Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 195 Empty Mountain Spiritual Rain

The rain was getting heavier. Behind Wuming Mountain, dozens of warriors from all walks of life carefully followed Guan Yujia's traces deep into the forest.

On the side of the mountain, three figures walked quickly, away from the col where the conflict originally occurred.

Luo Ning was on guard duty in the back mountain just now, when she saw Ye Jingtang suddenly rush out of the villa and run wildly. He turned around after running not far away, and almost killed Wuzhou overlord Guan Yujia with three shots. Then his breath became disordered and he was completely incapacitated. Not sure about the situation.

At this time, not far away, Luo Ning looked at the Night Terror Hall next to her:

"Little thief, what happened to you just now?"

Pei Xiangjun was walking on the other side, holding Ye Jingtang's wrist to observe his pulse, and responded:

"I was hit by the power-increasing pill last time. This time it seems to be a fake medicine. My qi and blood are too strong and my pulse is uneven, but it doesn't seem to be serious..."

Luo Ning still remembered Cheng Shilu's suicide last time, so she frowned and said:

"Should we tie him up?"


Pei Xiangjun looked up. Ye Jingtang's face was red, his breathing was heavy and his body was very hot. His eyes seemed a little wandering, but he didn't have the trembling reaction like last time, so he asked:

"Jingtang, how do you feel?"


Ye Jingtang walked between the two men carrying two guns. The feeling was a bit hard to describe.

‘Daliangzhu’ looks similar to last time, but the actual experience is much different.

The medicine I took last time was to activate blood circulation, regulate qi, straighten bones and soften tendons. Although the process was as sore and refreshing as a massage on the back of a girl weighing 300 pounds, it was within the tolerance range and I felt very comfortable.

This time, Daliangzhu expanded his Qi meridians in a short period of time, but did not stabilize his Qi meridians. If his body had not been strong enough and he had not vented his violent energy in time, his Qi meridians would have been riddled with holes.

But after the Qi energy in the body is released, without huge internal pressure, the effect of expanding the Qi meridians can no longer be achieved. Its only function is to use the strength that should have been used in ten times in three times, and then quickly exhaust it and enter the fatigue period. Its effect is equivalent to ordinary stimulants with high risks.

Secondly, the most powerful thing about the beads last time is that it 'sets the bones and softens the tendons', which can condition all aspects of the body to be flawless.

But now his body has not improved much, but similar medicinal materials were added to the 'Daliang Pearl', which made his body hot and produced a large amount of blood essence, and there was no place to consume it, so that his body was very dry.

To put it simply, a man who is already physically strong consumes a lot of medicinal materials that can replenish qi, blood, and yang, leading to nosebleeds, excitement, hot body, abnormal erection, and other symptoms.

Ye Jingtang can obviously feel his breathing is hot, his heartbeat is erratic, and some parts are not controlled by his thoughts at all. To be precise, he is carrying three big guns now.

Although this state does not affect his consciousness, it does make him feel a little uncomfortable when he is holding back, especially with the charming Sanniang holding his arm, and Ning'er swaying next to him. This is a real test of his concentration...

Ye Jingtang felt that it was difficult to walk, and wanted to adjust his pants, but with the two girls in front of him, he was not very elegant, so he could only keep a calm look and said:

"I'm fine. It's just that my energy and blood are a little strong. I can recover after a while. This medicine is not a good thing. I can't use it randomly in the future..."

Pei Xiangjun checked his pulse and felt that Ye Jingtang was a little angry and there was nothing serious, so he hugged Ye Jingtang's arm:

"The same goes for you. You don't have to use your long spear, but you have to run to fight with Guan Yujia. Just start with a few shots and stab him. Can his arm touch you?"

Ye Jingtang's arm was clamped by the big watermelon, and his expression was obviously a bit hesitant to speak, but if he pulled away, Sanniang would feel alienated and disgusted, so after thinking about it, he still didn't pull away:

"Guan Yujia is the 'little boxing master'. If he challenges me with his bare hands, I will definitely take the fight and gain some experience in fighting with fists and feet. If this medicine is not going to disrupt the situation today, Guan Yujia can't even think of running away."

When Luo Ning saw that Sanniang dared to hug her in front of her, her cold and beautiful eyes became a little strange, and she hummed softly:

"Guan Yujia is the overlord of Wuzhou's world. If you don't take this medicine, can you defeat him?"

Pei Xiangjun felt that Hu Meizi's cold tone had another reason, so he hugged his arms tighter:

"Guan Yujia's boxing and kicking skills are really good, but his gun and stick skills are average. Jingtang's reaction is completely up to par with him. If he were thick-skinned and used the gun directly, it would be difficult for him to get close to Jingtang. When he saw Jingtang get the gun, he raised He chased after him with an eyebrow-leveling stick, and saw that it was difficult to break the move with bare hands. After three shocking shots passed by, Guan Yujia's stick skills were not as sophisticated as Jian Yuhua's Fengbo stick, and it was just a few more shots without taking medicine. The gun thing... the thing..."

Pei Xiangjun was seriously reviewing the battle situation when he suddenly noticed that Ye Jingtang was looking at the front intently, his eyes deep and cold, as if he was thinking about something important that concerns the world. She spoke solemnly and asked:

"Jingtang, what are you thinking about?"


