VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2594: : Lure consumption

Seeing that their own party easily stands in the heart of the city of Red Snow City and then takes the initiative, Othello proposes to use the [Space Enchantment], so that they will not have to face the siege of a large number of additional players, no accident. Can kill the additional server players in the enchantment and then occupy the Red Snow City, and even have the opportunity to trap the additional server players with national equipment such as Red Ice. Killing them can get very rich rewards.

However, Firework Easy Cooling rejected this proposal and gave a reason-she just asked the players to besiege them.

"Why do we have to add as many players as possible to besiege us?" June Feixue asked in confusion: "Aren't the fewer players besieging us at this time, the safer it is?"

"If we only capture Red Snow City, it would be better to use [Space Enchantment] naturally, but our goal this time is more than that. We must capture more than two additional service gang locations, and do our best in a short time. Up to this." Samadhi explained on behalf of him: "In this way, it is necessary to consume as many players as possible, to force their dual-professional masters to make big moves, and to induce them to use all [Group Blessing Scrolls], and once they do so, they will stop We can't attack other gang sites."

"Yes, we are the people who seduce them with all their strength and kill them. We kill them, not just entice them to perform big moves and use the [Group Blessing Scroll]." Fireworks Yi Leng deliberately emphasized this: "And certainly. We need to do this in 5 minutes, and we have another 5 minutes to capture another gang site, so that the [Group Blessing Scroll] we use can be used to its maximum effect."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "If you cast [Space Enchantment] at this time, Red Ice will definitely be teleported away by their Space System players, even those who are holding [Group Blessing Scroll] status. Next They can defend the second gang site, and this can cause us a lot of trouble."

"At the least, they can besie our players outside the barrier, so our casualties will undoubtedly be much greater." Samadhi Shi added.

Think about it, even though there are a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] in China Server, there is no need to waste it, especially when other service players may change at any time, so it’s just a matter of exerting the effect of [Group Blessing Scrolls] as much as possible. It is necessary.

To make the [Group Blessing Scroll] play a greater role and to capture 2 gang sites in the last 10 minutes, you need to lure as many plus double professional masters as possible to perform big moves and use all [Group Blessings] Scroll] and then kill it, yes, it is to kill it, otherwise the players with the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] and the ultimate state can rush to Yeluo’s second gang to stop their attack, because they are here Prepare more adequately at a time, so that the middle server players will spend more means to capture it.

However, if you want to entice more double-professional masters to use the [Group Blessing Scroll], you cannot use [Space Enchantment], otherwise the people who add to the service will not continue to besiege after seeing that things have not changed. .

The next step is the most important, and that is to kill as many players as possible with the ultimate move and the [Reel of Group Blessing]. It is not difficult to do this.

In June Feixue, they quickly understood the purpose of fireworks being easy to cold, and then they continued to attack without saying much. Of course, some players attacked the heart of the city at this time, destroyed it and then used [Cross-server*heart of the city] The fusion society can complete the occupation of Red Snow City within 5 minutes and then attack other gang locations.

I have to say that the fireworks easy to cold plan is very good. Seeing that the players in the Chinese server are attacking the heart of the city, the players who add the server are rushing like crazy. They have more players who have performed their big moves and used the last 2 One [Group Blessing Scroll], their strength greatly increased at a time, and the number alone has far exceeded that of the Zhongfu-Zhongfu only used 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], while the Jiafu only used 4, and There are more than 200 dual-professional masters who have performed big moves, which is naturally much stronger than the strength of Zhongfu.

"Sister Feng, you take turns to use [World Destroying Thunder] and other large-scale coverage attacks to force their invincible means. If necessary, use skills that cover 100 meters." Firework Yi Cold issued an order: "As many as possible kills They, if they have any signs of withdrawing, let the little hands use [Space Enchantment] again."

"Hey, I understand." Po Lang Riding the Wind Monster smiled, and she said that she decisively used [World Destroying Thunder], using her current attack power to use this skill can almost kill any player in seconds, including those dual-class players who use big moves Players who have been in the state of [Crowd Blessing Scroll], unless they use invincible means and [spell immunity].

