VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2559: : Lost and recovered

Unless there is a national weapon among the rewards that Ye Ye received, and this surprised everyone who heard the system news, they were even more excited after they saw the existence of [Thor’s Bow]. After all, this is the most suitable for Ye Ye. Unless the national weapon is gone, it is no exaggeration to say that equipped with this national weapon will increase her strength by as much as 40 to 50%-[Thunder God's Bow] can be combined with a long bow, and Ye Ye unless the original weapon is a thunder The attribute spirit weapon longbow, after the fusion of the two, the attributes are superimposed, and the additional characteristics are superimposed, and she can use the additional skills of the longbow, which can greatly enhance her strength.

Not only that, the second additional skill of [Thunder God's Bow]-[Thunder God Realm] is similar to [Vulcan Realm] and [Five Poisonous Poisonous Miasma] continuous damage skills, and even has a very powerful control effect. It is no exaggeration to say that this skill can deal high damage, especially in large-scale team battles such as siege and defense.

"Tsk tsk, [Thunder God's Bow] is too powerful, even stronger than [Thousand Chance Crossbow] and [Sirius Shooting]. It is indeed a longbow of thunder attribute." Othello said with emotion: "If you add Other rewards in the system, such as all attribute points for rewards and enhancement of a certain skill, now Xiaofei’s overall strength is probably stronger than fireworks."

That’s right, the mine class is much stronger than the ice class in terms of damage output and life-saving ability, and even in the aspect of control, it is not weaker than the ice class. Unless Yeye gets other rewards, even if it’s overall attributes She is slightly weaker than fireworks and is easy to be cold, but because of the professional attribute advantage, I am afraid that her strength is stronger than fireworks.

"Yes, if you don't calculate the level of operation, Xiaofei equipped with [Thunder God's Bow] has already surpassed me." Yanyi Yi Leng said frankly, but her tone was as calm and calm as ever when she said this.

Hearing that, everyone was excited, after all, the stronger the strength of Ye Yewu, the better.

Of course, everyone also knows that if you count the level of operation and calculation ability, it will be night unless it is a little bit inferior, and the fireworks are easy to be cold. The latter is not the most powerful of her combat power, but the ingenuity and platoon like a monster. The ability to deploy troops at this point can't keep up unless you shoot a horse.

Next, everyone asked Ye Ye what other rewards were unless it got, especially what kind of equipment it got, which skill was enhanced, and what type of special skill book it was.

Unless Ye Ye didn't say much, she began to investigate. After seeing the Primordial Saint-level equipment rewarded by the system, the smile on her pretty face was even stronger, because it was the same equipment that she had obtained before breaking the waves and riding the wind— -Primordial Sacred Mask, this is the most exclusive equipment of the Thunder Element. It is also the most significant increase in the strength of Ye Ye Wu. It is no exaggeration to say that after adding this equipment, Ye Ye Wu’s combat power is more unsurprising than fireworks. The cold is strong.

As for which skill has been strengthened, after seeing the results, Ye Ye Duan is also quite satisfied, because that is the skill that can enhance her strength the most-[Split Arrow] has been strengthened. After the enhancement, Ye Ye Duan can shoot two more Although there are only 2 more split arrows, her damage output can be increased by at least 10%. The most important thing is that this skill can be used almost at any time, unlike the [Nine Heavens Dragon Yin] which can only be used in 1 hour. 1 time.

In the next June, Feixue asked Ye Ye unless he had obtained any special skill books, and after seeing the skill manual, there was a smile on her face. She said, "Hey, I just said this is my exclusive skill. , Look, it was lost and recovered soon, so I also have [Thunder* Sword Slash All Directions]."

That’s right, unless the special skill book Ye Ye gets is [Thunder * Sword Slash All directions], although this is a thunder skill, it is an exclusive skill for the swordsman. Unless Ye Ye can’t learn it, just look at the whole mist at present. The Pavilion only had the opportunity to learn from breaking the waves and riding the wind and Ye Luo, but Ye Luo had already learned it, so naturally this skill book could only help breaking the waves and riding the wind.

Although Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind gave Ye Luo [Thunder * Sword Slashing All directions] before, she actually liked this skill book quite a bit. Now she has recovered it from the loss, and even in her heart she and Ye Luo have this skill at the same time. Make her happy.

When she said this, she took over the skill book from Ye Ye Duan, and then comforted Ye Ye Duan: "Xiao Fei, although you can't learn this skill book..."

"Sister Feng, you don't need to comfort me. This time I won [Thor's Bow] and other rewards. These are completely enough." Unless Ye Ye interrupted the waves and rides the wind, her pretty face was full when she said these. It’s the news: “I’ve gained a lot today, and I’m very content, not to mention that for our archers, there is not much demand for great power and large-scale group control skills, even only one [Split Arrow] Will suffice."

