VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2528: : Take down the Snake City

That’s right, Ye Luo and the others still retain a lot of assassins, so they are fully capable of supporting Dongfang Jitian and others after they have captured another Yinfu gang resident, especially Dongfang Jitian and they have a better understanding of Tokyo Mythology and others. In the case of greater consumption-of course, the premise of all this is that Dongfang Tiantian needs support.

That being the case, June Feixue and the others have nothing to worry about. Next, they will continue to attack, or attack the heart of the city in Kangaroo City, or stop the Indian players who rushed over, because Ye Luo and the others have already followed the waves. Chengfeng and others met, because there were many mobile magic crystal cannons arranged on the high platform formed by Yanyuyao's [Change Heaven and Earth], so even if many Indian players who rushed over were smashing the waves and riding the wind, they did not have much The impact only left pieces of corpses.

That's right, when they saw the waves and the wind, they began to attack the heart of the city, and they had destroyed all the defensive equipment around the heart of the city. The players in the printing suit rushed over like crazy, but they were all supported by the mammoth cavalry and teleportation. The nightmare cavalry intercepted, and the various long-range occupations of Misty Pavilion cooperated with the mobile magic crystal cannon to launch an attack. For a time, a large number of printing players were killed, even if those who were wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll] or similar [Five Elements] state, displayed It is also difficult for players with big moves to rush over to stop them.

"Little hands, use [Space Enchantment] to cover the heart of the city." After seeing the meeting with Polangchengfeng and the others, the fireworks are easy to be cold and issued an order: "After Xiaoshou displays [Space Enchantment], everyone increases their attack. , Strive to kill all the players in the enchantment in the shortest time, and then destroy the heart of the city in the shortest time and take it for yourself."

Everyone is smart, and naturally they understand why the fireworks are easy to be cold. At this time, the slender hand is ordered to display [Space Enchantment], because after all, this is the gang resident of Yinfu, and a large number of Yinfu players continue to rush in, and there are many new forces. , Has been facing the charge of these people, coupled with Wucai Shenniu and other printing service masters are also attacking, so Ye Luo and the others will be under great pressure, at least it will be a lot of trouble to capture the heart of the city-although breaking the waves and riding the wind They have destroyed one teleportation formation in Spirit Snake City, but the other one has not been destroyed. A large number of players in Yinfu can still teleport through another teleportation formation.

It’s not the same to use [Space Enchantment] to cover the heart of the city, so that Ye Luo and the others don’t have to face the continuous rush of Indian players. They only need to kill all the Indian players in the enchantment. Yes, it is quite easy for them, and then they can unscrupulously destroy the heart of the city and then occupy it-[cross-server*heart of the city] It takes 3 minutes to merge with the heart of the original city, with [ Space Enchantment] They don’t have to worry about what happens during the period.

Not only that, if they are lucky enough to use [Space Enchantment] to trap the colorful sacred cow and other Indian masters with national equipment, they will definitely be able to kill them and explode their national equipment, which will make a lot of money— -If there is no space enchantment trapped, the colorful sacred cows can be teleported away by space players, so it is not so easy to kill them.

In addition, even if the players in the space system of the printing suit can teleport the colorful sacred cow and others before the slender hand displays the [Space Enchantment], it will be fine. This will undoubtedly reduce the pressure on Ye Luo and the others and make it easier to move the spirit. Snake City is attacked.

When thinking about this, the slender jade hand also used the [Space Enchantment] under the protection of everyone. For a time, the sky within 100 meters centered on her was really trembling, and players who are familiar with this kind of fluctuation will know at first sight that someone is using it. [Space Enchantment].

Seeing these colorful sacred cows and others, their expressions became serious, because they also knew that once they were trapped by the [Space Enchantment] in the service, they would have a high chance of being killed and exploding the national weapon. This is not them. Want to see, so they ordered their Space Department professions to use [Space Portal] to teleport them away, especially those players with national weapons.

The colorful sacred cow had made such an arrangement for their space players, so after receiving the order, he immediately used the [Space Knot] and then sent away the colorful sacred cow and other masters of the printing suit. Although some people were entangled or controlled by Ye Luo and Jianliu, most of them were successfully teleported away.

After the colorful sacred cow and the others disappeared, the slender jade hand successfully displayed [Space Enchantment], and when they saw that there were no colorful sacred cows in the enchantment and other players with national weapons in India, they were disappointed. After all, as long as they can trap it, they will be able to kill it and grab the national weapon in their hands.

"Damn it, the colorful sacred cows escaped quickly, especially for those players who have national weapons, we weren't able to keep one." Othello said in an angry manner.

