VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 398: : Beast Soul Essence

Although the Komodo Dragon King has been upgraded to a fairy-level BOSS, its strength is greatly improved, but its blood is still 15% of the level before the upgrade. Now it has been destroyed by 3 to 400,000, which is less than 10%. It has been killed next. It was a certain thing, thinking that killing this BOSS would be very likely to obtain an immortal weapon, the three of them were excited.

As he was killing, suddenly the Komodo Dragon King let out a loud roar, and then the energy of the week gathered crazily, surging and horrifying.

"No, this BOSS is about to use [Furious Roar], quickly turn on the invincible skill." Breaking the waves and riding the wind yelled, and then turned on the [Guardian of the King] skill for the first time, and she entered an invincible state.

But what makes people laugh or cry is that BOSS didn't use skills, it just pretended to use skills to trick.

"Uh, is the fairy-level BOSS spiritual intelligence already turned on so strong, it will actually lie to the skill." Po Lang Chengfeng was stunned, she was a little embarrassed, but after turning around and looking at Ye Luo, she became puzzled: "Hey, Ye Luo , Why don’t you turn on the invincibility skill, do you see that it is a scam skill? It seems impossible, you just entered the game for a while..."

"That, I didn't see it." Ye Luo said, looking at the waves and riding the wind and sitting on the piano, he explained: "The first death [Yin and Yang Reincarnations] will be 100% resurrected. Since it can be resurrected once, why Want to waste invincible skills?"

"Uh, it seems so." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then she muttered: "I am preconceived and don't want to die once. In fact, it doesn't matter if I die once or twice. We all have resurrection skills, and Qin Xin can resurrect us without loss. ."

When talking about this, breaking the waves and riding the wind did not forget to attack, she was invincible now, so she could attack unscrupulously.

After another half a minute, Ye Luo used [Gossip Source] once again, and at this time, the BOSS only had more than 200,000 qi and blood left, and it would probably not take long to kill it.

Perhaps knowing that he was about to be killed, the Komodo Dragon King rose up his surviving power, and then displayed the [Furious Roar]. The sound wave mixed with the energy of the week swept through the week, and instantly emptied the qi serum of the two people who are breaking the waves, riding the wind and sitting on the piano.

The bad luck of the two people broke the waves and the wind, and there was a crit, but Ye Luo's luck was good, there was about 20,000 blood left, but he fell into a dazed state under the [Furious Roar] skill, and could not move for 5 seconds. .

The next thing is very simple, two sharp claw attacks, one [sharp bite], Ye Luo also stepped in the footsteps of the two people, but he also has [yin and yang reincarnated], so he can resurrect in full condition. .

When the Komodo Dragon King attacked Ye Luo, breaking the waves and riding the wind and sitting on the piano to resurrect, the former attacked without hesitation, holding back the hatred, while the latter added blood to it.

After casting [Furious Roar], the Komodo Dragon King’s overall attributes are reduced by 30%, so its current overall strength is not as good as the Dark Gold level, and the wave of the wind rides the blood with the blood sucking and the blood increase of sitting on the piano heart. Gotta live.

The next thing is very simple. Ye Luo joined the battle after he was resurrected, and then he used a [Shocking Slash] on display and successfully emptied the target's Qi serum.

The rich experience made the lowest-level sitting on the piano a full 2 ​​level, she has been 106, breaking the waves and riding the wind to a level and a half, to level 107, and Ye Luo can also be upgraded to level 107, distance 110 The level goes further.

Ignoring the upgrade, nor watching the explosion of the Komodo Dragon King, Ye Luo was sluggish on the spot, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a deep surprise in his eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong with Ye Luo?" Seeing him like this, sitting on Qin's heart was puzzled: "Could it be that he has learned any new skills? No, he hasn't changed jobs, and he is not a pet. How can he Comprehend skills."

"Hey, maybe he copied the skill." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then ignoring the explosion on the ground, he asked: "Ye Luo, did you learn the skill? Which skill? [Rough Skin] or [Very Toxic Corrosion]?"

"Uh, Sister Feng, Ye Luo is not a poisonous profession, how could it be copied to [Poisonous Corrosion]." Sitting on Qin, she was stunned, and then she chuckled, "It is possible to learn [Rough Skin]. But seeing his skin hasn't changed much, it shouldn't be this skill."

"It's just a skill, how could it really make his muscles knotted?" Po Lang Riding the Wind shook her head, and then thought of something, her beautiful eyes lit up: "Couldn't it be copied to [greedy], it can be triggered by chance Combo effect."

But I didn't want Ye Luo nodded: "Yes, I just copied this skill, and it has been upgraded, and it has become [Reincarnation * Greed], the effect is better, and I can attack three times."

With that said, Ye Luo posted the skill manual:

[Reincarnation * Greed] (Passive skills * Elementary)

Skill introduction: [Greedy] Advances under the power of reincarnation can give learners a certain chance to trigger 3 consecutive attack effects, which are limited to ordinary attacks. Attack damage is 100%, and the chance of triggering primary skills is 3%.

