Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 180 If I were here in person

The silver moon is like a hook, and from time to time the maid's greeting can be heard in the house:

"Master Ye~"

"Well, take a rest early..."

After Ye Jingtang put down his horse, he first went to the west house to take a look, and found that Yun Lishu's scalp was numb, and he started to ask Niao Niao to help him draw cards. He left with satisfaction and went to the east house.

Ye Jingtang is the young master of the Pei family. He is too old to live in the back house. He came back very late two days ago and didn't care about the rules and slept directly on Ning'er's bed.

As he had nothing to rest at home today, he obviously couldn't live in Sanniang's courtyard so arrogantly, he had to live in the East House's courtyard according to the rules.

The east house of the Pei family is very large. The adoptive father Pei Yuanfeng lived here when he was a child. Now only Pei Luo lives there. After Pei Luo went to school, there was no one there.

After Ye Jingtang came to Beijing, Sanniang wanted him to stay at Pei's house. She had tidied up the room two months ago and changed clothes here several times, but she never stayed here.

Ye Jingtang walked along the corridor to the east house, declined several maids who secretly came to wait on him, and came outside his room alone.

The room has two pairs of doors and the same layout as Pei Luo's house. The main room is in the middle, and the study is to the east and the bedroom is to the west. The windows are dark and there is no sound at night.

Ye Jingtang came under the eaves and pushed the door open. It could be seen that the main room was neatly tidied, and there was a fresh fruit plate on the Arhat's couch in the middle where he was waiting for guests.

Ye Jingtang took off his saber from his waist, went to the fruit plate, picked up a washed green apple, turned around and walked into the bedroom of the west room. Just as he was about to take a bite of the apple, his footsteps stopped.

The bedroom is divided into inner and outer rooms, with a mahogany circular partition in the middle and a bead curtain hanging on it.

There are round tables, small stools, lampstands and other items in the outer room, while in the inner room there is a canopy bed with a light blue curtain.

The room was kept spotless by the maid, but the curtains that were supposed to be hung neatly on the hooks were put down, and no movement could be seen inside the bed.

Night Terror Hall is a escort all year round, so I am very vigilant. I listened carefully and saw no movement inside the bed. I guessed that the maid put it down because she was afraid of mosquitoes getting in, so she walked over and opened the curtain with the handle of a knife.

This move was originally a professional habit, and I casually checked the residence, but when I opened the curtain, I found a woman on the bed!

The woman is very tall, with long black hair tied back by a hairband and draped on her back. From the profile, you can see that she has a very majestic mind, but her waist is quite slender, and the curve under her waist has regained its amazing tension.

There were no lights in the room, and I couldn't see carefully through the moonlight of the window paper, but I could still see that the woman was wearing a bright red dress, so simple that there were no accessories. She was currently lying on the bed with her cheeks supported by her hands.


Although this was not the first time that Ye Jingtang bumped into a woman of unknown origin on his bed, he was still caught off guard. He retreated to the bead curtain, holding a knife in his left hand and the handle of the knife in his right hand, ready to attack.

The green apple originally held in his hand also lost control and fell to the ground.

As soon as it fell within a few inches, a white jade hand poked out from the curtain, caught the apple firmly, and then put it back.


Sounds like a slow bite.

? ?

The Night Terror Hall instantly entered a state of combat readiness. It was so quiet that only the heartbeat could be heard, but it quickly came to its senses:

"Miss Yuhu?!"

"Uh-huh~" came the voice of a mature and beautiful lady with a hint of laziness between the curtains: "Young lady came here uninvited, I hope Mr. Ye doesn't dislike it."

Ye Jingtang released his hand from the handle of the knife with a strange expression - Yuhu came uninvited, which he didn't mind, but a peerless female master who he had seen the hairless tiger yesterday touched his bed in the middle of the night...

If you didn't come here to kill him, then you probably came here to sleep with him...

Ye Jingtang hesitated for a moment, put down his saber, took out the fire stick and lit the lampstand:

"Why would I dislike it? How is Miss Yuhu's injury?"

The dim light illuminated every corner of the room, and through the gaps in the curtains, the waistline of the bright red dress could be seen.

"It's okay. Sit down, I have something to talk to you about."

Ye Jingtang felt that Yuhu's visitor was unkind, so instead of opening the tent and sitting beside the bed, he went outside to get a small round stool, placed it at the head of the bed, and looked at each other across the curtain:

"Miss Yuhu, I have a clear conscience about what happened yesterday. If you come to me to take responsibility..."

The empress of the Wei Dynasty was lying on her side on the bed, her posture was natural and lazy, as if she was lying on her own bed to summon her ministers:

"Don't think too much. I'm here. The Holy One has something important to arrange for you. I'll leave after I finish speaking."

