Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 181 Show Sanniang a big baby

The lights along both sides of the river were brilliant, and a bright moon hung in the sky.

The two sails that were propped up swelled into a semicircle in the river wind, driving the merchant ship down the river.

The merchant's captain was six feet long. In front of him was the deck where the goods were placed. There were only three horses parked there.

Behind is the small boat building, with dim lights on inside, and the silhouettes of two women can be seen on the window paper.

Ye Jingtang was dressed in a black robe, sitting cross-legged at the bow of the ship, with a long black sheath sword placed across his knees, looking at the surging river water.

The big fluffy bird was squatting beside him, its white fluff fluttering in the river breeze, and its mouth was "coo-coo-chi-chi~", sounding like it was muttering:

There are birds in the world, and once they enter the rivers and lakes, time rushes...

A few months ago, when Ye Jingtang first arrived in the capital, the old escort Yang Chao asked him where he would go from now on.

At that time, he replied that he would go to Jianghu, which was just a casual joke. Now that he has been there, he understands what Jianghu is.

The essence of Jianghu is that all kinds of people are connected together by countless love and hatred.

Love must be repaid, and revenge must be avenged. Once these things are encountered, there will be no day to let them go, so there is a saying that "people can't help themselves when they are in the world."

The world is not a nice place, but fortunately his adoptive father was honest enough to him when he was young. He would beat him three times a day and not let him have any luck or slack in his heart.

The escort agency didn't have much revenue, but it still prepared him carefully. He would rather drink two pennies a pound of bad wine than pay several taels of silver for a medicinal bath.

Day after day, year after year, and eighteen years of meticulous care, he polished his sword that could amaze the entire world. All the difficulties he encountered in the world were overcome by his absolute talent and Under the background, it is no longer a difficulty.

But it is a pity that his adoptive father left these to him, but he did not see this day with his own eyes...

Ye Jingtang sat cross-legged at the bow of the boat, looking at the river that his adoptive father must have walked when he was young, with a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Bird squatted in front of him and cooed for a moment. Seeing that Ye Jingtang didn't speak, he patted Ye Jingtang with his wings, seemingly to comfort him - Don't be sad, Tangtang. It's just two books. If you confiscate it, you will confiscate it. You used to No, bird snacks are often confiscated...

Ye Jingtang came back to his senses, raised his hand and rubbed Niao Niao's head, and then looked back at the boathouse behind him, with some helplessness in his eyes.

He was sitting here blowing the cold wind in the middle of the night, obviously not just to pretend to be a wanderer of spring and autumn.

The boat departing from the capital to Wuzhou must first take the Qingjiang River to Xiwang Town, and then pass along the Wuxi Grand Canal close to the Zezhou border until it reaches Jianyang City in Wuzhou.

It was a smooth sailing trip on a speedboat, but it took two or three days to travel nearly 2,000 miles on the waterway. Although things were urgent, it was really boring on the boat.

Sanniang and Ning'er live together. Ning'er will definitely not let him bully her, let alone Sanniang.

When he was bored, he practiced martial arts in his room and read the classics sent by Benben in his spare time.

But Ning'er was obviously bored. She ran over in the middle and found that he was reading a large miscellaneous book. In the name of letting him practice well, she took it and read it secretly for herself.

It's not easy to grab things with my wife in the Night Terror Hall, so I can only sit here and watch the scenery and practice martial arts to relieve my boredom.

Seeing that it was getting late and it was time to go to bed, Night Terror Hall asked Niao Niao to keep an eye on him in the middle of the night, while he got up and went to the cabin at the back.

The small cabin at the stern of the ship is not big, with an aisle in the middle and two rooms on the left and right. The Night Terror Hall lives on the left, while the two women traveling together share a room.

Since there were only three people on the boat, the door was only ajar so that the birds could come in and out asking for food.

Night Terror Hall came to the door and looked inside, and saw that there were lights on in the room.

Ning'er, dressed in Tsing Yi, was sitting cross-legged on the wooden bed by the window, with her back straight and her cool cheeks carrying a bit of an unearthly fairy air. She looked like she was practicing the Singing Dragon Figure.

As for Sanniang, she is a master at home and can’t sing dragon pictures. The way she stays in the house to exercise at this time is similar to yoga - she lies straight on the bed, supports her hands, lifts her upper body as much as possible, and stretches her chest. Abdominal muscles.

