VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2600: : Was seen through

If there is no problem with the defense of the Snake City, then Ye Luo and others naturally do not need to return to support. With their strong mobility and damage output, they can deal with the major server masters and then consume it. It consumes a lot, then they don't have to worry about the major forces anymore on Spirit Snake City, White Bull City and the gang resident of Zhongfu, and they can continue to capture some gang resident of the additional server.

As for whether the left-behind players such as Samadhi can hold the Spirit Snake City, there is no big problem. Even if they encounter a threat, Ye Luo and others can be sent back to support.

"But our people were previously sent back by Sister Shi and the others. There are only a few hundred of us here. Even if the major servers have a large consumption, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to attack the gang resident with additional servers." Daughter Hong Quite anxiously said: "After all, Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others are there, even if they have a lot of consumption, but if they are defending the city, I am afraid that we will not be able to capture the next additional server. The gang resident for you."

"What's the problem with this, the big deal is that we will use some [Cross-server* Group Teleportation Scrolls] and then send a group of elite players." Ouyang Feiri said indifferently: "It just consumes some scrolls, but we have a chance. If we capture some additional gangs, we will make a lot of money."

Ouyang Feiri's words have been echoed by many people, especially those who become gods. After all, they wish Ye Luo and the others would send more players and then capture and serve some gang sites.

"In fact, there is no need for us to do anything to the players who add the server." Suddenly, he continued: "After all, there are a lot of major server players coming to add the server at this time, and there are some of them. With the [Cross-server*Group Teleportation Scroll], even if they have a large consumption, it is difficult for us to capture the gang's station under their defense. After all, they are already prepared, let alone we want It’s almost impossible to force out their ultimatum and then use all the [Group Blessing Scroll]."

Hearing that, everyone is silent, they naturally know how difficult it is to force the masters of the major servers to use all of the [Group Blessing Scrolls], especially in the dark night, Tokyo Mythology, they also came. Once they have some reservations, then it is very difficult for them to attack the gang's station under the defense of these people.

"But it will be different if we suddenly act on other servers." Fengxing continued: "For example, when we act on the British server, our people have left a lot of teleportation points in the British server before, between us and the dark night, Tokyo Mythology Under the circumstances of their dealings, let our people sneak into the plus server and then use the [cross-server*group blessing scroll] to teleport us over, so we have a great opportunity to capture the gang resident of the British server, and then we will be The greater the consumption, the greater the possibility that we will be able to conquer the residence of the British service gang."

Hearing that, everyone nodded. They always thought this was a very good tactic, and then they all agreed to his proposal.

"Well, good, now we can let our people go to the British server, and then we can sneak into the British server according to the situation, for example, after we have a good consumption of players on the major servers." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Even if it can't be captured. The gang station under the British server will also deter the British server from sneaking into the Australian server, the Canadian server, and those who support the Canadian server to return, and this will greatly reduce our pressure."

The people didn't have any opinions about the arrangement of fireworks and coldness. Then some of them arranged for a specific person to go to the British server. Of course, this matter only needs to be notified by Feixue in June. She is as smart as she naturally knows how to arrange it.

"It shouldn't be too late, let's play with them now. Anyway, all the additional server players in the enchantment have been killed. Xiaoyu's occupation of Red Maple City is already a sure thing." Po Lang Chengfeng urged.

Hearing this, the firework Yi was cold and nodded, and then let Long Ying display [Space Portal] to teleport all the masters such as Ye Luo, and then everyone summoned the flying mounts together, but they did not let the waves to use the wind to display [ Crowd Concealment Technique], just kill the people in Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology in this way-think about it, not one of them has [True Sight Gem] and the skills and props that can detect stealth units, and cast [ Group Hidden Technique] It's just a waste of skills.

I originally thought that the masters of the major servers such as Tokyo Mythology would fight head-on, so that Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others would be able to withstand the invincible state and perform big moves and then use [Kuang Lei Sprint] and other 100-meter displacement skills to directly attack them The relay of the faction forces most of their players to perform ultimatums and use the [Crowd Blessing Scroll], and then after their invincible means are consumed seven or seven or eight, then let the slender hands and other people hiding in a safe place perform [Space Portal ] Teleport them away, so that those people in the dark night have used their big moves and used the [Group Blessing Scroll].

