VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 974: : 3 waves of monsters

When I was in Luoshui Town, there were a total of 10 waves of monsters. Each wave will last for a period of time, and there is a 10-minute interval between each wave. If there are also 10 waves in the 6th level gang trial mission, and each wave will also have With an interval of 10 minutes, it takes too much time to do a task.

Wushuang City monsters attacked the city after 3 days, and now they are anxious to improve the city's defenses, so many people spend so much time here, it is also wasted.

"No, simulating a monster siege. There are only 3 waves of these monsters, and there is only a 3-minute interval after each wave. If it is fast, the task will be solved in about 1 or 2 hours, but not much time is wasted. "Sanmai Shidao, she laughed: "It is worth the time to allow 300,000 more people to enjoy the gang skills of the Misty Pavilion branch, and to add another 500,000 people to gang skills."

"There are only 3 waves, it doesn't take much time." Zhiyue said with a smile: "And as Sister Shi said, there will be a lot of benefits after upgrading the gang to level 6, and it will be easier for us to face monsters in the future. It’s totally worth it."

Time passed, and the 10 minutes of preparation time passed in a blink of an eye. Everyone faintly felt the earth trembling, and the tremor became more and more obvious with the passage of time, and some monsters appeared in the distance.

Seeing those monsters rushing from the land, the beautiful eyes of breaking the waves and riding the wind lit up, she looked at Ye Luo and others: "Hey, it's just a monster attacking from the ground. Seeing that the level is not very high, we fly. In the past, there would be no problems at all. With our strength now to stop, we can kill a lot of monsters when they attack near the city wall."

"That's right." June Feixue nodded repeatedly, she faintly couldn't wait, and then looked at the fireworks Yiyi coldly, waiting for her to give orders.

After a moment of groaning, the fireworks easily coldly said: "Sister Feng, you take Jianliu and the others to the east gate, Yue'er you and Wednesday take people to the west gate, Yiyun, you and Feixue take the sunset and them to the south gate, I and Ye Go to the north gate, Sister Shi, you stay behind the city and command everyone to resist the monsters."

After finishing speaking, the fireworks are easy to be cold and do not take any points.

The fireworks Yi Leng pointed out earlier that most of those people have flying mounts or have the ability to fly, so that even if they are surrounded by monsters, they can escape with flying ability. In addition, they are sitting on the heart of the piano, Saturday, etc. [Resurrection Prophecy] , So there is no problem.

The dragon's flying speed was very fast, and Ye Luo and the others quickly greeted those monsters, and found that they were only level 180 purgatory monsters, and they were more relieved.

So far, the average level of the Misty Pavilion has reached level 210, and most of these people selected by Fireworks Yicold are players over level 215. There is no pressure to face the purgatory monsters of level 180, let alone Ye Luo and the others. .

"It's just a 180-level monster. The level is too low. There is no suspense at all when you kill it." June Feixue said nonchalantly: "Even if we people are surrounded by them, there is no problem."

While talking about this, June Feixue did not stop his movements, raising his magic wand, and summoning lava elves as soon as he shot, and then group attack skills, as the skills appeared, a lot of damage The numbers float.

At the same time as the June blizzard attacked, Changhe fell to the ground, riding on the horse and charging forward, with sword energy crisscrossing, and the number of damage floated.

At this time, Changhe Sunset and June Feixue were already at level 225. Under the suppression of their levels, those monsters did little damage to them. Even Changhe Sunset could maintain the peak state of Qi and blood without pressure at all by relying on the ability to **** blood.

As for those flying in the air like June Feixue, there is no pressure. After all, the monsters below are melee combat, and they can attack boldly with confidence.

Changhe sunset swings double swords, stepping on Jiugong Bagua steps, like walking in a leisurely courtyard. Every sword swing can hit the monster's vitals. From time to time, a skill is displayed. Pieces of damage numbers float up, and they are quickly attracted. The hatred of many monsters, at least these monsters no longer go to the town.

The operation of Changhe Sunset is more skillful and consistent than a few days ago. It is obvious that his daily fierce battle with the blood lotus is not in vain, and he has gained a lot.

Not only was the river sunset, Jianqi and others also had some improvements, facing hundreds of monsters very easily.

Think about it too. During this period, everyone dealt with high-level monsters 4 or 50 levels higher than them. Now the monsters they deal with are more than 40 levels lower than them. Naturally, it is much easier to deal with them. Under the suppression of their levels, they have every hit Can cause tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of injuries.

Jian Qi and the others are still very relaxed, not to mention Po Lang Chengfeng and Ye Luo and the others, they are like tigers entering the flock and killing wildly.

