VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2526: : Take down Kangaroo City

After ordering Polangchengfeng and others to continue to move closer to the heart of the city, the fireworks were easy to be cold and Yanyuyao was ordered to lock the wave and ride the wind transmission, and everyone acted without hesitation.

After Yanyuyao started to teleport, the firework was easy to be cold and ordered the flying archers with the [Teleport] skill to lock the waves to ride the wind or the Yanyuyao teleportation, and it is worth mentioning that among those flying archer players who have teleport skills 3 , 40 people, if all of these people are transmitted to Po Lang Chengfeng and others, it would be an extremely powerful force, especially when they set up their positions to attack unscrupulously.

Another 5 or 6 seconds passed, and the sunset over Changhe also used [Ten Thousand Swords Return], because the surrounding Yinfu players have been forced to use two or three invincible methods by breaking the waves and riding the wind and the book in the middle of the night. There are no invincible skills. Many players were killed in seconds, including those with [Group Blessing Scroll] and similar [Five Elements] skills. This also made them sparser around them, so they moved towards the heart of the city. The speed is also faster.

After another 3 or 4 seconds, Yanyu Yaoyao finally completed the teleportation, and then under the cover of breaking the waves and riding the wind and many mammoths, she performed the [Five Elements Great Array], and the next one was more than ten meters high and tens of hundreds of meters long. The high platform stood up, and at the same time the 3 or 40 flying archers also completed the teleportation. Unsurprisingly, they fought on the high platform, and then under the cover of melee occupations such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, they could almost attack unscrupulously. After a while, energy arrows roared away all over the sky, and a vacuum area was cleared by them.

"Sister Shi, let someone bring a mobile magic crystal cannon to lock on Sister Feng and send them over." Fireworks Yi Leng gave an order in the team channel, and after a short pause, she continued: "Sister Feng, you guys will hit the Indian server players on the high platform as soon as possible. Kill, make sure that we are all on the high platform."

Samadhi is a smart person. She has discovered the situation here through shared perspectives, and she quickly made the decision to send someone to support, even when the fireworks are easy to be cold, dozens of players are carrying them. The mobile magic crystal cannon locked the waves and rides the wind, Yanyu Yaoyao and others to transmit.

As for the waves and the wind and others, they did not use fireworks to give orders to increase their attack strength, and the number of Indian players on the high platform was also reduced at a faster rate. Depending on the situation, they would be killed soon. Or driven out of the high platform.

Soon dozens of players with mobile magic crystal cannons teleported over. Many of them were priests, and there were also many blue water summoners. They did not use fireworks to give orders, they added blood and added [ Spell Immunity] When the mobile magic crystal cannons are placed while waiting for the status, it is no surprise that once these mobile magic crystal cannons are successfully placed, the pressure on the surrounding Indian players will increase greatly.

Not only that, these magic crystal cannons can cover the waves and ride the wind to attack the heart of the city and the arrow towers and magic crystal cannons around the city heart, so it will be easier to capture them.

As for Ye Luo’s side, their progress here is no worse than that on their side. Ye Luo and other dual-professional archers and many flying archers launched attacks. They advanced very fast, especially at this time. Under the cover of their own mobile magic crystal cannon, it doesn't take long for them to get to the heart of the city and meet the people like Po Lang Chengfeng and others.

It is worth mentioning that during the period, Ye Luo and the others used various powerful and wide-ranging skills and some combination skills, and they also killed many masters in India. Although most of those people were resurrected under the state of [Resurrection Prophecy], but they The [Group Blessing Scroll] or the state similar to [Five Elements Great Array] disappeared, and they had almost no invincible means, so it would not pose any threat to Ye Luo and the others.

The reason why so many masters can be killed so easily is naturally because Ye Luo’s damage output is extremely high at this time, especially after successively using [Wan Jianguizong] and [World Destroying Thunder], plus fireworks and other bows and arrows. Hand-assisted attack, control, and kill those hard-rushing masters of Indian clothing is still no problem.

The fact is also true. Although the players of Yinfu have used the [Group Blessing Scroll] and the skills similar to the [Five Elements Great Array], they have 400 masters that are comparable to the dual professions of performing big moves, but they were caught in a short period of time. Breaking the waves and riding the wind, Ye Luo and others killed a lot in seconds, and even most of the players did not last 30 seconds, so they can play a small role, and the threat to Ye Luo is not big, so the situation is still Misty Pavilion Have the upper hand.

And after the players sent by Samadhi placed dozens of mobile magic crystal cannons, the situation for Ye Luo and the others is even greater, especially when the players of both of them are about to rendezvous, of course, this and the surrounding masters of the printing service are cut. Killing a lot is not unreasonable.

