Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 165 Making an attack in the east and attacking in the west?


The sky was getting dark, and heavy rain fell on a school in the west of the city. A dozen schoolchildren who could not go home sat neatly in the school building, writing today's homework.

On the side of the academy, in the room where the Master was resting, Nangong Shaofeng was dressed as a Confucian scholar, standing at the window and looking in the direction of Mingyu Tower, with his hands clasped together tightly behind his back.

Liu Qiansheng, the old boxing master in white robes, also dressed as a master, holding a cup of tea in his hand, lightly clasping the cup with his fingers, causing subtle ripples in the tea:

"It takes at most a quarter of an hour from taking action to escaping from the capital. Are the preparations in other places absolutely foolproof?"

Nangong Shaofeng turned around and sat down next to the tea table. Although his eyebrows were serious, his tone was calm:

"The gatekeepers of Kaiyuan Gate have been bribed and most of the guards have been removed. Hundreds of traps have been arranged along the retreat route. Xiao Yuan and the others are ready to go. As long as Cao Aning gets close to Cao Qiansui and successfully rescues him, The white-haired Tingting, the Eight-Armed Ksitigarbha, the Night Terror Hall and even the door gods in the palace will definitely rush to the rescue; by then there will be only a few forbidden troops left in the Yunning Marquis Mansion, and a quarter of an hour will be enough to rescue the Holy Master and escape from the city."

Liu Qiansheng held the teacup and thought for a moment:

"Cao Qiansui is a few years younger than me. If he is imprisoned in a dungeon for ten years, is he sure that he can make the whole city feel like they are facing a formidable enemy?"

Nangong Shaofeng nodded: "It is said that Eunuch Cao practiced the four dragon pictures of golden scales, jade bones, dragon elephants and evergreen for a period of time. Even if he lost all his skills in the dungeon and only relied on his muscles and skin, he could stand still and be beaten. , and can hold off countless masters for a long time."

Liu Qiansheng, the former boxing champion, is now very old and his body has suffered hidden injuries. He is very interested in the 'Standing Face Pictures and Bathing in Fire Pictures' and asked:

"The Evergreen Diagram is said to be the 'qi' in 'Jing Qi Shen' that you have practiced. If you practice this diagram for a period of time, apart from keeping your appearance forever, does it have other effects?"

As a member of the prince, Nangong Shaofeng was very familiar with this kind of palace secrets and explained:

"People are born from qi, and qi comes from the mind. The way to nourish qi and the whole mind can be achieved. If you practice the Changqing diagram every day, your body and organs will stay strong day by day. If you supplement it with the three diagrams of 'muscles, bones and skin', the effect can be imagined." As long as Cao Qiansui comes out and has a little strength, the court will have to cut off a few hours before he can be imprisoned, which is enough time for us to leave."

Liu Qiansheng thought for a while and looked a little confused: "Why doesn't the court just kill this kind of living god who no one can do anything about?"

"Cao Qiansui has been protecting Taizu since the founding of the country. When Taizu died, he protected the late emperor. In terms of loyalty and martyrdom, the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty were not worthy of carrying his shoes."

Nangong Shaofeng sighed softly: "Besides, the Ming Long Diagram has been lost. Only Cao Qiansui in the world has so many Ming Dragon Diagrams. It is not a problem for Cao Qiansui to live to be a hundred years old, and the older he gets, the more powerful he is. Where can I find the second one? ? The empress probably still wants to persuade Eunuch Cao to be loyal to her, otherwise she wouldn’t have removed Cao Qiansui from his position as eunuch in charge of the seal."

Liu Qiansheng suddenly understood and did not ask any more questions.

Nangong Shaofeng chatted with Cao Qiansui for a while, but he felt that this plan was very successful, and he felt more at ease, and continued:

"Based on the time, it's almost done. As soon as the drums of Mingyu Tower sound, all the masters in the city will rush to Mingyu Tower. Let's..."


While he was talking, footsteps sounded at the door of the school.

Nangong Shaofeng and Liu Qiansheng suppressed their words at the same time and looked at each other.

Nangong Shaofeng hesitated for a moment, put down the tea cup, and like an ordinary teacher, walked out of the room slowly with a ruler in hand and came to the door of the school.


