Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 178 New Home

In the imperial city, several battle scars on the square in front of the palace have been repaired overnight and restored to look like new.

Outside the Taihua Palace, hundreds of courtiers in various colors of court uniforms filed out of the Thousand Steps Corridor, in small groups along the way, discussing how to deal with yesterday's case involving King Wu.

Behind Taihua Hall, a hundred people were guarding the ceremony, surrounding an emperor's royal chariot, heading towards Changle Palace.

On top of the royal chariot, the Empress of Wei, wearing a black and red dragon robe, put her left leg on her right leg, revealing red palace shoes and white ankles. Her elbows rested on the armrests to support her side face. She was sitting in a slightly lazy and majestic posture. He has a proud figure, but he exudes a different kind of domineering aura that dominates the world.

The twelve jade algae hanging down from the crown obscured the empress's soft and unparalleled face. Her eyes, which were originally so deep in the court that they seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts, were now in a state of trance.

The vassal king's rebellion was a big deal, but with King Wu's strength, he couldn't make trouble at all. With a reasonable excuse, he could be killed with just a flick of his finger, which was not a big deal in the eyes of the empress.

Last night, the beauty was rescued by a male hero, and he even saw the beauty bathing. It was a big deal for a woman, but the empress was not an ignorant little girl, and she was not shy and timid about it.

At this moment, I was distracted, thinking about how to break the situation next.

There was more than one King Wu in the Wei Dynasty who had disloyal intentions. Outside, there were the Beiliang tigers looking at him, and there were kings inside who had ulterior motives. There were countless rebels, big and small, such as the Green Bandits and the Pingtian Sect. This situation could be said to be surrounded by powerful enemies.

But the empress never regarded these as difficulties. From the day she sat in this position as a daughter, she knew that she had the ability to eliminate all disasters in sight, leaving only a prosperous age without soldiers for future generations. .

But it takes time to do this, and only by living can she accomplish everything in her heart; the only dilemma she faces is her own body.

If you want to live a long life, you must find a way to find the five lost dragon pictures and cure the physical flaws caused by touching taboos.

But it was impossible for her to go all over the world to find the Minglong Picture.

Although Master Xuanji is powerful, he also helps her search secretly, but luck is more important than strength in finding Minglongtu.

First, you have to have incredible luck to discover clues; then rely on your extraordinary detection and tracking ability to find out whereabouts; and then rely on unparalleled martial arts to grab it.

These three points, the aspect of strength, are actually the simplest conditions.

Night Terror Hall seems to meet these three conditions, but there is obviously no reason to go through fire and water for her sister-in-law.

If you want to arrange this important task, you must find ways to close the relationship and establish a deep friendship with each other that transcends the differences between monarch and minister.

But after such an incident yesterday, if we get closer to each other, we might end up on the dragon bed.

What was established was not a pure friendship, but a very strange relationship.

A majestic empress who relies on beauty traps to win the hearts of men so that they can do things for her is not the way she should behave.

As an emperor, he should use his absolute charisma to make his subordinates swear loyalty and surrender to the death.

Yesterday, I stabbed Eunuch Cao with one shot. His peerless grace had already made Ye Jingtang admire him with admiration.

But he didn't hold on for a few breaths, and the power was broken on the spot. His image plummeted, and all the trivial things were discovered.

A hairless phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, and a hairless tiger certainly does not look majestic or domineering.

How could this make Ye Jingtang surrender in awe...

The empress sat on the royal chariot, not knowing what she was thinking about. As soon as she returned to Cheng'an Palace, she heard the voice of the palace maid Hongyu coming from the palace:

"The Queen Mother, the Holy Father is back. Please change your clothes first. It's almost noon..."

The empress came back to her senses, stepped down from the chariot, asked the palace people to retreat, and entered the palace unhurriedly.

The palace was empty, and the palace people had been kicked out by the Queen Mother. In the bedroom near the lake, Hongyu stood in front of the dragon bed, softly persuading.

