VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 998: : Face issues

Players who can enter the celebrity list are all masters without exception. These people will participate in extreme challenges in the future, and they will become seeded players to win the championship, so the level of these people is very important, especially when they reach the 240th rank.

It is precisely because of this that Fireworks Yi Leng deliberately invited these celebrity masters to watch the ceremony in the previous monster siege, because the experience of killing monsters will be very rich, at least much faster than killing monsters and doing task upgrades.

Of course, Firework Easy Cold does this to set an example for the major gangs. In the future, other gangs will invite celebrity list masters to watch the ceremony when they build a gang station and face a monster attack, so it is much easier for these people to reach level 240.

"Hey, yes, since we have invited Ouyang Feitian and others, they will definitely invite us in return." Black and white chess, and then thought of something, a smile appeared on her mouth: "Except for Ouyang Family, Uncle Bacchus The fine wine family, the dragon family, the oriental family, and the gangs have also gained the heart of the city, which means that in 10 days we will be connected to the invitation to watch the ceremony. With so many gangs defending the city, it is still very simple for us to upgrade to level 2 or 3. Yes, so it won’t take long for us to reach level 240."

In the past few days, gangs such as the Long Family and Dongfang Shijia have also gained the heart of the city after the wine family. Even the popular trend that has not had any clue before has also gained the heart of the city. Not surprisingly, after 10 pairs of days, the Chinese server gang resident will It appeared in a blowout situation, and at that time, those people like Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind would also be invited to watch the ceremony. It was very easy for them to upgrade to level 2 or 3 with the rich experience.

"At our current leveling speed, even if we don't rely on monster siege experience, we can reach level 240 in more than 10 days, and the time required to go to the ceremony will be reduced by a few days." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently: " Don’t forget, the Ouyang Family and other gangs don’t have dual city walls like we have. They will invite many people to resist monsters to siege the city. So many people will share experience equally. In addition, our level is already very high, and most of them are dual-class. It's not obvious."

"It's better than nothing. It's faster than killing monsters and doing task upgrades." Sitting on Qin Xin said, she chuckled lightly: "The most important thing is to see what trump cards these gangs have. We can do it if they provoke us in the future. Come up with corresponding tactics."

"Hey, no matter what cards they have, with our super strength, it is easy to destroy them." Po Lang Chengfeng said, with strong confidence in his tone.

"Sister Feng, Sister Fireworks, our people have reported that the people of the Ouyang family are purchasing recruitment orders frantically, and they are collecting various materials for building arrow towers and catapults." June Feixue said: "In addition, they seem to have also found out. A lot of elites were assigned to kill at a leveling point where the recruiting order broke down. According to our people, the number of recruiting orders that broke down these days is not one thousand but nine hundred."

"They also found the explosion point of the recruitment order?" Othello was taken aback, and she hurriedly asked: "Feixue, how do the soldiers recruited by their recruitment order compare with our Flame Dragon Cavalry?"

"It seems that the soldiers recruited by the recruitment order they obtained are only from the gold-level BOSS, and there must be some gaps with us." June Feixue said, and then changed his tone: "Maybe it is precisely because of this, the monster strength they face It's also much worse. Many members of the Ouyang family can kill. According to our estimates, they can issue tens of thousands of recruitment orders before the Monster Project."

"Uh, tens of thousands of recruitment orders?!" Othello was stunned: "This means 100,000 soldiers. Although they are only at the Golden BOSS level, they are also a very powerful force. After all, these soldiers are of a higher level than recruiters. 10 or 20 higher."

"They probably won't recruit so many soldiers, after all, raising these soldiers consumes resources and money." Po Lang said in a deep voice.

"I don't know. Anyway, our people have found out that Ouyang Feitian ordered that the more the number of recruitment orders, the better, at least tens of thousands before the monsters attack the city, but I don't know if they will use it or take it out." Yue Feixue shook his head.

"Could it be that they want to learn that we don't invite foreign aid to a gang alone to defend the city?" Othello guessed casually.

"Well, it's possible." But I didn't want the fireworks to be cold and nodded: "Because we rely on our own strength to defend the monster's siege, this undoubtedly sets an example for other big gangs. They don't want to admit that they are weaker than us, so You also have to rely on your own strength to defend the monster siege. This can be analyzed from the fact that Ouyang Feitian specially ordered the players of the Ouyang Family to burst tens of thousands of recruitment orders."

"Ouyang Feitian has a strong personality, and the relationship with Sister Feng is very complicated. In order not to let us look down on him, it is really possible to use her own strength to resist the monster's siege." Othello said in a deep voice, and then she murmured: "Neither Know whether they can hold it, after all, we have too many advantages in Wushuang City."

