VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2537: : Stick to the White Bull City

Originally, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, was still worried that they and Ye Luo and other people in Misty Pavilion would consume too much. It would be difficult to resist the siege of the elite masters of Tokyo Mythology and other servers. After all, in their hearts, Ye Luo and others attacked Spirit Snake City and Curry. The city must consume a lot of money, but after learning that they still have a lot of assassins, they are relieved, and they are full of confidence in the next defense of the city.

Think about it too. Although the 4 server players of the additional server, the US server, the Japanese server and the Hanbok hardly consume much, the users of the British server, the Australian server, and the French server have a large consumption, even before Bacchus Dukang also forced the dual-professional masters of the first 4 servers to use some big moves and some powerful and wide-ranging skills. Then there is no big problem to resist these people's siege while defending the city. .

Thinking of this, Dukang, the **** of wine, let go of their hearts, while Ouyang Feiri and others who had "shoveled away" the people in the Misty Pavilion had an ugly face and extremely complicated mood-think about it, in Ouyang Feiri's mind, if Ye Luo and the others were Even if they acted together, they might not have captured the second gang station in the Australian server, but the people in their gang in the previous siege would certainly not have suffered such a big loss.

That’s right, although Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others rushed to the Australian server to let the masters of the major servers converge a little, which led to Ye Luo and the others rescued many people, but at this time there are still many elite masters in the major gangs being entangled. Or they have been killed, and many of them are dual-professional masters. Not to mention that they may explode equipment when they are killed. It is also a big loss for them to say that these people have dropped by 1 level. It is also the thought of these Ouyang Feiri Waiting for people's look to be so complicated and ugly.

Ye Luo and the others did not care about the look of Ouyang Feiri and others. Since they can no longer rescue some players, then they don’t need to stay in the Australian server anymore. They crossed the border barrier and rushed to the Indian server. , Then they can be teleported to White Bull City through the teleportation scroll, or they can be teleported to Curry City for help-although Yeye has already used [Cross Server*City Heart], it will take some time to complete the integration.

"Firework girl, what shall we do next?" Bacchus Du Kang asked directly.

"Uncle Bacchus, you go straight back to White Bull City. At this time, a large number of Indian server players are attacking the city. Not surprisingly, elite masters such as Tokyo Mythology will also lead elite masters from various servers to participate. There will be a big battle next." The firework is easy to cold and directly said: "You rush to White Bull City to kill as many people as possible in India. This will make the subsequent defense of the city much easier."

"Well, good." Bacchus Du Kang and the others said in unison. They naturally knew that at this time they rushed to Bai Niu City to kill the Indian players and they would only help them to face the Tokyo Myth.

"Of course, if you think this is the gang resident occupied by our Miomi Pavilion, then you can also return to the Chinese server directly, so you don't have to say that we will defend the White Bull City thanks to you." Po Lang Riding the Wind Road, said and glanced at Ouyang Fei. It is self-evident when people wait for a glance.

At this time, Ouyang Feiri and others had just been rescued by Ye Luo and others. They felt a little guilty and guilty in their hearts, so they naturally couldn’t refute what they said about Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. The most important thing is that if they return directly to the Chinese server at this time I'm afraid that it will be despised by other gangs. After all, the masters of Tokyo Mythology and other servers are also attacking White Bull City in the middle of the game. They should help.

Of course, the most important thing is that they will also get very good loot by hunting down the Indian players, and at least they can get some national war points, which can be exchanged for a lot of things, so they don’t say much, they just use the teleporting scroll to teleport. Arrived in Bai Niu City and then helped defend the city.

"Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, remember to ask everyone not to rush to use big moves and all kinds of powerful and wide-ranging skills, even if the Tokyo Mythology starts to attack the city." Fireworks Yi Leng exhorted: "Unless they have already rushed into it. The city wall is about to enter the White Bull City, otherwise, use the defense equipment and various long-range professional consumption as much as possible. The more they consume the Tokyo Myth, the better."

Bacchus Dukang and the others are also smart, and they quickly understood why the fireworks are easy to be cold. At this time, the Chinese server is very expensive. If they come to Tokyo Mythology, they will use their big moves, powerful and large-scale skills, then In Tokyo Mythology and other servers, multiple masters can temporarily evade the ults of the edge and other players in the middle server. When the killer status disappears and then attack the city, it will be difficult to defend White Bull City next.

Think about it too. Although the defender has many advantages, the siege party also has some advantages. For example, they can decide when to attack the city. At this point, Tokyo Mythology has the initiative, especially in the Chinese server players. In the case of consumption, so the next Chinese server players must not rush to use the killer.

