Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 153 Inside and Outside the Palace

Moon on the branches.

Night Terror Hall carried the birds and walked back, taking advantage of the moonlight along the way, still looking at the "Secret History of Marie Antoinette" in his hands.

The little incident that happened when he entered the palace, although it was far less impactful than the last time Benben's frontal body bomb hit him, it still caused some waves in his heart.

The mention of the emperor's eldest son by Benben made Ye Jingtang have some suspicions in his mind.

The eldest son of the emperor was the deposed emperor who was pulled down. According to the official statement, he should not have been given poisonous wine or died of a sudden illness.

As the legitimate heir of the Wei Dynasty, it would definitely be a big surprise for the deposed emperor not to die. Regardless of whether it is a vassal king or an enemy country, as long as the eldest son of the emperor can be brought over, it is possible to support a puppet emperor of the Wei Dynasty, so that he can legitimately attack the empress.

Eunuch Cao was a die-hard loyalist of the Wei Dynasty, equivalent to the late emperor's entrusted minister. His apprentice rose to prominence in the capital, and what he wanted to do was most likely related to the dethroning of the emperor.

Through these clues and guesses, a clue gradually emerged in Ye Jingtang's mind - King Wu had won over the remnants of the deposed emperor and wanted to restore the orthodoxy of the Wei Dynasty, but he was not strong enough, so he approached the Pingtian Sect to discuss cooperation.

Even if the Pingtian Sect could agree, King Wu, who was surrounded by three sides, would not dare to raise the banner and proclaim himself emperor, so he needed a serious name.

If the deposed emperor is in the hands of King Wu, King Wu can use the name of "supporting the great Wei" to incite other vassal kings and legitimately attack the empress who usurped the throne.

Therefore, King Wu arranged many spies to come to the capital to operate secretly, trying to pick up the deposed emperor.

This reasoning is a bit hasty, but it seems very likely at present.

However, he didn't have any evidence at hand, and he couldn't even confirm whether this speculation was true. He still had to continue investigating...

While immersed in thought, one person and one bird returned to Dyefang Street.

It was dark at night, and half of the pedestrians on Dyefang Street, which was still under reconstruction, were gone.

When Ye Jingtang entered Shuanggui Alley, he smelled the faint smell of Chinese medicine coming from the depths of the alley. After thinking about it, he stopped and walked outside the courtyard wall to see what Sister Ning'er was doing.

The door to the main room was closed, and there was a faint sound of breathing. It seemed that he had fallen asleep.

In the west wing where he slept, the lights were on, but there was no sound. From the silhouette of the window paper, he could only see a tall woman standing in front of the bronze mirror, turning her body left and right to look at it, and bumping the small watermelon with her hand. …

Dong Dong~

? !

Ye Jingtang was slightly startled. He held down the bird that was about to enter the yard and directed it to go to the alley to watch. Then it fell into the yard with extraordinary movement and came to the outside of his house...


a little while ago

After Luo Ning came back from outside the city, she cooked a meal and simmered the medicine prescribed by Mrs. Wang.

After Yunli finished eating and doing his homework, seeing that Ye Jingtang hadn't come back yet, the two of them went to bed first.

But if the man stayed out all night, he might still be happily sleeping on the dragon bed with the Queen. How could Luo Ning, who had been with the thief for so long, sleep.

After tossing and turning without feeling sleepy, Luo Ning got up and went to the west wing, sat down by the bed, took out the small silk package from her arms and looked at it.

The palm-sized small cloth bag contains two sets of four small clothes. The total amount of fabric used may not be as much as a pair of pants.

Luo Ning took out a folded coat from inside, unfolded it and looked at it. It was a black triangle handkerchief. It was woven by an unknown method and it was hollow. Except for the two peonies that blocked the key points, the other parts were mostly for decoration. At a glance Nothing left...

Luo Ning's cold cheeks showed a hint of disgust, and she took out the matching panties and looked at them - the same knitting technique, most of them were just hollow, and they couldn't even cover her buttocks...

How immoral!

How could a woman wear something like this...

After all, Luo Ning was born in a famous family in Jiangzhou, and she was the wife of the leader of the Pingtian Sect. She could be regarded as the wife of a wealthy family. When she saw the oiran wearing such a shameful little clothes, she got goosebumps all over her body. She wanted to throw it away directly to avoid being cheated by the little ones. The thief saw the harm done to her.

