Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 130 Remember to wear pants when fighting

Ye Jingtang naturally understood the difference between the speed of going out as soon as he raised the knife with his left hand and the speed of moving his left hand to the right.

If his starting position were to encounter his eight-step mad sword, someone of the same level would be beheaded on the spot.

Ye Jingtang explained this: "Have you seen this step? When encountering the Eight-step Crazy Saber, take a step back, and when encountering other swords, step forward. This is the way to defeat the Eight-Step Crazy Saber in the Dragon Slaying Order. And this left hand pulls out, Pushing with the right hand can just block the starting move of the Eight-Step Crazy Sword. If the first blow of the Eight-Step Crazy Sword cannot shake the opponent, it cannot achieve the interlocking effect."

The Empress of Wei rehearsed it carefully in her mind and found that it was really the case. She thought about it and said:

"There is only one move, which is defensive. Even if you hold the Dragon Slaying Order's attack, you can't push the sword to defeat the enemy. By the time you strike the second time with your backhand, the Dragon Slaying Order has already spun, and you can't catch it at all; let alone the Eight-Step Crazy Sword. , can cut you into three pieces, what will you do?"

Ye Jingtang kept pushing the knife forward, thought carefully for a moment, and put his left foot behind to support his body, with his right foot in front.

The Empress of Wei frowned slightly: "You are not as stable as before."

"You don't understand this."

Ye Jingtang drew the knife with his left hand and pushed the knife with his right hand: "After holding the Dragon Slaying Order, the opponent will inevitably slide to the right. It is difficult to draw back the heavy knife, and it cannot slide out of my tip, so I can only force the blade and push me away. The opponent The position of strong pressure must be at the tip of the knife, I just need to use his strength to spin..."


There was an explosion outside the guardrail!

Ye Jingtang held the knife with both hands and switched to his right leg to support the weight of his body. He walked along the knife and rotated his body. He put his left leg behind him and followed it with a powerful and heavy whip kick:

"If you use your right leg to whip a leg, it will hit the opponent's blade, and you will be unable to stand on your left leg; if you use your left leg to whip a leg, it will not be the case. The opponent's quick reaction can hit the elbow, and with the inertia of the heavy knife, it will be difficult for the opponent to stand still; His reaction was slow and he was hit directly in the temple. He could have been kicked to death on the spot."

? !

The Empress of Wei said: "You are studying sword skills, why are you using your legs?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were helpless: "You're just getting into trouble now. Who said that swordsmen can't kick people with their legs when they're sparring?"

The Empress of Wei just said it casually, then thought about it and said:

"With your sword skills, you can only use the Dragon Slaying Order. When you encounter an eight-step mad sword, the opponent will retract the sword too quickly. If you dare to retract the sword and take a step, the person will be dead on the spot."

Ye Jingtang thought about it. His sword skills can only deal with heavy swords. When encountering light swords, they are worse than the eight-step mad sword. It is almost impossible to reach the top of the sword world.

Ye Jingtang thought for a moment: "I just thought of this for the time being. If it doesn't work, I will just use the eight-step mad sword to attack Mang. The sword in my right hand must be stronger than the sword in my left hand."

The Empress of Wei was slightly startled: "The first move of the Eight-Step Crazy Sword is a left-handed sword. It is drawn with the right hand. How do you pick it up later?"

"Just turn the luck method upside down and practice it in the opposite direction; originally, the Eight-Step Crazy Sword means one sword is weak, two or three swords are strong; conversely, one sword is strong, two or three swords are weak, and the fourth sword is both hands, there is no difference. "

The Empress of Wei nodded, jumped down from the fence, and stretched out her hand:

"Give me the knife."

Ye Jingtang saw that Miss Yuhu knew the art of swordsmanship very well, so he threw the Chilong Huanshou Dao to her, took a short wooden stick from the stable, and put it in a posture in front of him:

"We'll attack at the same time, you can feel it."

The empress of the Wei Dynasty hung the sword on the right side of her belt and stood ten feet away. Her charming temperament, paired with a red dress and a sword, made her look more aristocratic than Night Terror.

