VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2577: : Siege with all strength

In Tokyo Mythology, they pretend to attack in White Bull City and Spirit Snake City, and the focus of their attack is on Curry City. They are planning to use those people to force Ye Luo, the killer skills of breaking the waves and riding the wind, or force the middle server players to rush to support and use [Crowd Blessing Scroll] and other assassin’s props or skills, but their plans were easily seen by the fireworks and the samādhi, and then they did not have a large number of players to support as they wished, even Ye Luo, the waves and the wind they all There is no big move, so the players on the major servers will consume more.

Although abandoning Curry City, it caused a large consumption of the major servers, which was quite cost-effective, especially when everyone knew that it was impossible to defend three other gangs at the same time.

Everyone also wanted to understand this, so they no longer struggled with Curry City being breached. Next, they had better prepare for Spirit Snake City and White Bull City.

Because Ye Luo and other masters came to the Spirit Snake City, at the same time there were tens of thousands of elites, and the players who besieged the Spirit Snake City hardly performed big moves, let alone use the [Group Blessing Scroll], so here The situation is quite easy. As time goes by, many players on the major servers have been killed. As Oriental Star said, there are many elites, especially those air powers. Killing them will also make the subsequent defense easier. a lot of.

After Ye Luo and others gave up Curry City and began to defend the Spirit Snake City, the people of the major servers knew that the war of attrition was useless. If you continue to deal with the Spirit Snake City in this way, there will be greater casualties even if you can capture it. As well as consumption, I will no longer be able to attack White Bull City anymore. This is not what the major servers want to see-the purpose of the major servers today is to break through all the gang sites occupied by Chinese server players such as White Bull City. Even if there is more power, he will enter the middle service.

Even if there is no chance to enter the Chinese server today, it’s okay. In the hearts of Tokyo Shinhwa and others, they will get rich rewards for occupying 4 gang sites. At the worst, there will be 4 [Group Blessing Scrolls], plus they have double The advantages of professional numbers and the consumption of the [Group Blessing Scroll] of the Zhongfu, so it is easy to enter the Zhongfu and then occupy some of the gangs of the Zhongfu tomorrow, and once so they can suppress the Zhongfu, Then there is no need to worry about anything.

With this in mind, the players of the major servers began to order to attack the city with all their strength, and at the same time, they attacked White Bull City and Spirit Snake City with all their strength. For a time, a large number of players performed their big moves and used all the [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Outrageously siege the city.

Seeing that the major servers are starting to attack the city with all their strength, breaking through the waves and riding the wind, she said: "Hey, it seems that Tokyo Mythology has also realized that the consumption tactics are of no use to us. If this continues, they will have no chance to break the White Bull City or Spirit Snake City, so they can only attack the city with all their strength. Fireworks, now we can use the [Group Blessing Scroll], otherwise we can't resist it."

Think about it, there are 2,300 dual-professional masters among the players who besieged the Spirit Snake City to perform their big moves, and they also used 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and there are 7 killers like Ye Luo to increase their attack power. Players and all dual-professional archers are afraid that they will not be able to resist if they do not use the [Group Blessing Scroll] and perform their ultimate moves.

"Well, it's okay, and some dual-professional masters can also perform big moves." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then his tone changed: "Sister Feng, Ye Luo, you and Dongfang Tiantian, you will kill the masters of the major servers together. , As soon as possible to kill them as soon as possible, so that the pressure there will be much less, and then even if you rush back to support Dongfang Tiantian because of Tokyo Myth and Dark Night, they will be able to defend the Spirit Snake City."

"For this, you can use some powerful and wide-ranging skills." Firework Yi Leng added.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind have long been waiting for the words that the fireworks are easy to be cold. After hearing the words, she did not hesitate to use Ye Ye unless they teamed up to cast [World Destroying Thunder (group)], and other players have also displayed various great powers. , A wide range of skills, so it’s easy to force a lot of players who use big moves and the [Group Blessing Scroll] state to perform invincible skills, and it is easy to kill them all after their invincible state is exhausted. Up.

Of course, before the attack, Dongfang Star pulled 100 dual-professional players into a team and then used 1 [Group Blessing Scroll], and except for a limited number of people such as Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng, other dual-professional masters. Most of them have no big moves, but the 3 or 40 people who have big moves directly used the big moves, and their defensive power was greatly enhanced for a while.

