Equipped with the trophies obtained from the Ouyang Family and the Eastern Family, the strength of Ye Luo and others has increased a bit. In addition, when the magician team arrives on Wednesday, the efficiency of killing dragon scale pythons has increased a lot. The assassins and wine families of the Misty Pavilion The people are also very hard to find East Sea Orbs and Divine Iron Stones, so there are a lot of [Dragon Scale Saddles] that have been created in the past few days, but there are more than 100,000 pieces of the Misty Pavilion, which has greatly exceeded expectations.

So many [Dragon Scale Saddles] can greatly increase the cavalry of the Misty Pavilion. Coupled with the gambling and compensation of the Ouyang Family and the Eastern Family, the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion will be further improved.

Think about it, Ouyang Family and Dongfang Family’s compensation includes money, equipment, and hidden career scrolls. Not to mention the former, the artifacts and hidden career scrolls in the back can improve the player's strength of Misty Pavilion, especially the latter, the hidden career is relatively It's too much stronger than an ordinary job.

There are more than 100 hidden professions, which is already a very powerful force. At the very least, the number of hidden professions in the Misty Pavilion will greatly exceed the number of the Eastern family, not to mention other gangs.

With so many advantages, Othello is full of confidence in winning the first place in the gang battle.

"In addition to these, these days, our people have realized a combination skill, and it is a magician type, and the damage is very high, even higher than the [energy sword rain (group)] understood by the Eastern family." June Feixue Dao, her pretty face is full of smiles: "We are at the forefront in the number of combo skills, because we are the only gang with 3 combo skills in the Heavenly Tribulation game."

That's right, after so many days, the magician team of Misty Pavilion finally realized a combination skill, which is the magician's [energy storm (group)], [energy storm] is the magician's three-turn group attack skill, the damage ratio is The first rank skill [Energy Sword Rain] is much stronger, and the power is much greater after triggering the combined skill.

In addition to the Misty Pavilion, Ouyang Family realized the combination skills of the swordsman family-[Sweeping a Thousand Army (group)], the wine family realized the combination skills of the magician family-[Energy Blade (group)], and the Fengxing Gang understood the boxer system Combination skills-[Shadow Boxing (group)], and most of the other major gangs also understand the combination skills, but most of them are only one, and only the Eastern family has mastered two, so there are 3 combination skills in the misty pavilion Occupy an advantage in quantity.

The combination of skills is very powerful, and the scope of action is too far. This can change the killer's possession. Having one more will also make them more confident in winning the first place in the gang war.

"Yes, we also have an advantage in this aspect." Po Lang Chengfeng said, she was energetic: "When the time comes to the Eastern Family, the 2 combination skills can easily disrupt their formation. What's next It's much simpler."

"Sister Feng, don't think too lightly, anyway, the Eastern Family also has 2 combo skills." Samadhi said, and then she changed her tone: "Of course, dealing with them is just a little harder, only 200,000 people. We are far superior to them."

That's right, even though the number of players is greatly at a disadvantage, Miao Miao Ge still has little chance of winning against the Eastern Family. However, the gang battle can only allow 200,000 people to participate in the battle. In this way, Miao Ge still has many advantages.

"Yes, our elite is far superior to them." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then thought of something, she asked: "Qin Xin, many people have joined us during this period of time. How many new people have we recruited? "

"The newly recruited 150,000 players, of which 120,000 are heavy armor professions, and the other 30,000 are commoner and leather armor professions." Sitting on Qin Xin reported: "Although the number of players who have joined us during this period is a bit larger, However, there is absolutely no problem in quality. Mon and Sword Fourteen are very strict in this regard, especially those in commoner and leather armor. Most of them have one or two artifacts, and their level is higher than the average level of our misty pavilion. Level 3, very strong."

The Misty Pavilion is not short of commoner and leather armor careers, but it is not that these players are definitely not accepted, but the requirements are stricter and more stringent. The players recruited are all elites.

"Because some time ago we showed our strength and defeated the Eastern Family and Ouyang Family, and only 3 people achieved this kind of result. This incident spread to Chinese game consoles, so many players come here especially, and the number of players we recruited is natural. Just more." Samadhi poetry analyzed.

"It's only 120,000 heavy armor profession, it's still a little bit less." Breaking the waves and riding the wind is still dissatisfied: "When will we be able to form a million cavalry, riding the skeleton nightmare beast, equipped with [Dragon Scale Saddle] and Dragon Commander suit Wait for the equipment, tut, this is a force that can always sweep the world."

