Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 189 Two words

Just after midnight.

The sudden arrival of soldiers turned the originally peaceful Baisu Town into a mess. Only large groups of officers and soldiers were left patrolling the streets and alleys. The Jianghu people who had no time to escape had their hands tied with ropes and squatted on the ground waiting for review.

A fire broke out in Xianyue Lane. The original residences of the three major families had been controlled, and the remaining disciples of Xianyue Tower were all gathered in a compound for guarding.

The civilians in Baisu Town entered a state of martial law under the attack of the soldiers. They stayed at home with their doors and windows closed. Apart from a few barking dogs, they could not hear any sound.

In the inn at the corner of the town, Ye Jingtang took the black government badge and dismissed the officers and soldiers who came over to search. After closing the inn door, he came to the second floor.

Suddenly there was a military disaster, even the shopkeeper ran away, and no one was left in the inn.

Ye Jingtang came to the room on the second floor, showed his figure from the window, looked at the mountains in the distance, and listened to the movement in the next room.

In the next room, it was much busier. Several candle lamps were placed on the table, illuminating every corner of the room.

Xuanji, who was wearing a snow-colored dress, was lying on the bed, her cheek pressed against the pillow and facing outward. Her eyes were closed, quiet and soft, her cheeks were slightly red, and there was no movement.

Luo Ning wore a police officer's robe and covered her face tightly. She sat in front and carefully checked her pulse. There was obvious distress and concern in her eyes.

Pei Xiangjun did not hide his face, walked in with a hot water basin, placed it next to the bed, and asked softly:


Luo Ning was afraid that Master Xuanji would suddenly wake up and find him, so she still kept her voice low:

"After taking the White Emperor Pill, the condition inside my body has recovered a bit... This little thief used the Soul Leaving Needle, which will hinder the flow of Qi and blood, so the needle must be taken out first."

The soul-leaving needle is so thin that no wound can be seen after it penetrates the flesh. The toxin stimulates the muscles to tighten. Forcibly pulling it out will damage the Qi veins and leave hidden wounds. Once a martial artist is nailed into an important acupuncture point, no matter how powerful he is, he has to surrender.

Ye Jingtang was not ruthless and stuck it on the buttocks. It could only restrict it, but it would still be troublesome to pull it out.

Luo Ning first gave Master Xuanji a matching antidote to relieve the toxin of the Soul Leaving Needle, then turned Master Xuanji onto his side and untied his belt.

Real person Xuanji was wearing a snow-white dress, with only the hem and embroidered shoes dotted with a few plum blossom petals. The originally spotless white dress had a few small holes hanging out of the hem and some stains due to falling from the tree crown. Overall it's in pretty good condition.

The weather was hot in June, and Xuanji didn't wear much clothes. She only wore underwear and white thin pants under her white skirt. When Pei Xiangjun saw the white clothes, surprise flashed in his eyes:

"Master Xuanji is an expert in this world. I didn't expect to wear such small clothes..."

Luo Ning was not surprised by this. After all, she had known Xuanji's temperament for a long time. He was more celestial than her in the world, but in private he was a drunkard who could do anything.

"I am an accomplished person on the mountain, how can I be bound by secular rules?"

Luo Ning explained to her old friend and continued working.

Pei Xiangjun didn't stare at all at first, but he sat in front of him and noticed something was wrong with his peripheral vision. He tilted his head slightly and looked at it:

"Eh~...Did she shave herself or..."

Luo Ning had lived with Master Xuanji for a period of time before and knew some little secrets that no one in the world would know. She explained:

"According to the leader, my daughter started taking medicinal baths and practicing internal skills at the age of three. When she grows up, she will be half a tall, well-proportioned, and fair-skinned. However, some girls are too talented and too diligent and have not yet reached the age of eleven or twelve. At the age when growth begins, the energy channels throughout the body have been opened, and it is possible to become a natural white tiger..."

Pei Xiangjun was dubious, and subconsciously glanced down:

"Is there still such a heresy? I am a serious figure..."

"It's just possible. It varies from person to person. It's not like those with great talent will be barren...and it's not a good thing either. It looks like a little girl in a movie. Being seen by others can be embarrassing to death..."

Pei Xiangjun blinked her apricot eyes. It might be the first time she saw her. She was curious and wanted to touch it with her fingers. However, as soon as she reached halfway, Luo Ning patted her hand:

"If you can't help, just go out and don't cause trouble here!"

Pei Xiangjun retracted his hand: "I'm just curious, I'm a woman, and I didn't touch it..."

Luo Ning gently massaged and massaged. After the muscles stimulated by the toxin were completely relaxed under the action of the antidote, she pulled out the golden needle and carefully checked her pulse. Seeing that Master Xuanji's body began to recover quickly, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief:

"Still curious...do you also want to be like this?"

