Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 150 I have unique detective skills

Tsk tsk tsk...

Ye Jingtang was surprised to see a row of pornographic books. If he wasn't on official business, he would have picked them up and read them.

He brushed away his distracting thoughts and turned around to continue searching for clues, but suddenly he felt something was wrong. He turned back and looked at "The Secret History of Queen Marie Marie" carefully, and found that the book was not placed straightly. It seemed that he had just read it recently and put it down casually.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang carefully picked up the book and lightly slid his fingers over the side of the book.

If the book is often opened and read, and a certain page is often read, over time, creases will appear in the binding, and it will be easier to open it directly and turn to that page.

Ye Jingtang has been holding a copy of Tears of Heroes for many years and has been reading it intensively for many years. He is also an old bookworm and has a deep understanding of this.

Carefully rubbing the side of the book, I soon discovered that there was indeed a page in the book that was different from the other pages. I opened it and looked at it - it said that a certain queen mother dug a tunnel out of the palace and had an affair with the prince, and then drank poison and faked her death, and was buried in the imperial mausoleum. The prince secretly dug a tunnel into the imperial mausoleum and took the Queen Mother away...

Could it be that Prince Wu has some fantasy about the Queen Mother?

Ye Jingtang subconsciously analyzed the prince's sexual habits, but it was wrong to think about it carefully.

He has studied "The Tears of a Chivalrous Lady" for many years, and he knows what plots should be read at a glance, and what plots should be recalled word for word, sentence by sentence, for a long time, far better than any head catcher in the world.

There is no meaty drama in the two marked pages. Instead, the details of digging a tunnel into the imperial tomb are written in great detail, such as 'how to break the stone without alerting the guards, tunnel anti-collapse facilities, ventilation facilities', etc. It feels like the author is not fabricating it out of thin air. He has a sense of showing off his knowledge and seems to be an expert in construction.

Turning to the first page of the book, you can see the author's introduction - it is speculated that he was an official two hundred years ago. He was once the minister of the Ministry of Industry and was responsible for the renovation of Yun'an City. Later, he offended the Queen Mother Yan and was demoted. Out of anger, he secretly wrote this book Book.

as expected……

Seeing that Ye Jingtang's judgment was correct, he read through other descriptions of the environment and found that the descriptions of the city streets in the book were very realistic.

Yun'an City is an ancient capital for thousands of years. Although it has been expanded and rebuilt several times, its location has not changed much. The Wende Bridge in the book is the current Wende Bridge, and there is even a mention of Ranfang Street.

After getting this news, Ye Jingtang naturally had speculations in his mind.

When Prince Wu read this book, he obviously did not have any illusions about the Queen Mother, but rather used it as a reference book.

Staying on this page for a long time, it seems that there is only one possibility - I want to learn how to dig a tunnel into the imperial tomb.

It is a bit far-fetched to say that Crown Prince Wu was secretly a gold medalist. Moreover, the Yan Emperor's Tomb and the Wei Emperor's Tomb were not in the same place at all, and the tombs would not have the same specifications. What was the use of digging the Yan Emperor's Tomb?

After thinking carefully, Ye Jingtang wrote down the clues such as 'tunnel, imperial tomb', put the books back to their original places, and looked for other information in the study.

It's a pity that except for a copy of The Queen Mother's Romance, everything else is normal.

After searching in the Night Terror Hall to no avail, they checked the furnishings in the study, living room, and bedroom to look for possible hidden compartments.

Although Night Terror Hall does not have the thief talent of the Wingless Owl, his insight is quite extraordinary.

After arriving in the bedroom, he observed the various furnishings in the room and speculated on the daily habits of the owner. Finally, he squatted down and felt the smoothness of the wooden floor after being frequently stepped on. Finally, he looked at the standing cabinet on the side of the large bedroom.

The standing cabinet looks like an ordinary wardrobe, but the noble prince of the feudal clan does not normally change his own clothes. The things he wears every day should be placed in the chamberlain, and logically speaking, he should not go there often.

Ye Jingtang stood up and silently walked to the cabinet. He observed the smoothness of the handle and found that it was indeed often opened, so he carefully opened the cabinet door.

The spacious cabinet is empty and has no partitions. It is most likely a secret door. If you tap it with your finger, it will make a slight muffled sound of 'dong~', and there is a solid door behind it.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang looked at the wooden board under the cabinet...


Earlier, underneath the study.

Several lights were placed in the four corners of the secret room, and in the middle was a table with piles of files on it.

There are six chairs around the table. Cao Aning is sitting in front of the table, holding a bamboo hard pen with an ink tank similar to a pen, and is carefully drawing drawings on the paper.

Qinggangmao Xu Bailin sat opposite, looking at the old drawings in her hands, her brows furrowed.

