VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2557: : No national equipment

Ye Yu Fei Fei's luck is very good. The system rewards obtained by occupying Kangaroo City are not only the skills and props such as [Group Blessing Scroll], and the most important thing is a long sword type of national tool-[Ice God Sword] , This long sword has quite good attributes. The most important thing is that there are 2 powerful and wide-range skills covering 100 meters, especially the continuous damage and control skills like [Five Poisonous Miasma]-[Ice God Realm], and this is undoubtedly the most suitable national weapon for Yeyutiange, and it will greatly enhance his strength.

In this regard, Ye Luo and other players in Misty Pavilion were envious and relieved. After all, Yeyutiange's acquisition of a national weapon can greatly enhance their strength and enable them to better defend Kangaroo City. This is good for the Chinese server. A lot.

Of course, unless they start to look forward to the rewards of national weapons, they will break the waves and ride the wind and night.

"Kangaroo City is ready to be attacked. I don't know if the people on the Australian server and other servers have begun to attack the city?" Othello is quite curious and authentic, but it didn't take long to get the answer-the Australian server and other servers The player did not immediately attack.

"The emperor’s hymn, they didn’t immediately attack the city. It seems that they are planning to attack the city with the major servers when Curry City and Spirit Snake City can also be attacked. After all, they are the most likely and the easiest to **** Kangaroo City back. Otherwise, it will consume us on behalf of the Yinfu server, which is not what they want to see." Samadhi chuckles.

Think about it too. If players from servers such as the Australian server immediately begin to besiege Kangaroo City, then a large number of Chinese server players will rush to support it, and even super masters like Ye Luo may rush to support it. This will undoubtedly increase the Australian server. As well as the pressure of its allies, it would be a lot more difficult to regain Kangaroo City. People who are smart such as the emperor's hymn and others would naturally not do so, even if they have an ally relationship with servers such as Yinfu. Everyone knows that they will naturally attack at the same time, so that it is the fairest and most likely way to take back the gang resident.

However, this is good news for Ye Luo and the others. At least a large number of Chinese server players will not immediately flock to Kangaroo City, so that there will be more players defending Snake City and Curry City. Contain the power of major servers.

Next, the elite team formed by Ye Luo and the others continued to harass the elite players of the major servers or the players of the printing service. Of course, the most important purpose is to force the dual professional players of the major servers to perform big moves and use some [Group Blessing Scrolls] , Those who consume the major servers in advance, after all, the more players the major servers are consumed, the easier it is to defend the city.

Of course, the people on the major servers are not fools. They try to avoid direct conflicts with Ye Luo and the others, especially those dual-professional masters, although Ye Luo and the others can launch sneak attacks on elite players on major servers and the printing service forces and then kill some. People, but there are too many of them, Ye Luo and the others can kill the number is quite limited, especially in the face of the large forces charged by the major servers, they can only temporarily avoid the edge, so that the priests of the major servers can be killed The resurrection of the people did not greatly weaken their strength.

Not only that, although Tokyo Mythology and other super masters did not appear, they sent some space players over, and every server had some space players. These people also made Ye Luo a lot of scruples, after all, if Trapped by [Space Enchantment], they are almost bound to die.

It has long been analyzed that this sneak attack and harassment will not yield much, so Ye Luo and the others are not too disappointed, not to mention that it is very good for them to be able to increase their attack power.

It is worth mentioning that the Russian server, the Korean server and other servers have also sent some elite masters and dual-professional players to sneak into the German server. In this way, the German server has been transferred back to most of the double professional masters, and they even requested some servers to send some masters to arrive. German service support-after all, there are several servers sneaking into the German service, but the German service can't hold it at all, so naturally it needs to ask some allies for support.

This is something that Ye Luo and the others are happy to hear. After all, it greatly reduces the pressure on defending the city.

Time passed, and another few minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and a system prompt once again resounded throughout the entire Tribulation game:


System Tips (Full Server): Congratulations to Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind to capture the Snake City of the Indian Service. Since she has captured other server gang sites, the system will reward her with a piece of Primordial Saint-level equipment, 150 points of all attributes, random Strengthen one skill she learned, a special skill book, 3 lucky points, 100 [Flying] and 100 [Split Arrows], 1 [Reel of Group Blessing], 1 [Reel of Group Guardian], 1 [Group Teleportation Scroll], 20,000 points of national warfare, 20,000 points of prestige, and 20,000 points of military merit. In addition, the middle service of Po Lang Chengfeng will receive 1% of the total tax of the printing service every day, 30% of which goes to The gang that Breaking Waves and Riding Wind belongs to is owned by the Misty Pavilion. All players in the middle server will kill monsters, do missions, or rewards by an additional 20%. However, these benefits will be taken back once Spirit Snake City is captured.