"Hey, be careful when you speak. The relationship between Ouyang Feitian and me is complicated. It's his unilateral problem." Po Lang Chengfeng said in an angry manner.

After spitting out his tongue, Othello laughed, but he didn't struggle with this issue anymore.

"The Ouyang Family has 67 million players, more than twice ours, and the positive strength is also very strong." Sitting on Qin Xin said warmly: "So many people, upgrade the gang resident to a level 2 township within two or three days. It’s still very easy. Although they don’t have double walls, there are also small advantages to a small city. Small means that it is easier to defend."

"Well, that's true." Othello nodded: "Furthermore, only the first to establish a gang station to defend the city will be so difficult. The next monsters that the gang station will face will be much weaker. They want to defend. It is not impossible, not to mention that they will recruit a lot of soldiers."

"In addition to the recruited soldiers, you can also place arrow towers and catapults on the wall. Because there is only one wall, these things can be gathered together." June Feixue took the stubborn words: "No wonder the Ouyang family has been buying and building arrows recently. Materials for towers and catapults have even purchased a number of institutions* from the Commercial League."

"Uncle Bacchus and the others will face a monster siege soon. They should also be collecting various materials, and the other major gangs must be the same. So Ouyang Family can't buy much materials at all." Sitting on the piano, sinking. She said, her brows frowned slightly: "So they can't build many catapults and arrow towers to defend the city..."

Although it has a hostile relationship with the Ouyang Family, the Ouyang Family is China’s gaming power after all. The gang station built is also to resist foreign forces. If the defense fails, the Chinese gaming power will be lost, so it’s only when you sit on the piano. Some worry.

"Arrow towers and catapults don't necessarily have to be built." Suddenly, the voice of the book sounded in the team channel in the middle of the night, and when everyone was stunned, he laughed: "Yes, it can be other than construction. You can even buy magic crystal cannons and magic crystals. Although these items are a bit more expensive, the Ouyang family is rich in wealth and there is still no pressure for them to buy a batch."

"Hey, that's true." Othello laughed strangely: "Besides, Ouyang Feitian will spend more money to buy more for the sake of face problems. He has these things, plus they are crowded, so there is no way to resist the monsters. That's too big a problem."

"Besides, those of us will be invited over too." Po Lang Road, she joked, "If the Ouyang Family can't keep it, we can help. We have so many flying mounts, fireworks and Ye Luo and Feixue. It’s very easy to be able to use combo skills on Wednesday and Wednesday to help them guard the monsters."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Hey, I'm a little bit expecting that they can't hold the monsters anymore. When that happens, we will come out to help them keep the gang resident and keep the Chinese game power and humiliate them. This must be fun. ."

"Sister Feng, you are too bad. If this is the case, it is estimated that Ouyang Feitian will be **** to death." Even so, June Feixue smiled.

"In addition to us, Uncle Bacchus and the others will also go. The major celebrity list masters will fly. This is a very powerful force, capable of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of ordinary players, helping them defend the monsters. It's still not a problem." Sitting on Qin's heart, she breathed a sigh of relief.

While talking about this, Dukang, the God of Bacchus, found them, and he said in an unpleasant manner: "Girl Chengfeng, girl fireworks, who let you resist the monster's siege by your own strength, so I have to spend more money, in the future His appetite will be cut in half."

"Uncle Bacchus, did we offend you by keeping the monster attacking the city by our own strength?" The fog at the end of the wave and the wind.

"You don't know yet, it is precisely because you alone defended the monster siege. The members of the Ouyang family have already spoken out, and they also want to defend the monster siege alone." Bacchus Du Kang said angrily: "It's not just them. The heroes and the Dongfang family have also spoken out, and they don't invite foreign aid."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, and as expected, Po Lang Chengfeng deliberately looked confused: "Uncle Bacchus, what does this have to do with us, it is their own prowess."

"Hey, all the big gangs are also face-saving people, think about it, you only have 3 million players that can withstand the monster siege, and it is the most difficult siege. The other big gangs will naturally follow you." Bacchus Dukang sneered.

"They are them, you are always the same as them, and we will send a large army to help you..." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, but was interrupted before finishing talking.

"My old man is also a face-saving person, and everyone has spoken out. I can't invite powerful foreign aid." Bacchus Dukang was even more angry: "In order to defend the monster siege, I must greatly strengthen my defense, so I must buy enough. Many recruitment orders, arrow towers, catapults, etc. will undoubtedly cost a lot of money."

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