"what's up?"

"Put your hand in."

Ye Jingtang hesitated for a moment, but still had the courage to lift up the bottom of the curtain and put his hand in.

Then something heavy was placed on his hand, carrying body heat.

Seeing that it was nothing strange, Ye Jingtang breathed a sigh of relief and took out his hand to look at it. He saw a pure gold sign lying in the palm of his hand. On the back was an embossed dragon head and on the front was 'I am here in person'...


Ye Jingtang knew the weight of this sign, and felt strange.

The left hand says 'The swallow's soul is immortal', the right hand 'It's like I'm here in person'!

From now on, the black and white will probably be able to go sideways, but if they get out of control...

Ye Jingtang looked at the gold medal and said with a smile:

"This sign is not simple. What does the Holy One have to explain?"


The Empress of Wei took a bite of a green apple, chewed it slowly, and then said:

"Yesterday, Prince Wu's incident happened. The news must have been sent to Wuzhou overnight. King Wu does not have the strength to rebel, and he will not come to the capital to kill him. He will definitely flee after receiving the news."

"The Holy One wants me to capture King Wu?"

"The Holy One only wants to take back the feudal country in a legitimate and legitimate manner. King Wu himself is not important. However, King Wu has been planning for so long and has many preparations under his hands. He should continue to plan in the dark. The court will clear up and finish these things. You have to It’s something else to do.”

Night Terror Hall asked: "What's the matter?"

"There is a retainer named Zhang Jinglin under King Wu who is suspected of having developed a substitute for Snow Lake Flower. This thing is very important. You have to find a way to find the person and find out the matter. If it is true, you must take the person alive. return."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly: "That's it?"

The Empress of Wei felt that Ye Jingtang did not understand the seriousness of the matter, so she continued:

"My practice of evil arts has caused some damage to my energy channels. Only Snow Lake Flowers can hang their lives at critical moments, but there are not so many Snow Lake Flowers in the world. So the Holy One has to let you go out and do this, and you can't slack off at all. This This sign allows you to call on any power of the court at any time."

Ye Jingtang understood the meaning this time - Yuhu urgently needed this kind of medicine to treat her injuries, but she couldn't let outsiders know that she was in urgent need of it, so she had to let him, an insider, do the job.

"I understand. If the news is true, I will definitely do my best to bring the person or the prescription back."

"Put your hand in again."

Ye Jingtang was a little confused, thinking that Miss Yuhu wanted to give him a Shangfang sword or something, but he reached in and took it out - there was a green apple that had been chewed twice, with flaming red lips. print……

Ye Jingtang was speechless and asked:

"Isn't it delicious?"

"It's good, but I don't have much appetite."

Empress Wei held the side of her face in her hands and continued:

"In a few days, King Jing will serve as an imperial envoy and take six important ministers to Jianyang, Wuzhou to deal with the descendants of King Wu's lineage and the feudal industry.

"Only you know about Zhang Jinglin's matter. It is a top priority. If you and Prince Jing disagree, you can use your words to make Prince Jing obey and focus on this matter, but don't reveal the truth and try your best to bring him back. That’s it.”

Ye Jingtang felt that Yuhu's demand for Snow Lake Flower seemed to be impatient, and asked:

"Are you worried about your injury?"

The Empress of Wei considered it for a moment: "It's not particularly serious, but it can't be cured in a short time, so I'm really worried."

Ye Jingtang knew that something was wrong with Yuhu, and it was not as simple as killing a few people, so he immediately asked:

"Can I see your injuries?"

The Empress of Wei said: "You are not a doctor, so you can't see my hidden wounds."

"I recently learned to listen to the wind palm. I can feel the direction of the breath in my body. I'll give it a try."

Ye Jingtang raised the curtain and sat beside the bed.

When the empress saw this scene, she didn't say anything. She turned over and lay on the bed, raising her white wrist.

Ye Jingtang sat sideways on the bed, like an old Chinese medicine doctor. He put Yuhu's hand on his leg to rest on it, felt the pulse with his fingers, closed his eyes and felt it carefully - the pulse was very stable...

"I feel fine..."

The Empress of Wei's hidden injury was that she secretly practiced the Ming Long Tu, which destroyed the original structure of her body and caused extremely subtle flaws. The two white hairs were the external changes caused by internal errors. When she was fine, her pulse was Can't find the problem.

The Empress of Wei raised her finger to her right shoulder:

"I occasionally feel a dull pain in my shoulder, but the bones, skin, and flesh are all normal. I can't figure out what's wrong."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang put his hand under his right shoulder and felt carefully:

"Does it hurt now?"