But it’s so expensive…

The workmanship is really good, seamless, and the texture is excellent...

Why don't you use it for Sanniang to wear? She's more slutty...

No, this is not sending baggage to the enemy...

Luo Ning looked at the unsightly little clothes for a moment. Although she felt disgusted in her heart, but no one saw it, she thought about it and got up and untied the blue skirt and bellyband, put the gauze triangular fabric on the little watermelon, and tied it Tie straps at back and neck.

After putting it on, Luo Ning stood tall and graceful in front of the bronze mirror, looking around, then slightly erecting the little watermelon, um... the southern hemisphere...


Luo Ning frowned, feeling that in the mirror was a shameless voluptuous woman. If Bai Jin saw it, he would point at her forehead and scold her for being immoral. It would probably only make a little thief's eyes shine...

Luo Ning raised her hand and bumped the little watermelon, and unexpectedly found that the little clothes looked not serious, and the wrapping feeling was quite good. After thinking about it, she picked up the palm-sized underwear, put it on, and tied a bow on the side of her round buttocks. .

After putting it on, before Luo Ning had time to appreciate it, she heard footsteps coming from the yard and the little thief's low voice calling:

"Nvxia Luo?"

? !

Luo Ning's shoulders shook slightly in shock, she hurriedly pulled her skirt over and whispered:

"Yunli just went to bed, I made some medicine for you, in the kitchen..."


As soon as I picked up the skirt, the door was pushed open.

Luo Ning might as well be naked now. Seeing this, she quickly rolled onto the bed and covered her body with a thin quilt, her eyes showing a little fear:

"Little thief, I'm changing my clothes, don't come in..."

Ye Jingtang opened the door and saw Bai Huahua rolling into the quilt. He paused slightly, walked in again, and closed the door.

? !

Luo Ning was very angry when she saw this, but she was afraid that Yunli would hear it, so she could only whisper:

"Little thief, do you want to piss me off to death? Get out of here!"

Night Terror Hall closed the door, with no evil thoughts in his eyes, and walked towards the bed with a serious look:

"I just got some information and I want to discuss it with Luo Nuxia..."

Luo Ning was afraid that Ye Jingtang would see her immodest dress, and she was filled with embarrassment. She gritted her teeth and said:

"Little thief, if you keep doing this, I will never pay attention to you again!"

"I talk about serious business and don't mess around. I feel that Prince Wu's matter has something to do with the deposed emperor..."

Luo Ning had no intention of listening to this and said angrily:

"You go out first and let me put on my clothes!"

Ye Jingtang turned around and turned his back to the bed:

"I'll just ignore it. This matter is of great importance. It might cause chaos in the world..."

Luo Ning carefully glanced at the little thief's back. Seeing that he didn't seem to be faking, she carefully let go of the quilt and leaned forward to get the skirt placed on the bedside.

As a result, the little thief never disappoints. As soon as she sat up, the little thief in front of her turned around.

Eyes facing each other.

Ye Jingtang turned to look at the bed. Under the dim candlelight, Sister Ning'er, whose skin was as smooth as gelatin, sat sideways on the bed. Her long black hair was tied up in a dignified and intellectual style. There was a trace of mist in her beautiful peach blossom eyes and her long eyelashes. Trembling slightly, her soft red lips opened slightly, showing a hint of hesitation.

The small watermelon, which was originally as white as mutton fat, was wrapped in a triangular black gauze fabric. The fabric was not large but extremely delicate. It even exuded a delicate luster under the candlelight. You could see the carefully outlined pattern of the sea of ​​flowers. The flesh color was vaguely visible, and the top was It's two black peonies...

Because the bottom is so thin and blocked, you can't see much. You can only see the bow tied with a black tie on the waist...

Although Ye Jingtang heard from Sanniang that this kind of clothes is very bold, but when I saw it with my own eyes, I realized that it was really not unreasonable to dare to buy it at such a high price. With this ingenious workmanship style, it was not just bold, it was just a look at it. A man's life gate launches a fierce attack...

Luo Ning was stunned when she noticed that Ye Jingtang had turned around. Her face turned as red as blood. She became so angry that she wanted to kill someone with a sword to silence him.