Besides them, there were three other people sitting in the secret room.

The elegant middle-aged man was reading old files beside Cao Aning.

This person's name was Nangong Shaofeng, and he was known as "Young Master" in the world. He was a staff member of Prince Wu's Mansion, and taught the crown prince Dongfang Yin the arts of literature and martial arts. The name "Young Master" also came from this. After Dongfang Yin entered the capital, he followed him and served as The steward of the Prince's Mansion.

Opposite Nangong Shaofeng, there was an old doctor holding a silver needle, treating Xu Bailin's injured right leg.

Sitting at the head of the table was an old man in white robes. He looked very old and had a slim figure. He was holding a teacup and sipping lightly.

Although the five of them are all highly skilled in martial arts, once they sit inside the room, there is still a clear difference in their auras.

Among Cao Aning and the old man, his martial arts skills are relatively inferior, but he only seems to have a good temperament.

Xu Bailin is like a mace. Although she has no sharp edge, she can feel the hardness emanating from her bones.

Opposite him, Nangong Shaofeng looked like clouds and water, and even his breathing had a unique rhythm.

The old man in white robe on the main seat has a different scene. He looks ordinary. Wherever he sits, he seems to be an ornament in the room. If you don't pay attention, you can't even notice that there is someone on the chair. .

Being able to present this kind of gas state shows that martial arts training has reached the state of "harmony between man and nature". Every move and move is perfect, and it is impeccable when sitting, standing or lying down.

The five people here are all aides recruited by King Wu, and they are carrying out a major task of 'rectifying chaos'. However, since the appearance of Night Terror Hall, things have obviously reached a bottleneck.

After Xu Bailin studied the old drawings for a while, she said:

"The last time I asked for information from Zhuji Street, I could only confirm the black rattan bricks used for the foundation. I couldn't determine the position of the pillars. If you can't put them down at once, you will lose the chance in the future and you will have to check again."

Cao Aning put down the bamboo pen and sighed:

"Night Terror Hall knows things like a ghost and appears like a ghost. The last storm hasn't passed yet, so I really don't dare to act rashly."

Nangong Shaofeng asked: "Last time, your plan to kill with a borrowed knife diverted Ye Jingtang's attention, but there seemed to be no movement."

Cao Aning thought for a while: "Junshantai will definitely take action. Judging from the recent situation in the world, I am afraid that Junshantai will also use the knife to kill people and use the Zhou family as a knife."

Xu Bailin shook her head and said: "The Zhou family is not stupid either. Revenge is taboo for the imperial court. Only by killing Ye Silang can we save the family business. Killing with a borrowed knife, borrowed and borrowed, is equivalent to giving away news about Junshantai in vain, and gaining nothing."

Cao Aning said: "If the Zhou family doesn't do anything, Junshantai will definitely think of another way, and it's impossible to sit back and wait for death. But the water from far away can't quench the thirst nearby, and the Night Terror Hall is standing still, so I don't dare to go to the city to ask the officials of the Ministry of Industry to inquire... "

While several people were talking, the old man in white robe sitting at the head of the table raised his finger slightly with the hand holding the tea cup, interrupted the conversation, and then raised his eyes to look at the ceiling.

The four of them were silent. They raised their heads and listened carefully, but did not find any movement. However, they did not ask questions and just looked at the old man in white robes.

The old man in white robe put down the tea cup and moved his eyes on the ceiling. He seemed to be staring at a person. He first went to the bookshelf, stayed for a moment and then started moving.

When the four of them saw this, they knew that someone had entered the study. They could not hear the footsteps upstairs, which meant that the person who came had a good job.

Cao Aning looked at Nangong Shaofeng beside him and asked in a low voice:

"A thief who sneaked into the palace to steal?"

Nangong Shaofeng thought for a while: "Wealthy families often have snitches coming in, and the wingless owl came last time. There are no important things in the study, just let him take them as he pleases, and you must not be exposed."

The four of them waited for a moment and saw the old man's eyes moving again, looking towards the stairs at the entrance to the secret room.


A soft knock on the cabinet sounded from the tunnel entering the secret room.

Nangong Shaofeng frowned and signaled to the others to calm down, then stood up and silently walked to the bottom of the tunnel stairs.


Soon, the floor of the cabinet above the tunnel was lifted up, and light shone in from above, revealing the walls and windows of the bedroom, but no one was visible.


Nangong Shaofeng remained motionless, ready to go.

Until a moment later, the hem of a black robe appeared on the left side of the entrance.


call out--

Nangong Shaofeng flicked his right hand, and a white chess piece, like a sharp arrow that came off the string, instantly nailed the wall of the cabinet above.

The remaining force penetrated the ceiling of the bedroom again, and a beam of light appeared from the roof.