Night Terror Hall hung the stick symbolically on his back:

"Move both hands together. If the response to the dragon-slaying order is slow, draw the sword with your right hand and perform the first eight-step mad sword move to kill; if the opponent starts at the same time, put your right foot forward and draw the sword with your left hand..."

"I know."

"Okay. Get ready, one, two, three!"


A cold light flashed outside the stable.

The Empress of the Wei Dynasty was wearing a red dress. Her figure stood up. She drew the sword halfway with her left hand, held the sheath with her right hand and pressed the back of the sword. Her right foot landed just in front of the Night Terror Hall.

Ye Jingtang stepped back with his left foot, bowed his back and bounced the wooden stick behind him, then held the stick with both hands and slashed at the middle door.


The empress of the Wei Dynasty held the long sword upside down with her left hand, and pressed the back of the sword with her right hand, just enough to hold the wooden stick. When the wooden stick was pressed by the force and slid to the right, she walked with her body, raised her left leg, and made a powerful strike. He whipped his whip leg towards the door of Night Terror Hall.


? !

Ye Jingtang didn't expect that this Yuhu girl was not taking it lightly or seriously during the sparring, but she actually kicked her!

He had just practiced the first move of the Dragon Slaying Order, and he hadn't had time to figure out how to catch the move he was studying.

Seeing Miss Yuhu's sharp eyes and a merciless whip kick coming towards her, Ye Jingtang could only forget that she was holding a 'heavy knife' and ducked down to avoid the whip kick.


The soft red skirt swept across her face.

At a glance, one can see that under the skirt is a straight and slender right leg, like a white jade pillar, plump and fair without any blemishes. There are no pantyhose on the leg, just a clean big white leg, wearing red palace shoes. Look up...

The sun is shining brightly outside, but the light is quite good under the skirt...

He said he was not wearing any clothes, but there was obviously red fabric covering his legs.

But to be honest, too much is exposed, and the covering fabric is no more than three widths wide...


Before Ye Jingtang could take a closer look, the red dress suddenly came down, blocking his view.

Then he lowered his left leg and put it on his shoulder, and the soft skirt slid down his cheek. He saw the cheek of girl Yuhu, who was performing a 'one-character horse', and put her leg on his shoulder to press her leg.


Ye Jingtang turned his head and looked at the white calves and red palace shoes on the side of his face, slightly dissatisfied:

"Miss Yuhu, why are you not taking it lightly or seriously? You are just practicing your moves. Are you really kicking?"

The Empress of Wei's original intention was to stop her by just a few inches, and she stopped her legs right next to Ye Jingtang's ear. She didn't expect this silly boy to hide so quickly and burrowed directly under her skirt. She pressed Ye Jingtang's shoulder with her left leg and raised the knife in her hand:

"What did you see?"

Ye Jingtang felt that he had heard these words somewhere before, and said seriously:

"You press your skirt so fast, what can I see? I won't admit you are causing trouble for me. This is because you don't follow martial ethics. I took emergency refuge, which is a normal reaction."

After confirming that her brother-in-law was righteous and confident, the Empress of Wei put her legs away:

"I couldn't control my strength and offended the young master."

"It doesn't matter. It's normal to make mistakes when practicing against each other. When you compete with others in the future, remember to wear military uniforms and skirts and use whip legs. It's easy to injure the enemy by a hundred and lose yourself a hundred thousand."

The Empress of Wei patted her skirt and said, "I'm wearing pants, they're just shorter. It's hot in summer, so it's cool to wear them like this."

Wearing it?

Ye Jingtang felt that this palace maid was very stupid, and it was impossible for him to lift her skirt to verify it, so he took the knife:

"Does the girl think this knife technique is feasible?"

The Empress of Wei thought for a while and said: "The Eight-Step Crazy Sword is a nearly perfect sword technique. I am afraid that in order to defeat the Dragon Slaying Order, the family gave up the biggest advantage of the Eight-Step Crazy Sword, which is putting the cart before the horse. In my opinion, we must continue to polish it. If we can Find a new way to preserve the essence of the Eight-Step Crazy Sword, and prevent the Dragon Slaying Order from starting, and this sword technique will be unrivaled in the world."