However, players who add server do not rest assured that they are only in the state of [spell immunity], because at this time there are a large number of archers on the high platform, including double professional archers, plus the attack of the mobile magic crystal cannon. It's just a normal attack that can kill it, especially when the players in the middle server deliberately focus on attacking the dual-professional masters who are added to the server and the players in the [Group Blessing Scroll] state.

It is precisely because of this that many of the added service players have displayed invincible skills, and then brazenly rushed to Ye Luo and others, but these are exactly what Ye Luo expected.

"Hey, the players who added the server know that we can't stop us from capturing the Red Snow City, why are they rushing over?" Yaoyue was quite confused about the movie, and of course he did not forget the target when he said this. .

"They are consuming us as much as possible so that we are unable to capture their other gang sites." Ye Yufeifei explained, and then changed his tone: "Of course, it will be easier for them to count us after the players from the major servers arrive. Kill, for these they can only do this to consume us, otherwise they would not lose a gang resident."

"Yes, they must consume us, and consume us before the major server players come to support it. Of course, the most important thing is to delay some time, otherwise we have the opportunity to attack their 2 gang sites within 10 minutes, so They can only increase their attack and delay time." Dongfang Star said, and then he smiled: "But this is exactly what we want. Next, we can kill many of them, so their consumption will be even greater. , So we can easily capture another gang resident."

Hearing this, everyone understood that they were even more looking forward to the next actions.

After 20 seconds, the people in the Chinese server finally destroyed the heart of the city. It is worth mentioning that the world was the first to rush over and then preemptively occupied the qualification to use the [Cross-server*City Heart]. In this way, Hongxue The city has returned to the heroes of the Heavenly War, and people from other gangs can't compete.

Although they were a little disappointed that they did not grab the Red Snow City, everyone did not slow down their actions. After all, they still had the opportunity to occupy other gangs. At this time, the more casualties they caused, the more casualties they would take. The more locations there are, the greater the chance that the major gangs can seize hands.

Seeing that the heart of the city was destroyed, the players who added the server were even more crazy. Hundreds of thousands of players rushed in at a time, including those who performed big moves and held the [Group Blessing Scroll] status, especially seeing After the players in the Chinese server step back step by step-of course, the retreat was deliberately ordered by the fireworks and easy to cold, in order to confuse the players and then let them all rush over.

Seeing that the situation was almost over, the fireworks were easy to cold and gave Ye Luo and the others a wink, and they immediately woke up. Next, they used various large-scale and powerful group attack skills in turn, and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind also used another one after another. World Destroying Thunder] and [Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect], and even the heroes of the Heavenly War Heroes have used 2 or 3 combo skills. As a result, this has caused greater casualties to the added players, and many of them have used big moves. Players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll].

"Hey, the players who add servers want to escape, stop them quickly!" Po Lang Chengfeng said eagerly.

In fact, they don’t need to open the waves and ride the wind. The slender hands have been paying attention to the changes in the battle situation. Before the slender hands and the wind, they started to cast [Space Enchantment]. After 2 seconds, they successfully displayed it, and the number of trapped players was more They expected more. Nearly half of the dual-professional masters were trapped, and the players with the [Group Blessing Scroll] state were trapped by two-thirds, even if they were killed before, this is already It is the main combat power that adds nearly 70% of the service.

"Hey, this time we have a lot of additional service masters trapped, more than half, and even if they were killed before, they lost most of their main combat power." Yan Yue toasted and laughed: "The remaining ones can We can't stop us, and we can easily capture another gang site without accident, and people from other servers can't catch up to support it in such a short time."

"Yes, this time we will definitely be able to capture two or even more gang sites." Longteng said in a very exciting way.

"It's a pity that I haven't been able to trap Red Ice and other players with national weapons. If that's the case, it would be even more perfect." Po Lang Chengfeng said with pity.

"Red Maple Leaf are also smart people. I'm afraid that they have seen the situation clearly and arranged for their space system players to stand by in a safe place at any time to use [Space Portal] to transport the red ice away, so we want to be trapped. They are almost impossible." Bacchus Du Kang said solemnly: "But this kind of result is already very good, at least the additional casualties and consumption are much larger than we expected."

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