Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 185 The dangerous world

The sky turned dark, the breeze blew away the clouds, and a bright moon appeared over the town.

On the top of a three-story restaurant outside the Moon Lane, Pei Xiangjun was wearing night clothes and lying on the ridge of the roof, carefully paying attention to the movements among the buildings. There were two long spears wrapped in black cloth beside him.

The big fluffy birds squatted nearby and jumped back and forth on the house, paying attention to the situation inside and outside so that they could rush to each other's aid in time if anything unusual happened.

It has been an hour since Ye Jingtang entered. Judging from the signals from the birds, everything is normal. As expected, they are waiting for someone.

Pei Xiangjun knew that he had found the right place. Xianyue Tower was in contact with the hidden King Wu. He was highly concentrated and paid attention to the surrounding disturbances.

After paying attention for most of the day, I finally noticed movement outside the town. Under the moonlight, I could see a fast horse galloping on the official road outside the town.

She took out her binoculars and looked outside the town. She could see that the man sitting immediately was a man in a robe. After arriving outside the town, he flew up without dismounting. His body was like a wandering eagle, passing through the scattered houses at an alarming speed, aiming directly at the target. Refers to the moon lane.

When Pei Xiangjun saw this, he knew that King Wu had taken the bait and sent someone to negotiate. As long as King Wu's cronies showed up, the birds could follow the clues.

Pei Xiangjun moved his vision to the back, originally wanting to see how many people King Wu had arranged to come over, but when he looked at it, he realized something was wrong.

I saw a man in a civil robe, just as he jumped into the town, a dark shadow flashed across the mountains outside the town, following him at a distance of half a mile. Judging from the distance and position, it was obvious that he was following, and he was not being followed. The man in the robe found out.

When Pei Xiangjun saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel suspicious - the man in the military robe was galloping on horseback, and the person following behind was on foot. If he only relied on Qinggong to keep up, the black shadow behind him, the Qinggong might be a bit exaggerated.

Pei Xiangjun secretly observed the movements of the two people in front and behind him, and soon discovered that the man in civilian robes had landed near Xianyue Lane, negotiated with the people from Xianyue Tower, and quickly entered the building complex.

The dark shadow following behind silently landed on the house and moved in the direction of the Huang family's mansion.

But as soon as the black shadow approached the range of the Crescent Moon Alley, it suddenly paused, then raised its head, turned its gaze towards her, and pulled out a long cylinder from its waist, pulling it open to look at her location.

! !

When Pei Xiangjun saw this scene, he broke into a cold sweat. Because he was well hidden in his night clothes, he didn't move at all, and even his breathing was stagnant.

But the black shadow in the distance obviously found someone watching on the roof here. After just a glance, he quickly put away the telescope, turned around and ran out of the town at an extremely fast speed, but disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Pei Xiangjun was frightened and still a little confused. He did not dare to be careless and carefully observed the direction in which the black shadow disappeared.

As a result, after waiting for half a quarter of an hour, the black shadow did not come back. Instead, a ghost in white appeared on the path of the black shadow.

The person who came was wearing a snow-colored dress and a curtain hat. Her figure looked as ethereal as a fairy. She seemed to be merging with the heaven and earth while strolling in the courtyard. Even the fluttering of her robes had a rhythm that blended into the environment.

The woman in white is walking in a very special way. She is almost walking on the spot where the black shadow just passed. Not far away, she will stop to take a look. She should be checking the footprints. After tracking the position where the black shadow just stopped, the woman in white Also stopped.

Pei Xiangjun secretly thought something was wrong, so he lowered himself from the roof in advance to avoid being discovered again.

But the woman in white obviously had unfathomable martial arts skills, and she did not dare to lose her vision for too long. After a moment, she raised her head again and continued to observe.

As she expected, the woman in white had followed the direction in which the black shadow had fled, and gradually disappeared from sight.

Pei Xiangjun was confused. From these clues, he could roughly deduce the general situation - there was a master of Qing Gong who was secretly following King Wu's people for some purpose; and the unfathomable woman in white was following the master of Qing Gong from behind. .

Based on these alone, it is obviously impossible to distinguish the forces to which these two people belong, whether they are enemies or friends.

After thinking for a moment, Pei Xiangjun could only sigh secretly that the situation in Wuzhou was indeed chaotic, and continued to observe the surrounding trends...


It was dark, and lights were already on in the main hall deep in the Moon Alley.

After the initial negotiation, Huang Yulong didn't say much because he would make mistakes if he spoke too much. He just sat down by the tea table and waited.

Luo Ning sat on the chair, holding the tea cup and stroking it gently. Because she was wearing a veil, she naturally didn't drink.

Ye Jingtang stood with his hands clasped behind his back, and his expert guard was full of aura. From the beginning to the end, he didn't even shake his bamboo hat.

After waiting for nearly an hour, there was finally movement outside the hall.