"I really copied this skill. There is a chance to trigger 3 combo effects. This is better than the original [Greedy]." Breaking the waves and riding the wind was surprised, but quickly shook his head: "But this chance It’s a bit low, only 3%, 100 attacks can trigger 3 times."

"Sister Feng, this skill is not the same as [Reincarnation Change]. That skill is passive and cannot be upgraded. This one can be upgraded." Sitting on Qin Xin said, she was a little excited: "Only the beginner has a 3% chance of triggering, Master. The level should be higher, and in the future when the master and **** level will be upgraded, don’t forget, after the 120th level, the passive skills can be upgraded to the master level."

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of Polangchengfeng lightened, and she hurriedly asked: "Ye Luo, hurry up and upgrade the skill to master level, let me see the probability of triggering."

Ye Luo used to break the dungeon record, get the first kill, and get a lot of skill points for doing large-scale main missions, so it is not bad. It took three skill points to upgrade the skill to the master level, and then he laughed: "12%, It’s already pretty good. In the future, the Great Master and God levels should be able to increase to about 20%, which is much better than the [greedy] of the Komodo Dragon King. After all, I attacked 3 times after triggering."

"Yeah, that's right." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then she became envious: "[Samsara Pupils] This skill is too BUG. After copying this skill, Ye Luo's output can be greatly improved. This is still the early stage of the game, and will follow With more skills copied, his strength will be even more terrifying."

He smiled slightly, but Ye Luo didn't say anything. He looked at the light **** on the ground, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "This time we have good luck, so many things burst out. Sister Feng, who are we? How about touching the corpse?"

"I'll come!" Po Lang Riding the Wind volunteered, but he was stopped by the piano heart before he even left.

"Sister Feng, just forget it, your luck is the worst among our sisters, and even Xiaoshu's luck is better than you." Sitting on Qin's heart, she looked at Polang Chengfeng a little embarrassed, and she changed the subject. : "Let me come. Although my luck is not as good as Saturday and Feixue, it is not bad among our sisters."

Ye Luo had no objection to this, except that the waves and the wind pointed to the orange ball and urged: "Qin Xin, let's take a look at something like that pet egg first. The pet egg, it should be a fairy-level pet egg, the worst is also a dark gold-level. Ye Luo's pet was sent out, and this one was just right for him."

Ye Luo was slightly moved when he heard that it was given to himself. After all, few people would think about himself specifically.

Nodded, she sat on Qinxin and picked up the light ball that resembled a pet egg. After a brief introduction, her beautiful eyes lit up, and her tone was a little excited: "Sister Feng, it’s not a pet egg, but It's also a very good thing. I guess Yueer will like it very much when I see it."

While talking, I sat on the heart of the piano and made the introduction of the thing into a picture book and sent it out:

【Beast Soul Essence (Low Level)】(Heaven and Earth Wonders * Fairy Level)

Item introduction: The spirit condensed from the death of a powerful monster. It can be used on pets or summoned objects below the fairy level. It can be upgraded to one level, and there is a high chance that it will understand some skills.

"It's really not a pet egg. It can be used on pets or summoned objects below the fairy level, and it can be raised to the next level." Breaking the waves and riding the wind muttered, and then her beautiful eyes lit up, and her voice increased a little: " What, 100% of the summoned beasts or pets below the fairy level can be upgraded to one level, doesn't that mean that the dark gold level pets can be upgraded to the fairy level!"

"Well, according to the introduction, it is said." Sitting on Qin's heart, she looked at the waves and rides the wind, her tone faintly narrow: "Sister Feng, you don't want to use your little purple, right? Well, you are a swordsman..."

That's right, there is also a dark gold pet in Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. After using this [Beast Soul Essence], the Purple Thunder Rat King can be upgraded to the fairy level. It's just that she is not a summoner, and she has no skills attached to various states, so the effect of her use of this thing is far less than that of a summoner.

"Hey, I want to use it, but if Yue'er knows that she will be angry with me." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed, and then he looked at Ye Luo: "Give this thing to Ye Luo, let him Go to coax Yue'er, and treat it as the blame for coaxing little Lolita."

Listening to the ridicule of the waves and the wind, Ye Luo smiled bitterly, but she was already used to her words "not obstructing", so she didn't care too much, and took the [Beast Soul Essence] from the hands of sitting on the piano, ready to see you Zhiyue is trading to her.

"This thing is really good, and it's only low-level. Doesn't this mean that killing some powerful monsters in the future will burst some more powerful ones, and the effect must be better." Po Lang Chengfeng muttered, Obviously she wanted this kind of thing too.

"Well, this BOSS is worthy of an immortal level. It will be better to kill more powerful BOSS in the future, and then your Xiao Zi will be able to use it." Sitting on Qin Xin nodded.

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