Ye Jingtang came and sat down, held Luo Ning's wrist, and looked at it carefully:

"You look pretty. You're wearing everything. Why are you so shy? No one is laughing at you."

Luo Ning felt ashamed and gritted her teeth to explain:

"How could I wear such shameless clothes? I was giving you medicine, and Mrs. Wang asked me to take care of business. I couldn't save face, so I bought two pieces..."

Ye Jingtang knew that Ning'er was thin-skinned, so he nodded and said:

"Yes, yes, I lost the waste and tried it on. I accidentally bumped into it."

"That's how it is, you go out..."

"I'll just take a look and don't move."


Luo Ning wanted to tear off the embarrassing rags, but the little thief refused to let go. With no choice, she could only make an expression of "nothing is more sad than heartbreaking" and looked away with tears in her eyes.

Ye Jingtang was already used to this little appearance. He held his wrists apart and looked at them carefully:

"The workmanship is really good. I think this looks much better than a bellyband..."

Luo Ning endured it for a moment, then remembered something and asked:

"By the way, I asked Mrs. Wang today, and Mrs. Wang said...said..."

Luo Ning leaned into Ye Jingtang's ear, said something about 'warming up', and then said:

"I asked her how to do it, and she asked me to ask you. Can it help you regulate your body without using real things?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, a little funny:

"It's okay, but I'm afraid you won't be able to do it."

Luo Ning really did it all. There was nothing she couldn't do during the warm-up. She said coldly:

"Teach me first and then talk."

Ye Jingtang raised his eyes and looked outside, and whispered:

"Will Yunli wake up?"

Luo Ning blinked, put on her skirt, stood up and said:

"I'll put Yunli to sleep."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang naturally didn't stop him and wanted to build a big house as soon as possible. However, he saw Luo Nuxia quietly returning to the main room, closing the door and bolting the door...


No more movement.

? ?

Ye Jingtang's expression was stunned. He knew that he had been fooled. He walked out of the door, looked at the dark main room, and whispered:

"Nvxia Luo?"


A cold snort came from the room, which probably meant - you, little thief, are going to have this day too.

Ye Jingtang stood in the yard, spreading his hands slightly, feeling a little helpless.

Fortunately, after waiting for a while, the door of the main room opened, and Luo Ning walked out:

"Do you think I am as unfaithful as you, a little thief?"

With eyes full of smiles, Ye Jingtang walked up and took his wife's hand:

"I know, if you don't agree in the future, I will never hold you and look in the mirror...hiss..."


On the other side, the Queen Mother's palace.

It was already dark, the lights in the palaces were sparse, and there was some sound of water splashing from the windows on the side of the dormitory.


The large hall was filled with mist. In the circular bathtub in the center, Dongfang Liren leaned against the edge with his back, flicking the water in front of him with his hands. His eyes were slightly lost in thought, still thinking about the intimate contact in the afternoon.

The Empress Dowager, naked and leaning next to her, looked like a lazy imperial concubine, chatting about today's banquet:

"How can I taste the age of roasted suckling pig? I also tasted it. It was oily and greasy. I didn't feel anything special..."

Hongyu was soaking in the bathtub, rubbing the Queen Mother's back, and explained:

"Practice makes perfect. Prince Wu's belly can probably eat a whole pig at one time. The more you eat, the more experience you will gain..."

During the chat, a palace maid came from behind the screen, holding a tray with a hardcover book in her hand. Her eyes were very strange, but she didn't dare to say anything, and she just came to the bath in silence:

"Your Highness, the book you asked for has been found in Qilin Pavilion."

Dongfang Liren came back to his senses and raised his hand to pick up the book from the tray. He was about to flip through it when he saw the four characters "dragon and phoenix dancing" on the cover of the book. He instantly came back to his senses - The Secret History of Queen Marietta? !

The Empress Dowager was leaning in front of me. She originally just turned her head to look at it casually, but when she looked at it, her eyes stopped on the title of the book and her big eyes blinked.


Dongfang Liren quickly covered the title of the book and looked at the palace maid who came over:

"How presumptuous! This king asked you to go to Qilin Pavilion to get a book. What did you get?"

The palace maid shivered with fright and said aggrievedly:

"My servant asked the prince of Qilin Pavilion to confirm it many times. The prince said that this is the only one that meets His Highness's requirements, so I brought it..."

