VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2519: : Unsupported

Although Ye Luo can force the defense equipment on Kangaroo City to attack after the big move and the state of [Qin Yin Hualin], even if it is attacked by some players on the Australian server, it is okay, but other people such as fireworks are easy to cold. Yue Feixue and others can’t stand up to the attack of the city’s defense equipment, so his main task is to destroy those city defense equipment as much as possible. Of course, under the action of [Reincarnation * Split Arrow], it can also kill and control the Australian server. Players.

Yeluo’s attack power is full, and he has performed a big move. In addition to the 15% increase in the overall attribute of [Ghan Jiang * Moxie], his damage output is very high. Even if it is only a split arrow attack, he has the opportunity to kill players in the Australian server. Of course, under his attack, the toughness of the defense equipment also decreased at a very fast rate. In addition, the fireworks are easy to be cold and the night and night unless the double professional archers and flying archers also participated in the attack. Kangaroo City More than a dozen of the city’s defense equipment were destroyed in a short period of time, which greatly reduced the pressure on the players in the server.

There are two ways to deal with long-range professions, especially archers. The first is that if you have a stronger long-range profession on your side, it's just that this is impossible for the Australian server players, not to mention the dual professions of the Australian server. Most of the masters in the German server did not return, even if they all attacked at this point, they are far inferior to the Chinese server. It is no exaggeration to say that no server in the entire Heavenly Tribulation game can compare to the Chinese server.

Think about it, the dual professional archers in the Chinese server include Fireworks Easy to Cold, Every Night Unless, Long Jieyu, Sword Eleven, Misty Rain, Misty Rain, Dongfang Mietian, Ye Luo, etc. Many of them are super masters and even possess them. The dual-professional master of the national equipment, and Ye Luo can kill people and increase his attack power. Such a powerful ultra-remote configuration is almost the same as crushing other servers.

Since you can’t suppress Ye Luo and others by using one’s long-range profession, you can only rely on the second method-the melee profession casts teleporting secrets and comes to Ye Luo and others to fight in close combat. After all, archers are the most Not good at close combat, once you get close to them, you can easily prevent them from shooting arrows and then kill them.

However, at this time, the masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Killing the Sky in the East, and Longteng Tianxia are in front. With their strength, they can easily intercept those masters who live in the Australian server, especially in the case where the elite masters of the Australian server such as the violent chariot are absent. Under such circumstances, the fireworks are easy to be cold, Ye Luo and the others can almost attack them unscrupulously.

The fact is the same. Under the powerful damage output, Ye Luo and the others not only destroyed all the defensive equipment on one city wall, but also the forefront of the waves and the wind and others have already crossed the city wall and entered the city, even rushing to the front. The Eastern Killing Sky has already begun to attack the teleportation formation in Kangaroo City.

It is worth mentioning that after following the command of the fireworks to get cold, the misty Yiyun used the [Garious Wind Domain], although June Feixue and Eastern Stars did not use the [Vulcan Domain] and [Five Poisonous Miasma], but only with this A wide range of skills can also cause great casualties to players in the Australian server. It is not a big problem to destroy the teleportation array and the heart of Kangaroo City and then occupy them.

After 1, 2 minutes, Ye Luo and the others destroyed the two teleportation formations in Kangaroo City. Of course, they also killed a large number of Australian server players during the period, and then they began to attack the heart of the city. They can't be stopped, even if the Berserker and others have returned to support them.

That's right, at this time, it has been 2 minutes since Ye Luo and the others attacked the city, and it was almost 3 minutes before the sword third-class assassins sneaked into the Australian server. However, after such a long time, the masters of the violent chariot and the Australian server did not return to support. At the very least, they did not rush to Kangaroo City to support, which made everyone a little relieved but also a little confused.

Naturally, I breathed a sigh of relief because the Berserkers waited for the masters of the Australian server not to come back to support, so Ye Luo and the others would be able to capture Kangaroo City more easily. Naturally, the doubt is because they have rushed back to support the Berserkers enough for so long. , But they watched Kangaroo City being breached but did not rush to support.

"Hey, it's been two or three minutes since we sneaked into the Australian server. It should have been enough time for them to return to the Australian server." June Feixue said in a puzzled manner, she didn't forget to continue. Attack: "But why don't they come to support?"

"It should be that they also know that their people are at the end of their lives. Even if they rush over to support them, they will only be killed by us. If they do so, they will have greater losses, and even explode the national weapons, and the losses will be even greater. "Othello is very casual.