After practicing in Night Terror Hall, he also discovered many problems and nodded:

"Indeed, the girl seems to know a lot about knife skills."

"Your Majesty likes martial arts. I have heard and seen it, so I naturally know something about it. If your sword technique is perfect, it will be enough to leave a name in history. What are you going to call this sword technique?"

Night Terror Hall thought for a moment:

"Hundred cuts!"


Birds spread their wings - it's not over, right?

The Empress of Wei seemed to understand the meaning of "white chopped chicken", she also smiled and thought about it for a while:

"I heard from the Holy Master that Mr. Ye went to Minglongtan today. That place is of great benefit to warriors. Would you like me to give you a few words of kindness and let you stay in Minglongtan for a longer time?"

Ye Jingtang just didn’t want to trouble Benben any more, and he didn’t want to live in Minglongtan. He was a little surprised when he saw this:

"That's where the Holy Emperor sleeps. Is that what Miss Yuhu said?"

The Empress of Wei nodded: "Okay. How are you going to thank me, Mr. Ye?"

Thank you?

I helped you get the jade pendant, and I still owe Benben a lot of debt, but you still have the nerve to thank me...

Seeing that Miss Yuhu was so thick-skinned, Ye Jingtang thought about it carefully:

"I have a way to get the girl out of the palace and regain her freedom."


The empress of the Wei Dynasty originally wanted to extort poetry. When she heard this, she asked:

"I am His Majesty's favorite maid. How can you make His Majesty part with you?"


Ye Jingtang felt that this word was wrong, so he leaned closer and said:

"Miss Yuhu and the current Holy Emperor...what..."

Polish the mirror.

The Empress of Wei saw what Ye Jingtang meant and nodded:

"Yes, I sleep on the dragon bed every day."


Ye Jingtang was quite surprised in his heart, but looking at Miss Yuhu's beauty that surpassed Yun'an's, he felt that it was possible.

No wonder I have to wear pants...

Ye Jingtang suppressed the strange look in his eyes and asked curiously:

"Miss Yuhu also likes women?"

The Empress of Wei said casually: "I am a palace servant, can I make the decision on this kind of thing?"

That means you don't like it? Ye Jingtang sighed secretly, with mixed feelings in his heart. He felt that this girl was pitiful. He was about to say something when he looked at Miss Yuhu's bun.

The Empress of Wei only wore a red dress and no jewelry. Her long black hair was pulled back and tied up in red. She looked spotless.

But it is true, other colors are very conspicuous. Ye Jingtang used the sunlight to clearly see that there was a white thread hidden between the black hair. It was not conspicuous, but it was extremely dazzling when discovered.

"Why does Miss Yuhu have white hair?"

The Empress of Wei touched her hair and responded casually:

"I'm worried. Mr. Ye, please go back early. Someone from the palace will come over and bump into you later. Your Majesty will be jealous and you will lose your head."

? !

Only then did Ye Jingtang realize that he was chatting with the empress's concubine. He immediately raised his hand and bowed, preparing to leave.

The Empress of Wei helped Ye Jingtang pick up the book and picture scroll placed on the edge of the carriage, and was about to hand it over when she suddenly discovered that Li Ren seemed to have read this book with a solemn frame.

She opened it at will...


The Empress of Wei stopped for a moment, and before she could take a closer look, she found a big hand pressing on the album.

Looking up, the stern Mr. Ye, maintaining a gentle and elegant look, took the book and scroll:

"I'll take my leave now. See you again if we have the chance."

He said, carrying the bird on his shoulders, and left leisurely.


The Empress of Wei had a slightly strange look in her eyes, and it wasn't until Ye Jingtang left that she sighed secretly:

I still have some conscience and didn't blame Li Ren for the matter...


Just finished writing or2!


Thank you [Jiong Yu] for the reward as the leader!

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