"No way, now everyone on the major servers is guarding against being trapped by [Space Enchantment]. They will arrange the Space Department players in advance to rescue them. In this case, it is almost impossible for us to trap them." Qin Xin said warmly, and then his tone changed: "But this is not necessarily a bad thing for us. After all, without the colorful sacred cow and their command, it will be easier for us to take the Spirit Snake City, not to mention there are some dual classes. The masters and the Yinfu players who are holding the [Group Blessing Scroll] state are trapped. Killing them can further weaken the Yinfu players. Then it will be much easier for us to capture the other gangs of Yinfu."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, killing these people will also reveal some good equipment, and this can further enhance our strength."

June Feixue and the others also know this. The most important thing is that the matter has reached this point. It doesn’t make much sense for them to entangle this. Next, they will increase their attack and prepare to kill all the players in the enchantment in the shortest time. , And this is not difficult for them-the masters of the printing service such as the colorful **** cow have already left, and the middle service players within 100 meters of the enchantment have an absolute advantage, especially when a large number of mobile magic crystals are placed in the crowd After the cannon, it is easy to kill it.

The fact is also true. It only took 2 or 3 minutes for everyone to kill all the players in the enchantment. At the same time, they also destroyed the heart of the city and placed it on the [Cross Server* City] Heart], it only takes 3 minutes to complete the fusion.

"At this time, the enchantment can still last for 7 minutes, and [Cross-server*City Heart] only takes 3 minutes to complete the fusion. There are no Indian players in the enchantment. We will definitely be able to take the Spirit Snake City." Othello was quite excited and said: "In other words, Sister Feng can get a very good reward tomorrow, maybe there will be a national weapon? At the worst, we can also get some scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll], so we have some killer features. , There are many things we can do in the future, especially if we have the opportunity to conquer other gang sites in India."

That's right, this time using [Cross Server*City Heart] to occupy Kangaroo City is Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. After all, Ye Luo has already received too many rewards, and his strength is obviously higher than that of others. It is wiser to get rewards and then increase in strength.

"Sister Fireworks, there are no more players in the enchantment at this time, and after the [Cross Server*City Heart] completes the integration, the players in the Spirit Snake City will also be teleported away, as long as some people remain guarded. The corpse picking equipment is enough, we don’t need to stay here anymore.” June Feixue said, her tone changed, she looked at the fireworks with anticipation and became cold: “Why don’t we attack other gang sites in Yinfu now. Taking advantage of the fact that some of us have the status of [Group Blessing Scroll] or [Tai Chi Dao], more or less can cause some loss to the target gang resident, maybe we can still take it in one fell swoop."

In fact, without June Feixue urging the fireworks to get cold, she prepared to let the slender hand teleport everyone out and then proceed to another gang resident, and she gave the order like this.

The slender jade hand directly teleported to the vicinity of another 3rd-level county city in India, and then used the [Space Portal] to teleport Ye Luo, Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind and others, and then Ye Luo will also be a flying archer in the state of [Taozhidao] He sent all of them, and then he took the initiative to attack. This time, the location of the Yinfu gang that they started was Curry City.

At this time, although Ye Luo does not have the status of the ultimate move, he still has the status of [Tai Chi Dao], and the addition of [Ghan Jiang * Mo Xie] can increase his overall attributes by 15% and has the effect of'live and die together'. He can attack with the defensive equipment on the city of Curry. With full attack power, it is not difficult for him to destroy the arrow tower, catapult, and magic crystal cannon on the city wall, and after destroying a part of it Breaking the waves and riding the wind and others will be able to rush past, just like before.

Not to mention that Ye Luo and the others continue to capture the gang resident of Yinfu, but also the situation of Wucai Shenniu and the others.

When Wucai Shenniu and others ordered their space players to use [Space Portal] to teleport them away, they abandoned the Spirit Snake City, and their expressions became quite ugly when they thought that another gang resident was occupied. It was because they thought that Ye Luo and the others would probably continue to lay hands on their other gangs in the future. Their expressions became more difficult to look at.

However, at this time, they also learned that the masters of Tokyo Shinhwa, such as U.S., Japanese, Canadian, and Hanbok sneaked into the Australian server to help, which gave them a kind of hope-in ​​the hearts of the colorful sacred cows, they killed the east. Players of the Tiandeng Zhongfu team face the elite masters of the five major servers at the same time. Then Ye Luo and other masters will definitely go to the Australian server to support them, so naturally they will not launch attacks on their other gang locations.

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