The Queen Mother folded her hands on her waist and sat on the edge of the dragon bed. Her expression was very vivid - her cheeks were puffed up, her big eyes were misty, and she was obviously very angry!

The empress knew the reason. She did not wake up naturally this morning, but was kicked off the dragon bed by the Queen Mother who woke up from a nightmare.

Then the Queen Mother huddled in the corner of the bed, hugging her knees, looking as if she had been humiliated, and did not dare to say what happened.

Based on that reaction, the empress estimated that what happened to the night terror hall last night was something that the Queen Mother had to be mute and eat coptis, so she did not dare to tell anyone.

The Empress was afraid that the Queen Mother would not be able to think about it, so she explained to the Queen Mother that she had called the Night Terror Hall and had a secret errand to explain, so the Queen Mother should not take it to heart.

Then the Queen Mother couldn't hold it in any longer. She felt aggrieved and complained to her, accusing Ye Jing Tang of atrocities and wanted to call Ye Jing Tang into the palace for interrogation.

The empress definitely didn't agree and declined, so the Queen Mother lost her temper and sat here all morning without eating or changing clothes, as if she was going on a hunger strike in the palace.

The empress entered the bedroom, spread her arms, let Hongyu take off her dragon robe and crown, and said softly:

"It's already noon. Queen Mother, please go have a meal. Don't be hungry."

The Queen Mother stood up and drove Hongyu out, and helped the empress undress her clothes. Her eyes were very aggrieved:

"How can I have the heart to eat? Ye Jingtang sneaked in. Even if the Holy Emperor secretly summoned me and found me, he should not have covered my mouth and knocked me unconscious... I am the queen mother, such a treason. His Majesty didn't even care about his behavior. If he were Li Ren, he would definitely ask for an explanation for me..."

The empress comforted him: "I have already reprimanded him. He was afraid of alarming the palace people, so it was a helpless move to stun the Queen Mother."

The Queen Mother didn't think so. She hesitated a little and whispered:

"He is helpless, but I have to ask him what he has done, right? When he knocked me unconscious, the Holy Master was not present. There were only me and him in the room. If he had done anything to me, it would be impossible for him to do anything. No one knows... They dare to be so rebellious and knock me unconscious, just give me a kiss and touch..."

The more the Queen Mother spoke, the more aggrieved and outrageous she became.

The empress was asleep at the time, and she actually didn’t know if Ye Jingtang had done anything, but judging from Ye Jingtang’s attitude towards her, she would not do anything treacherous and unethical. She explained softly:

"I came back as soon as he knocked out the Queen Mother. I didn't have time to offend the Queen Mother."

The Queen Mother raised her hand and tapped the Empress’ collarbone twice:

"Isn't this offensive? Is this a place that men can touch? And he covered my mouth so tightly..."

The empress put on the belt of her red dress and had no choice but to compromise: "It was my lack of consideration that frightened the Queen Mother. How is the Queen Mother going to punish him?"

The Queen Mother's red lips opened and closed slightly, and she really wanted to vent her anger, but thinking about the night before yesterday when the hall took her on an underground adventure and protected her with all her strength, she seemed unable to make a move...

"He is the Holy One... No, he is Li Ren or something. The Holy One called him here in the middle of the night..."

The empress raised her hand slightly and looked solemnly:

"This matter is related to the fate of the country of Wei Dynasty. The Queen Mother must not spread it to outsiders. If I am interested in Ye Jingtang, I can openly and openly come to the palace to accompany you. If I can make Li Ren a king, how can Li Ren let my sister It’s sad to ask for something but not get it.”

The Empress Dowager thought about it for a while, and with the character of the empress, there was really no need to be secretive if she wanted to sleep at night, so she continued:

"He is the favorite minister of the Holy One. If I punish him, wouldn't it put the Holy One in a dilemma? This matter... I can just not argue with him, but the Holy One must let him know that it is I who did not punish him, not the Holy One who protected him. Stop him and tell him not to do it again."