Luo Ning turned around and saw a middle-aged man in a robe walking in. He was holding a folding fan and tapping it in his palm. His posture was quite elegant and calm. After entering the door, he bowed his hands and said:

"Your Majesty, Bai Siming, I have heard about Mrs. Xue's name for a long time, and seeing her today is indeed extraordinary."

Luo Ning pretended to be a 'life-saving straw', and she definitely couldn't be polite to a corporal. She showed her posture very well. She didn't stand up, but just raised her hand:

"Master Bai, please sit down. Is King Wu okay these days?"

Bai Siming sat down opposite Huang Yulong, and he still had some doubts in his heart. Huang Yulong next to him knew that Bai Siming was worried that the other party was someone pretending to be a member of the Pingtian Sect, so he said:

"Don't worry, Mr. Bai. I went to Tiannan two years ago and was lucky enough to meet Mrs. Xue. I can pretend to be someone, but I cannot pretend to be the 'most beautiful woman in the world'."

Seeing this, Bai Siming stopped asking any more questions and said with a smile:

"Everything is well with King Wu. He is negotiating with Yanzhou and will set off soon. If Mrs. Xue comes here more slowly, she may not be able to see Bai."

Luo Ning understood the meaning of this - King Wu is not short of your connections. It is the Pingtian Sect who is asking for help from King Wu, not King Wu asking for help from the Pingtian Sect - she gently rubbed the rim of the cup with the lid and responded calmly:

"The King of Yan holds the Yanzhou Army, wants money and people, and there is no shortage of King Wu's family fortune.

"If King Wu brings the deposed emperor, King Yan might even consider conspiring with the world; but without the deposed emperor, King Wu might be nothing in the eyes of King Yan.

"At this time, Mr. Bai said that King Yan was going to take the risk of being jealous of the court and take the rebellious ministers and traitors to Yanzhou. What does King Yan want? What kind of brotherhood does he have with King Wu?"

Bai Siming tapped his palm with a folding fan and said with a smile:

“Mrs. There are five elite soldiers in the enemy, and King Yan is very interested in this thing."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, his heart moved and he interjected:

"If King Wu had this kind of medicine, why would he end up like this?"

Because he might deal with him in other identities in the future, Ye Jingtang deliberately suppressed his voice and sounded a little hoarse.

When Bai Siming heard this, he looked at Ye Jingtang and frowned:

"Who is this?"

"I am the protector of the Pingtian Sect."

Luo Ning's eyes were dull and she followed Ye Jingtang's words:

"What he said makes sense. If there was such a medicine, why would King Wu do this?"

Bai Siming sighed softly: "The medicine has just been prepared and the efficacy is still being tested. The matter was exposed in advance, which led to the current situation. Bai's words are empty, and it is normal for Mrs. Xue not to believe it. To prove it, Bai Show something to Mrs. Xue."

Bai Siming said, taking out a box the size of a rouge box from his sleeve. When he opened it, it contained silver powder:

"This is Snow Lake Powder. Its effect is similar to that of Snow Lake Flower. It has the magical effect of renewing menstruation and protecting the pulse. The value of Snow Lake Flower should not need to be introduced by Bai. This thing alone is worth the risk for your Pingtian Cult. And the prince’s accumulation is far more than this, they are all urgently needed by your Pingtian Sect to restore the country..."

When Ye Jingtang saw that the other party directly took out his main target, he asked calmly:

"Master Bai, are you sure this thing is comparable to the Snow Lake Flower?"

"There is a difference in the potency of the medicine, but if taken for a long time, it has the same effect as Snow Lake Flower."

Bai Siming said and looked at Huang Yulong:

"Find a medicine tester with damaged Qi meridians."

Huang Yulong raised his hand slightly, and Xiao Shichen, the second master, walked out of the main hall quickly.

Within a moment, there was a noise outside the door.

Hua Hua Hua——

The sound of chains rubbing together.

Ye Jingtang turned around and saw Xiao Shichen holding the chain with one hand and dragging a man in.

The man was covered in cuts and bruises, his hair was disheveled, his whole body was bound with chains, and his mouth was gagged.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang couldn't help but frown secretly.


The man was dragged into the main hall and knelt on the ground, looking around with fear in his eyes.

Bai Siming stood up and came over, pulled out the linen gagged his mouth, and prepared to give medicine.

Ye Jingtang knew that the medicine created by King Wu could kill people, so he thought about it and asked:

"Even if there is no injury, Snow Lake Flower can nourish the meridians and protect the pulse. Is there any hidden danger in this medicine, and it can only be taken by testers?"

Bai Siming simply poured out some Xue Hu Powder and threw it directly into his mouth:

"It's a medicine that's three parts poisonous. Don't take too much, but take it in small amounts. It's beneficial and harmless."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly. After Bai Siming poured Xue Husan into the man's mouth, he pressed his hands on the man's shoulders and checked the condition of his Qi pulse. After waiting for less than a quarter of an hour, he found that the damaged Qi pulse had stabilized and improved slightly. signs.