The rain was pouring down.

The light in the bluestone alley outside the school was dim, and three figures stood in front of the door.

Nangong Shaofeng raised his eyes and saw two people behind him, dressed in black and green detective robes, with official swords hanging on their waists and bamboo hats on their heads, standing motionless in the rain.

The leader is a stern man wearing a black official robe, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, a face like a crown jade, a jade-inlaid waistband hanging with the word 'Jing' on the side, holding a black oil-paper umbrella in his right hand, and his left hand behind his back, hanging on his waist There is a straight knife hanging on it, and he stands upright. His demeanor looks gentle and elegant, but the energy displayed in his eyes is like two piercing sharp knives.

Although Nangong Shaofeng didn't see Ye Jingtang's face when he fought against Ye Jingtang last time, it was difficult to find another one in the capital with his almost 'aggressive' handsome appearance, so he recognized this new figure at first sight. The black evil star appears.

Nangong Shaofeng secretly thought that something was wrong, and his steps subconsciously slowed down by half a minute, but his expression remained the same as before. He came to the door and handed over his hands:

"It turns out that the Lord from the Black Yamen is here. May I ask who the Lord is?"

"Night Terror Hall."

"Oh, it turns out to be Lord Ye, I have long admired you."

Ye Jingtang took a step forward, stepped on the white stone steps of the school, and looked at the school building inside:

"Mr. Nangong is a disciple of Prince Wu. Why do you come here to teach?"

Nangong Shaofeng smiled and raised his hand to signal Ye Jingtang to come in:

"I am a teacher in Wuzhou. His Royal Highness has grown up and I can no longer teach him. I had nothing to do at home, so I set up a school in the city to teach children from poor families in the surrounding areas."

Ye Jingtang put away his umbrella, walked into the door slowly, and looked at the tidy courtyard:

"Mr. Nangong's virtue is admirable. If I had met a master like Mr. Nangong when I was young, I wouldn't have ended up practicing martial arts. I would have been fighting and killing all day long."

"Haha. Mr. Ye has put on this robe at such a young age. It would be too embarrassing to say this."

Nangong Shaofeng stood in front and looked at the two students in the school building:

"Mr. make a cup of tea for the guests."

"Yes sir."

Two eleven or twelve-year-old schoolchildren quickly stood up.

Ye Jingtang raised his finger slightly: "No need. I just came here for a routine visit. It's getting dark, why haven't you finished school yet?"

Nangong Shaofeng indicated the weather: "It's raining heavily, and many children don't have umbrellas. Let them go back after the rain stops, so as not to get cold."

Ye Jingtang turned his head and looked at the policeman behind him:

"Go find some umbrellas. Children are growing, so it's not a good idea to study while hungry."


A black police officer behind him bowed his hands and ran out of the alley quickly.

Nangong Shaofeng looked calm, but the hands in his sleeves could not help but rub gently:

"Master Ye suddenly came to visit, but there was a case nearby?"

Ye Jingtang looked at the well-behaved students in the school building and said calmly:

"Someone just reported that there are people in this neighborhood who don't know the details. They came here for a routine inspection."

"I have been here all afternoon, and I have never seen any strangers pass by the door. Li Zheng here lives at the corner of the alley. Would you like to ask?"

"It's raining too much, take shelter here."

Ye Jingtang turned to look at the other detective: "Go and call Li Zheng over."


The remaining policeman also ran out.

Nangong Shaofeng's heart dropped when he saw that Ye Jingtang had no intention of leaving, but at the critical moment, if the other party didn't attack, he couldn't take the initiative to expose him, so he casually said these innocuous gossips on the spot.

After waiting for a moment, footsteps came from behind, and a policeman came in holding more than a dozen umbrellas.

Ye Jingtang glanced at the sky and raised his hand to greet the students:

"Okay, it's getting dark soon, let's go back and eat."

The students in the school dormitory put down their pens and looked at Nangong Shaofeng.

Nangong Shaofeng hesitated for a moment, then smiled as usual:

"School is over. Come here early tomorrow. If you don't finish your homework, you'll get punished."

"Yes sir."

The schoolchildren in the school quickly stood up, ran to the black yamen police officers, took the umbrellas one by one, and then ran out of the door happily.

