Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 126 Jade Bone Diagram

The sun rises in the east.

The morning light shone on the street, and merchants and pawns were walking among the carriages and horses. An old man carrying a candied haws pile sat on the stone steps outside the tea shop and shouted at the top of his voice:


Ye Jingtang, with a sword hanging on his waist, led the black horse and stopped outside the tea shop. He turned his head and looked at the pile of red candied haws, and a few words suddenly appeared in his ears:

"Jingtang, do you want to eat?"

"Only children eat this kind of thing."

"You're only six years old. Do you think you're not a child if you don't wear crotchless pants?"


"Hmph! You guys don't have a wife, and you are still a child at the age of sixty. When you can get a wife back, you can pretend to be an adult...here..."

Time flies, and it has been twelve years.

I remember that I was sitting on the horse. The foster father in front of me was also holding the horse like this, with an identical knife hanging on his waist.

Now that I am an adult, I have walked in front of the horse. When I occasionally recall my past words, I inevitably feel a little regretful that things are different.

Ye Jingtang looked back at the empty horseback, secretly thinking about when to take Luo Nuxia back to Honghe Town to burn some paper money.

As he suppressed his thoughts along the street, a sound of wheels came from the street entrance. When he looked up, he saw a luxurious carriage approaching.

The black police officer quickly opened the way ahead, opened the car window, and revealed a heroic woman's face, staring at him from a distance. Next to her, there was a big white bird, tilting its head and leaning out from the corner of the window:


Ye Jingtang came back to his senses, walked outside the carriage, raised his hand and saluted:

"Your Highness. The fight lasted until midnight yesterday, and I got up late this morning..."

Night Terror Hall didn't get up late, but didn't sleep at all. After helping Luo Nuxia suppress the medicine, Luo Nuxia stopped moving. He had to fetch water into the house and help Luo Nuxia take a bath.

Luo Nuxia was so embarrassed and angry that she was too lazy to move. She would hide here and there when her key parts were touched. Finally, she was carried back to the bed with a fragrant wash. She had to wash the bedsheets and quilt covers again. She woke up before Yunli had finished washing her. She had been covered with clouds for breakfast. Li helped with the cooking. He would definitely be late when he came here in the morning.

Fortunately, Dongfang Liren knew who Ye Jingtang was doing last night and did not blame Ye Jingtang for waiting for a long time.

Dongfang Liren sat upright in the carriage, with a strange look in his eyes, and thought for a while and said:

"Yesterday I asked She Long and others to chase someone, but they lost him in the end and failed to catch the murderer. You and Niao Niao were left busy all day in vain..."

Ye Jingtang got on his horse like a guard and walked beside the car window:

"We captured a prisoner yesterday. Did you find out anything?"

"It's just a wanderer who takes money to do things. He doesn't know anything. The person who can invite Xu Bailin is definitely not a small force. There is definitely something behind this matter. I don't have a clue now."

Dongfang Liren said this and looked at the Night Terror Hall:

"Ye Shen arrested, is there any way you can continue to investigate?"

Although the Night Terror Hall cannot be called the "Magic Catcher", it does have a method - the Traveling Palm is Zhang Henggu's unique move of Nanshan Tie Gua. Since the murderer knows it, there is a high probability that Zhang Henggu himself knows some of the origins. He asked directly That's it.

But this method is based on his powerful network of "holding both black and white silk thighs at the same time". If he says it, he will capsize on the spot.

Ye Jingtang thought about it for a moment and just said: "I will find a way to let Honghua House investigate. Honghua House is a powerful force in the world and should have more connections."

Dongfang Liren nodded slightly, with approval in his eyes:

"I never saw it before. You are so good at doing things. You will continue to work hard in the future. I will give you clear rewards and punishments. As long as you have enough merit, there is nothing in the world that I cannot reward you..."

Speaking of this, Dongfang Liren remembered what Mrs. Wang said about Miss Ning'er being unable to bear it, and asked:

"The last time I entered the palace, I asked you to look for a palace maid that caught your eye. Do you have a favorite person? You are also a person of status now. You can't just leave all the washing and cooking to the person you like. I reward you with a few maids. Just treat it as yesterday. rewards for things.”

When Ye Jingtang heard this, his mind naturally flashed to the only girl Yuhu he knew, but he had no intention of messing with two maids:

"Your Majesty, don't be ridiculous. I am from the Jianghu. I am used to being free. If I really have two maids in the house, I have to worry twice."


While the two were chatting, the carriage drove through the bustling streets near Mingyu Tower and arrived at the Suzaku Gate in front of the imperial city.