At this time, there was a noise in the bedroom above, and footsteps suddenly broke out and rushed towards the window.

Want to leave?

Nangong Shaofeng's eyes were cold, and he rushed out from under the wardrobe with a flash of his robe, looking towards the window with eyes like a falcon.

In the large bedroom, there was a man with a black scarf covering his face and a weapon wrapped in black cloth hanging from his waist. He was striding toward the window with his back wide open. He was obviously a thief who had sensed something was wrong and ran away.

Nangong Shaofeng was the steward of the palace, and he was able to see the light of day. Naturally, he would not give this little thief a chance when he discovered the secret passage. He came behind him in a flash and reached out with his right hand, trying to grab the other person's neck.

But as soon as his palm was extended, the figure of the man in black swayed like a ghost, dodging while extending his right hand backwards.

! !

Nangong Shaofeng's expression suddenly changed and he quickly stopped the opponent's hand.


A breeze blew in the bedroom, but there was no muffled sound from the collision of energy.

Nangong Shaofeng placed his palm against the wrist of the man in black and walked with his body, trying to release the vast inner energy in his palm and throw the man in black out with the force of four or two pounds.

But the man in black in front of him is not mediocre either. His lower body is as stable as a rock. His palms are like gangrene attached to the bones. They stick to his wrists and press forward. When he wants to palm, he moves back at the same time, so that he seems to catch it. A ball of cotton with no effort at all.


The two of them moved their palms together, pushing and pulling back three times. In the end, it was Nangong Shaofeng who leaned against the wall with his heels first. There was no way to retreat, and the man in black found the point of exertion.


It was at this moment that palm energy erupted between the two of them.

Nangong Shaofeng received a palm from the man in black, and the surging energy vibrated on his arm, causing ripples to spread to his upper arm. His sleeves were shattered by the energy, and his back immediately hit the wall.


Half of the wall exploded, and Nangong Shaofeng flew out of the bedroom and fell into the garden at the back. He slid out more than three feet in the rain before he was able to release his palm and bounce up.

The moment the man in black took out his hand, he rushed out of the bedroom, flew like a swallow in the sky, and tapped on the eaves:


The black shadow drew a right angle in the air, like a sharp black arrow that had taken off its string, and shot toward the river bank outside the palace. It only took two uses of force to get out of the palace.

When the palace guards jumped onto the roof, they disappeared.

"Woof woof woof——"

Outside the house, there was a fierce barking of dogs.

Nangong Shaofeng's right arm sleeve was shattered. He stood in the rain and looked at the direction where the man in black was escaping. He was so blinded that he didn't realize what was going on.

After the palace guards rushed over and chased him out, there was no movement in the room with a big hole in it.

The old man in white robe walked out from behind the wall with his hands behind his back, looking towards the river bank with a hint of surprise in his eyes:

"Nianyun's fourteenth hand... It's a pity that this boy followed the way of the outsiders and used too much force instead of skill. Otherwise, this palm would silently shatter your heart."

The Fourteen Sticks of Nianyun, Bagua Youshen Palm, and even Li Hunyuan's Baoyuan Jin all focus on making a soundless and powerful move to the heart. Not to mention smashing the wall or smashing people's clothes, it all shows that the internal energy is leaking out. Not used on the blade.

Nangong Shaofeng is an expert in the inner sect. He saw that the opponent's palm skills were not very sophisticated, but he still didn't believe it:

"The palm with such insufficient heat knocked me three feet away. If I had drawn the weapon from behind, wouldn't my body and head be separated on the spot?"

The old man in white robe nodded: "The truth is in the subtleties. It all relies on reaction. He can push you to the wall with a few hands and use weapons to escape death."

Although Nangong Shaofeng is half a point inferior to Xu Bailin in terms of physical strength, he feels that there are not many people in the world who can beat him with one move. He thought for a moment and said:

"Are these the senior uncles from Yuxu Mountain here?"

"The "Fourteen Hands of Nianyun" was created by Master Xuanji, but Master Xuanji taught many people, so it is difficult to make a conclusion."

Nangong Shaofeng frowned and recalled for a moment: "Prince Jing will definitely do this. Ye Jingtang is a confidant trained by Prince Jing. Could it be that he found out here?"

Xu Bailin and Cao Aning came to the cave entrance after confirming that there was nothing strange outside.

Xu Bailin shook her head: "Ye Jingtang does have great magical powers, but his martial arts skills are not that high. Otherwise, I wouldn't have injured one leg."

Cao Aning already had a psychological shadow on Ye Jingtang, but he also shook his head:

"The Night Terror Hall is so powerful, there's no way I can walk out of the morgue alive."