Viewed from the side in this posture, the curves of the waist and legs are perfect, and the size of the tight skirt is even more amazing...

Ye Jingtang blinked, and when he saw this scene, he remembered something very important.

The Singing Dragon Picture hidden on his body is a disaster for the Jianghu people. If the news leaks, it may be a disaster. Ning'er has sternly warned that if you are not 100% sure, you must not reveal it to others easily.

But to put it bluntly, the Minglong Tu is just a book. Once he learns it, it can only be used as armor. If others learn it, there will be no loss to him.

Benben took good care of him and even taught him the jade bone diagram. He should have reciprocated the favor.

But Benben is the queen of the imperial court, and the Dragon Singing Picture is a forbidden object. If he wants to learn from Benben, he must hand it over to the court. Benben cannot read it and then take it back to keep privately. This is a taboo of the imperial court.

After handing it in, if he wanted others to learn from it, he would have to ask the court what it wanted first, just like the Jade Bone Picture.

For this reason, since Benben did not need the Dragon Elephant Diagram urgently, he could only wait for the right opportunity to teach it.

Sanniang, on the other hand, has no such scruples. After going to Guangji to fight and kill, Sanniang has basically made her mind clear, and regards him as far more important than a piece of paper.

I was busy with cases in the capital a few days ago and didn't have time to think about this matter. Now that I'm going to Wuzhou, I have two days of free time on the ship, so I can teach Sanniang a lesson.

Ye Jingtang stood at the door and thought for a while, then entered the room and closed the door.



The sound of the door being bolted sounded, and the two women on the bed reacted immediately.

Luo Ning opened her eyes and looked at Ye Jingtang walking over with a mysterious smile, her eyes showing suspicion:

"What...what do you want to do?"

Pei Xiangjun seemed to have the same idea as Luo Ning, thinking that Night Terror Hall was going to have a double blow. He sat up and panicked:

"Jingtang, your room is opposite, what are you doing here..."

Ye Jingtang came to the bed and sat down. Without saying much, he raised his hands and untied his robe, trying to get the treasure placed under the soft armor.

As a result, as soon as he started taking off his clothes, a voice sounded in the room:


Luo Ning raised her eyebrows, grabbed Ye Jingtang's right hand, pressed him down on the bed, and said angrily:

"Little thief! Are you crazy?"

Pei Xiangjun was also shocked. He didn't expect Jingtang to be so bold. He was really ready to do it together here. He also moved over and pressed Ye Jingtang's hand:

"Jingtang! I came out to help you run an errand. You...how could you have such an idea?"

The night terror hall was like a little flower thief who broke into the boudoir at night. He was held down by two beautiful women, and his expression was a little helpless:

"What are you thinking about? I just paid Sanniang a big treasure..."


This was not the first time Luo Ning heard such dirty words. It was big, but she didn't think it was a treasure at all. The murder weapon was almost the same...

Luo Ning's face was slightly cold, she held Ye Jingtang down, gritted her teeth in annoyance and said:

"Little thief, your wings are stiff, right? Do you believe I confiscated them for you?"

Xiangjun Pei didn’t understand:

"What big baby?"

Ye Jingtang asked Ning'er to let him go, then sat up and whispered something into Luo Ning's ear.

Luo Ning understood the meaning, and her expression changed a bit. She wanted to stop her with words, but after thinking about it, she decided not to - Sanniang cared about the little thief as much as she did, and knowing about the Dragon Elephant Picture would not harm her. When the little thief is safe, he can learn the dragon elephant diagram, which will always improve his combat effectiveness in the future and help the little thief.

Luo Ning thought for a moment, stood up and said, "That's your thing, you can talk to her yourself."

Then he walked out the door and went to the opposite room.

When Pei Xiangjun saw Hu Meizi leaving her alone here, he thought that Hu Meizi had become generous and let her sleep in the Night Terror Hall. His mature and beautiful eyes looked strange, and he looked around, as if he was looking for an opportunity to rush out. .

Ye Jingtang stopped Sanniang, felt it from his arms, took out the golden paper, and handed it to Sanniang:


"What's this?"

