Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 254 Crazy criticism of female thieves

The silver moon is in the sky, the waves are sparkling on the quiet river, and a large ship with flickering lights floats past in the distance.

Beneath the two-foot-high white stone embankment, there is a knee-deep reed beach. The autumn color has gradually deepened, showing green and yellow colors. When the breeze blows, it sets off ripples like waves.


Ye Jingtang was dressed as a knight errant, with a knife and sword hanging on his waist, walking along the edge of the reeds, looking at the muddy ground by the river, looking for traces of horse hoof prints.

Xiao Yunli, who was not very tall, was walking beside her. She was still wearing a waist-length underskirt to dress up as a charming lady, but she had an extra gray cloak and a bamboo hat that she bought casually on the street, and she also brought something from the carriage. The thing is, the five-foot-long sword is on the shoulder, full of Jianghu flavor.

The cheeks under the Zheyun glass hat are still dotted with vermilion rouge. They look beautiful and beautiful, but there is a straw stick in the corner of his mouth, chatting casually as he walks:

"Where did the bird go? It should do this job. It flies along the river and can sweep four to five miles along the river in less than a quarter of an hour..."

"Niaoniao is accompanying your wife and Sanniang in the palace. If anything happens, he will fly up to the sky and scream a few times, and I will rush back. If you take him away, I won't be able to spread the news."

When Ye Jingtang saw Xiao Yunli's appearance, it was a bit funny, and he raised his hand to pull down the straw:

"Girl, don't be like the gangsters who hold straw in their mouths. If your wife sees it, she will have to spank you."

Zhe Yunli was a little helpless: "I'm a big girl now. It stands to reason that I can travel alone in the world. My wife still treats me like a little girl... By the way, what were you doing when you were sixteen?"

Ye Jingtang broke off a section of the straw stained with red rouge and held it in his mouth:

"I was sixteen years old, just two years ago. Not long after I took charge of the escort agency, I was traveling in Liangzhou in July, sending several carts of spices from the west to Liangdong. I met a wave of horse bandits in the Gobi Desert, more than ten people. , I was riding the 'full of mud' which is a specialty over the sandbank..."

When Zhe Yunli heard the story, his eyes brightened slightly, he got a little closer, raised his bamboo hat and said curiously:

"What's mud on your feet?"

"A kind of pony with yellow hooves and very good endurance. It can run for several hours continuously on the water-scarce Gobi Desert. Horse bandits ride these things, usually like wolves, following and wandering to intimidate caravans. If you can't run away and are afraid of something happening, you usually leave valuables behind to avoid disaster.

"I was taking eight bodyguards with me. I didn't want to think about the conflict, so I threw a bag of broken silver. As a result, the group of horse bandits thought there were too few and were ready to come up and rob them. I asked the team to continue walking, and one person raised a knife to meet them. Two knives killed two people, and then the horse bandits dispersed..."

At the age of sixteen, Zhe Yunli was still being spanked by his mistress. When he heard that Ye Jingtang, the same age, was already licking blood from his knife in the northwest Gobi, he couldn't help but feel a little sigh in his heart. After thinking about it, he asked again:

"Cousin Jing has been running around in Liangzhou, have you ever met your sweetheart?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled: "Liangzhou is too chaotic. There may be beautiful ladies, but they all live in the county and are protected by everyone when they go out. We people with knives can't get close at all. As for the ones we can meet, they are all big and rough. Men are all men..."

Zhe Yunli didn't believe it: "Tiannan is also a poor place, but there are still many beautiful chivalrous women. Cousin Jing has been in Liangzhou for so long, and there are no locals. You can always see a few of them by passing by, right?"

"passing by……"

Ye Jingtang frowned and thought about it for a moment. A moving figure of a horse riding a horse flashed through his mind, but he couldn't remember it after ten years. He just said:

"I should, but I wear a hat and a hat when I go out. I've never seen a girl as beautiful as you."


Zhe Yunli bumped Ye Jingtang with his shoulder, but he was still very happy to be praised and replied:

"Cousin Jing is such a good-looking ranger. This is the first time I have seen him since I was a child."


Ye Jingtang blinked, feeling that the topic seemed a little off track. He was thinking about how to answer the conversation when his eyes suddenly moved and looked towards the river bank in the distance.

Seeing this, Zhe Yunli also looked into the distance, but saw that the direction Ye Jingtang was looking at was a building by the river.

The building consists of more than a dozen houses, built in a row, facing the official road with its back to the river, and an inn and restaurant in front of it. It can be regarded as a temporary stop. Businessmen who cannot enter the city after the city gate is closed at night usually stay here. Waiting to go into town in the morning.

On the river embankment on the side of the building complex, there is a staircase that allows people on top to go to the river to wash clothes and carry water.

