Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 193 The picture shows the poor dagger

As Ye Jingtang and Sanjue Immortal took their seats, the splendid hall also fell into silence, leaving only the slight sound of rain hitting the eaves.

swish swish...

More than forty people gathered in the hall. Nine heads from the twelve sects of Wuzhou were sitting on the top chairs, with their respective apprentices and confidants standing behind them.

Behind the Night Terror Hall stood only the armed and masked Sanniang, who seemed a bit weak, but the position was very forward. Opposite was Han Song, the head of the Wushan Sect, and next door was Guang Hanlin, the master of the Three Ultimate Immortals.

Although he was sitting in this position because Huang Yulong was absent, Huang Yulong was killed by himself, and according to the rules of the world, he deserved it.

After everyone sat down, Guan Yujia walked to the big chair in front of the hall and sat down. He raised his hand to signal the six disciples behind him to serve tea, and said loudly:

"The night before yesterday, Heiya led troops and horses to surround Baisu Town. Brother Huang Yulong, Brother Xiao, and more than a hundred disciples from Xianyue Tower died tragically at the hands of the imperial court. Do you know this?"


The eight heads present here have basically been on the road these two days. There is another war in Jianyang, and it is inconvenient to transmit news. Most of them have only just learned about this, and they all have strange expressions on their faces.

Guan Yujia said this straight to the point, because he wanted to see the reaction of the major factions and understand the position of everyone sitting here.

But before the eight heads of Wuzhou expressed their stance, Young Master Ye, who was sitting at the top, patted the armrest and said in a deep voice:

"These dog officials are really bullying people!"


There was a sudden silence in the hall, and even Sanniang, who was pretending to be a maid, twitched her eyes.

When Guan Yujia heard these angry words, half of the calm and self-respecting momentum he had cultivated was lost. He turned around and said softly:

"The imperial court is indeed bullying people too much, but Young Master Ye..."

Ye Jingtang had an angry look in his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"Headmaster Huang is in the medicinal materials business and is a business friend of Honghualou. I often heard stories about Mr. Huang from Uncle Guan. I wanted to visit him this time. Unexpectedly, Mr. Huang was poisoned by the imperial court. The imperial court They impose heavy taxes on our Jianghu sect, and whenever there is a disturbance, the Jianghu people are the first to be attacked, and even if they don't die, they will be skinned, and I, Honghua House, have suffered greatly."

When Ye Jingtang said this, he turned to look at Guan Yujia:

"It's a pity that I, Honghualou, am a businessman. My ancestors left us with the ancestral precepts of giving up three points when meeting officials. We cannot arbitrarily conflict with the court, otherwise I will have to chop off the heads of two tax collectors and hang them on the Qingjiang Pier as a sacrificial flag. Official Hero He is the leader of the Wuzhou Martial Arts Alliance, and his sect was destroyed by the imperial court. Is it possible that Cheng Cheng will not take care of it?"


The heads of various sects sitting here had their eyes slightly blank.

Guang Hanlin, the Sanjue Immortal, originally wanted Honghualou to pull the official jade armor, but when he heard these inciting words, his eyes were really speechless.

However, everyone felt relieved again when they thought that Ye Silang had just left the world and was in the age of a foolish young man who was very chivalrous and did not take the court seriously.

Guan Yujia was immediately disrupted by Ye Jingtang's words. After thinking about it for a moment, he raised his hand slightly:

"Nephew Ye Xian, please calm down. Huang Yulong and I are close friends. The official was very saddened by the consequences of being harmed by the court. The main reason for calling all the leaders here is to discuss the matter."

Ye Jingtang leaned on his chair and said in a deep voice:

"Although I, Ye Silang, am a junior, I also know the truth about the death of lips and teeth. The court did not give any explanation and directly sent troops to destroy the family. If we can destroy the Yue Tower today, we can destroy Xuanwu Hall and Tiehe Villa tomorrow. If we turn a blind eye to this matter , the court will definitely get worse..."