Tap tap tap~~

Ye Jingtang stood in front of the door, his hand just a few feet away from the handle of the knife, paying attention to Nangong Shaofeng's every move.

After the last hostage left safely, Ye Jingtang was about to launch an attack when drumbeats came from far away in the city:

Dong dong dong——

The beat of the drum is a war drum, warning that a powerful enemy is coming and rushing to help.

Ye Jingtang frowned slightly and looked in the direction of the drum sound:

"Is it Mingyu Tower?"

The black police officer standing behind him looked solemn:

"There are thieves robbing the prison, and the black government office asks for help."

Nangong Shaofeng's heart was in his throat, but when he heard the sound of the drums, he was immediately relieved. He knew that Cao Aning had started to 'sound in the east and attack in the west' according to the plan, providing them with cover to attract firepower.

Nangong Shaofeng quickly said:

"Did something happen to the Hei Yamen? I know some martial arts, how about Master Ye and I go over and have a look?"

Ye Jingtang was ordered to clear out the traitors here, the imperial city was not bombed, and Benben did not send a signal to withdraw the troops, so he had to carry out the current mission according to the order.

Night Terror Hall ignored the drumming in the distance and raised his eyes to the room behind the school building:

"Liu Qiansheng, you are also an elder in the world. It is not honorable to hide. Come out."


When Nangong Shaofeng saw that something had happened in Hei Yamen, Night Terror Hall did not leave, but directly pointed out Liu Qiansheng. His expression suddenly changed, and he knew that a big accident must have occurred in some part of the plan.

"Master Ye, what do you mean? I am the only one here..."

Night Jingtang could not sense Liu Qiansheng's location, but intelligence showed that Liu Qiansheng's hiding place was here. He did not dare to enter the house rashly, so he turned his head and looked at Nangong Shaofeng:

"Mr. Nangong's plan was fully revealed last month. I wanted to catch them all in one fell swoop, and that's why you and His Royal Highness are so happy today. We've already seen it through, so why bother pretending anymore?"

Nangong Shaofeng's expression froze, and his original calmness was gone. He took half a step back and dropped his hands behind his back.

Ye Jingtang stood with his sword in his hand, ignored Nangong Shaofeng, and looked at the door ahead:

"There is a saying in the world that 'a phoenix without hair is not as good as a chicken'. I didn't believe it in the past, but it seems to be true now. Thirty years ago, people who were among the top ten in the world and climbed to the top with fists and kicks have always been scared by me, a junior, who dare not go out. , it really doesn’t deserve the reputation of previous years.”

"Boy, you didn't come alone."

A powerful voice sounded in the room.

Liu Qiansheng, who was wearing a white robe, knew that he was surrounded and there was no point in hiding anymore, so he slowly walked out from the side of the door and stood in front of the hall with his hands behind his back, separated from each other by the rain curtain in the courtyard:

"In terms of martial arts attainment, you are thousands of miles behind me, but you can win with only one punch. Even though I am over eighty years old, if you and I fight one on one, it is still difficult to say whether we will win or lose. Bringing helpers here to bully the few is also a good idea." Are you worthy of speaking arrogantly in front of me?"

Ye Jingtang said calmly: "I am a messenger, and I follow the law to arrest thieves. How can there be any way to bully a small number with more people?"


As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of breaking wind sounded outside the courtyard wall.

Eight black yamen chiefs, armed with various weapons, landed around the school wall, surrounding the school tightly.

When Liu Qiansheng saw this battle, he knew that the Jianghu road might have come to an end today, but his momentum was still strong. He raised his eyes and glanced around, saying disdainfully:

"Just a few of you?"

Night Terror Hall walks into the rain:

"I am also from Liangzhou. I often hear old people talking about the 'Hongshan Bandits'. If I remember correctly, that was your former sect. If you can be regarded as a bandit by the common people, you probably haven't done anything good. You have to be decent and give up your fearless resistance. , kneel down and bring you to justice, or let me send you away personally?"