On the other side, through a shared perspective, I saw the scene of Ye Luo and others' mass killings. Othello couldn't help but muttered: "Sister Feng and the others only stopped more than 30% of the monsters. We knew this way we also rushed over. These monsters pose no threat to us at all."

"Yeah, facing these monsters, there is no pressure at all." Nodded on August.

"It's just the first wave of monsters. The level is very low, but the level of the next wave of monsters should exceed 200. At that time, our pressure will be a little bit higher, and the last wave of monsters will have a higher level, so we must not be small. Look, the most important thing is to do a good defensive formation." Samadhi poetry said solemnly.

Knowing this, they did not rush in Othello, waiting in line, ready to meet the enemy.

Level 180 monsters don’t have much pressure on everyone. Although there are tens of millions in number, it didn’t take too much time to slaughter them all. At this time, there were no casualties in the Misty Pavilion. Did not cause any harm to the town.

Think about it, those level 180 monsters can’t break through the formation of nightmare cavalry at all. In addition, they are melee monsters and can’t beat the impact of nightmare cavalry at all. Ranged classes such as archers and magicians of the Misty Pavilion can attack from the wall. , The monsters covered by group attack skills were killed like violent wind sweeping fallen leaves.

After the first wave of monsters were cleaned up, the second wave did not take long to arrive. As samādhi guessed, the level of these monsters has increased a lot. They are level 210 purgatory monsters, and their strength has increased a lot.

At level 210, the level is still not as high as that of the players of the Misty Pavilion. Although it is a magician type, it still cannot break through the defense of the nightmare cavalry. Because the nightmare cavalry can extend the distance from the city wall, they can not cause much damage to the city wall.

Although it was covered by many group attack skills, some people sat on the piano and waited for the priest to add blood. Othello and they were not too strenuous to deal with it. In addition, they attracted 20% of the monsters in advance and killed the boss. These monsters have no threat to them.

That’s right, Ye Luo and the others still haven’t come back. They greeted those monsters as soon as possible. With their powerful strength, they can hold down many monsters, and they will deliberately look for the siege BOSS and kill them before dealing with other small ones. The blame is much easier.

While killing the blame everyone while chatting, the atmosphere was quite relaxed and there was no meaning of fighting at all.

"Hey, let me just say it. After equipped with [Dragon Scale Saddle] and other equipment, our strength has improved a lot. It is too easy to deal with monsters." Othello laughed: "Plus our air power is very strong. It’s just that Sister Feng and the others can delay the monster by 20-30%, so there is no problem."

"Hehe, if even we can't complete the 6th level gang trial task, then no gang can complete it." June Feixue smiled, his tone full of pride.

"The level of the second wave of monsters is 30 higher than that of the first wave, and the monsters of the third wave should be 30 levels higher than the second wave, which means that we have to face 240 level monsters in the last wave, and the number is 2 of our defenders. , 30 times, we still have some pressure." Samadhi's voice sounded in the team channel: "So we should not be careless."

"In addition, I guess the last wave of monsters may be flying monsters, so our pressure will be even greater." The voice of the fireworks is easy to cold also sounded: "If this is the case, then the nightmare cavalry will be of little use, when we will It’s a killer."

"Even monsters of level 240 are nothing, and they are not a threat to us." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently: "There are a lot of green dragon pet eggs we hit these days. There are thousands of them, and most of them are more than level. It’s level 200 and they are there, even if the last wave is flying mounts, there is no threat to us."

"Aren't there still arrow towers and catapults? They can also cause a lot of damage to monsters. It's easy for us to resist monster attacks." Black and white chess said.

Nodded, everyone said nothing and continued to kill monsters.

The second wave did not cause any pressure to everyone. Soon the third wave of monsters came. After listening to the squeaking sound and the sound of flashing wings, everyone knew that the monsters in this wave were really flying like fireworks. Types of monsters.

"Hey, a level 250 nightmare monster?!" June Feixue was the first to see the level of those monsters. She was a little surprised: "This level is higher than we expected, and it is also a flying monster. It’s really a bit troublesome to download."

"Yes, this time I brought a lot of nightmare cavalry. There are not many long-range professions such as magician and archer." Zhiyue frowned: "Although we can stop a lot, but so many monsters, we will attack the city together. It’s not that simple if we want to stop everything."

"The 5th level gang trial task is already very difficult, and the 6th level gang trial task is even more difficult. It is also normal." She didn't care about it. "Fortunately, we also have a lot of green dragons, and there are some problems. It’s not difficult for few flying players to resist monster attacks."

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