Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 172 Audacious


The rain hit the eaves, and the palace lanterns swayed slightly in the corridor.

The Queen Mother was wearing a dark red phoenix skirt, sitting on a carved chariot, holding a book in her hand, covering the title of the book with her big sleeves, and carefully reviewing it with her bright apricot eyes, just like the Queen Mother who was listening behind the curtain and reviewing the book.

The handsome Hongyu walked in front of the chariot, carrying a palace lantern to illuminate the Queen Mother, and murmured softly:

"The tunnel of the side hall has been dug. I heard from the craftsmen that we can run directly to Prince Jing's Mansion, and if we go further, we can reach Wende Bridge."

The Queen Mother was very concerned about this matter and warned:

"Say hello to the people from the Ministry of Industry, don't seal it up, and keep the section that goes to Prince Jing's Mansion. From now on, if I have nothing to do at night, I can go out of the palace and wander around. It's safe to walk through the tunnels."

Hongyu quickly shook her head: "The tunnel is so deep and there are rats. If the Queen Mother and I go alone, I'm afraid we will cry in fear on the way."

"What happens once is familiar again. This was my first time last time, so I must have been on tenterhooks. Now that I know the basics, there is nothing to be afraid of..."

During the chat, the guard of honor returned to Changle Palace.

The Queen Mother's palace was full of craftsmen and was smoky. The Queen Mother could not stay anywhere at night, and there were no other concubines in the palace except the empress. She must have slept with the empress during the past two days.

When they arrived at Cheng'an Hall, there was no one else there except the palace maid. After questioning, they learned that the empress' whereabouts were unknown. Li Ren had just come back, but was abducted out of the palace by Ye Jingtang.

The Queen Mother was quite helpless about this, but she was used to staying alone in her empty boudoir, so she didn't wait for the two of them. After washing herself, she put on a light nightgown and climbed onto the dragon bed.

There was drizzle outside the window, and a lamp was like a bean in the silent bedroom.

The Queen Mother did not have the habit of going to bed early in the past, so she could not fall asleep even in bed. She had nothing to do, so she lay on the inside of the luxurious dragon bed, with her back to the light, and continued to study the Secret History of Queen Marie in her hand.

This book is about palace secrets. It also contains the plot of the prince being injured and the queen mother secretly taking the bathing in fire picture collected in the palace to treat the injury of her lover.

The book is well written, saying that the picture of bathing in fire affects people's "essence", because the picture of bathing in fire is so powerful that it causes semen and blood to flow to the brain, making the Queen Mother stick out her tongue.

But the Queen Mother felt that the writing was wrong. She had practiced bathing in fire and knew that this picture would not bring out the bestiality in people.

The impact is the same as when a person is recovering from a serious illness. One drop of essence or ten drops of blood will consume a lot of human essence and blood to recover from the injury. He will be lethargic and weak for a period of time. He needs to eat a lot of nourishing food to replenish his body. Even if he wants to ruin a girl, he will be powerless. .

And why would you stick out your tongue when doing something like that...

The Queen Mother's face turned slightly red. When she saw this paragraph, she thought that the Night Terror Hall was so talented that she would be interested in the "Dynasty of Fire" picture.

However, the picture of Bathing in Fire is a great opportunity given by Master Shu, and it is also the only variable in her life that she can see at a glance. It is very precious to her.

If the empress was in urgent need and sent people to search for it, she would hesitate for a long time and would probably hand it over to the court.

But the empress is tough and gives the impression of being omnipotent. She has never shown that she is in urgent need of these strange and powerful objects. It is safer for her to stay in the palace for a long time. She can keep her little treasure, so she naturally keeps it.

But Ye Jingtang is from outside the palace, and the previous great inner door gods were not allowed to practice this figure. She made the decision privately, and might cause trouble for the empress.

After thinking wildly for a moment, the Queen Mother put aside the distracting thoughts and continued to enjoy the scene of the Queen Mother being raped. When she was getting into a good mood, she suddenly heard the sound of the bead curtain being pushed aside from outside the bed:


Ye Jingtang came out of Mingyu Tower and went to the Hei Yamen first to find a robe. On the way, he saw Qiu Tianhe recovering from his injuries in the Hei Yamen. He returned to the palace directly without any serious problems.

As the night got darker, the original heavy rain turned into light rain, and the palace gradually became quiet.

Ye Jingtang wore a black robe with a sword hanging on his waist. He came to Changle Palace with the help of a waist badge that allowed him to enter and exit the palace freely.

It wasn't too long since I left. Cheng'an Hall had not changed much, and the dormitory near the lake was still quiet with no movement.

Ye Jingtang walked around to the side of Minglongtan, crossed the lake like a dragonfly, and landed on the terrace facing the lake. Then he entered the outer room of the bedroom and looked at the dragon bed in the inner room.

There is a jasper bead curtain in the inner room, and you can see the lights outside the eight-step bed, and you can faintly hear the sound of even breathing. However, due to the angle, it is impossible to see the details inside the bed from the outside at a glance.

Already out?