Liu Qiansheng's eyelids twitched, and there was obvious anger in his eyes, and he walked down the steps slowly:

"You boy, you will definitely become a military commander in the future. I have been in the martial arts world for eighty years and became famous all over the world by defeating the previous military commander. If I die at the hands of the next military commander in old age, I have completed a reincarnation with good beginning and end. Why should I be afraid of it?"

"Your career in the world ended at the hands of Jiang Zahu twenty years ago. Now you are just a living thief. Don't put money on your face."

There was silence in the rain, and the two of them didn't speak anymore, just stared into each other's eyes.

The chief of the black office on the wall knew how powerful Liu Qiansheng was. Seeing this, the four of them watched Nangong Shaofeng. The remaining four fell into the courtyard and pressed against Liu Qiansheng's back with spears, knives and shields, creating a one-hit kill for Night Terror Hall. Chance.


Liu Qiansheng was eighty years old. He still punched these soldiers one by one, but he turned around and punched him with four fists. With the strength of Ye Jingtang, he could definitely hit him two or three times. He clenched his fists behind his back and gritted his teeth and said:

"Yejingtang, you are so invincible, how dare you fight with me openly?"

Ye Jingtang stood three feet away, looking at the white-haired Liu Qiansheng in front of him, his eyes indifferent, as if looking at an old fool.

A chief officer of the black yamen came around to the side and rear. Seeing the old man in white robe in the courtyard trying his best to guard against the night terror, he took the lead in attacking and swung his left hand fiercely.

Whispering rustling——

Five snowflake darts flew out of his sleeves, like butterflies piercing the rain curtain, drawing five elliptical arcs in the air and shooting towards the white-robed old man's body.


At the same time, Liu Qiansheng's motionless figure disappeared almost out of thin air. With shocking explosive power, he knocked out a white mist in the courtyard and punched the door of Night Terror Hall directly.

Ye Jingtang reacted very quickly. He took a big step back and pulled his right hand behind his back. His momentum suddenly surged, breaking away the surrounding rain curtain, and he was about to launch a city-rushing cannon.

But in the last fight, Liu Qiansheng saw that Ye Jingtang was too strong, and he was fighting with both fists. He was too old and could not stand firmly.

The moment the heavy punch hit, Liu Qiansheng used his martial arts skills to the extreme. His body shape changed from a charging bull to a willow leaf following the wind in an instant, switching between hardness and softness without any trace.


A punch stuck to his body, and Liu Qiansheng's body was like a gauze wiping his fist past. He pressed down his right hand to guard against the left-hand knife that Ye Jingtang might pull out at any time. With a short stature, he slipped under Ye Jingtang's arm like a ghost's shadow. passed.

Ye Jingtang's reaction was not slow at all, he turned around and kicked Liu Qiansheng directly to the side.

Liu Qiansheng just wanted to escape through the door. Instead of wasting his energy to dodge, he ran with all his strength, trying to get out of the Night Terror Hall's attack range with speed, but...


The ghostly figure hiding in the dark gradually disappeared, falling silently from the top of the door, and his right hand hit Liu Qiansheng's forehead like a ghost claw!

Liu Qiansheng's expression changed suddenly, he raised his palm and struck it at Shang Jianli's palm, and his terrifying energy exploded instantly.


With one palm strike, the injury Jianli that fell in the air was like a torn sack, flying diagonally upward and smashing into the doorway.


And Liu Qiansheng's figure was forced to pause for a moment.

Ye Jingtang spun around and kicked to the side, almost following Liu Qiansheng out. The moment Liu Qiansheng paused, he landed on Liu Qiansheng's back.

Liu Qiansheng's thoughts and experience kept up, but his body was no longer able to respond as a peak martial artist should. He couldn't dodge, so he could only use the method of falling with a thousand catties to dig into the ground, arching his back to resist the kick.



Amidst the explosion, the door of the school was shaken and cracks appeared, and the rain curtain in the alleyway was forcefully pushed out of a semicircular hollow by the powerful aftermath.

The chest of Liu Qiansheng's white robe exploded, and her body immediately leaned forward, and then flew out of the door like a polo that was swung with all its strength, smashed the wall of Qingshi Alley diagonally, and rushed into the air.


The injuries that flew out gradually disappeared, like ghost shadows floating in the air. The moment Liu Qiansheng suffered a heavy blow and was forced to fly towards him, the ghostly figure moved in front of him, and a golden needle as thin as a hair, He held it between his fingers and slapped the palm handed to him by Liu Qiansheng.