Unless Ye Ye said this is true, after all, archers often only need normal attacks, and the [Split Arrow] is very important. Now her [Split Arrow] has been strengthened, which has been greatly improved. Her strength has improved, not to mention that she has also obtained a national weapon and a veil of the Sage-level Thunder attribute, which is too great for her.

Naturally, Ye Ye knows that unless today’s harvest is great, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind did not say anything. Next, she continued to harass the printing service team and the elite players of the major servers with Ye Luo and others, because she and Ye Ye unless they are Their strength has been greatly improved, and their harassment effect has also been much better. At least the people on the major servers are already too late to resurrect them.

"Sister Fireworks, now Spirit Snake City and Curry City can also be attacked. Next, the major servers should act on us." June Feixue said with anticipation: "After all, Uncle Ye Luo and their elite team The strength is too strong, and it has already caused greater casualties and threats to their large forces. It is not good for them to continue to delay time. They can only start attacking the city now."

"Well, they should attack the city immediately." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and after a short meal she began to give orders: "Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, Sister Poetry, please enter the Spirit Snake City, Curry City and command the battle. With some dual-professional players."

Although it is absolutely difficult to defend the Spirit Snake City and Curry City today, you can't give up directly. After the Bacchus Dukang, Feng Xing, and Samadhi rush over and command them, they will surely cause more casualties to the besieged players and contain more major players. The masters of the server then performed effects on it, so that Ye Luo and the others would be more sure to defend White Bull City and even Kangaroo City-except for fireworks, which are easy to be cold, the commanding ability of Samadhi, Bacchus Dukang, and Fengxing is the strongest. The two are also more prestigious, and letting them go to the Spirit Snake City and Curry City to command is undoubtedly the best choice.

Of course, there are Ye Yu Fei Fei and Oriental Star in the Chinese server that are very good at commanding, but at this time the two of them are in the Kangaroo City of the Australian server. Not surprisingly, they will also face fierce battles there and will not rush to support them. , So I can only let Samadhi poetry, Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing take command.

In this regard, the gods of Bacchus Du Kang and Feng Xing naturally did not have any opinions, and they hurried to the Spirit Snake City and Curry City, and as the fireworks Yi Leng said, they brought some dual-professional masters in the past, and even brought some [Group Blessing Scrolls] ——Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, and every night unless the rewards were 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], plus the inventory, there are also extras that can be taken away by the Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing.

It is no exaggeration to say that one [Group Blessing Scroll] can cause a lot of damage and consumption to the enemy, especially in the situation of defending the city. As mentioned before, the samādhi, the more enemies they contain in Curry City and Spirit Snake City, The more enemies Ye Luo kills, the easier it will be to defend White Bull City, so letting them bring some [Group Blessing Scroll] in the past is also a very wise arrangement.

After the samādhi and the others took their orders, the fireworks Yi Leng once again issued an order: "Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, Sister Poetry, tell our people not to rashly perform big moves and use [Group Blessing Scroll], unless the enemy has a chance to cross the wall. If you enter the city, of course, if the opponent has a large number of dual-professional masters who have performed big moves and used multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls], you can also use them as appropriate."

The reason why Fireworks Yi Leng deliberately asked this is because the major servers have some initiative in the siege, for example, they can choose to retreat, especially seeing that the Chinese server uses multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls] and dual professional masters to display Big move, so it's wasted.

Bacchus Du Kang and Fengxing are also smart people. Naturally they know this. Bacchus Du Kanglang smiled and said, "Girl, let's put it down. We are also well-versed in battles. We still understand this. You can command everyone to defend the White Bull. City, not surprisingly, this is the focus of the siege of the major servers."

After a faint response, the fireworks became cold and asked the people of the major gangs to let everyone be as restrained as possible, and wait for a large number of enemies to perform their big moves and use the [Group Blessing Scroll] before displaying some assassin.

"Sister Fireworks, the large forces of the major servers are starting to approach us, and it will not take long depending on the situation that they will start to attack the city. Next, should we let Brother Ye and the others come back?" Zhiyue asked.

"Don't worry, let Ye Luo and the others continue to harass the large forces of the major servers. It will not be too late to let Ye Luo and the others return after the masters of the major servers in Tokyo Mythology rush over and pose some threats to us." Faintly said: "At this moment, Ye Luo and their harassment behind their backs can better contain the power of the major servers, and we will be more relaxed in defense."

Hearing that, Zhiyue nodded, but she didn’t worry about it, because the delicate jade hands were beside them, and when needed, she would use the [Space Portal] to teleport Ye Luo and his elite team, and this only requires 1, 2 seconds, completely too late.

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