VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 899: :Request support

Ye Luo also knows that Ye Luo possesses the ability to kill people to increase his attack power. Ouyang Feitian will not let him kill people, but the fireworks are easy to cold and the waves and wind will not be as his wish. The dragon blocked him. He was so much slower than the two women that he couldn't get rid of it.

This is more than that. After the firework Yi cold rides on the dragon, the overall strength is very strong. Under her attack, Ouyang Feitian's vitality is reduced at a very fast speed, and his flying speed is also reduced a lot, fortunately Ouyang Feiri He and the parachutist rode on the dragon and the crane to block the two women, and gave him a chance to breathe.

Like the blazing dragon, the cranes are both ancient god-level bosses. Their flying speed is not bad, but it is a bit reluctant to block fireworks. After all, the parachutists are just ordinary hidden professional Taoists, and their growth aptitude, flight speed, attack distance, and equipment level are not as good. Fireworks are easy to cold, and he was quickly suppressed.

While suppressing the parachutist, the firework is easy to be cold and there is still time to deal with Ouyang Feitian, blocking him, so that it can not interfere with Ye Luo.

On the other side, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind has the upper hand against Ouyang Feiri. After all, the former has advantages in professional, equipment and mounts. Although her attack distance is not as good as the latter, the flying speed of the Purple Lightning Dragon Soon, he could get close to the target, swinging his sword aura, Ouyang Feiri's head floated with more than 20,000 damage figures.

Entangled by the fireworks and the cold, Ouyang Feitian and the others can only order other people who can fly to deal with Ye Luo, but the speed of these people is a little different from Ye Luo, so they have been unable to catch up.

As for the fierce beast Qiongqi, although its speed surpassed Ye Luo, it was entangled by Xiao Bai at this time, and its clone lacked skills, so that no one could interfere with Ye Luo.

Seeing Ouyang Feitian and Qiongqi being entangled, Ye Luo breathed a sigh of relief. He relied on the speed of his flight to keep away from other flying people, and while flying, he threw the mechanism hand. Lei, Qun. After attacking the skill CD, he used it. As time passed, he also killed some people, and his attack power slowly increased.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Feitian frowned, he gritted his teeth severely, then used [Summon Bright Unicorn], and then a double-winged unicorn rushed towards Ye Luo.

The flying speed of the two-winged unicorn is faster than Ye Luo. He was quickly overtaken, but when the unicorn approached him, he suddenly rose up, and then used [Flash], and he landed in the next instant. On the back of the unicorn.

Temporarily retracting the magic wand, Ye Luo grabbed the unicorn's wings in one hand, and attacked with a long sword in the other. Every time the sword went down, the unicorn's vitality would drop.

The unicorn’s existence time is 3 minutes. When the time limit is reached, it will naturally disappear. It stands to reason that Ye Luo does not need to pay too much attention to it, but its flight speed is much faster than Ye Luo, and Ye Luo can’t resist its attack. It can only be solved first.

After all, the double-winged unicorn is a god-level boss, with high attack power. Although Ye Luo's defense and blood are high, he can't resist it for 3 minutes. Now he doesn't want to use the [Gossip Source] immediately, and he cannot rely on melee normal attacks. Sucking blood, so I can only do this.

Seeing Ye Luo jumping on the back of the unicorn again, Ouyang Feitian, who was not far away, looked gloomy. He controlled the unicorn to go to other flying players so that those people could attack. Ye Luo.

But Ye Luo didn't care about the attacks of these people. They were just ordinary hidden occupations. With his strong attack power and blood sucking, he could hardly resist the attacks of several people, and it didn't matter even if he was controlled by his control skills.

The other members of the Ouyang family can be described as extremely aggrieved. Their attacks fell on Ye Luo and did not cause much damage. Even Ye Luo could carry it for a while with only blood sucking, although they could kill him in this way. However, their mana value is not much, they will fall in place when the flight time is up.

Most of the current players' mana values ​​are around 2300,000. Even if the mana recovery and pill replenishment are included, they can only last for more than 30 seconds. Ye Luoke will not be killed during this time.

Of course, Ouyang Feitian also wants to control the two-winged unicorn to approach him. After all, his attack power is a great threat to Ye Luo, but the fireworks easy to cool does not allow him to do so, and he found that such a group would be more vulnerable to fireworks. The group attack skills of Leng, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind are covered.

Maybe Ouyang Feitian, Ouyang Feiri, and the parachutist can survive these group attack skills, but it's hard to tell the others, they will be killed before Ye Luo.

30 seconds passed quickly. The other players of the Ouyang family who rely on skill flying consume almost the same mana, and they have to fall. Ye Luo still has more than half of his vitality at this time, no one is attacking. He relies on his powerful recovery ability and blood sucking. He quickly returned to a healthy state.

On the other hand, seeing this scene, Ouyang Feitian's face became even more gloomy. He had no choice but to cast [Bright Goddess] so that he could get rid of the obstacles of fireworks and easy cold to deal with Ye Luo.