The Night Terror Hall was in the empress's bedroom, and she certainly didn't expect anyone else to sleep on the dragon bed. Seeing that the light was on and it seemed that she was not asleep, she walked slowly to the inner room, raised her hand to lift the bead curtain and looked at it.


The jasper bead chain was opened, and only the outside of the bed could be seen. The thin quilt had been unfolded, and long black hair was hanging on the edge of the pillow.

Ye Jingtang was about to poke his head when he found that Bo was passive. The woman sleeping on the bed turned over and looked back at him, revealing her mature and beautiful cheeks and her big eyes that were as bright as stars. .



A thunderbolt flashed through their minds.

There was a sudden silence in the bedroom, and even the lampstand seemed to freeze at this moment.

Ye Jingtang's expression froze. Although the other party was wearing a loose nightgown, her bun was undone, and she had no makeup, her almond-shaped eyes, rosy mouth, and round figure made him recognize her immediately. Know the other party’s identity!

Looking at each other, Ye Jingtang could see a flash of surprise in the Queen Mother's eyes, and then her apricot eyes widened, her red lips slightly opened, and she covered her bulging clothes with a thin quilt, her expression turned to panic, and she was about to speak out. A scream that pierced through the gold and cracked the stone was enough to resound throughout Changle Palace.

Ye Jingtang secretly thought something was wrong and rushed to Babu's bed, covering his red lips that were about to scream.


The Queen Mother's mouth was covered by the tall man who rushed towards her, and she only let out a few muffled whines. Her eyes became more and more frightened and angry. She raised her hand to push Ye Jingtang's arm, and tried to slap it with the book in her hand to make any noise. Remind Silly Ruby.

The movement was too big, causing the already loose nightgown to swing around.

Ye Jingtang was a little anxious, not wanting to alert the palace maids outside, so he could only bite the bullet and use the technique he learned from Ning'er to tap the Queen Mother's chest twice.

Dong Dong~


The Empress Dowager's limbs suddenly became limp and she lost all strength. She felt dizzy and her eyes widened a little. Helplessness, grief, anger and despair flashed through her eyes. Before she lost her consciousness, the last thought in her eyes was probably - If you dare to touch me, you are such a lewd thief. I, I will not let you go even if I act like a ghost...

Then his big, tearful eyes slowly closed, and he lay limply on the pillow.

Dead silence returned to the dormitory.


Ye Jingtang let go of the Queen Mother's lips, looked at the mature face full of despair and anger, and knew that this matter might not be rectified.

But he couldn't care so much at this time. If Yuhu didn't react at all, something must have happened.

Ye Jingtang quickly covered the Queen Mother with a thin quilt, quickly came behind the screen, and knocked lightly on the sliding door.

Dong Dong~~

Listening carefully, there was no movement inside.

Ye Jingtang's heart sank slightly. He turned the knob on the tiger head relief and opened the sliding door to check.

In the closed private bathroom, the candlestick was still lit, and the Kirin armor placed in the middle exuded a dark golden color. It looked majestic and heavy, with a sense of majesty that prohibited strangers from entering.

And directly in front of Baojia, a beautiful woman with an alluring appearance was leaning on the edge of the bath. Her face had recovered a lot, but her eyes were closed and there was no sound or movement.

Ye Jingtang raised his eyes and saw a field of white flowers. He quickly turned his head to avoid it, but immediately felt that something was wrong. He was afraid that Yuhu had died, so he gritted his teeth and entered the bathroom.

Yuhu's plump body was half-immersed in the water, up to his neck, and the rest was submerged in the water.

The legs are close together, and this time there is a small piece of red fabric hanging on the base of the legs, which blocks the triangle area, but the plump legs and buttocks are still visible.

Yuhu seemed to be on guard, keeping his arms wrapped around each other, but his whole body was relaxed, causing his arms to naturally slide down.

Ye Jingtang didn't have the time to appreciate these things, so he quickly came to him and put his fingers in Yu Huren's heart - his breathing was even and not cold.

He pressed Yuhu's neck again - his pulse was as thin as a thread and he felt very weak.

And when he came here just now, Yuhu's body was hot, but now he is cold and his body temperature is very low...

Although Ye Jingtang does not have medical skills, he has been traveling around the world all year round, so he can still tell the general situation.

The pulse condition of Yuhu is a deficiency from the inside out. It is not like the weakness after strenuous exercise, but a loss of the inside.

If I had to describe it, it would be as if he had been fucked by seven or eight wolf-like girls for three days and three nights, feeling as if his body had been hollowed out...

Ye Jingtang knew that after recovering from a serious illness or injury, the body would be weak for a few days, but Yuhu was a little too weak.

Looking carefully at Yuhu's face, he found that among the three thousand blue hairs, there seemed to be an extra white hair...

While Ye Jingtang was looking carefully, he suddenly noticed that the girl Yuhu was very close. Her eyelashes fluttered, and then she frowned slightly, opened her charming eyes, and showed the displeasure as if she was getting out of bed.

Eyes facing each other.

Ye Jingtang frowned and asked:

"What’s wrong with you?"

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