Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 106 Iron-headed boy

West Market, Cuiwei Pavilion.

At the same time that the incident occurred on Wutong Street, Cuiwei Pavilion was closing its doors, and local gangsters from several nearby blocks were sitting together, discussing a small matter.

Last month, Jingzhao Mansion gave special approval to renovate and rebuild Dyefang Street, and the work was outsourced to the Pei family, a wealthy businessman in Tianshuiqiao.

Dyefang Street occupies a large area. It has been renovated to have at least a hundred shops. From renovating buildings, attracting merchants, to subsequent maintenance of the street, it is all a waste of money.

Cheng Baocheng, the second master of the West City, is quite senior in Yun'an City. He was sitting in the main seat today and chatting with several familiar bosses about this matter:

"There are a lot of streets in the capital where no one makes trouble, but Tianshuiqiao is a grocery street that only relies on money to make connections. It's really shameless to have such a harsh tone..."

Mr. Cheng is about fifty years old, with a bald head and a round face that is a bit gangster, but he is dressed quite formally, like a member of the Communist Party of China.

The other five people sitting here are all dressed up similarly, but one person is more special.

Yang Guan from Jiang'an Wharf was almost beaten to death by Ye Jingtang last month. He has developed a good memory and has been very honest recently.

But because of the conflict with the Pei family, some people who had "dealt with" the Pei family were invited by several bosses in the city to serve as staff and give advice.

Yang Guan's arm was stabbed twice, and the injured muscles and bones have not fully recovered. At this time, both his left and right hands were bandaged and hung around his neck. He couldn't even drink tea, and his face looked ugly:

"Cheng Erye, Yang thinks it's better not to get involved in what happened on Ranfang Street. You asked people to beat up the people in Tianshuiqiao. Yang thinks it's better to come to apologize and give them some medical expenses. Tianshuiqiao's people Young Master Ye, his martial arts skills are quite domineering, his temper is even more domineering than his martial arts skills, and he is close to the black yamen and is not easy to mess with."

Hearing these cowardly words, an old man sitting next to him sneered while holding a tea cup:

"No matter how domineering you are, how can you be as domineering as Second Master Cheng with his fists? In terms of relationship, Second Master Cheng is the brother-in-law of the then Minister of Industry, and he also helps Prime Minister Li's wife manage several stores. Isn't this relationship overbearing?"

A person sitting opposite said: "We are businessmen, and we are not trying to cut off the Pei family's wealth. They are all hanging out in the capital, and the government has opened their mouths. His family will eat a lot of money, and leave the chores to me. It is natural..."


While he was talking, the door was pushed open.

The heavy wind and rain outside suddenly swept into the restaurant, blowing the robes and hair of the people doing the work.


After a pause of words in the hall, everyone frowned and looked away.

Outside the door of the restaurant, a handsome young man who was folding his umbrella appeared. Behind him was a frightened rich young man, who was pulling the handsome young man's arm hard:

"No, no, no, no. There are hundreds of people outside, and we were beaten to death. The Pei family will be the last to die. I'm only seventeen..."

The men led by the big bosses outside the restaurant were hiding from the rain in the tea shop and wine shop. When they saw this scene, they ran towards the door angrily:


"You kid doesn't have eyesight..."

The faces of the people talking in the restaurant were all unhappy.

Yang Guan was sitting near the door of the restaurant. He noticed something strange and turned around to check. He was also frowning at first, but when he saw the appearance of the young master outside the door...


Yang Guan was frightened by half of his three souls and seven souls in an instant, and he quickly stood up and took a few steps away:

"Hey, hey! Mr. Ye, I didn't interfere! The conscience of heaven and earth, I was forced to come here. I tried to persuade you just now, but I couldn't persuade you at all..."

Ye Jingtang closed his umbrella and found that Yang Guan, who had both arms hanging around his neck, was also in the lobby of the restaurant. He was really surprised and tilted his head slightly.

How dare Yang Guan say no, he nodded and ran out the door with a smile. When he saw Young Master Pei walking in, he blocked it with his body:

"Master Pei, you can't enter this place. Just stand outside."

Pei Luo was obedient, mainly because he didn't dare to go in. He took a quick look:

"Gang Leader Yang?! You are here just in time. Please help me cheer up and apologize. Don't hurt anyone. The Pei family will be very grateful afterwards..."

"Okay. Mr. Ye, don't get excited. Mr. Cheng is also temporarily confused..."

"You're pulling backwards! What's wrong with your arm?"

"Oh, it's a long story, so I might as well not mention it..."

There were five people sitting here, and from Yang Guan's garbled words, they could identify the identities of the two noble gentlemen - the two young masters from Tianshui Bridge.

Mr. Cheng's face looked normal:

"Young Master Ye is here just in time, Cheng..."

"You stay, the others go out."


Ye Jingtang's attitude was not arrogant, but the tone of his instructions to Zayu really dissatisfied the leader who was sitting at a high position.