"It hurts for a few hours during the day, it's not serious, it's just a feeling; it doesn't hurt now."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, closed his eyes and carefully felt the direction of the breath in his body.

Empress Wei leaned on the pillow. For some reason, she felt the heat from Ye Jingtang's body again, which made her feel very comfortable.

It's a sense of security, but she doesn't seem to lack it now...

The Empress of Wei stared intently at the stunningly beautiful man so close to her, and was a little confused as to what the problem was.

Ye Jingtang carefully studied it like a doctor, and after touching it for a long time, he didn't find any hidden injuries on Yuhu's body. Instead, he found that the flow of energy and blood in Yuhu's body was not right.

The specific description is similar to when he touched Luo Nuxia in the afternoon, but the reaction in Yuhu's body was stronger. Through the thin fabric, he could feel the... lust flowing on Yuhu's body?

Ye Jingtang opened his eyes and looked at Yuhu, who was as calm as an old monk in meditation. He felt that Yuhu was normal.

But the body's reaction shouldn't be deceiving. It's obviously feeling slightly hot...

In order to verify, Ye Jingtang lightly massaged his shoulders. He found that Yuhu felt happy and his blood flow accelerated, so he followed it. If it became dull, he adjusted the intensity and position...


The Empress of Wei was lying on the pillow, her eyelashes twitching slightly, feeling extremely comfortable.

But her rationality still prevented her from forgetting that it was her brother-in-law who was teasing her lust in front of her!

For this reason, the empress suppressed the throbbing in her heart and said:

"Night Terror Hall, do you want to enter the palace and serve the Holy Lord with me?"


Ye Jingtang paused slightly, then put his hands away:

"I don't feel any hidden injuries or anything strange. I guess it's endocrine... um... the internal regulation of the body is abnormal. I feel that if I go to Mrs. Wang, I can see more problems than I can."

The empress narrowed her eyes slightly: "You mean you touched me for a long time and nothing came out?"

Ye Jingtang wanted to explain, but in the end he said frankly:

"That's true. But I just pressed my shoulder. My original intention was to solve your hidden injury."

The empress didn't care anymore, waved her hand and said: "My injury is difficult to treat. You go and bring Zhang Jinglin back first."

Ye Jingtang stood up, picked up the gold medal of 'I am here in person' and looked at it:

"Should I set off with Prince Jing together?"

"Prince Jing had to take six ministers with him on an official ship, and they were going slowly. Prince Wu may have received the news now. By the time you arrive at Wuzhou, you must have fled Jianyang City. If you had gone there a day earlier, it would have been possible for this to be done. Sex will be great."

Night Terror Hall put away the sign, turned around and said, "I understand, I'll go back and pack my things and set off."

The Empress of Wei raised her hand slightly:

"Go ahead."

Ye Jingtang was about to walk out of the bead curtain, but when he saw the furnishings in the room, he felt something was wrong and turned around:

"Miss Yuhu, this is my bed."


The empress blinked her charming eyes. She originally wanted to say, "Is there anything in the world but the king's soil?" But this was a bit too overbearing, so Yingying stood up, stood in front of the Night Terror Hall, and warned:

"Even if we can mobilize the government personnel, this matter is still dangerous. You still put your own safety first and be careful."

"I have my own sense of proportion."

"If this is done, what reward do you want?"

Ye Jingtang wanted to say that he did not seek fame and fortune, but this was obviously impossible. He thought for a moment and asked tentatively:

"I have two close friends who also want to learn jade bone diagrams. Does Miss Yuhu think this is possible?"

When the Empress of the Wei Dynasty saw that Ye Jingtang was still thinking about his wife, she couldn't help but secretly sigh in her heart: I really have a ruthless eye when it comes to people. For power, money, fame, and sex, this boy really can only use the word "lust".

The Empress of Wei thought for a while, got a little closer face to face, and leaned into Ye Jingtang's ear, saying meaningfully:

"I can give you whatever you want."

Like orchids and the wind blowing against his earlobes, Ye Jingtang stood up straight for a moment, feeling that Miss Yuhu was teasing him, so he quickly took a half step away, just as he was about to say, 'Girl, please respect yourself! ’.

As a result, before she even opened her mouth, she found a stunning beauty in a red dress, lifting up the bead curtain and walking out of the door, leaving only the faint fragrance remaining in the room...


Thousands of streets are like forests hiding ghosts and shadows, and the Night Fiend of the Toad Palace defends the Dragon City.

Dragon City Night Fiend Volume (End)

Volume Three: Wushan Yunyu Volume

Han Qiang entered Wushan alone and drove away wolves and tigers to defeat Xuanyuan!

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