Pei Xiangjun took the gold paper and looked back and forth, paying attention to Ye Jingtang from the corner of his eye, lest he suddenly pounced on him and bullied his aunt.

Naturally, Ye Jingtang had no intention of rushing forward, so he sat in front and explained:

"Dragon Elephant Picture, Sanniang has a delicate physique and is not suitable for practicing the Overlord Spear. With this, we should be able to break through the bottleneck."

Pei Xiangjun had never seen the Minglong Picture before, so he was stunned when he heard these words. He thought Ye Jingtang was joking, but when he rubbed the gold paper carefully, he found that it was different...


Pei Xiangjun looked at the gold paper, his eyes filled with disbelief, and then turned serious:

"Jingtang, how can you show this kind of thing in front of women casually? Do you know how many couples have turned against each other and brothers have killed each other because of the Dragon Singing Picture?"

Ye Jingtang naturally knew the seriousness and said softly:

"Sanniang doesn't care about my life, how can she put a piece of paper more seriously than me. Hurry up and learn, I will teach you."


Pei Xiangjun blinked and thought so. Ye Jingtang felt that he trusted her, so he showed her the picture of the singing dragon.

Although she thinks she deserves this trust, there seems to be a slight gap compared with Hu Meizi...

Hu Meizi gave up her whole body and was not even afraid of the little watermelon being bitten by Ye Jingtang who was crazy about Chinese medicine. And she didn't give him anything. Due to the ancestral teachings, she didn't teach the last two moves of the Overlord Spear...

Pei Xiangjun blinked and returned the dragon elephant picture to Ye Jingtang:

"I'll learn it later, the relationship isn't that close yet..."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to support Pei Xiangjun's shoulders and asked her to sit down:

"Sanniang already knows that I have the Singing Dragon Picture. What does it have to do with whether you learn it or not?"

Pei Xiangjun thought about it, pursed his lips, and then said:

"Whoever knows the last two moves of the Overlord Spear will be the Red God of Wealth. It was because your adoptive father didn't learn it that he ran away from home in anger... Although our ancestors have rules, they have to change with time. I will take the time to teach you. …”

Ye Jingtang smiled and said, "That's okay."

Pei Xiangjun nodded and wanted to start learning the Dragon Elephant Diagram, but he still felt that it was not enough. The Overlord Spear was great, but it was far inferior to the Singing Dragon Diagram...

Pei Xiangjun's eyes moved slightly. After hesitating for a long time, he made a demure and elegant look and said softly:

"Jingtang, what's that...your aunt has betrothed me to you, and I can't escape. I'm going to obey. You...you have to obey whether you agree or not, so as not to make your aunt sad, so I...I I will be your fiancée from now on."

Ye Jingtang smiled and said: "Marriage is a big deal. Now that I'm away from home, it's inconvenient to discuss this. Let's practice first."

After Pei Xiangjun finished speaking, his cheeks turned red, but as soon as he said the words in his heart, the chaotic emotions settled down.

Pei Xiangjun calmed down a little, regained the bearing that a female leader should have, and said softly:

"Okay, let's go and recuperate the body with Ning'er. I can do my own research."

Ye Jingtang looked at Sanniang, who had a red face but maintained a generous appearance, shook his head and said:

"You definitely don't understand, so let me teach you."


Pei Xiangjun thought everything about Ye Jingtang was good, except that she had a mouth. She sat up straight with her back straight:

"When I was in my twenties, I overcame all the heroes of Honghua Tower to become the helmsman, and it was not because of your master's support. Do you think that I am the same as Ning'er, that I am not very capable and only want to be a quarrel?"

The two rooms were not far apart, and Luo Ning was obviously eavesdropping. At this time, she spoke coldly from the next door:

"Night Terror Hall, let her figure it out on her own. If she doesn't understand, she will ask you."

Ye Jingtang pondered over the picture of the singing dragon for three or four days, and felt that it would take Sanniang ten days and a half to figure it out by herself.

But Sanniang was so confident that Ye Jingtang didn't say much, got up and walked out of the room.


The door was closed, leaving only dim light in the room.

Pei Xiangjun's calm demeanor was finally broken at this moment. There was obvious embarrassment in his eyes. His eyes flickered for a long time before he picked up the dragon elephant picture and looked at it carefully...

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