"Eh~ What are you talking about..."

At the same time, the next window.

Ye Jingtang stood with his hands behind his hands and looked at the messy town. His expression was stern, as if he was concerned about the country and the people, and he frowned in thought.

But the two rooms were separated by a wooden wall, and it was really difficult not to hear the two women talking without treating him as an outsider.

Forced to gain new knowledge, Ye Jingtang didn't know what to say in his heart. He could only suppress the distracting thoughts in his mind and try his best to pretend that he didn't hear anything.

After waiting at the window for a long time, the rustling in the next room quieted down, and then footsteps sounded from the corridor.

Dong dong dong...


The door opened and Pei Xiangjun walked into the house from the outside.

From morning to now, I kept running around to keep myself up, which consumed too much energy and energy. Pei Xiangjun's cheeks were obviously a little more sleepy. After closing the door, he yawned, raised his hand and stretched out Lazy back.


As a result, before he finished stretching, Pei Xiangjun found that his waist was being tickled by two hands.

The sudden touch made her shrink, and she quickly turned around and looked at Ye Jingtang who had silently touched her back, her almond-shaped eyes widened slightly in annoyance:

"What are you doing? No big or small..."

Ye Jingtang looked at the elder Sanniang who was very angry, and raised his hand to help tidy up the frizzy hair:

"How's the situation over there?"

Pei Xiangjun had his back to the door and was blocked by Ye Jingtang. He had to raise his head to look at people. He felt a little weird in his heart. He avoided Ye Jingtang's eyes and said softly:

"It's no longer a serious problem. Master Xuanji is in good health and will probably be back to normal tomorrow morning. Is Birdie back?"

"Not yet. Bai Siming was probably shocked by the fight and didn't run to King Wu's lair..."

Ye Jingtang helped tidy up her hair twice. Seeing that Sanniang's face was red and a little embarrassed, she put her hand down:

"It's getting late. Sanniang, please rest for a while. I'll just keep watch."

Pei Xiangjun did raise his hair and sighed softly:

"I want to rest. Ning'er is afraid of being discovered by Master Xuanji, so she wants to run outside to hide. You have to stay here to prevent Master Xuanji from getting into trouble. I can't follow you and leave her alone outside. Her three legs Cat Kung Fu..."

"Who are you talking about the three-legged cat kungfu?"


While they were talking, the door was pushed open and Luo Ning, who was covered tightly, walked in and raised her hand to give Sanniang a slap on her ass.

Ye Jingtang held Ning'er's hand and smoothed things over:

"The town is in chaos right now. How can I rest assured that you are waiting outside alone? Let Sanniang follow you to be safe. Just stay at the inn at the end of the street, don't run around."

Luo Ning knew that there were so many masters in Wuzhou recently, so she felt a little guilty staying far away by herself. However, she was also a little worried in her heart. She glanced at Ye Jingtang:

"Master Xuanji is unconscious, you..."


Ye Jingtang spread his hands slightly, a little speechless.

Luo Ning thought about it and felt that the little thief had always been upright and frivolous when the woman was awake and took advantage of her being unconscious. She really wasn't interested, so she didn't say much after thinking about it, and then said:

"Do you...do you need some conditioning?"

Ye Jingtang really wanted to take care of it, but Master Xuanji was right in front of him. If Master Xuanji woke up halfway through the treatment, there would be a big problem. He shook his head and said with a smile:

"Let's wait until tomorrow."

Luo Ning and Pei Xiangjun didn't say much when they saw this. After taking their belongings, they left together.

Ye Jingtang watched the two of them enter an inn at the end of the street from the window. After Pei Xiangjun waved from the window, he raised his hand and waved, signaling the two to take a rest early.

Then he sat down cross-legged on the bed, with the long knife across his knees, listening to the movement next door, waiting for Master Xuanji to wake up...


the other side.

In the early morning, southwest of Wuzhou, Heyuan County.


Hoof-tapping hoof-tapping...

The hooves of horses galloped past the official road outside the county city and gradually arrived at the outskirts of the city.

Bai Siming rode on horseback and ran continuously for more than two hours. On the way, he stole three horses and ran in relay. He had already run from Jianyang to Heyuan County. He was still worried. After running for a while, he turned back to check the situation to avoid Someone is following.

He was so cautious because he was in the mountains just now. He was extremely cautious and paid attention to the wind and grass behind him. He clearly confirmed that there was nothing unusual, but a sound of fighting sounded from more than thirty feet behind him.