At this time, looking through the moonlight, there was obviously a string of black spots on the stairs, which looked like horse hoof prints from the distribution point of view.

When the two of them saw this scene, they immediately swept away the distracting thoughts in their hearts and quickly came to take a look. The bluestone steps were indeed stained with mud, and when we followed the traces toward the riverside, we saw a string of horse hoof prints in the mud. They had been partially submerged by the rising tide, but they could still be clearly identified.

After Zhe Yunli looked at it carefully, he said: "There are only horse hoof prints coming back, not going past. I guess I took the official road in the past. When I arrived, I found that the place I wanted to go was by the river, so I went down the river embankment and turned back. , after finishing the work, for the sake of convenience, I ran over directly and took the official road from here..."

Standing on the steps of Night Terror Hall and looking out, one can faintly see the large lights far downstream:

"Fang Shijie is probably looking for a boat. Three miles away is Jiang'an Pier, which is blocked by hundreds of boats. They will definitely not be able to enter the port today. The boats should still be parked by the river. Let's go."

Seeing this, Zhe Yunli said nothing. Holding a five-foot-long knife, he and Ye Jingtang walked along the foot of the river embankment and went downstream. The two of them walked no more than a mile before they saw a little light on the riverside.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly to signal, and then the two men came closer slowly from the knee-deep reeds. They soon saw clearly that the light was coming from a large merchant ship with a deep draft, and there were people walking on the deck.

"Is this Yanzhou's ship?"

"Seems to be."

Zhe Yunli looked at the flag hanging on the bow of the ship: "The flag of the Yanzhou Chamber of Commerce is behind the Yanzhou Cao Gang. This ship seems to be transporting Yanzhou miso. Sifangzhai has a miso-splashed noodles dish. This is the sauce, the taste is outstanding..."


Ye Jingtang sniffed and smelled a faint fragrance of soy sauce, and his eyes couldn't help but show surprise:

"Observe carefully enough. Liangzhou doesn't eat miso, and I didn't even smell it."

"Then what will cousin Jing eat in Liangzhou?"

""The best dish in Liangzhou is the mutton in the water basin. It doesn't add anything, just a handful of salt, and the taste is amazing. There are also those in the capital, but they use Yunzhou native sheep, which produce more meat but don’t taste that good..."

Ye Jingtang said a few words and felt that he was going a little off track, so he raised his hand to stop the conversation and continued to get into the ship.

The two of them used the cover of night to find their way out not far away, and a vague conversation drifted from the night wind:

"The capital is still different. It's the first time I've seen hundreds of ships in the port..."

"Speaking of all these years of running around in the world, I have never tasted the saltiness of girls from the capital. There is a brothel street on the pier in front of me, how about..."

"Hey, what should I do if the goods are lost..."

"It's just a boatload of soybean paste. A barrel weighs several hundred kilograms. I don't believe any snitch can resist this thing..."

After Zhe Yunli listened carefully to a few words, his heart moved, and he quietly leaned into Ye Jingtang's ear:

"Cousin Jing, have you ever tasted the taste of girls from the capital?"

? !

Ye Jingtang almost lost his breath. He must have tasted it. Sanniang smelled delicious. After using Xiangfei Lu, it was even sweet. He could lick it with his mouth and tongue for a long time, but could he say this to Yunli?

He raised his hand and made a shushing gesture to stop joking, then pulled up his face towel to cover his face and came under the ship.

Zhe Yunli also covered his cheeks. When he arrived, he held his breath and became silent again. Together with Ye Jingtang, he followed the gecko swimming wall along the edge of the ship and hung outside the deck. He made sure that the patrolling person was on the rear building. Finally, he quietly stood up and landed behind a pile of debris.

Merchant ships are large ships that transport both passengers and cargo. The upper deck is used to carry passengers, while the lower deck is used to transport goods. Because most of the ship's passengers leave on foot, most of the decks are empty and there are no lights in the upper deck. , two men in short jackets were sitting outside the ship building, with a peanut jug in the middle, chatting.

After Ye Jingtang glanced around, he listened carefully below the deck. He didn't find anything wrong, so he gave Yunli a look, then took out a silver coin and threw it into the river.


There was a splash of water.

The two men talked for a while, then stood up, picked up the weapons at their sides, and came to the edge of the deck to look at it.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang silently rolled to the middle of the deck and carefully opened the door of the warehouse.

Zhe Yunli quietly jumped into it without any instructions, and Ye Jingtang also landed on the wooden stairs and quietly closed the cover.


"It's probably a fish, but it's a pity that I didn't bring a fishing rod, otherwise I could have had an extra meal in the evening..."