However, there are many smart people among them in the dark night. Seeing Ye Luo and more than a dozen middle server players directly rushing towards them, they know that they are ready to consume them, so they will naturally not confront them directly, but directly avoid and hide. Entering the nearby gang resident, Ye Luo and their plans have come to nothing.

Not only that, during this period of time, the people of the major servers sent their space system players to leave some teleportation points in various places in the plus server, so even if the players of the middle server attacked them again, they would be able to arrive in time and then support. .

"It seems that they have seen through our tactics in the dark night, and they are not giving us such a chance at this time." Sitting on Qin Xin said, she gave a wry smile: "Fuji Mountain, the twilight coolness are also smart people, they naturally We also know that we have to consume them, and it is inevitable not to give us a chance."

"Yeah, this kind of tactic can be easily seen through. It is normal for them not to give us a chance, but then we can't consume them a lot, so we can no longer sneak attacks on the British server. After all, we can’t consume more when they don’t consume much in the dark night.” Bacchus Dukang said, while he looked at the fireworks and became cold: “Fireworks girl, what are we going to do next?”

"Since they don't give us a chance, then we will return to the Indian service to defend Spirit Snake City." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Or work as a gang resident mission in White Bull City, and upgrade White Bull City to Level 4 King City as soon as possible. We have the initiative in this matter, and the major servers cannot afford to consume it with us."

"That's true. After all, we have occupied two gang sites. This will give us very good rewards. At the very least, there will be some [Group Blessing Scrolls], so that our previous consumption will be completely earned back." Fengxing Road, and then he laughed: "The next step is to slowly consume with the major servers. Every once in a while, we can sneak attacks on a certain server. Once we attack, we have the opportunity to occupy their gang resident, so that our strength will be Getting stronger and stronger, they are becoming less and less our opponents."

Although they were eager to capture some of the gang locations that he served, they knew that since the people of the major servers were not fooled, they could not attack them. At this time, they returned to the Indian server to defend the Spirit Snake City and serve as the gang resident in White Bull City. It's the best choice-no accident, after Ye Luo and the others return to defend, the players in Yinfu and other servers will directly give up the siege of Spirit Snake City, and what they can do next is to do the gang resident mission.

The people of the Long Family and the Heroes of Heaven are also very eager to upgrade the White Bull City and the Spirit Snake City to Level 4 King City, because once so, the players in the middle server can free up more combat power to help them defend Red Snow City and Red Maple City. , So they will have a greater chance to defend it, so they also agreed to return to the Indian service defense.

Since everyone didn't have any opinions, then they gave up dealing with Tokyo Mythology and directly returned to the Indian service and rushed to the Snake City to support.

As June Feixue said, all the people in the Eastern aristocratic family rushed to the Spirit Snake City to defend and Samadhi to command the elite players of the major gangs, even though Yinfu dispatched a large number of players and major servers sent some elite opponents. Snake City did not pose much threat. The attack this time was just to'return' the Eastern Killing Sky and the others. After Ye Luo and the others returned, they directly gave up attacking the Snake City. The people of the Eastern family let out a long sigh of relief.

However, it is worth mentioning that the Indian server and the major server players that support them are not too expensive, so Ye Luo and the others can no longer capture the gang resident of his server, and then they will start the gang resident mission as previously planned. , Upgrade Spirit Snake City and White Bull City to Level 4 King City as soon as possible.

Of course, because White Bull City will be able to rise to level 4 soon, and Spirit Snake City has almost no chance in 2 or 3 days, and the heroes of the sky battle and the Long Family urgently need manpower to help defend Red Maple City and Red Snow City. So they concentrated on taking over the gang resident mission in White Bull City and planned to upgrade it to the 4th level of the royal city by tomorrow, so Miomi Pavilion and other gangs could send more combat power to help them defend the city.

Of course, everyone in Miomi Pavilion also hopes to upgrade White Bull City to level 4 as soon as possible. They have also increased the task of receiving the gang resident, and the resources of the resident are rapidly increasing. At present, it seems that they will soon be able to gather 100%. The resources can then be upgraded.

"It seems that White Bull City will still face monster siege when it is upgraded to Level 4 King City." Suddenly June Feixue mentioned this question: "And the time of the monster siege is probably the same as Red Maple City and Red Snow City can be attacked. Almost, once so..."

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