Dongfang Liren is a prince. As the doting sister of the current empress, few people dare to say anything when entering the imperial city through the royal road. However, Dongfang Liren is not so arrogant because of his favor. He walks in and out as a courtier. city ​​gate.

Ye Jingtang followed Dongfang Liren into the palace city and went directly to Yongle Palace, which he had never set foot in before.

Yongle Palace is the residence of the Emperor. The density of people in the palace is much higher than in other places. You can meet several palace maids walking back and forth within a few steps. You can still hear the sound of silk and bamboo deep in the palace.

Ye Jingtang knew that this place was the palace of the empress and it was not easy to look at it casually. After walking for a while, he asked:

"Your Highness, will you take me to see the saint?"

Dongfang Liren felt as if he was returning to his own home, strolling in the courtyard with a graceful manner, and led Ye Jingtang to the back of Changle Palace:

"At this time, the Holy One is in the imperial study room reviewing the papers and has no time to see you. Do you want to meet the Holy One?"

Ye Jingtang must be curious about the female emperor who rules the entire Wei Dynasty, but he still knows that accompanying an emperor is like accompanying a tiger. The empress is a tigress. She accidentally played herself as the 'Ye Guifei'. He must not live with it for half his life, shaking his head. road:

"I'm just a commoner, and I don't know how to govern the country. How dare I disturb the emperor easily? Where are we going?"

"Go to the Holy Emperor's palace."


Ye Jingtang blinked and felt that Benben was not here to ask him to serve the empress, so he didn't say much.

The two walked forward for a long time, bypassing the verandah on the side of the main hall, and arrived at the lakeside behind Cheng'an Hall, where they retreated to the left and right attendants.

The lake is artificially dug and is circular in shape. It is surrounded by white jade guardrails and in the center is a waterside pavilion built on a stone platform. There are lotus leaf-like stones on the lake surface, arranged gracefully leading to the waterside pavilion. The scenery is extremely elegant. It looks like an ink painting.

The waterside building seems to be not too old, but the white stone foundation underneath has turned yellow and has some signs of damage. It is unknown how many years it has gone through.

Ye Jingtang stopped by the lake, looked at it for a while, and asked:

"What is this place?"

Dongfangliren, like a tour guide, carefully introduced:

"Minglongtan, it is said that more than a thousand years ago, the founding emperor of the Wu Kingdom ascended to heaven and rode a dragon on the stage. This pool is located in the middle of the imperial city. According to Xuanji, it is located between the eyebrows of the 'Dragon Vein', which connects the four seas." Feng shui, the destiny of a country, is not the destiny of the emperor. He cannot control this precious land. If he lives here without authorization, he will be punished by heaven."

Ye Jingtang clasped his hands behind his back and nodded slightly:

"real or fake?"

Dongfang Liren blinked: "I never believe in these claims about strange powers and chaotic gods, but the Minglong Diagram is indeed an object of strange powers and chaotic gods. Master Xuanji said that this place is suitable for Taoist monks to cultivate, and he often stays here when he comes to the capital. The king also thinks that the feng shui of this place is good. Practicing the Minglong Diagram will get twice the result with half the effort. Words like divine punishment have never come true."

Ye Jingtang nodded thoughtfully: "Your Highness and Master Xuanji are both girls, so it will be fine if they go in. Has a man other than an emperor ever gone in in history?"

Dongfang Liren thought carefully: "This is the palace of emperors in the past. Most of the men who were able to live here but were not emperors in history were rebel leaders and traitors who revolted the country. Those who survived must have become emperors. I estimate that they are the true emperors." This is where the legend comes from.”

Night Terror Hall understands the meaning - survivor bias.

Dongfang Liren tapped his toes, and after a few ups and downs on the blue waves, he arrived at the waterside pavilion in the center of the lake. He turned around and saw that Ye Jingtang was motionless, and frowned:

"Is it possible that you are still frightened by these rumors about ghosts and gods?"

It's not that Ye Jingtang is worried about divine punishment, but even if he is not superstitious, the Empress can't tell. What if he rushes in to this forbidden place that is 'not allowed to enter except by the destined emperor'? What should he do if he is jealous of the Empress?

Dongfang Liren could naturally see what Ye Jingtang was worried about and waved:

"No one sees it, just come here."

No one saw it? !

Ye Jingtang felt that compared to the Minglong Picture, the head was more important, and he raised his hand slightly:

"Your Highness, although I am a Jianghu person, I still understand what 'transgression' means. This place..."

Dongfang Liren was a little helpless: "I said it's okay if it's okay. I've already said hello to the Holy One."