The empress nodded slightly: "I will tell him that he will not be allowed to set foot in Fushou Palace in the future, and he will get out of the way in advance when he sees the Queen Mother, so as not to make the Queen Mother angry."


The Queen Mother felt that if the emperor's words were revealed, she would never see the night terrors in the rest of her life. Although she didn't mean anything, it was completely unnecessary.

"No need, I can just pretend that this matter never happened."

The Queen Mother's face softened a bit and she changed the subject:

"By the way, when will Master Xuanji come? Your Majesty has been busy with government affairs. Li Ren has been wanting to follow the Night Terror Hall from morning to night. He agreed to pick me up yesterday, but turned around and forgot about it. He didn't even say hello..."

"Master Xuanji comes here every autumn. It's already June, so it's almost here. When Master Xuanji comes, I will ask her to accompany the Queen Mother to go out and have fun for a while. She can even visit Wutong Street privately incognito in the middle of the night."

The Queen Mother looks forward to the happy time with her best friends every year. When she heard these words, even her anger from yesterday disappeared a bit:

"The Holy One urged her. She has been cultivating immortality in Yuxu Mountain for many years, and I haven't seen any tricks in her cultivation. Coming to the capital is not the same as meditating."

"Know it."


It was noon, and the hot June summer sun instantly turned Yun'an City into an oven. There were almost no pedestrians on the streets.

Ye Jingtang rode his horse along the shade of the trees on the street, covering his eyes with the birds, still studying Listening to the Wind Palm.

Tingfeng Palm uses touch to sense subtle fluctuations, which is not only useful for people.

In the past, Bird Bird would shake its head and head when its eyes were blindfolded, but today I found that no matter how it shook, Tangtang's hands followed.

After being unable to shake it off for several times, it also aroused the fighting spirit of Bird Bird!

Niaoniao was motionless at first, and then suddenly poked his head out, and would even "chichichi!" to release false information about an enemy attack, distracting the Ye Jingtang's attention, and then making a sneak attack. It was said that he had a very high level of understanding.

Ye Jingtang teased Niaoniao and came to Dyefang Street first.

Dyefang Street was rebuilt very quickly, and now it can be considered brand new, but it is still being renovated and no merchants have settled in it.

Night Jingtang came to the depths of Shuanggui Lane and did not come back for a few days. The yard changed little.

Although she is about to move to a bigger house, Luo Nuxia hopes to keep the place where the two met for the first time and the place where they started their business, so she bought this yard and left the objects in it intact so that she can keep the place where she and Luo Nuxia can meet her in the future. Xia came to reminisce about the past.

Ye Jingtang opened the door of the main room and took out the "Picture of a Hawker Buying Chicken" hanging on the wall. Thinking of the painter who had just offended this painting yesterday, he felt pressure in his heart. After carefully rolling it up, he took a few more Everyday objects, return to Tianshui Bridge.

Sanniang must be a little selfish in helping him buy a house. The new house is only half a street away from the Pei family's mansion. It is very close to the Nanxun River, with a viewing gallery facing the river to the east and a walk leading to the stone bridge in the front. The small street is surrounded by willow trees and the environment is extremely elegant.

Ye Jingtang led the horse to the front door. It could be seen that there were many Tianshuiqiao workers inside, working back and forth in the house, cleaning or placing furniture.

In order to satisfy Luo Nuxia, the house is in the style of Jiangzhou. There is a garden on the east side, and most of the buildings are on the west side. The layout is compact. The back house is divided into four small courtyards, and there is a two-story embroidered building where the lady lives on the east side. Visual inspection shows that even with the owner and maid, it is not a problem for dozens of people to live there.

When Ye Jingtang came here for the first time, he really didn't expect that Sanniang had bought such a big house in the capital where land was so valuable. After walking around in it, he found Sanniang in the big garden on the east side.

In the middle of the garden is a small lake with a small stone bridge on it. After the stone bridge is the pavilion, and the original east wall, because it faces the river, has been built into a row of houses. After entering, there are viewing galleries and other buildings.