The reason why only one [Group Blessing Scroll] is used is naturally because there must be some reservations. If everyone shows signs of being unable to defend, it will not be too late to use another scroll-although there are 2,300 doubles compared to the Siege of Spirit Snake City Professional masters have performed big moves and there are 200 players with the [Group Blessing Scroll] status Ye Luo. They only have 150 people here, which is a lot less, but they have concentrated on 7 players with murder and full attack power and the middle server. Except for fireworks that are easy to be cold, all dual-professional archers, and there are many mobile magic crystal cannons on the high platform, there is no problem in defense.

Think about it, at this time, the players on the high platform are undoubtedly not the one-in-a-million masters. There are even more than 10 super masters with national equipment. The damage output of these people is extremely high, especially for the cast group. Offensive skills cover attacks, and almost instantly kill any player who does not use invincible means.

Of course, the players on the major servers are not fools. They all displayed invincible skills and then rushed away. They also directly displayed some displacement skills, but they were intercepted by many melee cavalry charges before they approached the high platform, and even a large number of them. Qing Jiao used [Shenlong Swing Tail] to sweep it back, so not many players could rush to the high platform.

Even if there are some people who can rush to the high platform occasionally, at this time their remaining invincibility status is mostly not much, and soon after disappearing, they will be attacked by various attacks and coverage attacks, even if they are dual-professional masters with big moves. Stay alive-the mobile magic crystal cannon has an attack distance of 100 meters, while the archers in the middle suit use the high platform to reach an attack distance of more than 30 meters. In addition, Ye Luo and the others display great power and wide range skills, so they are more than 30 meters away. Players on all major servers must use their invincibility skills. Their invincibility status is almost consumed just by driving on their way, not to mention being intercepted by cavalry. This wastes more time, and their remaining invincibility status after rushing to the high platform is left. Not much.

It is worth mentioning that in the future, Dongfang Tiantian and others mobilized a group of elite assassins and boxers from their respective gangs, and they let Huanongyue and Invite the moon and shadows continue to be transmitted over, or they directly use [groups Teleportation Scroll] These people are responsible for intercepting and controlling the players who rushed to the high platform, but they also caused a lot of trouble to the players of the major servers. At least in a short time, they could not rush to the heart of the city.

Not only that, once the cavalry of one's own side is killed, the major gangs will also mobilize a group of cavalry, so there will be a lot of new troops to add up, the task after they add up is also very simple, is to use the invincible state to charge Players rushing to the high platform, push them back as much as possible.

The first 1, 20 seconds is the most dangerous, because at this time players on all major servers have invincible means, but once they are over, there is no problem. At this time, many people have no invincible status and various group attacks. Skills cover attacks, and then a piece of high damage figures floated. Players were killed. It didn't take long for the periphery of the high platform to become sparse, which also greatly reduced the pressure on Ye Luo and the others to defend the city.

It is worth mentioning that many priests have also played a lot of roles. They not only provide powerful healing, but also give everyone a state of [spell immunity], and even help everyone to dispel negative states, so that many cavalry insist on For so long—compared to the major servers, the pastors of Zhongfu can play a great role. After all, the pastors of major servers can hardly be within 30 meters of the high platform, and those who want to add blood and status to them are not. So easy.

Of course, Ye Luo, Dongfang Tiantian and other killers with full attack power played a great role. They broke into the crowd with [spell immunity] or invincibility, or intercepted dual-professional masters who rushed in. , Or performing group attacks, but also beheaded many players, including dual professional masters and players with the [Group Blessing Scroll] status, especially after more than 20 seconds, after all these people’s Invincible means are almost consumed-of course the most important thing is that Ye Luo and the others have the ability to kill these masters in seconds, and killing the opponent's master can greatly reduce the pressure of defending the city.

"Fireworks, how's your situation like?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked while attacking with the greatest force, "Can you hold it? Did the dark night and Tokyo Mythology perform their big tricks and then use the assassins such as [八其天落] skill?"

If Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology have used their ultimatums and skills such as "Yaqi Skyfall", then Ye Luo and the others must return to support, so the situation in the Snake City is slightly dangerous, and they are more worried about breaking the waves and riding the wind. thing.

"Tokyo Mythology, like you, they just attacked with the [Group Blessing Scroll] status. Depending on the situation, they will not use [Yaki Tianxiang]. After all, the status of [Group Blessing Scroll] can’t be the same as [Baqi except for the big move Skyfall] stacks, so their threat to us is not too great." Samadhi said: "Of course, we have used the remaining 2 [Group Order Scrolls] here. If the major servers further strengthen the attack, we can only Use big moves and various wide range skills."

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