"The Holy One agreed?"

"If you don't agree, I dare to take you here?"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang breathed a sigh of relief, turned over the guardrail, and walked only a few steps to reach the outside of the waterside pavilion.


Stepping on the stone platform with both feet, far away from the lake shore, the world became quiet.

Ye Jingtang looked up at the sky, probably to determine if there was any strange phenomenon of the sky and earth changing color.

Dongfang Liren was a little amused when he saw this, turned around and walked into the waterside pavilion:

"come in."

The waterside pavilion is quite large, with an open room inside. There are oil bookshelves, weapon racks, and many calligraphy and paintings hanging around it. In the center are two futons, embroidered with dragon and phoenix patterns. It seems to be the exclusive place for the Empress and Prince Jing. .

Dongfang Liren walked around the waterside pavilion, came to the bookshelf and disappeared for a moment. When he came out again, he had a box in his hand.

The box is made of sapphire and is about the size of a book. Judging from the size, it most likely contains a picture of a singing dragon.

Dongfang Liren took the jade box to the center of the waterside pavilion and sat down on the futon:

"sit down."

Ye Jingtang came to the futon and took a look, picked up the little hen squatting on the dragon and phoenix futon, and sat down on the ground directly in front of Dongfang Liren.

Dongfang Liren felt that Ye Jingtang paid too much attention to etiquette, but he didn't say much and slid the jade box away.


The golden paper suddenly came into view.

"This is the Jade Bone Diagram. You killed the Blood Bodhi and made great achievements last night. I can show you this thing, but you cannot take it away from this place. If you lose it, you will not be able to explain it to the future monarch."

Ye Jingtang sat upright and took over the jade box without touching it with his hands. He studied it carefully under the sunlight outside the water pavilion.

The size and shape of the gold paper are exactly the same as his dragon and elephant pictures. It feels like two pages torn from a book. The only difference is the content inside.

The picture of the Jade Bone Qilin, the picture is naturally a Qilin, a giant beast holding up the sky with green blue on its back and stepping on the earth with its feet. The texture is extremely delicate.

Ye Jingtang looked at it for a moment and knew it was a genuine product, which made him feel strange.

Although there are deviations in the process and results, the plan when he first entered the capital has been achieved - to find a way to sneak into the palace and obtain the Singing Dragon Picture.

Secretly used the method of practicing the 'Dragon Elephant Diagram' to study the Jade Bone Diagram. It turned out that they have the same origin and the practice methods are exactly the same. They can't even be said to be two secret techniques, but the method of the Dragon Elephant Diagram, with several additions. Path, the two can be combined into one, becoming a method with two effects...

Outside the water pavilion is a lake with clear water. In a large, empty and quiet room, men and women sit opposite each other, and they can only hear the chirping of birds and the chirping of cicadas:

"Got it——"

"It's weird..."

Ye Jingtang held the golden paper in both hands and observed carefully. The black robe made of water cloud brocade, coupled with the serious and thoughtful eyebrows and profile, placed in an environment like ink painting, actually gave off a different kind of out-of-the-world atmosphere. Qi.

Dongfang Liren sat upright on the futon. His originally heroic eyes were somewhat softer. He didn't know what he was thinking. He just stared at the man's face, in a daze.

Ye Jingtang looked at it for a moment and put down the gold paper:

"This picture is indeed mysterious. It doesn't look like anything ordinary at all. I can only see a few hints of it."

Dongfang Liren nodded slightly: "You have a lot of talent, it shouldn't be difficult to understand. Just practice and try."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, closed his eyes and began to practice the Jade Bone Diagram.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, Dongfang Liren looked at the 'little fool' in his eyes, straightened his back, and assumed the aura of a queen, and said seriously:

"This is not how you practice the Minglong Diagram. I will teach you to watch carefully and sit cross-legged, with your left leg outside and your right leg inside..."

Dongfang Liren lightly lifted the hem of his python robe, sat cross-legged, put his hands on his lower abdomen, and raised the skirt of his clothes, causing the already proud fat-headed dragon to turn into a three-dimensional pattern.

The Night Terror Hall practice of Minglongtu was completely based on feeling. I didn't pay attention to the posture. I followed the instructions immediately, sitting cross-legged, holding my left hand with my right hand, and closing my eyes.

Dongfang Liren closed his beautiful eyes and commanded unhurriedly:

"Imagine the picture you just saw, and follow your feelings...um...picture sense. Do you have it?"


"Okay, follow this king's breathing, keep it rhythmic, and enter the Taoist state of concentration... exhale... inhale..."

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