The nearest man immediately slapped the armrest:


As soon as you said the word, Ye Jingtang raised his leg and kneed him, hitting the man between the eyebrows with the force of thunder.


There was an explosion in the restaurant.

The man sitting on the Grand Master's chair suddenly leaned back, smashed the back of the chair, and fell straight to the ground without any movement.

There was a sudden silence inside and outside the restaurant. Everyone's eyes were horrified, except for Yang Guan's expression, which was as usual.

The remaining three local gangsters saw the man knocked down with one move. After being stunned for a while, they stood up and walked around the restaurant door from the side as if facing a formidable enemy.

Mr. Cheng's eyes were quite surprised. He put down the tea cup, stood up and slowly rolled up his sleeves:

"You kid, do you want to talk with your hands?"

Ye Jingtang didn't respond and strode over.

Mr. Cheng frowned and was about to take action when he heard a crisp sound of "click" coming from the floor.

Ye Jingtang's body suddenly rose up, and in the blink of an eye he was already pressing forward. He flew forward and kicked his knee, landing on Mr. Cheng's chest.


Mr. Cheng's eyes were stunned. Before he could raise his hand, he was instantly knocked out and smashed into the middle hall of the restaurant.


A big hole suddenly opened in the wall, revealing the private room at the back and smashing the tables and chairs inside.

Mr. Cheng stood up like a carp and tried to stand up, but as soon as he was halfway up, he was frightened by Ye Jingtang who followed him like a shadow and hit his forehead with a heavy punch. His whole body fell over instantly and the back of his head hit the floor.


Ye Jingtang clasped Mr. Cheng's neck with one hand and punched his forehead three times in a row.

Bang bang bang——

Mr. Cheng raised his hand to fight back, not forgetting to curse: "Damn it..."


With the last heavy punch, Mr. Cheng smashed the floor, half of his head sank into the ground, and his words stopped abruptly.

Everyone outside the door looked at it with horror, thinking that Mr. Cheng would be disabled this time even if he didn't die!

But Mr. Cheng still refused to admit defeat after suffering such a heavy blow. He shook his bald head twice and then raised his fist to fight back.

Ye Jingtang frowned and didn't hesitate. He pressed forward like a martial artist attacking a tiger.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

In the empty restaurant, there was a muffled thunder.

After several punches, Mr. Cheng's upper body sank into a pit in the ground, but he still refused to admit defeat.

Countless thugs outside the door turned pale, and many were so frightened that their sticks dropped to the ground, making a "dinging, clanging" sound.

After punching for more than ten times, Ye Jingtang was afraid that the idiot would be beaten to death, so he wanted to stop, but with the last punch, he found that there were faint cracks on Mr. Cheng's forehead.

The cracks looked like cracked ice. The moment the fist was raised, the capillaries were broken and bleeding, and the skin quickly turned black and red, making it difficult to see any trace.

If it were not pressed down and the light was good, this slight difference would not be noticed at all.


Ye Jingtang punched his fist, feeling that something was wrong with this guy's body. He was definitely not practicing Kung Fu in an ordinary way.

Mr. Cheng, whose head had already sunk into the ground, also raised his hand at this moment and slapped Ye Jingtang's arm hard:

Bang bang bang——

"I'm convinced... I'm convinced..."

A flash of doubt flashed in Ye Jingtang's eyes, but if he hit him again, it would be a violation of the rules. After thinking about it, he closed his fist and stood up:

"Tiefuling is well-deserved."

Mr. Cheng was lying in the pit, his mouth and nose full of blood, breathing heavily and unable to speak a word.

After Ye Jingtang glanced at Mr. Cheng's forehead again, he suppressed the doubts in his heart, stood up and left.

The leader outside the door turned pale and quickly moved out of the way. The hundreds of thugs gathered outside also moved away.

Yang Guan nodded and bowed: "Master Ye, please go slowly. I'll come here often... No, if you have something to do in the future, just send someone to say hello. I won't bother you to come here in person..."

Pei Luo followed Ye Jingtang and passed through hundreds of thugs. Seeing that no one dared to block the way, he whispered:

"Brother Jing, you are so powerful! But in this place in the capital, fists alone are not enough. There are people in the Cheng family in the government..."

While he was talking, he noticed a carriage parked at the street corner. The curtain was opened, revealing a calm and confident face, looking at him coldly.

"Who is this?"

"Prince Jing."


Pei Luo paused, opened his mouth, and had nothing to say. He trotted to catch up with him like Chen Biao:

"Brother, I can hold the umbrella for you. When you meet Prince Jing, you have to act like a young master..."

Ye Jingtang handed the umbrella to Pei Luo who was walking along the way:

"You should go back first and study hard to test your reputation. The world is not a place for scholars."

"Okay, I'll go back to the academy to study..."

Pei Luo wanted to hand it over honestly, but when he saw the thugs being dispersed, he felt a little guilty.

On the carriage, Dongfang Liren said: "Send Mr. Pei back to his home. Come up, Ye Jingtang."

After saying that, he lowered the car curtain...

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