Sanniang was sitting on the small stone table in the pavilion, with the account book in front of her, and she was checking it carefully. Xiuhe was helping beside her, and she looked like a lady who was in charge of the house.

Ye Jingtang walked across the small bridge and came to the pavilion. He said with a smile: "Sanniang, I'm afraid this house is a bit big. There are only three of us including Luo Nuxia and I have to tidy them up just to clean up." .”

Pei Xiangjun saw Ye Jingtang coming. Thinking of what happened last night, his face was still on fire. He turned around slightly, calmly and dignifiedly buried his head in settling accounts, and spoke in a calm tone:

"Who knows how many girls you will bring back in the future. If you don't buy a bigger house, what will happen if you can't live in it in the future?"

Xiuhe was enthusiastic, holding a small ball fan, stood up and asked Ye Jingtang to sit down, and helped fan him beside him, smiling and saying:

"The young master will live here from now on, so there is no need to take care of it himself. There are many maids in the house. They think the young master is a nice person and has no airs, so they all want to come and serve them. Lots are being drawn now, and you can only come if you win the lottery. I will be the housekeeper for the young master in the future, and the young master will not dislike it. Bar?"

Ye Jingtang looked at the cute and charming Xiu He, as happy as a new official taking office, and it was a little funny:

"How can I dislike it? But if you run away, what will Sanniang do?"

Xiuhe sat down in front of him and said proudly: "If you can, please do more work. I will run in both directions now and wait for Sanniang to move in..."


Pei Xiangjun raised his eyes and looked at Xiuhe, as if he was ready to clean up the house.

Xiuhe blinked, realizing that he had made a mistake, he put down his fan and stood up, saying, "What about... I'll go outside and take a look, the young master will talk first." Then he ran away.

Ye Jingtang picked up the fan and fanned Sanniang who was sitting sideways on the stone bench. He looked up and saw that Sanniang was wearing a man-colored lipstick, her hair was neatly combed, and she also had the sparrow-tail hairpin he gave her. , although he looked very serious while immersed in writing, his eyes glanced at him from time to time and then quickly looked away, obviously he was worried.

After looking around the garden for a few times, Ye Jingtang said, "The house is too big and there are so few people living in it. Otherwise, Sanniang could live here too."

Pei Xiangjun fluttered his eyelashes and glanced at Ye Jingtang. He couldn't figure out what Ye Jingtang meant, and his heart was a little complicated.

Last night she fell naked into Jingtang's arms and even sat down on her face. Although she was embarrassed, she still figured it out and just treated it as an accident.

But before she fell, she and Hu Meizi were chatting about very private things. They said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said. Everyone must have heard it...

This is no different from expressing your feelings to Jingtang in person...

Jingtang asked her to live here...

After Pei Xiangjun glanced at Ye Jingtang for a few times, he lowered his head and looked at the account book and said calmly:

"I'm a young lady from the Pei family. It's not appropriate to live outside... But you're often away from home. It's not okay for no one to take care of such a big house. I'll discuss it with my eldest aunt. If she arranges it this way, I'll come over; 豼大If Auntie doesn't agree, just ask Xiuhe to come over and take care of her."

Ye Jingtang smiled and nodded along with the words:

"Sanniang needs to tell my eldest aunt carefully. I used to live in Liangzhou. The yard is not as big as the stable here, and I don't have any maids. I don't know how to take care of the house. Sanniang doesn't live here, so I'm in charge. I'm here to help. The maids are afraid that they will have to go to the house to uncover the tiles, so they all crawl into my house at night."

Pei Xiangjun knew that this was the truth, and Xiuhe was much more courageous than she was. He asked Xiuhe to sleep next door to the Night Terror Hall, and within three days, he would have to perform the drama of "sleepwalking" into the wrong bed.

"I know. This house doesn't need to be tidied up at all. You can start the stove by just moving the daily items here. You can go and look around, I'm busy."

Ye Jingtang chuckled and did not disturb Sanniang. He stood up and took Niaoniao to look at the new nest...

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