Everyone was speechless.

Sitting opposite the Night Terror Hall, Mr. Han, the head of the Wushan Sect, had secretly helped King Wu do a lot of things. Today, he was planning to cooperate with Guan Yujia. The big boss joins in.

At this time, all the lines were taken away by Honghualou. Boss Han held it in for a long time and only said:

"I agree with Nephew Ye, what do you think?"

Guang Hanlin secretly shook his head. Now Honghualou, Wushan Sect, and Tiehe Villa are all on the same side. If the remaining seven of them dare to sing the opposite, they may have to be carried out to sacrifice the flag on the spot. For this reason, he can only follow his words. road:

"This move by the imperial court is indeed too harsh. But this matter has something to do with King Wu. If we and other Jianghu sects cause turmoil at this time and attract the imperial army to encircle and suppress..."

Guan Yujia finally found an opportunity to get angry and quickly spoke in a deep voice:

"The Jianghu people talk about 'loyalty', not the law. Let me ask you all, who has not received any favor from King Wu in the past? Now that King Wu is in trouble, and the former allies were directly exterminated by the court without trial, we will turn a blind eye and ask for help. As long as you live in this world, you will still be able to walk around the world with dignity."

When Guang Hanlin saw that Guan Yujia's words meant that he wanted to help the defecting King Wu, he secretly thought that something was not right and started to persuade him:

"Master Guanzhuang, you are the leader of Wuzhou and your family fortune is not small. Please think twice about this kind of thing..."


Guan Yujia slapped the armrest with a sullen expression:

"I, Guan Yujia, have worked all the way from the market to this position. Even if I fall down today, I still have the ability to get up again. But if I lose the word 'faithfulness', I will never be able to stand up and be a good person again in this life. King Wu has feelings for Guan Well, now when someone is in trouble, Guan X will lend a helping hand; Huang Yulong is Guan X’s best friend, and if he dies violently, I will seek justice for him.”

Guan Yujia stood up and looked at the heads sitting here:

"I have invited all of you here today because I am prepared to give up my entire family fortune and escort King Wu to leave Wuzhou safely. If you can repay your kindness and lend a helping hand, the official will definitely repay this favor for King Wu in the future; if Just sit back and watch as the lackey of the imperial court, and Guan Mou will let you know the fate of the lackey today!"

Guan Yujia pointed out the topic directly, and there was a sudden silence in the hall.

Many of the heads who were originally worried became quiet at this time, and the fear in their eyes disappeared and turned into dissatisfaction.

After all, the original guess of the current leader was that Guan Yujia wanted to get them to make trouble together and put pressure on the court in order to escape the court's investigation, so that the court would not hold everyone accountable.

Although this matter is very risky, due to Guan Yujia's tyrannical strength, it is not impossible to bite the bullet and help fight the problem.

As for what Guan Yujia said now, he was planning to pull the twelve sects of Wuzhou to rebel together. The key point was that King Wu's rebellion had already failed. He was simply dragging them to die together.

When Guang Hanlin heard these crazy words, anger immediately appeared on his face:

"Guan Yujia! You have taken root in the world of Wuzhou, and a certain class regards you as the leader. Today, you are facing the risk of being liquidated by the imperial court and come to discuss countermeasures with you. You said this because you are preparing to make the twelve sects of Wuzhou lose money. The entire family fortune will be used as King Wu’s scapegoat?”

The other heads sitting there also patted the tea table:

"The master of the official village is very skilled in martial arts, and we really admire him, but in just one sentence he asked someone to sacrifice all his family property and die generously. The master of the official village is not capable of that."

Guan Yujia stood in the center of the hall and looked around at everyone. He was about to get angry, but Ye Silang, who never wanted to sit in the first place, spoke again:

"Seniors, don't be angry. Since the owner of the official village has said this, he will definitely consider your difficulties. I wonder what kind of chips King Wu is asking for help from the major sects? Although I admire the chivalry of the owner of the official village, but Honghua Lou is a businessman, and if I don’t have enough chips, I’m afraid Lou won’t agree to my wanton behavior.”