Ye Jingtang listened carefully and found nothing strange, then turned his attention to the cabin.

Since there was no light, he could not see his fingers in the cabin. Zhe Yunli took out the fire stick from his sleeve, opened it and used the bamboo hat as a lampshade to blow it.

Although the bamboo hat blocked the light and the light was extremely weak, Ye Jingtang could still roughly see the situation in the cabin - dozens of large wooden barrels neatly stacked, with straw mats between each barrel to prevent collision damage, and the entire cabin was filled with Rich aroma.

Ye Jingtang glanced at the goods and found nothing wrong with the goods, so he quietly went to the depths and opened a wooden barrel, only to see that it was full of soybean paste cubes. There were even indentations on them, under the banner of a chamber of commerce. , the workmanship can be said to be quite exquisite, and the price is a few hundred yuan at least.

Zhe Yunli looked at it carefully, got closer and smelled it, then nodded and gave a thumbs up:

“Authentic Yanzhou miso, top quality.”

Ye Jingtang also thinks there is no problem, but Prince Yan’s close personal expert came so far to the riverside at night. It cannot be that Prince Yan is greedy for the taste of his hometown. Come and buy miso. I didn’t see it in hand when I went back. Wearing something...

Ye Jingtang thought for a while and looked at the ship building above. He guessed that Fang Shijie came here to meet a certain passenger on the ship.

Zhe Yunli thought about it for a moment, and with a slight movement in his heart, he took out a very delicate and slender tool knife from his waist. After pulling out the knife, he removed the sauce cubes on the surface and stabbed into the sauce cubes in the middle.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang shifted his gaze back to the barrel: "How?"

Zhe Yunli inserted the entire knife into it and then pulled it out. It could be seen that the back half of the slender blade was the same color as before, while the tip was brown and stained with something.

Zhe Yunli frowned slightly, came closer to smell it, and then nodded thoughtfully:

"What a clever way to use miso to cover up the smell of black feather grass. You really can't smell it unless you smell it carefully."

"What is black feather grass?"

"A kind of hallucinogenic herbal medicine with extremely strong properties. Those who take it will have hallucinations, become extremely excited and cry and laugh. It is found in Nanxiao Mountain. I smelled it once before, and then I jumped around for a whole day before calming down. Afterwards, I was beaten badly by my wife."

Ye Jingtang subconsciously held his breath:

"You'll be hit by just one sniff? Then you..."

Zhe Yunli wiped the knife on the straw mat: "How did I know it was black feather grass? Let's go quickly. I will go crazy later, and you may not be able to hold me back."

Seeing that Zhe Yunli's face had turned red in a short period of time, Ye Jingtang secretly thought something was wrong. He carefully closed the barrel and took Xiao Yunli to the back of the cabin.

There is more than one entrance to the cabin below, and it can also be entered from inside the building.

Ye Jingtang went under the stairs inside, listened attentively, then quietly pushed the cover open, and glanced around. It could be seen that there was no one in the room, and the words of two men came from outside the door.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang opened the cover and came out first, then pulled Zheyunli up with one hand and wanted to leave through the side window.

But as soon as he came to the window, he paused, quickly pressed Yunli, leaned against the wall, and looked at the riverside through the gap in the window.


Among the reeds on the river bank, two figures jumped down the river embankment together and walked from the reeds to the boat. A faint conversation could be heard:

"It's so late. I'm asking you to bring a bucket of miso over there. Isn't this too busy?"

"When you take someone's money, you have to do things for them. It's better to run errands than to work for your life..."

Ye Jingtang frowned slightly and carefully looked at the people coming. It could be seen that they were two men dressed as guards. They had knives hanging on their waists. Their steps were very steady and they looked like experts. Their martial arts skills were definitely not too low.

After the two men arrived near the merchant ship, they stopped chatting. They just tiptoed and jumped up and landed on the deck at the same time.

"Hey, who are the two brothers?"

"Your young master asked us to come over and move a barrel of miso. He said that a shopkeeper on Wutong Street wanted to inspect the goods."

"Really? It's all down there. Speaking of which, what kind of goods does Dajiang need to be inspected? People in the capital are also very particular about it..."


The sound of the cover opening and going down the stairs was heard.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang planned to take Yunli ashore first, and then try to follow him.

But as soon as Ye Jingtang quietly opened the window, before he could jump down, he heard from the cabin:

"Wait a minute."

"What's wrong brother?"

"Did you just light a fire in there?"

"How is it possible? We haven't come down since the young master left home..."

"There are Jiang thieves who are trying to get under control, and they were still there just now."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, his heart sank, knowing that Huo Zhezi's sulfur rosin was exposed, he immediately jumped out of the window with Zhe Yunli.