Of course, the most important reason is that his mana value is not too much, the mana value will be greatly increased after casting the ultimate move, and the recovery speed will also be increased, so that the time he can fly will also be faster.

Because Ye Luo forcibly landed on the double-winged unicorn, he stopped flying, and his mana increased instead of falling, and he could fly for a while.

Seeing the battle prompt, I found that Ouyang Feitian had used [Bright Goddess], and the firework Yi Leng did not hesitate to control the dragon to fly to Ye Luo, and at the same time, he did not forget to remind the waves and ride the wind to escape the battle.

When the fireworks came, Yi Leng had already formulated tactics. Seeing Ouyang Feitian's big move, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind did not hesitate to abandon the opponent and also controlled the Purple Lightning Sacred Dragon to go in the direction of Ye Luo.

Ye Luo also saw the situation here, and saw the two people rushing towards him from the waves and the wind. He flew up again and landed on the back of the Purple Lightning Dragon. Then they followed Ouyang Feitian at the fastest speed. Keep the distance.

Ouyang Feitian’s flying speed is very fast after performing the ultimate move, but it is only similar to the ordinary high-level dragon, and can’t catch up with the frost dragon, which is easy to cold with fireworks. After all, this dragon is a sacred dragon after being upgraded. What's more, fireworks are easy to be cold and can attack to make him slow down.

Even the Frost Dragon can't catch up, let alone the Purple Lightning Sacred Dragon. After all, the Thunder System profession is also quite good at speed in addition to its powerful attack power.

The fact is also true, whether it is Ouyang Feiri riding the blazing dragon or Ouyang Feitian, they can't catch up with the three people, they can only watch them get away from them.

I thought that after they cast [Bright Goddess], the fireworks and Yi trio would also use their big moves to fight against them, but they didn't want them to run away directly. This made Ouyang Feitian shocked, and his expression became serious.

He and Ouyang Feiri performed [Bright Goddess] and [Fire Dragon Transformation] after the fireworks are easy to be cold, and the 3 people can ride the dragon to escape, but if Ye Luo and the others perform [Samsara Domain] and other big moves, then they will have nothing to do. Can withstand it.

Ye Luo's flight speed will be much faster after casting the ultimate move. Although Ouyang Feitian can ride Ouyang Feiri's dragon to escape, the flying speed of the flame dragon is not comparable to the purple electric holy dragon, and their fate will undoubtedly be hit. kill.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Feitian’s face became even more ugly.

"Big brother, why did they escape suddenly?" Ouyang Feiri was puzzled: "Could it be that their big move has been used and there is no CD yet. Also, our spies told me that they used their big move yesterday to deal with it. It's normal for an ancient god-level boss to be unable to resist our attacks."

Hearing this, Ouyang Feitian let out a sigh of relief, but his expression became even more gloomy when he thought that he would face harassment from Ye Luo and others.

The parachutist also thought that the three Ye Luo would return, and his face became gloomy: "Brother Feitian, the situation is a little bit short, if they come again next time, we can't resist them anymore."

"Yes, your [Bright God Fall] effect disappeared, and only the fireworks can easily stop you and the parachutist." General Pianjun, who also fell on the flame dragon, frowned: "What should I do now? do?"

Brows frowned again, Ouyang Feitian looked in the direction of Dragonbone Land, and he stopped talking.

Think about it, Ouyang Feitian is also a proud person. A sect can't help the three people of fireworks and easy cold, and he also asks for help from the Eastern family. Naturally, he can't save this face.

"Brother, don't hesitate. If we don't ask for support now, we will suffer heavy casualties." Ouyang Yunduo, the only female player among the flying players, looked at Ouyang Feitian: "The Eastern Family has 4 dragons, and the Golden Sacred Dragon and Diablo The sacred dragons are all sacred dragons, their flying speed is no worse than that of the purple electric sacred dragons, and the flying spirit dragons of the East Annihilation are also known for their speed. They will definitely be able to withstand the sneak attacks of the waves and the wind."

"I'm afraid they won't come, so we are ashamed and we can't resolve the current crisis." Ouyang Feitian said.

"Brother, in this way, we can also check that the Eastern family will fulfill the obligations of allies. If they don't come, we can invite others to come." Ouyang Yunduo said: "For example, the heroes of the Heavenly War, such as the Yeyu family, they also There are flying mounts, and there are more than us. The two sides work together to withstand the fireworks and their attacks."

"Brother Feitian, there is no time to hesitate." The general said, he urged: "When the effect of your [Bright Goddess] disappears, Ye Luozhiqiu and the others will attack again, although Brother Feiri can still perform [Fire Dragon Change] The body] stopped them for a while, but it would take time for Dongfang Killing and the others to come from the Land of Dragonbone."

Hearing this, Ouyang Feitian made a decisive decision and immediately contacted Eastern Killing Sky to inform them of the situation here.

On the other side, the Oriental star’s beautiful eyes lit up from the nightmare abyss from Ouyang Feitian, and she looked like this: "It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be this way. The fireworks are so cold that they have amazing strategies. They only rely on 3 people. It can destroy the Ouyang family, even without the help of the wine family."

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