"Hey, doesn't this mean that they will not come to support at all, and then we have the opportunity to capture their multiple gang sites?" Ouyang Feiri said in a pleasant surprise.

"Not necessarily." The Dongfang star shook his head, and without waiting for Ouyang Feiri and others to ask why, she continued: "The Berserkers didn't rush over to support them because they knew that their current strength was not ours at all. Opponents, so they need foreign aid, which means that they are waiting for foreign aid to take action. After all, those foreign players are not players on the Australian server. It will take some time to rush over to support them, and it will take some time for them to sneak into our Chinese server."

Think about it, too, the current state of the Australian server such as the Furious Chariot is not the opponent of the masters of the Chinese server. They can only wait for the masters of the major servers such as Tokyo Mythology to come to support or directly work on the Chinese server or White Bull City. It took some time, so they did not start the action in a short time.

"Yes, they are quite smart. They know that they will lose more if they do it now. So they can only wait for a while, wait for the Tokyo Mythology to do it, and wait for the people in Kangaroo City to consume us. After all, the more it consumes us. It will be easier for them to block and expel us from now on." Bacchus Dukang said in a deep voice, and then he smiled: "But this is good news for us, because we can definitely capture a gang resident in the Australian server. It will give us a lot of benefits."

Hearing that, many people laughed, and they also knew that taking Kangaroo City would give them a lot of benefits.

"It's no wonder that other Australian server players besides Rampage Chariot didn't teleport to Kangaroo City. It turns out that they just gave up." Long Jieyu suddenly said, and then she said to herself: "I just don't know the Tokyo myth. Waiting for the masters of each server to make a timely move, and whether they choose to sneak directly into the Chinese server or to the Australian server, there are many differences."

"Don't worry, no matter which kind we have, we have a great chance to capture a gang site in the Australian server." Po Lang Chengfeng said, her tone was full of confidence when she said this: "Because of the Kangaroo City, we consume and Not too big. At this time, let’s not say that we are still at the peak state. So even if the major servers have high manual hands, we can contend with them and then forcibly occupy a gang site, even if they and the Berserkers join forces to defend, because We still have a lot of methods that we haven't used, such as 3 group combination skills, such as Ye Luo's [Heaven Tribulation * Black Hole], but these have a great chance to kill them."

The facts are also as said by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. At this time, there are only less than ten of them who have used the big move, plus the fireworks are easy to use the [Five Elements Great Array], they still have many methods not used, such as [Heaven Tribulation* Black Hole], such as [Thunder God’s Fall], [Holy Beast’s Coming], [Tai Chi Dao] and other assassins, and even if they use these Tokyo myths to come over and defend, they may not be able to prevent Ye Luo from occupying the second gang of the Australian server station.

Hearing this, everyone was also deeply convinced. At this time, they were more aware of why the fireworks were easy to cold before letting them keep the means, thinking that they could at least capture the next gang resident in the future, they were looking forward to it.

"Little hands, you ask if the colorful **** cows have started attacking White Bull City." June Feixue said, and then changed his tone: "Also, whether they have sneaked into the Chinese server in Tokyo Mythology, if they act, we should also Some preparations."

The slender hand didn't say much. After crossing the national border, she returned to the Indian server and asked the players who guarded the White Bull City. She soon got a reply, and then told the fireworks and others. The players of the Indian server were a little eager to move, and they had assembled. With thousands of players, it is possible to attack White Bull City at any time.

As for the masters of servers such as Tokyo Mythology, they still don't know their whereabouts, at least they have not sneaked into the middle server now.

"Hey, sure enough, the colorful sacred cows will not miss such a good opportunity." Po Lang Rongfeng laughed strangely, and while talking, she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks, the colorful sacred cows have assembled so many troops, if They really want to do something on us so they can pose some threats to us, what should we do now?"

"Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, wait for you to go back." Fireworks Yi said coldly. Although she said it in a negotiating tone, her tone was faintly commanding: "Every gang of our gangs will adjust 5 The dual-professional master returns to support, and if conditions permit, give those who return a [Group Blessing Scroll]."

Without waiting for the Bacchus Du Kang and others to speak, she continued: "After returning, try to drag the colorful sacred cows with them. The longer the delay, the better for us."

At this time, the players of the Indian server may attack White Bull City at any time, and the elite masters of Tokyo Mythology and other servers may also sneak into the middle server and launch a sneak attack. Only the samādhi can not take care of it, so some reputable people are needed to return. Command, Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing are undoubtedly the best choice.

"This is no problem, we will take everyone back to support." Bacchus Dukang said very freely, and then prepared to let the slender hand teleport him and other players who are going to return directly.

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