VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2596: : Temporary occupation

As Ye Luo said, at this time, because the players who add the server are already prepared, even if they teleport to other gang locations, there will be no gain, because the space players who add the server can still use the [Space Enchantment] protection. Living in the heart of the city where the gang resides, they did it just as a waste of time and [Group Teleportation Scroll], so they gave up doing it directly, and then the fireworks were easy to cold and directly thought of another tactic-adding Red Maple City Serve the players to kill and then occupy the walls of Red Maple City, and then use the walls and the mobile magic crystal cannons on the walls to deal with the siege of the major server players.

If you think about it, if Ye Luo and the others will kill all the additional players in Red Maple City, then they will naturally easily occupy the walls of Red Maple City. After placing the mobile magic crystal cannon, it is equivalent to controlling the gang. In the station, it’s not a problem to use these to resist the elite masters of the major servers for some time-even if the major servers support the number of players that can be mobilized, it is quite limited, even if you use the [Cross-server*group transfer scroll], it is only a few dozen. 10,000 or so, and the Chinese server can naturally resist them for some time by using tens of thousands of players and the benefits of defending the city. At least there is no problem for more than 10 minutes, especially for the players on the major servers, even if they support it, it takes a few minutes or even more. After a long time.

[Space Enchantment] can only last for 10 minutes, which means that from now on, Ye Luo and the others can easily capture Red Maple City as long as they can persist for 10 minutes, and this is still very easy for them to do Yes, especially they still have a lot of reservations-Ye Luo and the others also have a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], dual-professional masters all retain their ults, and Ye Luo and the others retain [Taiji Dao] and [Thunder God Descending] and other killer skills.

There is no shortage of smart people, and they quickly realized this, and then they did not hesitate to execute the command of the fireworks to be easy to be cold, and the first thing to do is naturally to destroy the teleportation array of Red Maple City, and so in other places If you add server players, you can't support them in large numbers.

The Eastern Killing of the Sky, Thousand Cups of Not Drunk, Unknown, and Long River Sunset are a group. They brought dozens of dual-professional masters, and then under the cover of the mobile magic crystal cannon, they killed the nearest teleportation array, relying on powerful attacks. Can destroy the teleportation array in a short time.

As for Ye Luo, he and a group of Po Lang Riding Wind, Midnight Book, and Thousand Miles of Solo Riding went straight from the city to another teleportation formation, although they had to face tens of thousands of additional players, although they They did not move the magic crystal cannon to cover, but they were followed by hundreds of flying archers and flying cavalry. Of course, there were almost all double professional archers in the middle service, so they can also move forward at a very fast speed. OK, especially when Red Ice and others dare not stop them from the front

That's right, facing Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and other people's sharp formations, Red Ice and others, did not dare to stop them head-on. After all, if Ye Luo entangled them and then invites the moon behind Ye Luo and other space players to perform After exiting the [Space Enchantment] they will be killed and then explode the national weapon. This is not what they want to see-or that sentence, the consumption and casualties of the additional service are too great, and they simply cannot stop it at this time Stay in Ye Luo's offense, especially before the major server players come to support.

While Ye Luo and Dongfang Killing the sky and their actions, the gods of Bacchus Dukang and Longteng Tianxia also led thousands of players to kill from both sides of the city wall according to the instructions of the fireworks and easy cold. They destroyed the defense equipment on the city wall as much as possible, and then placed them Moving up the magic crystal cannon, as they occupy more and more walls, they move faster, and the pressure on the players in the middle server is also less-not only because the defense equipment added to the server is getting smaller and smaller, the most important What's more, the mobile magic crystal cannons arranged by the Chinese server have increasingly suppressed the players who add to the server, which greatly reduces the pressure on the Chinese server players.

1. Twenty seconds later, Eastern Killing and the others took the lead in destroying the teleportation formation in front of them, and then they did not say much, forming a formation and rushing towards the place where the most players were added. The powerful damage output was reflected. The player formation of the added server was easily broken up. Over time, a large number of added server players were killed, especially when the fireworks were easy to be cold and a [cross-server* group teleport scroll] was used to send a large number of flying cavalry and flying archers. And after the Green Jiao Summoner.

In addition, the two formation masters of Zhongfu also came under the cover of Dongfang Jitian and others to a place closer to the center of Red Maple City, and then they used [Change Heaven and Earth] to form a high platform. In Dongfang Jitian, they will be on the high platform. Many mobile magic crystal cannons were installed after all the players on the added server were killed. As a result, the casualties to the players on the added server were even greater.