Compared to the Eastern aristocratic family and the heroes of the Heavenly War, who often had 23 million cavalrymen, the Misty Pavilion’s 7-800,000 was indeed a bit less. This is why their power in frontal combat is weaker than these two gangs, so breaking the waves and riding the wind is a little anxious.

"Sister Feng, recruiting players is a big deal. Since we can't ask for everyone, we insist on the principle of not having many soldiers." Samadhi poem said, and then his tone changed: "The Ouyang family recruited a lot of players, but those are all. It's a mob. The drawbacks came after we lost to us some time ago. As a lesson, we must be stricter."

Knowing that the samādhi poem was true, he murmured a few words while breaking the waves and riding the wind, but did not entangle this matter anymore.

"It's not early, get ready. Tomorrow is going to participate in the gang war." The firework is easy to cold, she looked at June Feixue and others: "Today everyone rest early and recharge your energy. Ye Luo, you don't want to Staying up late, you have been desperate during this time."

"Yes, the body is important." Sitting on the Qin Xin said with concern: "Although your physique is different from ordinary people, you can't cherish it so much. After all, you will have a long life in the future."

After sitting on the Qinxin and the two women, Po Lang Chengfeng and June Feixue also persuaded them.

Feeling everyone's concern, Ye Luo felt a lot warmer in his heart, and he nodded: "Well, I see."

"Sister Fireworks, the gang battle seems to be divided into two stages." Zhiyue suddenly asked: "The first stage is the points competition. How do we compare this stage? Will we be able to compete with the Eastern Family so quickly? What?"

"In the integration phase, all participating gangs are randomly matched together. The winner gets 3 points, and the loser does not count. There are 3 matches every day, one at 9 noon, 3 pm, and 8 at night. A total of Five days later, the top 16 gangs with points will continue to participate in the second stage of the elimination round." Samadhi Shi explained on his behalf.

"It's more than 15 games in 5 days. Doesn't that mean we have to fight 15 gangs?" Zhiyue said, her brows frowned slightly: "So the chance of us meeting the Eastern family is not small. The other top ten gangs have a greater chance."

"I checked it a bit earlier. There are 206 gangs who signed up for the gang war, and 15 gangs were randomly selected from more than 200 gangs. The chance of encountering the Eastern family is not great." Samadhi chuckles.

"Even if we meet, we are the first to go, meet the gods and kill the gods, and meet the Buddha*." Po Lang Chengfeng said quite domineeringly: "If you meet the Eastern family earlier, then we will let them taste it sooner. Our strength has hit their confidence and made them worse off in the next test."

"Yes, we are not afraid of any gangs now." Othello took the conversation.

"The Eastern Family is the strongest gang besides us. Not surprisingly, they will have the opportunity to enter the top 16 and even have the opportunity to compete with us for the championship and runner-up." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "If you meet earlier, then You can know their details in advance, and it will be easier to defeat them in the final knockout."

"Fireworks, do you mean that if you meet someone from the Eastern family in the points match, leave some hands?" Samadhi said, although she was asking, but the tone was quite sure: "This is fine, so they don’t know us in advance. What kind of moth will come out after his strength."

"Well, we can't expose our strength prematurely, after all, it's just a point match." Firework Yi nodded coldly.

Next, everyone chatted at random, then went offline, ate, and rested.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone went online on time according to their usual schedule, because there was still a period of time before the gang battle, and they were not in a hurry, and they became busy.

The points match lasted for 5 days. During this time, Ye Luo and the others can also improve some levels. The most important thing is that they can create some [Dragon Scale Saddles] by reporting the dragon scales. Maybe they will be able to let everyone participating in the final knockout. Every player can equip it.

"I don't know who we will encounter in the first battle." Po Lang Chengfeng said curiously while killing the Qing Jiao.

"Sister Feng, the system will randomly match the gangs against each other 30 minutes before the game. Then we will know who to fight against." Sitting on Qin's heart, she chuckled, "Is it you can't help but want to shoot? "

"Hey, yeah." Po Lang Chengfeng smiled and said, "There are 200,000 people on the opposite side of the gang fight. This time, you can kill one happy."

"The opponent has 200,000 people, and so are we. On average, you can't kill many people." Othello joked: "If the gang we meet is very weak, you may give up without them even having a chance to shoot."

"Our strength is so strong, maybe some gang will admit defeat." June Feixue said, she couldn't help laughing: "Now I am a little curious which gang will be so unlucky that it will be the first to meet us. They were defeated in the battle, which was a big blow to their morale."

"I hope it's the Eastern family." Polang Chengfeng said, she laughed: "According to Uncle Bacchus, the gangs that can enter the top 8 will be rewarded. If we defeat the Eastern family in the first game, then their Morale will definitely be low, maybe the next game will be defeated..."

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