Ye Jingtang was thinking about the last time he took Chinese medicine and was attacked by Sanniang and Ning'er to apply watermelon frost. Hearing this, he regained his mind and smiled:

"It's true. The official jade-armored stick method is very eye-catching. It's just that my skills are deeper. As long as I don't give him a chance to get close, he can't do anything to me..."


Pei Xiangjun hesitated for a moment, looked around and said:

"Why don't you rest for half the night and wait for the birds to come back before chasing after them."

Ye Jingtang's original plan was to stay away from the warriors of the Twelve Sects, slow down a little, and then continue to pursue the seriously injured Guan Yujia after the breath in his body stabilized.

But now I am restless and impatient. I have consumed a lot just now and am a little short of energy. I am probably in a state of suffocation and weakness. There is a risk in a fight, so I think about it and nod.

When the three of them came to Tiehe Villa, because they were going deep into the tiger's den, they had to investigate the surrounding situation well. They looked for places in the mountains behind that were convenient for tracking, hiding, and escaping. Ye Jingtang just ran to the back mountain for the same reason. This reason.

Ye Jingtang carried two spears and walked along the mountains for a short time. He first came to the place where the horses were hidden, took his luggage, and then arrived at a mountainside three miles away from Wuming Mountain.

There is no trace of people in the mountains and fields. There is a stone wall halfway up the mountain. There is a concave natural crack in the middle of the cliff. Lying on it, you can use a telescope to observe the inside of Tiehe Villa. You can also have an unobstructed view of the mountains behind the mountain.

Ye Jingtang carried two spears, followed the rock protrusions and vines on the cliff, jumped up like a dragonfly, and landed in the stone gap more than ten feet away; the two women followed closely.

The ground between the rocks is fairly flat, blocked by cliffs, and the pouring rain outside has not drifted in. It is also a good place to shelter from the wind and rain, but it is quite high from the ground, and there are only some traces left by flying birds.

Night Terror Hall placed the package taken from the horse on the ground. After opening it, it contained rolled blankets, wound medicine, clothes, candles and other items, as well as snacks and dry food to satisfy hunger.

Pei Xiangjun landed on the stone cliff, took off his bamboo hat, wiped the rain from his cheeks, first used a long spear to set up a simple blackout curtain deep in the stone crevice, and then lit a small candle.

Luo Ning took a piece of cloth and spread it on the ground, picked up Sanniang's telescope, stretched her upper body out of the blackout curtain and lay on it to observe the situation around Tiehe Villa.

After Ye Jingtang packed up his things, he drank two mouthfuls of water, exhaled gently, took off his tattered clothes, and only wore silver soft armor and trousers. He sat cross-legged on the blanket and began to eat, secretly adjusting his breath.

Pei Xiangjun did not disturb Ye Jingtang. He took a bag of dry food and a water bottle, bent out from under the blackout curtain, and lay down in front of Luo Ning.

Normally, the dry food that people in Jianghu have when going out are dry biscuits, crispy rice, etc., which are not very tasty.

As the head of Honghua House, Sanniang would definitely not treat her so badly when she goes out to do errands. The dry food staples are the best Jiangzhou ham, grain cakes, dried dates, raisins, etc., which taste great and are nutritious. The only It’s definitely because the calories are too high and you’ll get tired if you eat too much.

Pei Xiangjun held a bright red ham strip in his mouth, took out another one and put it to Luo Ning's mouth:

"Is there anything going on over there?"

Luo Ning gently opened her red lips to catch the meat strips and carefully observed the situation in Tiehe Villa:

"The masters of traditional Chinese medicine have all run away... Yang Guan seems to be hiding on the roof and watching. The master doesn't dare to go up if something happens to him, so he is still a disciple..."

"Yang Guan is so virtuous. He has neither ability nor vision. He is nothing but good luck..."

Ye Jingtang was sitting on the blanket with his back against the cliff. Hearing the two people talking quietly, he wanted to interrupt, but when he raised his eyes and took a closer look, he paused in eating the dry food.

The dim yellow light emitted by the small candle illuminated every corner of the interior of the blackout curtain.

Two blankets were placed on the ground with some miscellaneous items in front of him. He sat with his back against the stone wall and faced the blackout curtain, while Sanniang and Ning'er were lying on the blanket on the left.

Originally, this was nothing, but there was not much space between the stones. The two women lay down and slipped under the blackout curtain. Their upper bodies were outside, the curtain was draped around their waists, and their legs and buttocks were inside the blackout curtain. , right at his fingertips.

Ning'er is lying down very upright, her embroidered shoes embroidered with bamboo leaves are placed together, her legs are straight, and above her is a perfectly curved cyan full moon, which is gathered into a bunch at her waist. She looks extremely beautiful, as if Ingenious work of art.

Sanniang is close to each other, because her body type is different from the tall and slender Ning'er. She has a round and gourd shape. Although she is not as tall as Ning'er, her lower girth is about the same, so that the waist-to-hip ratio is shocking, and through the hem of her skirt and thin pants, you can feel the heavy texture...

Sanniang's demeanor was not neat. She was lying on the blanket, taking off her embroidered shoes and raising her calves. Her feet in white socks were swinging back and forth under the candlelight. She looked a little lively and naughty.

The most important thing is that the curtain fell on the waist of the two of them, covering their upper bodies. He couldn't see him. He only saw his waist and legs. This feeling was very special...

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