Dongfang Liren's eyes were blank. He thought there was something wrong with the name, so he opened the book and read the content. As a result, the first chapter read:

The amorous prince visited the palace in the middle of the night, and the widowed queen mother Fengchi met her destiny...

The Queen Mother next to her was shocked when she saw this treasonous text. She took the book and pretended to be majestic:

"Who is so brave and dares to write about me? Oh, it's the Queen Mother Yan. I'm shocked..."

Dongfang Liren was confused, thinking that the palace attendant must have taken the wrong book, but she turned to the middle position and quickly found the content that Night Terror Hall showed her...

This pervert! !

Dongfang Liren felt an unknown fire in his heart, and immediately wanted to go to Ye Jingtang to confront him.

But the Queen Mother was very interested and turned the book to the beginning:

"This book is quite detailed. I even know how many branches there are on the ginkgo tree. The person who wrote the book must have been to Fushou Palace."

Dongfang Liren looked at the opening chapter carefully and found that the description of the Queen Mother's palace in the book was very similar to the current Fushou Palace, and the 'Fengchi' in the book was the bathing pool where she was lying...

It seems that it is really a book related to architecture...

But there were so many books recording the appearance of the capital, why did he have to choose this one?

Could it be because this book is written in more detail...

In order to find out more, Dongfang Liren leaned in front of the Queen Mother and looked at the details carefully.

As for the Empress Dowager, she was obviously not interested in long descriptions of architecture. She looked at the plot of Empress Dowager Yan breaking the taboo and having a private meeting with a man, and said with strange eyes:

"Hey~ Queen Mother Xuanyang was quite famous in the previous dynasty, but she didn't expect to be so...so promiscuous in private..."

Dongfang Liren felt that it was inappropriate for the Empress Dowager to read these lessons. Perhaps he was afraid that the Empress Dowager would learn from others, so he reminded:

"The Empress Dowager Xuanyang took part in politics when Emperor Yan was young and offended many people. This is all dirty water thrown by rebellious ministers and traitors and should not be taken seriously..."

The Queen Mother shook her head and said: "This book doesn't look like a random fabrication. Look at this stone. I used to wonder why it was polished like this, but now I find out that the Queen Mother Xuanyang had it made."

Although the book is written nearly two hundred years ago, the Wei Dynasty inherited the imperial city of the previous dynasty and only renovated it without rebuilding it. Equipment made of precious stone like bathtubs, as long as they are properly maintained, will last for hundreds of years. No problem, it’s exactly the same as described in the book.

Dongfang Liren followed the Queen Mother's guidance and looked at the stone platform under the bath for lying on, and found a semicircular depression.

After reading the book for a few times, the Queen Mother leaned her back against the edge of the bathtub, slid down a little, raised her white legs in the water, and assumed a very... very shameful posture, and said thoughtfully:

"I'm telling you, it turns out that sitting like this is just right and doesn't hurt at all. It's just that my legs are not comfortable..."

Dongfang Liren felt that this posture was not right. After thinking for a while, he came to the Queen Mother. According to the knowledge he learned from Xia Nu Tears, he put his arm through the Queen Mother's legs and held it on the edge of the bath. He looked down at Meiyan. The touching mother:

"how about this?"


The plump Queen Mother was half lying in the pool, with her legs on Li Ren's arms. She wanted to say it was just right, but she immediately realized what she was doing with this posture...


The bath became quiet.

Dongfang Liren's face slowly turned red, and he quickly put away his rebellious posture, stood up and walked out of the bath, picking up his bathrobe to cover his slim and graceful figure:

"Someone, smash this broken pond and build a new one."

The Queen Mother also had a red face and a rather strange expression. She came out of the bath and wrapped her body in a thin blanket:

"It's an old thing from two hundred years ago. It was destroyed and rebuilt for no reason. The Internal Affairs Superintendent must say that I am not thrifty, so I should keep it. This book is really detailed. Go look for it and see if there is anything similar..."

Dongfang Liren didn't know what to say, so he put on his robe and wandered around the palace with the Queen Mother, studying these clues from the previous dynasty...


The last 1,700 words were added after the release. They should not be counted as points. I repeated 500 words yesterday. I’m really sorry or2!

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