More than thirty feet is quite far for ordinary people, but at the level close to Bada Kui, you can almost touch the distance in front of you by turning your head. It is completely within his detection range. He did not notice it, which can only mean that the other party has Qinggong. His body skills are better than his.

Being tracked by such an unfathomable master, Bai Siming dared not take it lightly anymore and did not dare to return to Fulong Cave. The only way to get rid of the pursuit was to risk his life and run away at full speed.

A peak martial artist may have an astonishing short-distance sprint speed, but a person who can track Pegasus across mountains and ridges for two hours in a row and still remain silent without any traces being discovered by top experts, in Bai Siming's opinion, that's not the case. No more calls.

Bai Siming ran near the county seat of Heyuan County, but still found no sign of anyone following him. His anxious heart gradually relaxed, and he turned his horse around and ran towards Qifeng Villa on the outskirts.

Qifeng Villa is a second-tier power among the twelve sects in Wuzhou. Its strength is average, and it is only stronger than Xuanwu Hall, a sect that relies on the power of its ancestors to make up for the losses.

Although weak in strength, Qifeng Villa has a wide network of connections and has a deep connection with neighboring Zezhou. The young lady in the family even married into Junshantai, which dominates Zezhou.

Bai Siming traveled a long distance to come here, obviously not just because it was the closest to the Moon Tower.

Bai Siming is the chief retainer of Prince Wu's Mansion, and has assisted Prince Wu in his rebellion in recent years. He has a deep understanding of the official situation in the capital, and it is impossible not to pay attention to a secret service agency like the Black Yamen.

When Bai Siming came out of the Moon Tower just now, he was blocked by the Prince of Hell from the black office. Bai Siming saw his appearance and confirmed that he was not one of the 'Six Evils'.

But the young chief catcher, after just one encounter, stole a knife and instantly killed Xiao Shichen. This martial skill was obviously on the same level as the 'Tingting Ksitigarbha'.

Moreover, the sword technique of drawing the sword with the left hand and using the "quick but unbreakable" approach is too conspicuous. Bai Siming and Qiu Tianhe were warriors of the same era. They were still walking in Wuzhou next to Zezhou. It was not easy to recognize them. .

A man from the black court, about twenty years old, extremely handsome, capable of eight-step madness...

Who else could this be if it wasn't the 'Night Terror Hall'?

A few days ago, Prince Wu's Mansion received a letter from Fei Ge from the capital, asking Prince Wu to secretly send someone to deliver a message to Junshan Terrace. The description above was exactly the same as the Black Yamen Prince Yama whom he met today.

Bai Siming arranged for someone to deliver the news to Junshantai. At that time, he was still wondering why the capital was so anxious. Today, he finally understood what kind of monster Cao Aning and the others encountered in the capital.

Let’s not talk about the completely unimaginable investigative ability. If you can reach this level of martial arts at the age of 20, you will be a complete replica of Fengguancheng. You don’t need to think about it to know that your luck is in the sky, and whoever gets in the way will die.

Now that he was inexplicably killed by this living King of Hell with countless masters, Bai Siming knew that something big was going to happen.

But King Wu was trapped in the mountain and couldn't leave. He was the strongest master under his command, and he didn't dare to deal with such a person. The only option at the moment was to continue to "kill people with borrowed swords" and urge Jun Shantai to send someone over quickly to kill this person. Respect the Lord of Hell to see him off.

As for whether Junshantai will come, Bai Siming is not worried.

His martial arts skills are high enough to be able to fight one on two, and he can easily defeat the second master of the Yue Tower, so he can be regarded as a top-notch master. Being able to lead a team as a vanguard to encircle and suppress King Wu means that he is highly trusted and valued by the empress, and will definitely have power in the future.

For such a '9,000-year-old' figure, if Junshantai dares to continue to let tigers become a problem, he deserves to be wiped out.

Bai Siming galloped to the outside of Qifeng Villa on the outskirts of the city, dismounted from his horse, and jumped into the huge villa.

Almost at the same time that Bai Siming's figure disappeared, a big bird fell silently to the nearby mountains, and lay on the stone with a chirp, "Cuckoo, chirp, chirp..." Two times, it was probably saying ——I’m so exhausted...

And just when Niaoniao rested on the stone for a moment, observing whether Bai Siming had settled here, a black shadow suddenly emerged from the mountains and landed on the commanding heights of the mountains opposite. He took out a long tube and pointed towards the mountain. View from inside the village.


Niaoniao raised his head and felt that the figure looked familiar...


Yesterday and today there was a little bit, but I didn’t finish writing until 11:47pm. It’s better to be steady and update slowly. I really can’t hold on to the energy to push for updates. If I don’t save the manuscript, there is no error tolerance. If the text is stuck, it will burn my butt or 2!

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