When the major factions heard this, they became really quiet and looked at Guan Yujia.

King Wu wanted to enlist the help of the Twelve Sects to help him escape secretly, so he must be prepared.

Controlling with poison and threatening with antidote is one; and tempting with large profits is the other. Otherwise, just threatening without giving any benefits, these leaders would most likely rather die than give in, knowing that they will survive a near-death escape.

Guan Yujia saw that the heads were aroused by Ye Silang's words and sat back on the big chair:

"Prince Wu's family has countless properties. As long as you can lend a helping hand at this time, the reward that can be given to you will definitely far exceed your expectations. You all know about the medicine of Snow Lake Flower, even many old people from major sects, They are all looking for it. The pharmacists under King Wu have now developed a substitute, called 'Xuehu Powder', which is as effective as Snow Lake Flower. You can give it to you as much as you want."


The current leader frowned, feeling that the bargaining chip was quite large, but most of them couldn't use it for the time being, and it didn't seem worth risking their fortunes on it.

Guan Yujia was disturbed by Ye Jingtang, which turned the tense atmosphere into a serious discussion, and it was really hard to get angry.

Seeing that many heads were still waiting for chips, Guan Yujia could only think about it and continued:

"King Wu also studied a secret medicine that can expand the Qi and pulse and reshape one's body. If Guang Lao takes this medicine, he will be able to become a martial arts leader in a short time; and you can also take a big step forward, come It is not impossible to become the master of martial arts in the future. It is also because of this medicine that the official has served King Wu to this day."


As soon as these words came out, the leader's eyes visibly moved, and even Guang Hanlin, who was frowning, showed a bit of surprise.

After walking around the world, no one wants to experience the scenery at the top of the mountain. Most of the people present are powerful figures, but they are destined to never reach the top of the martial arts in this life. If there is something other than the Singing Dragon Picture that can bring about a change, then I'm afraid most people would be willing to put their wealth on the line.

After everyone looked at each other, one of the heads asked:

"Does King Wu really have this magical thing?"

Guan Yujia knew that the ‘Tianlang Pearl’ would definitely seduce the current head, but King Wu didn’t, otherwise he wouldn’t be in such a situation.

Guan Yujia thought about it for a moment and said:

"Yes, but the method of preparing this magical medicine is too complicated. We are still testing the medicine. As long as the trial is successful, I can guarantee that all the masters will be able to get one."

When the heads here heard this, they naturally frowned - King Wu didn't have anything right now, so he asked them to help him escape. If they wanted the magic medicine, they could only run with them. If they ran away, they might not be able to get it. Aren't you kidding?

Seeing everyone's hesitation, Guan Yujia's voice became a little colder:

"The official guarantees with his head that King Wu does have this medicine. Now that we have said it, everyone will be happy if you can agree to help. If not..."


Guan Yujia moved his right hand slightly, and there was a soft sound from the chair. The armrests made of mahogany turned into strands of sawdust under the slight touch of his fingers.

Seeing the intimidation of Guan Yujia's martial arts, all the sect leaders unanimously fell silent, and the atmosphere became a little more tense.

Guang Hanlin was an elder in the Wuzhou Jianghu. He knew that if Guan Yujia was allowed to act recklessly, the entire Wuzhou Jianghu would probably be wiped out from the world, so he said coldly:

"Guan Yujia, you...cough..."

Guang Hanlin stood up while speaking, but his legs gave way halfway, and he sat back down again. He realized that his body had gone limp unknowingly, and his face was furious:

"You villain poisoned me?!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall. Many heads wanted to cheer up, only to find that their bodies had been hit unknowingly. Only two young heads who dared not drink tea were safe and sound.