At this time, four figures jumped out from the deck entrance one after another. The leader was quite powerful. Before he landed, he noticed a black shadow flashing past in the ship building, and immediately threw his right hand forward.

Whispering rustling——

The three snowflake darts immediately shot through the air, drawing irregular arcs in the air like bees and butterflies, and shot towards the window on the side of the merchant ship.

Ye Jingtang was in mid-air and saw the darts coming. He immediately unsheathed the iron sword on his waist and swept away three snowflake darts. Because he wanted to track down his lair, he did not backhand, but wanted to play the role of a river thief who steals things from a boat in the middle of the night. Continue to escape.

But what he didn't expect was that he landed steadily on the riverside, and Xiao Yunli beside him did not fall with him.

When Zhe Yunli saw the darts coming, he became furious. He grabbed the edge of the window, turned over and jumped back, and yelled:

"Dare to hit this girl!

The moment she landed, she bowed like a leopard, held the handle of the knife with both hands, rushed forward, drew out the five-foot-long knife, and slashed at the man in black who was pressing forward.


Ye Jingtang's face changed slightly. He really didn't expect that Xiao Yunli, who had been smart all the way, suddenly went crazy at this time. He immediately bounced up and returned to the deck again.

The two guards in black who were the first to rush out were obviously not ordinary people.

Seeing Zhe Yunli flipping onto the deck, the leading man threw out three snowflake darts with his left hand again, attacking Zhe Yunli like bees and butterflies. At the same time, the long sword at his waist was unsheathed, and his figure almost followed the snowflake darts.

Ding ding ding——

Zhe Yunli's eyes were extremely excited, and he did not dodge in the face of a strong enemy. He flicked three copper coins with his left hand to block the snowflake darts that were shot at him. Then he pushed the middle of the back of the knife with his left hand, just like pressing a guillotine. His right leg suddenly exerted force and slashed at the target. On top of the incoming single sword:


Amidst the shouts, the gray cloak on Zhe Yunli's body suddenly bulged, and the pedaling force was so strong that it shook the large merchant ship, and a crisp "click" sound came from the underground planks.


The two blades connected, and there was a deafening explosion.

The leader's eyes clearly flashed with astonishment. He pressed his left hand against the back of the knife, but was struck by this terrifying explosive blow. He slid back several steps before barely stopping the overwhelming force.


Zhe Yunli let out a loud laugh and brandished a five-foot-long knife that was almost as tall as her, as if she wanted to chase him like a wild horse running wild.

Ye Jingtang didn't expect Yunli's explosive power to be so terrifying. He didn't dare to let Yunli go crazy here. He immediately hugged Zhe Yunli's waist, grabbed the long knife and ran out, saying:

"Don't be impulsive! We are thieves, not bandits. We don't want to use knives on others. Run quickly..."

Zhe Yunli was extremely excited. He tried his best to break free and found that he couldn't get away. He bared his teeth and claws and made random gestures in the air. He also stared at the four people on the boat who were facing a formidable enemy and shouted:

"Yun'an is this girl's territory! If you dare to be presumptuous in front of me, you don't know who I am... Wuwu - don't stop me, I have to let them... Wuwuwu -"

On the deck, the two guards who came to pick up the goods and the two guards who were originally watching the ship all looked at each other in astonishment.

The leader was quite skilled in martial arts, but he took a knife and was restrained by the explosive female thief. He held the knife in front of his chest and did not dare to pursue him. After watching the two masked men who were still shouting go away, He glanced at the gap that was cut on the knife again, feeling lingering fear in his heart.

The guard next to him waited until the two of them ran away and then whispered:

"The Jiang thieves in the capital are so ruthless?! Let's stop them if they come to steal things..."

The leader hesitated for a moment: "Not to mention the capital, there are not many thieves with such a bad temper in the entire Jianghu. I guess they are robbers who changed careers. Were there any valuables lost on the boat?"

"The most valuable thing on the ship is miso. It's heavy and worthless, so it can't be stolen. I guess these two got away empty-handed. They didn't steal anything and were discovered, so they became angry..."

"As long as you haven't lost anything, let's do business first. Lock the cabin later and tie a bell under the cover. Qingjiang is no better than Yanzhou. Everything shipped to and from the river is valuable. There are many thieves on the river..."



[Thank you Black Tongue Candy] Reward from the leader of the boss!

Added after the following words:

Recommended book "Green Plum Quartet of Snow Country"

Four years later, I transferred from Tokyo to my hometown and reunited with my four childhood friends in my distant hometown.

Wandering between familiarity and intimacy, chasing happiness on the edge of danger and loss of control, tirelessly.

Laugh together and sink together.

[Love Daily Life of Many Heroines in Tokyo Style]

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