Nangong Shaofeng nodded slightly, but for the sake of safety, he still said:

"Even he probably didn't see anything. Clean up the things and find a place to hide first. I'll report to the officials that the palace has been stolen, and ask the black yamen to come over and check the study and basement to avoid Prince Jing's suspicion."

The few people didn't say anything when they saw this, and turned back to the underground...


swish swish...

A drizzle fell.

Birds spread their wings and circled high in the sky, looking at a black torpedo at the bottom of the river, speeding downstream along the river, and there were royal guards on the river bank and even on the river surface chasing and searching.

It wasn't until they rushed downstream for three miles and escaped the tracking sight of the palace guards that the birds circled high in the sky to remind them.


Next to a secluded woodland on the river bank, Ye Jingtang emerged from the water, took a deep breath, wiped the water on his face with his hands, jumped onto the river bank, and sped towards Yun'an City.

Luo Ning had been paying attention to the movements in the palace. When she saw the palace frying pot and a black shadow rushing into the river, she hurriedly ran downstream.

When Ye Jingtang showed up, Luo Ning flew down in front of her, a little annoyed:

"You call this infiltration? Infiltration comes and goes without a trace. Why did you demolish someone's house again? The noise was so loud, I could hear it outside the palace."

Ye Jingtang's reaction was normal. He walked quickly through the forest and explained:

"I thought there was no one in the bedroom, but I didn't expect there was a basement hidden below. I bumped into it as soon as I opened it, and I had to retreat from the enemy to escape."

Luo Ning trotted beside her, holding Ye Jingtang's wrist. When she found that he was not injured, she breathed a sigh of relief and asked:

"Can I reveal my identity?"

"The Nianyun Fourteen Hands I used should not be suspicious of me."

"The Fourteenth Hand of Nianyun is the palm of Master Xuanji. They will definitely suspect that the court is investigating and destroy the evidence in advance. Can you find any clues?"

Ye Jingtang seemed to have gained a lot, nodded and said:

"I found a copy of "The Secret History of Marie Claire" in the study..."


""The Secret History of Marie Claire""

Luo Ning's footsteps suddenly stopped and she stopped Ye Jingtang:

"I asked you to find evidence. What are you looking for?"

Ye Jingtang said seriously: "That book is very realistic. It tells the story of a queen mother of the previous dynasty who had an affair with the crown prince... hiss——"

Before she could finish her words, the furious Luo Nuxia pushed her against the tree.

Luo Ning twisted Ye Jingtang's arm: "You still read it?! You took such a big risk to find evidence, but in the end you peeked at the miscellaneous books in other people's houses that were not on the table. You little thief is simply..."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly: "I'm talking about serious business, not joking. That book was written by an official from the Ministry of Industry of the former dynasty. He is very knowledgeable about digging tunnels, imperial tombs, etc. I guess Prince Wu will read this book. It’s just for reference.”

"Can this be used as evidence?"

"I have rich experience and can confirm that Prince Wu has been reading the page about digging tunnels for a long time..."

"No matter how long someone reads it, it is still a published book. Can you say that someone intends to commit rebellion?"

Luo Ning didn't know what to say: "You said you found a pornographic book in someone's study and accused the prince of the feudal lord of treason. Even if the Queen believed you, would she dare to arrest someone for this? Originally, the feudal lord The king has no intention of rebellion. If you do this, believe it or not, the twelve princes will come to clear the king and chop you into pieces for slandering loyalty and good deeds?"

Ye Jingtang knew that Huang Shu could not be used as evidence to prove that Prince Wu had evil intentions, so he could only say:

"As a clue, I'll buy "The Secret History of Marie Claire" and study it carefully..."

Luo Ning had nothing to say and walked back with the medicine bag.

Ye Jingtang followed up and said, "Believe me in my book sense, if Prince Wu had the same hobby, he would never stare at the passage about digging the emperor's tomb for a long time; if he didn't have the same hobby, then he shouldn't stare at it for a long time. The purpose of reading is to learn. To use it, there must be something fishy about this matter..."

Luo Ning turned her head, her eyes were very complicated:

"Putting what you have learned into practice? You admit it, right? You read those messy things just to greet women? What? The tears of the heroic woman are not enough for you, and you want to read "The Secret History of Queen Marie" again to make the disaster of the Queen Mother Already?"

Ye Jingtang quickly raised his hand: "Shh! Don't dare to say such nonsense."


Luo Ning actually believed in Ye Jingtang, but no matter how much she believed in Huang Shu's bizarre methods of handling the case, she could not support it verbally. She remained silent and walked to Yun'an City with Ye Jingtang...


Nine thousand words, just one update or 2!

I recommend a book called "From Small Town Academic to Chief Scientist". This is the story of a top academic...

What is added after this line does not count as coins.

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