Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 134 Killing someone with a borrowed knife

Qianli Daze is located in the endless wilderness. Looking from the shore, it feels like you are on the coast.

The awning boat moved forward in the wind and waves, and raindrops as big as soybeans hit the boat awning, making a crackling sound.

Xuanyuan Hongzhi, the second master of Junshantai, held a black oil-paper umbrella in his hand and leaned against a cruise ship floating on the water, frowning.

This morning, Junshantai sent a message to Xuanyuan Hongzhi Feige, saying that a mysterious person provided a clue - a master appeared in Heiyaxin, named Ye Jingtang, who knew the eight-step mad sword and was highly regarded by Prince Jing. .

The intention of the person who provided the information was obvious - he knew about the old grudge between Junshantai and Babu Kuangdao, and deliberately provided information in order to use Junshantai's knife to kill people.

Xuanyuan Hongzhi didn't know the identity of the person who provided the information, but he felt that the news was most likely true.

A few days ago, he examined Zhou Huaili's body and died at the hands of the Eight-Step Crazy Knife. The court admitted that this was done by someone from the Black Yamen.

This swordsman is probably the Night Terror Hall that the mysterious man mentioned.

If he only knew the Eight-Step Crazy Sword, Xuanyuan Hongzhi would not feel that the situation was imminent, but the words "Won the high regard of Prince Jing" hit Junshantai's fate.

Junshantai was a Marquis named by the imperial court. Even though there was a blood feud between Jianghu and Junshantai, under the coercion of the imperial court, they did not dare to rashly kill Junshantai.

But the imperial court is not like that. When it comes to killing the whole family, it means killing the whole family. With Lu Taiqing and Xuanji Zhenren here, the so-called contemporary sword masters are just wandering heroes in the eyes of the imperial court.

Junshantai ruined Zheng Feng's marriage and destroyed Zheng Feng's body, causing him to live a life of neither human nor ghost. He was an irresolvable mortal enemy for the descendants of the Eight-Step Crazy Sword.

Xuanyuan Hongzhi knew very well what would happen if Zheng Feng's descendants grew up.

Therefore, even if he knew that the mysterious man was trying to kill people with a knife, he could only "rather kill the wrong person than let it go" and find a way to solve this serious problem before his opponent grew up.

However, the source of the intelligence was unclear, and Ye Jingtang was a member of Prince Jing. Xuanyuan Hongzhi could not take the risk to eradicate it by himself. There were many swords in the world, and there was no need for him to do it himself.

The awning boat leaned next to the cruise ship. Xuanyuan Hongzhi tapped his toes and landed on the cruise ship deck.

In the cruise ship, a young man in a scholar's robe quickly came out to greet him:

"Uncle Xuanyuan, did you find out the news?"

The young master, Zhou Ying, Zhou Huaili's legitimate son, has recovered from his injuries, but his anger and anger still make his handsome face look a little sick.

A few days ago, Zhou Huaili was executed by the imperial court. In order to protect the reputation of chivalry, the Zhou family expelled Zhou Huaili, a rebellious son who had violated the national law.

As the legitimate son, Zhou Ying was not deprived of his inheritance rights, but now the head of the Shuiyun Jiantan family is Lao Zhou Ying Huaiyi.

With such a big business ahead of him, no matter how much brotherhood Zhou Huaiyi valued, he could never treat Zhou Ying, his nephew, as his own son.

The revenge for killing his father is at the front, and the hatred for losing the right of inheritance is at the back. The Zhou family wants to put an end to the trouble, but Zhou Ying cannot swallow this bad breath, and is still working in secret, wanting to pay with blood.

Xuanyuan Hongzhi, like a kind elder, put away his umbrella under the eaves of the cruise ship, took out a note from his sleeve and handed it to Zhou Ying:

"My condolences to Nephew Zhou Xian. The murderer has been found. Brother Zhou was killed by a gangster from a gang called Ye Jingtang in the capital. My uncle can only help here. The rest is up to you."

Zhou Ying picked up the note and looked at the content on it carefully:

"Night Terror Hall... what is the relationship between this person and Prince Jing?"

"He is the new chief arrester of the black yamen. He may be the 'Seventh Evil' in the future. I don't know who he studied under, but he must not be underestimated."

When Zhou Ying heard that it was someone similar to the ‘Six Evils’, he looked embarrassed. After thinking about it, he said respectfully:

"The second uncle is a contemporary swordsman. The imperial court used strong arguments to force the Zhou family to plead guilty. It is really difficult to do it openly. The only way to do this is with external help. I wonder if Uncle Xuanyuan can..."