Bai Siming stood beside him with his hands folded, his eyes full of pride:

"This medicine can cure incurable terminal diseases in the past. For people in the world, it is a unique healing medicine. I wonder if Mrs. Xue and Your Excellency are interested?"

Night Terror Hall was sure that there was a substitute for Snow Lake Flower, and I felt relieved. Since it is a finished product, then as long as the formula is obtained, the errands given by Yuhu can be completed.

But how to succeed is a big problem.

If you directly ask for the formula, your intention is too obvious, and the other party will not be able to give it to you now. Once the other party discovers the motive, you will have to fight.

Now that we have met the cronies around King Wu, we can follow the clues to find out where King Wu is hiding and let Niaoniao follow them secretly. The possibility of success is obviously higher.

Ye Jingtang thought secretly, put away his hands, nodded and said:

"This medicine is indeed a divine thing. My wife and I came here. On the way, we have already arranged the specific route to take King Wu to Tiannan. Mr. Bai can go back to resume his life first. If King Wu is willing to work for our Pingtian Sect in the future, I will wait for you at any time." All can be led.

"But Mr. Bai had better give your reply as soon as possible. A large number of people from the imperial court are on the way. Many agents who are good at tracking have appeared today. If you delay for an hour longer, the chance of leaving will be reduced."

Bai Siming naturally knew that the longer he delayed, the sooner he would die. Seeing that the Pingtian Sect was so happy, he wanted to turn back immediately and discuss the escape with King Wu Fuming.

But before Bai Siming could raise his hand to say goodbye, noises and gongs and drums could be heard from the edge of the town in the distance:

Dang Dang Dang——

The chirping of birds also came from the sky:


Ye Jingtang understood Niao Niao's code - the army is approaching!

Bai Siming, Huang Yulong and others obviously understood the signal from the town sentry, and their expressions suddenly changed when they knew that a large group of soldiers and horses were coming to kill them.


Huang Yulong smashed the tea cup and wanted to glare at Ye Jingtang and Luo Ning.

But what they didn't expect was that Ye Jingtang, who was standing in the middle of the main hall, was more excited than them. He turned his head first and said angrily:

"You dare to point your finger at my Pingtian Sect?!"


Huang Yulong opened his mouth and suppressed the words he said in unison.

After all, he confirmed that the woman in front of him was the goddess of the Toad Palace, a remnant of the previous dynasty who had persisted in rebellion for sixty years without changing her original intention. She was much darker than their white-glove group.

It is said that Pingtianjiao notified the officers and soldiers to come over and take care of them all. Doesn't this harm others and not benefit ourselves?

But it was even more impossible for them to call officers and soldiers to encircle and suppress them. As soon as the Pingtian Sect arrived, the officers and soldiers arrived. Even if the Pingtian Sect did not tip off the news, it might be the Pingtian Sect that attracted the officers and soldiers.

The expressions on the faces of Bai Siming and the other three people kept changing, and there was obviously guarded hostility in their eyes.

Ye Jingtang also doesn't understand why the government came to kill them. If this happens when the gangs are talking about cooperation, things will probably go wrong.

Fortunately, he didn't want to cooperate at all. He was sure that there was a substitute for Xue Huhua. Next, he only needed to kill the three people in front of him. If he could be captured alive, he would torture them to extract a confession. If he couldn't catch them, he would try to follow them.

But now that they were fighting, they would be surrounded by the entire Xianyue Tower, and the risk would be too great. They had to withdraw from Xianyue Lane and join Sanniang.

Ye Jingtang was still pretending to be a rebel from the Pingtian Sect, holding the handle of the knife in his hand and saying:

"There is a scam here, madam, leave quickly!"

Luo Ning's reaction was not slow at all, she quickly retreated out of the door and said angrily:

"Without my Pingtian sect, I see how you can escape!"

King Wu was already desperate. Bai Siming suddenly became anxious when he heard this and didn't want to give up the only life-saving straw in front of him.

But apart from the two people who came to his door, he couldn't think of anyone else who could leak the news and let the government raid Xianyuelou's lair.

Bai Siming hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "Something went wrong today. We will discuss this later. You two are precious, so I have to get away first and not send him away."

Ye Jingtang glared at the three of them, carefully exited the main hall, then flew up and jumped onto the house.

The officers and soldiers had already reached the outside of the town. Bai Siming and others did not dare to neglect, and immediately asked Huang Yulong and others to quickly pack their things and prepare to escape.

At the same moment, above a mountain outside Baisu Town.

Wearing a bamboo hat, Lu Feng from Jieyun Palace stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the Qingqi galloping from the official road, with sarcasm flashing in his eyes.

"The Pingtian Sect wants to take advantage of King Yan, huh..."

Seeing people in the town starting to flee in all directions, Lu Feng snorted lightly, turned around and disappeared into the night...

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