Not long after, Ye Luo and the others also smashed into another teleportation formation. After Ye Luo’s [World Extinguishing Thunder] and the [Wan Jian Gui Zong] in the Book of Midnight, and the [Wan Sword Gui Zong] in the book breaking the waves and the wind, they were around The ground plus server players were cleaned up to seven or eighty eight. Then they can destroy the teleportation array with all their strength, but it didn't take long to destroy it. At this point, the plus server players can't support the players through the massive teleportation array.

Since the added server players cannot send a large number of players to support, Ye Luo and the others will naturally have the opportunity to kill all the added server players in Red Maple City, especially after they destroyed the teleportation array, they directly killed the city wall and then became like Longtengtianxia and others. Destroy the defense equipment and occupy the city walls as well.

The two teleportation formations were destroyed, and the more walls occupied by the Chinese server, the more and more mobile magic crystal cannons were deployed. In addition, the players on the added server were killed and injured. The Red Ice could only order the retreat, because They realized that they would be killed before the major servers came. If they continued to persist, they would undoubtedly have greater losses, and they might not be able to defend Red Maple City.

The most important thing is that players with national weapons such as Red Frost also have a chance to be killed. In this case, they can only choose to withdraw, and order all the players in the Red Maple City to withdraw. At a time, many additional players Charged around, they fled as fast as they could.

Although the middle server players can easily defeat the added server players, after all, they only have 30,000 or 40,000 players, which is too much less than the added server players. It is almost impossible to block all the added server players. , They can only attack as much as possible and then kill as many people as possible.

After 1, 2 minutes, all the Chinese server players occupied the city wall, while the additional server players escaped and were killed. At this time, there were not many additional server players in Red Maple City. They were already less than 100,000. Including those additional players who are hiding in the [Space Enchantment] at this time.

Although Red Ice has given the order to retreat, the players who are protected or trapped by the space barrier cannot leave all in a short time. They can only be used by the player who casts the [space barrier] [Space] Portal] Teleport them out, but this skill can only teleport 100 players at a time, and the efficiency is too slow and too slow-the reason for teleporting away is because the players who added the server also realized that they all escaped in the red ice and After being killed by the middle server players, they can no longer keep Red Maple City, and they will continue to stay and they will only die in vain after the effect of the space enchantment ends.

Of course, space players who cast [Space Enchantment] can also use [Group Teleport Scroll], but at this time, there are nearly 100,000 additional server players trapped by [Space Enchantment], which means 10 [Group Teleportation Scrolls], he doesn't have so many scrolls, and even his **** only has 2 scrolls, which is just a drop in the bucket for 100,000 people.

Soon Ye Luo and the others will kill all the remaining plus server players in Red Maple City. Of course, they are not counted as those plus server players protected by [Space Enchantment], and they have occupied all the city walls and arranged many mobile monsters on the city walls. Crystal cannons, and the number of magic crystal cannons they deploy is increasing over time.

It is worth mentioning that the players in the middle server did not attack the city wall under the deliberately cold fireworks, so the wall is still intact. Tens of thousands of middle server players plus the mobile magic crystal cannon on the city wall resist the major servers. There is no problem for the player for a period of time, and these times are enough to wait until the effect of the space enchantment ends and then approach the heart of the city and start siege.

The [Space Enchantment] displayed by space players to be added to the server disappears. If the major server players who rushed to the server to support at this time and the overall strength is very strong, then Ye Luo and the others can also let the space players such as Dragon Sakura display it. [Space Enchantment] It is easy to protect the heart of the city and them, so that they can occupy Red Maple City.

"Hey, it's easy to occupy the city wall. The next step is to wait for the effect of the space enchantment to end." Othello laughed: "At this time, it has only been 5 or 6 minutes, even if the players of the major servers rush I am afraid it will take some time to come to support. Then we can easily wait until the effect of the space enchantment ends and then occupy Red Maple City. Tsk tsk, occupy and serve two gang sites at once. This will give us a lot of benefits."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, the most important thing is that the restraint effect on the added service players will be more obvious."

"Before we killed some double-professional masters with additional servers and players with the [Group Blessing Scroll] status. At this time, their main combat power is no longer than the previous two. Then they can't stop us. "Wuyunhuayudao, while talking, he looked at everyone expectantly: "Next, can we work on other gang sites that add service?"

Hearing that, many people agree. It is natural for them that the more gangs will be occupied, the better, so that their gang will have the opportunity to occupy one, and even they can occupy the gang’s resident and get system rewards.

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