Xuanyuan Hongzhi's face darkened, rather unhappy:

"Huaili is my best friend. If I help you investigate this matter privately, it has already violated the taboos of the court. Is it possible that nephew Zhou Xian also wants to drag Junshantai into trouble?"

Zhou Ying is not stupid. He never thought that Xuanyuan Hongzhi really regarded his father as a brother. When he heard this, he said directly:

"As long as Uncle Xuanyuan can help me and help me contact a few trustworthy experts, my nephew will definitely thank you very much."

Zhou Ying said, returned to the cruise ship, and came out holding a white sheath sword in both hands:

"This sword is called 'Ling Ji'. It was a lucky acquisition by my father ten years ago. It has never been shown to outsiders. As the saying goes, swords are given to heroes, so today I will give them to my uncle..."

When Xuanyuan Hongzhi saw this kendo treasure, one of the top ten famous swords, his eyes flashed with surprise, and he took it and looked at it:

"The young master of Qianhe Villa came to Zezhou ten years ago to learn swordsmanship. On his return, he died at the hands of gangsters..."

Zhou Ying raised her hand slightly: "This matter has nothing to do with my father. My father bought it on the black market and was afraid of being misunderstood, so he never told anyone."

Xuanyuan Chao knew it well, looked at the sword for a moment, held it in his hand, and sighed softly:

"Forget it. The two brothers Wang Chengjing from Yanzhou are walking in Zezhou recently. I will help you make connections. As long as the price is enough, you dare to take over the matter. My uncle can only help you up to this point, and you have to rely on yourself for the rest. ”

"Thank you, uncle."

Zhou Ying quickly bowed his hands and bowed...


Yunan City.

The light rain fell like a crisp outside the courtyard gate, and the raindrops slid down the umbrella ribs, forming a rain curtain in front of me.

The bird squatted on its shoulders, stretched out its wings, and touched the rain curtain. As a result, the feathers of its wings got wet. It was very unhappy and wiped it on Tangtang's robe.


Standing with his hands behind his back, Ye Jingtang rubbed Niaoniao's head and glanced at the small courtyard behind him.

Because of the rain, there was some water in the yard.

The door to the main room was open, and Xiaoyun Lisheng was sitting at the table helplessly, with books, pen, ink, paper and inkstones in front of him.

Luo Nuxia, wearing a green summer dress, sat at the desk like a strict mother and pointed out the articles in the letter of intent:

"Start from here and copy to this page. After you finish copying, you can go out to play. If I come back and see that you haven't written..."

"Oh, I know..."

When Ye Jingtang saw this scene, he didn't feel gloating, but Aimuneng waited outside the door.

After a while, Luo Ning finished her homework, opened her oil-paper umbrella and walked out of the door. She didn't even look at the Night Terror Hall and walked directly to the alley.

Ye Jingtang was not surprised at all, after all, he did make a small mistake.

Last night, Luo Nuxia took the initiative to get into bed. He misjudged his attitude, and his old habit of "taking advantage of the slope to climb up" happened again.

When Luo Nuxia stood up and leaned out of the curtain to light the lamp, he didn't know what he was thinking. His heart wandered and he patted the big moon in front of him.


Ripples tremble~

Then the room fell into dead silence.

When he said that he was going to fight mosquitoes, Luo Nuxia definitely didn't believe him. She felt that she had been greatly offended and humiliated, so she immediately cleaned him up on the spot and then ignored him.

Seeing that he had some space to be alone, Ye Jingtang walked up to him holding an umbrella and said comfortingly:

"I really didn't hit you last night, I just touched you a little harder..."

Luo Ning's face was as cold as ice, and there was a murderous look in her eyes:

"You still said you didn't hit me? You little thief just has no conscience. I was so mad that I wanted to help you. From now on, you can find a way to take care of yourself. I don't care about this."

How could Ye Jingtang be willing to beat his wife? Yesterday he just couldn't help but take a picture. It was hard to explain at the moment, so he said softly:

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Next time I..."

"no next time!"

Luo Ning's eyes were determined: "I will take you to the Wang Family Medical Center now and prescribe some medicine for you. You can take the medicine to recuperate your body in the future..."

Ye Jingtang was stunned: "Can it be cured by drinking medicine?"


Luo Ning was about to nod when she suddenly felt something was wrong - yes, she was just too angry. Drinking some heat-clearing and anti-inflammatory medicine would not have the same effect. I thought of it last time, why...