When I first heard this system prompt, Po Lang Chengfeng was excited and looking forward to it, but soon she was disappointed because there was no “national device” in the reward. For her, since there is no national device, she would be rewarded. Not so much, after all, for her now, only the national equipment can greatly enhance her strength-even if the rewards obtained are not what she can equip for other people in the Miomi Pavilion, it can greatly improve the things of Miomi Pavilion.

"I don't have a national weapon, Feng's luck is a bit bad..." June Feixue murmured, and when she said this, her tone was full of disappointment, not only for her, but also for Zhiyue and other players in the Misty Pavilion. All disappointed.

"Although there is no national weapon reward, but the ancient holy equipment, [Flight], [Split Arrow] these skill books, and [Group Blessing Scroll] and other scrolls can also greatly enhance the strength of our Misty Pavilion, not to mention the rewards. There are full attribute points, enhanced skills and a special skills book, and these can also greatly enhance the strength of Feng Sister." Sitting on Qin Xin comforted, and when she said these, she was deliberately full of expectations: "Especially special skills. Book, if you use Feng Sister’s skill book, then her strength will be greatly improved."

"Not to mention the rewards and taxes, so we Miomi Pavilion will get a lot of funds, which can further improve the welfare of our Miomi Pavilion players." Sitting on Qin Xin added.

"Yes, Sister Feng, look at which one of your skills has been strengthened." June Feixue urged, before breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued: "Also, what is the special skill book you got? Combination skill books, maybe even group combination skills, if that's the case then it would be even better."

At the beginning, there was some disappointment in breaking the waves and riding the wind, but after hearing the words of sitting on Qinxin and June Feixue, she also looked forward to it, and then hurriedly checked the backpack, but the first thing that came into view was not the skill book. Yes, but a piece of equipment, this piece of equipment makes the waves ride the wind very excited.

"Hey, who said that my luck is bad. The Primordial Saint-level equipment rewarded by the system is a thunder mask. Tsk tsk, mask, this is much rarer equipment than arm shields, not to mention the most suitable for me. Thunder attribute." She was full of excitement in her voice before breaking the waves and riding the wind, and she did not forget to send an equipment illustration to everyone.

That’s right, the equipment obtained by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is the veil of the Primordial Sage, and it is of the thunder attribute. It just happens to be able to replace her current mask. The attributes of this mask are quite powerful, and there is also a [World Destroyer Thunder 】In this way, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind has a powerful, large-scale group control skill, which is also the most suitable skill for the next group battle. I believe this will greatly increase her role in the next battle.

After seeing the strength of this mask, everyone is also happy for Wave Breaking Wind. Although this mask is not as good as a national weapon, even if it is acquired by Break Wave Wind Riding Wind, it is not necessarily equipped, and this mask can undoubtedly be greatly improved. Her strength will also allow her to play a greater role in the next battle.

Next, June Feixue once again urged which skill of Wave Breaking and Riding Wind was strengthened, and Wave Breaking and Riding Wind quickly saw the enhanced skills, which further made her smile-[Nine Heavens Dragon Yin] has been strengthened, this The scope of the skill has been greatly improved.

Originally [Nine Heavens Dragon Yin] was a group control skill that could only cover 15 meters, but after the enhancement, the range of action was expanded to 50 meters, and even the damage increased from 300% to 500%. Although the dizziness did not change for 3 seconds, After the enhancement, the effect of this skill is comparable to [World Destroying Thunder], which also means that Wave Breaking and Wind Riding has an additional powerful and large-scale skill, and it is also a group control skill.

Another most important change is that the original charge time of this skill was 2 seconds, but after it was strengthened, it became 1 second. This change is very big, and it can also allow Breaking Waves and Riding Wind to use this skill. The greater effect comes.

Think about it, in the middle and late stages of the game, group control skills can play a great role, but most group control skills need to be charged, especially large-power, large-scale group control skills, long-term accumulation is easy to be The enemy finds that they are prepared and even interrupted, so it is useful to reduce the charging time of the skill, and it is easier to display the skill-no matter how powerful the skill is, only if it has the opportunity to display it can it be effective. Reducing the accumulation time is undoubtedly making the skills easier to play.

It is precisely because of this that the strengthened [Nine Heavens Dragon Yin] can play a greater role, and this also makes Po Lang Chengfeng delighted.

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