The palms of both hands met, and the golden needle penetrated into the body.

Liu Qiansheng struck him with a palm in mid-air and hit Jianli away again, smashing the building behind the wall. He still did not lose his balance and landed firmly on the ground.

But just as Liu Qiansheng was about to gather her strength and run away, she stumbled and fell into the rain.


The unbearable heart-breaking pain came. Liu Qiansheng's face was distorted. She covered her arms and knelt on the ground. Her muscles twitched violently, her eyes were blood red and she gritted her teeth and cursed:



The injury was gradually leaving as fast as a thunderbolt falling in front of him. He held the 'Soul-Leaving Needle' specially made by Divine Doctor Wang between his fingers. He injected it with internal energy and forcibly inserted it into the acupuncture point on Liu Qiansheng's back spine. His voice was indifferent:

"The Eight Great Leaders have been famous all their lives. When they get old, they should retire honestly. You are still out in the world at this age, but the junior kicks you down and you can't even stand. Don't you think it's embarrassing?"

The Soul-Leaving Needle comes from the meaning of 'pain so painful that you wish you could have your soul leaving the body'. The pain of trying to break free after sealing off the energy veins is on the same level as Burning Bones and Anesthesia. It is an object that cannot be resisted by willpower.

Liu Qiansheng just gave up the struggle for luck after giving it a try, and gritted his teeth and cursed angrily:

"Bah - a shameless villain, you dare to make noises even if you hurt someone with a concealed weapon? If we were to fight openly and openly, how could you be my opponent..."

Ye Jingtang stood in front of the door holding the handle of the knife, frowning and saying:

"The government is arresting thieves, do you think it's a private fight between Jianghu people? Furthermore, if I give you a chance to fight me openly, you have to choose such a useless way to lose. If you don't just think about running away, you can't avoid being beaten. Needle?"

"Bah - you have the guts to undo the golden needle..."

Ye Jingtang was too lazy to pay attention to the old immortal, and turned to look at Nangong Shaofeng, who was standing next to him with an ashen face:

"Mr. Nangong, do you want to resist without fear and be beaten to death and arrested, or do you want to be more dignified and seal your own energy and go back to stand trial?"

Nangong Shaofeng's face turned pale, knowing that the plan had already failed before it even started.

At this time, resisting would mean death, and not resisting would mean that he would not be able to survive or die. He gritted his teeth, flew back suddenly, slipped a pill out of his hand, and tried to stuff it into his mouth.


There was a flash of sword light in the courtyard, drawing out a line of white mist in the rain curtain.

In just a moment, Ye Jingtang had already ducked behind Nangong Shaofeng and sheathed his sword with his backhand.


A severed arm flew up from behind and fell into the rain.



Screams followed.

The eight chief arresters present quickly stepped forward with weapons in hand and held down Nangong Shaofeng, who was about to rush to the broken arm to pick up the poison, and Liu Qiansheng, whose vitality had been sealed by a golden needle.

Ye Jingtang turned around and walked out of the yard and came to Shang Jianli:

"Hei Yamen is asking for help. Should we go back to the Yamen now?"

Shang Jianli patted his robe and looked at the sound of weapons not far away:

"Mr. Meng has already gone back. It's too late for us to rush back."

"Is there an important prisoner in the dungeon?"

"Imprisoning Eunuch Cao is very powerful, but it is not as important as cutting off King Wu's title. Let's focus on this matter first. Mr. Qin has to defend the deposed emperor and the palace city. She Long and the others alone may not be able to deal with Xiao Yuan and Hao Yuanzhou. Others, go over and fight quickly."

Ye Jingtang thought about it. Eunuch Cao was still a single-handed warrior no matter how high he was. If he really fell into disgrace, he would just turn the Eight Great Leaders into the Nine Great Leaders, not as big a threat as the Pingtian Cult Leader.

The opportunity to cut off King Wu's kingdom is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. For the empress, this matter naturally has a higher priority.

Ye Jingtang said no more, beckoned the birds hovering in the sky to find the location of the fight, and flew over with Shang Jianli...

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