Ye Jingtang realized the problem from the change in Luo Nuxia's expression. He was afraid that Luo Nuxia would really make up his mind, so he shook his head and said:

"It's medicine that's three-part poison, and the sage said, 'It's better to block it than to remove it.' Taking medicine is not a long-term solution."


Luo Ning blinked her eyes and felt that this statement could explain her brain circuit last night, so she hummed softly:

"I'm going to prescribe some medicine for you. If you don't know etiquette and respect women, just make the medicine yourself."

"If I behave well, will Nuxia Luo reward me?"


Luo Ning thought this statement was strange, but the meaning was indeed true. She did not answer the question and instead said:

"Where are you going to buy a house?"

Ye Jingtang went out today to look for a larger house in the capital.

He likes the courtyard in Shuanggui Lane very much, but there are only three rooms and the space is too small. There is no living room. The two girls have no privacy at home and it is inconvenient to take a bath.

"Nvxia Luo is from Jiangzhou. The houses in the capital are similar to the water town style of Jiangzhou. They are all on the river, starting from Wende Bridge and going down to Tianshui Bridge..."

"When you buy your own family property, what do you think about me? I will return to Nanxiao Mountain sooner or later."

Ye Jingtang shrugged slightly: "I can't find a Liangzhou-style adobe house. The house over the border is not as tidy as Shuanggui Lane. Luo Nuxia is familiar with Jiangzhou, so she is just helping her."

Without thinking or saying much, Luo Ning and Ye Jingtang left Dyefang Street and came to the bank of the inland river.

The inland river in the capital is called Nanxun River. The river is about six feet wide. There are several stone bridges along the river connecting the two banks. The scenery on the bank is beautiful. There are many private residences of wealthy families in the capital, and the Pei family is one of them. However, in order to keep a low profile, the Pei family My family didn't buy a house by the river.

Luo Ning wasn't very interested at first, but standing on the white stone arch bridge and looking at the white walls and green tiles under the rain, it still brought back memories of her childhood, and she began to accompany the man to look at the house seriously.

The Nanxun River is close to the Imperial City. The further upstream you go, the more outrageous the people living there are. As a Jianghu person, Ye Jingtang must have walked downstream. After looking at it for a long time, he gradually came to Tianshui Bridge.

Ye Jingtang stood on the stone bridge and was showing Luo Nuxia the location of the Pei family mansion when he saw Chen Biao from the escort agency running towards the Pei family alley holding an umbrella.

Finding him standing on the stone bridge in the distance, Chen Biao was stunned for a moment, and then trotted over with his robe in hand:

"Young master, something happened..."

Ye Jingtang frowned, walked down the stone bridge holding an umbrella, and asked:

"what's up?"

Chen Biao ran up to him and probably guessed that the woman behind him was the one who had a quarrel with his female boss the day before yesterday. He nodded respectfully and then said nervously:

"The leader of Tiefuling, Angry Eyes King Kong Cheng Shilu, is here."

Ye Jingtang knew that the Cheng family would come looking for trouble. He noticed something was wrong with Mr. Cheng's health last time and wanted to verify it. When he saw this:

"Where is he? He destroyed the Pei family's property?"

Chen Biao shook his head and said solemnly:

"No, I tied someone up."


Ye Jingtang's eyes turned cold:

"Who was tied up? Pei Luo."

"No, Yang Guan was tied up!"

Chen Biao sighed: "Cheng Shilu said that if the young master's family doesn't reach Qinglian Villa before dark, Yang Guan's remaining two legs will be broken! Oh, that's too cruel..."


Ye Jingtang stood up straight for a while, thinking secretly for a long time, without thinking about Tietouling's brain circuit, and asked:

"What does he have to do with me as the apprentice of the Sanjue Immortal? Why should I go there?"

Chen Biao shrugged slightly: "I don't know. It's probably because last time in Cuiwei Pavilion, Yang Guan was too timid and kept saying that the young master was great, and was treated as a bitch by Tiefuling. Young master, do we care about this matter or not?"

Ye Jingtang thought for a moment and said, "I'll take care of things first, and you can go and do your work."


Luo Ning waited for the escort to leave before walking up to him:

"Last time you said something was wrong with Mr. Cheng, why didn't you go take a look?"

"I definitely have to go take a look, maybe I can find clues to the Golden Scale Diagram. It's just that Tiefuling is more rough than Uncle Song. I used to be like a meddling in my own business...forget it, I still have time. Morning, let’s take a look at the house first.”

Seeing this, Luo Ning didn't say much and continued to look at the house...

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