"Sister Feng, Xiaoshu, sunset, you are attacking the heart of the city with all your strength." Fireworks Yi cold issued an order: "Ye Luo, you are smiling and they will intercept the enemy rushing to the heart of the city, Feixue, if necessary, [ Vulcan Domain] Come on display."

"Sister Fireworks, cast [Vulcan Domain]?" June Feixue was taken aback for a moment: "Don't you wait for us to take another gang site and use it again?"

"Fireworks said, it is necessary to use it again." Samadhi's voice sounded in the team channel: "For example, if the Wucai Shenniu and others brazenly rush to you, you can use it. Once you kill them seven or eight or eight Forcing more people to perform big moves, then we will have spare capacity to capture other gang locations in India."

As the samādhi poem said, after the two-professional masters of the Indian suit who had been killed and resurrected with the [Group Blessing Scroll] or similar to the [Five Elements Great Array] state, they were naturally quite unwilling, or they would use big moves to save their lives. There are a lot of double-professional masters in Yinfu who have used their ultimatums, and after they have used all their ultimatums and the time of the ultimatum has disappeared, they will naturally not be able to prevent Ye Luo from occupying other gang locations.

June Feixue is also a smart person. She quickly understood this. She laughed and said, "This is also true. If they don't rush over, there is no need to use [Vulcan Domain]. Keep this skill and other things. There is no problem with the assassin's attack on another gang resident in Yinfu, even if the colorful sacred cows have some reservations."

"Yes, not to mention anything else, we still have two or three [Group Blessing Scrolls], these are enough to take another gang resident." Othello is quite exciting and authentic.

Think about it, at this time, only half of the players with ultimatums in the dual-professional masters of Yinfu are left, and Ye Luo and the others still retain ultimatums, plus various combination skills and national weapons. Additional powerful and wide-ranging skills, and even two or three [Group Blessing Scrolls], so Ye Luo and the others are naturally confident that they will capture the next gang resident in India, not to mention that the waves and the wind still retain [ There are also 2 group combo skills for Thunder God and Misty Pavilion.

Thinking of this, everyone was very excited. They were full of confidence in taking the next gang station in Yinfu, and thinking that this would give them more generous rewards and more opportunities to obtain national weapons, they all looked forward to it.

"Of course, we still have some reservations to deal with other changes." Samadhi poetry said, and when she said these, her tone was a little more solemn.

"Other changes?" June Feixue was taken aback for a moment, but she quickly woke up: "I understand. Sister Shi said that the Australian server is likely to face obstacles or attacks from Tokyo Shinhwa and others. We still need to support the crisis."

"A group of white-eyed wolves, why do you want to support them and continue to harm our interests." Zhiyue couldn't help complaining, but she naturally knew that if Dongfang Killing and others were in danger, Ye Luo and the others really needed to go. Support them.

Think about it, too, if Eastern Killing and their casualties are too large, even players with national weapons are killed and then exploded, then the power of the Chinese server game will also be greatly weakened, anyway, when the national war is triggered in the future They need their help. In this case, Ye Luo and the others naturally need to bring the masters of Misty Pavilion to support, and once they face the masters of Tokyo Mythology and other servers, they naturally need to retain some killers.

"If their casualties are too great, it is not a good thing for us, so we need support or support." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "When I left, I had a private chat with Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Feng. The danger will inform us, and we will support when the time comes, so it is necessary to retain the killer features such as [Thor Desire] and [Heaven Tribulation * Black Hole], and we even need to use our only three [Group Blessing Scrolls]."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, we may not be too disadvantaged to support, because we will wait for the opportunity to act on players with national weapons such as Tokyo Mythology. Once they kill them and explode the national weapons in their hands, then Some losses were completely made up."

Knowing that this matter needs the overall situation, everyone nodded, and then broke the waves and couldn’t help saying: “Let us support, but this time we have to share some benefits, such as we want to occupy a gang resident, such as Let's divide more trophies."

"This is natural." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

While talking about this, a system prompt sounded. It was the news that Ye Yu Fei had occupied Kangaroo City. This news also surprised Ye Luo and others a little bit. Of course, they were not surprised that Dongfang Tiantian could take Kangaroo City. I was surprised that Ye Yu Fei Fei finally occupied Kangaroo City.

"Hey, why did Ye Yu Fei Fei occupy Kangaroo City?" Othello said in a puzzled manner: "There are many masters in this trip, such as Eastern Killing Heaven, Long Teng Tianxia, ​​Thousand Miles and so on. In addition, their gang strength is no worse than that of the Ye Yu family, how can Ye Yu Fei pick it up cheaply?"

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