Wait a minute, heroine

The scrapped manuscripts are considered extras.

Wasted manuscript... let's call it a side story.

The next day, a scorching sun rose in the sky, and Yun'an City, which was sunny after the rain, returned to its usual prosperity.

In the Pei family's mansion, the maids performed their duties. Zhe Yunli, who had gotten up early, stood by the lotus pond and practiced health-preserving fists slowly.

In the side room in the main courtyard, Ye Jingtang stood in front of the bronze mirror, carefully dressed in a black official robe made of Shuiyun Brocade, a belt inlaid with white jade around his waist, a silver crown on his head and long boots on his feet, and he was meticulously dressed from head to toe.

The big white bird was pulled up early in the morning and was still asleep. He squatted on the window sill and took a nap. What was different from the past was that he had a small black scarf around his neck with embroidered patterns on it, which made it look shiny. Hui is used to highlight the special identity of the 'official bird'.

The official robe was sent by Benben early in the morning. The style and texture were exactly the same as those of the fourth-grade military attache. Niaoniao's 'official robe' was the same as the pattern on his chest.

The fourth-grade official does not sound like a big deal, but outside the capital, he basically walks sideways. Within the capital, he is not a small player. The next level up is the sixth-grade minister, and the deputy commander of the black yamen is considered an internal court official. The closest minister of the emperor, rounded up, is approximately equal to the deputy director of the East Factory.

As the rebel leader of the Pingtian Sect, Luo Ning felt terrified and a little unhappy when she saw this robe representing a senior official of the Black Yamen.

Last night, the little thief asked for a reward for his great achievements, and she reluctantly agreed. As a result, the little thief's appetite grew bigger and bigger. She held it in his hands and fed him because he felt it was not enough, so he even made her cry like a knight-errant.

Luo Ning didn't agree, so the little thief coaxed her hard. Finally, her heart softened, and she gave in half-heartedly. As a result, she was made to cry, and the little thief didn't let her go.

The majestic appearance of the little thief Qingtian at this time was completely different from the shameless little thief last night. Luo Ning adjusted her robe and became more and more annoyed as she looked at it. She couldn't help but muttered:

"Dog officer~"

Ye Jingtang looked at the court official in the mirror. He was not used to it, but when he saw Ning'er, the female leader of the rebel bandits, with eyes full of reluctance, and she had to help put on official robes, she felt a little bit like a dog official taking over the world. Heroine's bad taste.

Excited by the night terror, he raised his hand and pinched Luo Ning's face:

"You are so presumptuous that you even dare to scold me, hiss...it hurts..."

Luo Ning twisted her waist, raised her eyes to look at the lotus pond outside the window, her eyes were extremely annoyed, and she whispered:

"Are you crazy? Yunli is boxing outside... Just get dressed and get out. I have to go see the house and I don't have time to wait for you."

Ye Jingtang rubbed his waist, stood up obediently, and walked out of the room after his wife dressed him.

In the verandah outside the main house, Pei Xiangjun was discussing with Xiuhe about buying a new house later. She was wearing a goose-yellow summer dress, her hair was combed in a particularly beautiful bun, and her lips were dotted with male-colored rouge. She was obviously a Well groomed.

When Ye Jingtang saw Sanniang, he recalled the scene they had seen yesterday. He was about to go over and say hello, when he saw Sanniang pulling Xiuhe out as if she was in a hurry to go out, and said:

"I'm going to have a look at the new house. If you have time at noon, you can come and take a look. If you don't have time, just wait for the move and move in in a few days."

Before Ye Jingtang could speak, Sanniang disappeared. At that moment, he could only shake his head secretly, picked up the sleeping bird from the verandah, and left Tianshui Bridge...

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