When Ye Jingtang saw this scene, he was also secretly shocked. However, although he picked up the tea cup from time to time, he could not drink with his face covered, and there was no abnormality in his body.

When the direct heirs and confidants who originally stood behind each sect leader saw something happen to the sect leader, they all drew their weapons as if they were faced with a formidable enemy. Countless disciples of Tiehe Villa who realized something was wrong came running with knife handles in hand.


Outside the hall, chaos fell into chaos.

Guan Yujia saw that most of the masters had been hit by the 'Secret Fragrance Corroding Bones', and his face showed a chill:

"So what if I poison you? The official will give you one last face. If you agree now, King Wu will still give you the things that should be given to you. We will still be friends in the future; if you don't agree..."


Before he finished speaking, Guan Yujia stood up violently in order to scare the monkeys.

Many sect leaders only saw a blur in front of their eyes. The official jade armor wearing a brocade robe had already leaped in front of the Sanjue Immortal with thunderous momentum. His right hand stretched out five fingers like a hook, like a goshawk pouncing on a rabbit, and clasped the white hair with one claw. A pale forehead.

The Sanjue Immortal's pupils shrank slightly, and he could still react after a lifetime of martial arts skills. However, he was poisoned by a colorless and tasteless inexplicable poison. It was difficult to lift his hand, so how could he block it? Immediately, my heart was filled with despair and I could only watch helplessly...

Watching Guan Yujia fly out!


The fists were raging in the hall, and a thunderous explosion was heard!

At the same time as Guan Yujia flew up, the seats in the Night Jing Hall exploded. His right leg slipped out of his crotch and he stepped forward. He punched Guan Yujia with his right hand from back to front, and then hit Guan Yujia who was flying in front of him. past!

Guan Yujia was already very careful, even guarding against the head of the Wushan Sect who was his ally, and chose to fly in front of the junior martial artist who had always spoken very sensiblely and had mediocre martial arts skills, and attacked the Sanjue Immortal.

A terrifying momentum erupted from beside him. Guan Yujia's expression suddenly changed. Knowing that he had made a misjudgment, he immediately turned his hand and swept away the incoming fist wind.

Guan Yujia's reaction was not unpleasant, but his misjudgment of Ye Silang was far beyond his imagination, and this junior was quite insidious. He took action at the very moment when his feet were off the ground, not too early and not too late.

As soon as Guan Yujia swung out his left hand, the city-rushing cannon at an extremely tricky angle had already landed under his ribs.

The surging energy that can destroy cities and shake mountains penetrates into the body. If the feet touch the ground, the official jade armor may be able to catch it, but if the feet leave the ground, the gods will have to fly away.


A heavy fist landed on his waist, and the brocade robe around his waist exploded. The surge of energy even overturned the empty tables and chairs opposite him.

The figure that was originally as powerful as a tiger turned into a cannonball that shot out of its body and shot toward the right side of the hall, directly breaking the thick pillars and then smashing into the wall of the hall without losing its momentum.

Guan Yujia was not a small character like Li Hunyuan. He suffered a heavy blow while floating in the air. After breaking the corridor column, he still righted his body. His feet landed on the floor tiles, and two grooves were rubbed out on the stone floor tiles. , he forced himself to release his force, and his back still hit the wall.



The masonry wall on the right side of the hall shook violently, and cracks appeared like spider webs. Several calligraphy and paintings originally hung on the wall also fell to the ground.


The pillars of the corridor broke, causing several green tiles to fall from above. The disciple leader below did not dodge, but looked at the center of the hall in shock.

Guan Yujia was hit by a punch but was not seriously injured, but his blood surged and his face turned a little red. After he stood upright, he also looked shocked and stared at the black-robed man in the center of the hall.

After Ye Jingtang punched out, he did not pursue him. Instead, he slowly put away his fist and held it back with one hand:

"Let's just talk about things, poison and take action at the same time. What do you mean? Do you really think that you, Tiehe Villa, run the world of Jianghu, and you run Fengguancheng?"

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