity.

He has been fully prepared.

"There are channels for buying and selling titles in the empire."

"Uh," Mimily said incredulously, "Didn't it mean that this is a taboo in the Sherman Empire, and buying and selling titles is strictly prohibited?"

"People make money and birds die for food," Yang Ming laughed, "The Sherman Empire has existed for too long, and they have to use various mechanisms to limit the growth rate of the empire's nobles, but many old nobles have maintained their status in some remote fiefdoms. The old system, the titles obtained there, can also be recognized."

"Then how do you get a title?"

"In a fief that maintains the old system, find a down-and-out noble family, preferably a hereditary viscount, spend money to be their illegitimate child, and play a game where the illegitimate child returns to the family, so that you can get a low-level title, but at most it is a noble knight , the baron is very difficult."

Mimily looked surprised, and said with a smile:

"Then can they have female knights? Can I also be an illegitimate daughter?"

"Oh! No no no! This is not okay!"

Kolev hurriedly said:

"It's totally unnecessary, Mimily. Pirates are the freest profession, and Sherman nobles are the most depraved group."

Yang Ming smiled without saying a word.

Kolev cleared his throat and continued:

"These three plans seem to be okay, but they don't solve the most critical contradiction. If you are captured by the Sherman Empire, how can you ensure that you will not be researched by slices?

"I can see your overall thinking, gaining noble status, establishing civil influence, trying to use the imperial power of the empire.

"But this does not solve the actual problem. When you are captured, if no one with high authority stands up to support you, other people will most likely remain silent.

"The internal power system of the empire is huge and complex. There is the House of Elders leading the noble class, the Holy Church that can influence 60% of the people in the Emperor Star Circle, the most powerful military that controls the galaxy, and countless powers. department, and the Sherman surname royal family above it all.

"You have to find a specific target to attack."

Yang Ming rubbed his brows, frowned and said, "What do you mean, Mate?"

"You have to use your charm," Kolev blinked, "How about making a princess? This generation of emperors has dozens of children, and now they are from seventeen to thirty-six or seven years old. Six princesses got married."

The corner of Yang Ming's mouth twitched slightly.

Mimi Li immediately said, "Father, your suggestion is too bad! Love should be sacred!"

Kolev: "Come on, the essence of love is to multiply and live together. What is truly sacred is a free soul and non-self-impressed sacrifice."

"Then you can't go soaking!"

Mimily snorted:

"Are the princesses of the Sherman Empire so easy to get in touch with? Then only the real core nobles have the opportunity to meet them. Your suggestion is of no value!

"I think these three plans are already very good. Sherman is an imperial system, which is their disadvantage. Their emperor and high-level empire must pay attention to public opinion, otherwise they may be divided internally by the new federation.

"And the empire has existed for tens of thousands of years, and has accumulated too many contradictions and problems, and uprisings can break out in many places at any time.

"Using public opinion to contain the high-level empire, I think it is enough."

Yang Ming said slowly to Mimi Li, "I think so too."

Then he gave Kolev a thumbs up under the table.

As for Lu Ziye, it still depends on this old pirate.

If it is difficult to be a princess, it is not so difficult to be a lonely and affectionate noble lady with a title and certain influence.

The Sherman Empire underwent restructuring eight hundred years ago, and now a large number of female nobles have been born.

That is, the name of betraying hue is somewhat unpleasant.

If this was to be reported back to his hometown, where would he put the face of King Luofeng Anlan?

"When are you leaving?" Kolev asked.

"Today," Yang Ming said, "To be precise, I am on the way to leave Luofeng now. Various arrangements have been made on Luofeng's side, and there is no supplies that Mimily needs to send at this stage."

Immediately Mimily asked, "Can I act together?"

Yang Ming smiled and said, "Your pirate fleet is not important anymore?"

"Oh, yes," Mimily clicked her tongue softly, "these trash, when I was away, they only completed two orders of business, call me whenever they need... I mean anytime. Uncle Hanton, You can send me unconditionally."

Kolev covered his eyes with his hands.


After hanging up the communication, Yang Ming let out a soft breath.

Did Mimi Li insist on pulling him to experience mechanical love?

He's really not interested.


026 shouted from the side: "The plastic surgery machine has been adjusted! Do you really need a super-high temperature scalpel?"

Yang Ming stretched and stood up, raised his hand to touch his 'original' face.

From now on, he will focus on Hanton's life and let Yang Ming become Hanton's pseudonym.

The first step of the plan.

All the way back to Hanton.

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