"Understood." Dukang, the **** of wine, responded, and then he and Feng Xing, Samadhi Shi and others directed the crowd to respond to the siege of the masters of the Indian clothing.

When the masters such as Tokyo Myth did not return, the people who guarded White Bull City could easily deal with the siege of the Indian server players, not to mention that the Bacchus Dukang and other masters rushed back, and they killed more Indian server players. , This also makes defending the city easier-although the **** of Bacchus Dukang and the others did not perform ultimatum and other assassins, they are masters after all, and there are many super masters with national weapons, even if it is just normal attacks and some CD time Short skills can also deal high damage, at least much higher damage than many ordinary professions and ordinary hidden professions.

As for Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, they once again rushed to Curry City. After all, there are still many Indian players in Curry City at this time. This is more or less a threat to Ye Ye unless they occupy Curry City. Attacking players rushing over to help will be even more foolproof.

The fact is also true. After Ye Luo and the others rushed back, they easily contained the final offensive of the Indian server. Then they began to chase and kill. Under their pursuit, a large number of Indian server players were killed, and as time went by, the distance [cross server] *The heart of the city] The complete integration is getting closer and closer, not surprisingly, unless you can capture Curry City every night.

The arrival of the masters of the Bacchus Du Kang and other major gangs made the situation in White Bull City more stable. After seeing a large number of masters in the middle server rushing to the guard, the offensive of the Indian server players was slightly weakened. After all, at this time they also saw the continued siege. He couldn't take down White Bull City at all, he would only be killed for nothing.

Not long after that, Wucai Shenniu gave everyone an order to stop the siege temporarily. The reason for this is very simple, because they have to contact the masters of Tokyo Mythology and other servers and then request support. At this time, only the masters of the major servers. Come to support them to have a chance to capture White Bull City.

"Firework girl, the Indian server players have stopped siege, should we chase them out?" Bacchus Dukang asked curiously: "We chased them out can cause more damage to Indian clothes, because Not surprisingly, they will continue to be the main force in the siege and threaten us even more."

Even if you think about it, even if the masters of the major servers such as Tokyo Mythology kill the Yinfu and then siege White Bull City, a large number of Indian players are needed as a cover. After all, at this time, there are not many players from the major servers to the Indian server, not to mention. The people of the major servers prefer to let the players of the Indian server be cannon fodder. Of course, the colorful sacred cows also know that they want to conquer the White Bull city. In order to have greater play.

Of course, the most important thing about Bacchus Dukang’s proposal to go out to hunt down is that their previous battles in the Australian server were quite aggrieved. At this time, they are eager to vent their unhappiness by hunting down the Indian server players. Said it is a very relaxing and pleasant thing.

I thought Fireworks Yi Leng would agree, but didn’t want her to say: “No, although the players in the printing service consume a lot at this time, but after all, there are a large number of them. There will be more or less danger in chasing them out, and the worst may also be consumed. Some skills or something may even be entangled by the players of Yinfu. Tokyo Mythology may rush to and support them at any time. Once they are entangled, it will be dangerous."

Although they don’t want to admit it, Bacchus Dukang also knows that players who go out to chase and kill the Indian server will definitely have some consumption, and even as the fireworks Yi cold said, they may be entangled by their people. After all, no one knows the current Indian server players. Are there any assassins? Once they are entangled and then sent to the Tokyo Mythology they will encounter, then they are afraid that they will be killed directly, which is not what they want to see.

"Yes, now our consumption is a bit high, and the major servers are teaming up, so we should be more cautious." The Eastern Star said in a deep voice: "We will restore all our big moves, killer skills, and get some blessings from the group. Scroll] We’d better stick to the White Bull City before, so it’s safer."

Because Ye Yu Fei Fei, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Ye Ye unless they all occupy the gang resident, it is no surprise that tomorrow they will receive system rewards, there will be some scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls], and with these scrolls, they will have more confidence. Some, and sticking to the White Bull City is undoubtedly the best choice before that.

Hearing that, Bacchus Dukang and the others nodded, and they didn’t say much. They continued to hold on to White Bull City, waiting for the Tokyo Mythology to come and recover some skills. After all, some skills that only have a CD time of 10 minutes and 30 minutes are still available. The chance to complete the CD and then use in the next battle, and some of these skills can also play a very good effect, such as clone skills, such as displacement skills.

Time passed, and another one or two minutes passed in a blink of an eye. Unless Yeye finally won the Curry City, but Tokyo Mythology still did not come to attack the city, which made everyone wonder.

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