VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2516: : Start with the Australian service

That's right, the German service will be deprived of 1% of the tax for every day of delay. In addition, Ye Luo and others sneak into the Japanese service and other servers to destroy the server completely occupy the initiative. In this case, these servers can't afford it, so Fireworks are easy to be cold and do not worry about these.

Apart from you, the British server and other servers are here to help. They are impatient and have been consuming like this. After all, they can’t improve their strength if they don’t do anything. This is not what they want to see, so they don’t want to. Unexpectedly, they won't take a long time to do it, and then they guessed it as if fireworks are easy to cold.

After hearing this, they nodded their heads, and then did not say much, and continued to hunt in the US server. After the hero Wuming waited for the masters of the US server to return, they would no longer attack Steel City. , After all, they are not what they want to see now that the conflict has erupted and then the big moves are used. They have to keep these big moves to use on the Australian server. After all, they are more sure to capture the gang station of the Australian server.

A few minutes later, the people from the Assassin’s House inquired about the news, a piece of news that surprised the waves and the wind and others-the coalition forces of the German and British servers have finally begun to attack the city, and the players of the German server have just A lot of assassins were used in the shot, such as [Group Blessing Scroll], such as group combination skills and so on.

"German server and other servers have launched an attack, and players of German server have used some [Group Blessing Scroll] with group combination skills and other killer features?!" After hearing this news, she was surprised by breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then her tone changed, she asked Said: "Australian server and other masters of the server, they should also participate in the siege, have they used any killer?"

According to the plan before the fireworks are easy to be cold, the masters in the Australian server have performed big moves, [Group Blessing Scroll] and other methods. It will be easier and easier for the Chinese server to launch a sneak attack on the Australian server, and even have the opportunity to directly capture the next 2 The gang resident, the worst will also make the siege of the Chinese server players much smoother, so the waves and the wind will be so expecting the players of the Australian server to use the big move and [Group Blessing Scroll] and other methods as soon as possible.

"Although the people in German clothing have also participated in the siege, they did not exert too much effort. Although there are some dual-professional masters who have performed big moves, they did not use [Group Blessing Scroll], nor did they use group combination skills, or even He didn't even use the ordinary combination skills." Ye Ling said lightly, and his answer made the faces of Othello and others a little more solemn.

"Australian servers and other servers are just helping. They don't work too hard. It's normal if they don't perform their big tricks." Feng Xingdao, then he looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks, what should I do now?"

"Keep waiting." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "The battle over there has just started, and the Australian server and other servers still have some scruples, so he will not rush to use his killer skills, but as time goes by, the fighting will become more intense and they will not bear it. Live and use the assassin, especially when you see a chance to grab a national weapon."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "If the people in the German server and other servers release too much water, they will not be able to attack the tank city. After all, the servers such as the non-server and the court server are helping the Russian server. As the battle continues, the battle will become more and more intense."

"That's right." Sitting on Qin Xin took over the conversation, a gentle smile appeared on her pretty face: "That said, we can afford to consume energy, but other servers can't afford it, so they will definitely perform their tricks. Now, it’s nothing more than the players who make the German server consume the Russian server and the non-user server. They will definitely use various methods when there is a bargain to take advantage of, so we don’t have to worry, just wait patiently."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they all agreed, and then they stopped urging anything, and continued to take a leisurely time in the US server, or hunted down the players of the Russian server, or they would meet some occasionally. BOSS kills, but also gains a lot.

Time passed, and another 3 or 4 minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

As Qin Xin said, players on servers such as the Australian server are going to let players on the German server consume players on servers such as the Russian server first. However, seeing that servers such as the German server have already consumed a lot of power and power. They couldn’t sit still anymore after the range of skills and began to be at a disadvantage. They started to use some killer tricks, or some people used big moves, or used some combination skills, and even some servers had already used the [Group Blessing Scroll]——in In the case of servers such as the British server being released, the German server will naturally be at a disadvantage when facing the masters of the Russian server and the non-server server, especially when the Russian server is still defensive.

"Most of the players in the Australian server have performed their big moves, and they also used a [Group Blessing Scroll], not to mention the combination of skills or something." This is the unknown news, and this news also excited everyone. .

"Fireworks and Berserkers have already launched attacks. Many dual-professional masters have used ults, and even used [Group Blessing Scroll]. Now can we let Jiansan and the others act?!" Po Lang Cheng Feng quite For the excitement and authentic.

"[Crowd Blessing Scroll] can last for 10 minutes. Even if it takes some time to return to support through the server, it will take a long time to fight. We'd better start the action after 7 or 8 minutes." The fireworks are easy to cold. Said lightly.

"But even if we let the sword three and the others move and teleport us over, we don't need to do it right away. We can wait a little longer and wait for the [Group Blessing Scroll] status of the Australian server players to disappear before we do it." Can't help but mutter.

"Sister Feng, doing that will make the people of the Australian server prepare in advance. These times will allow them to mobilize more troops, which will more or less cause us some trouble." Ye Luo said, seeing Polang Chengfeng and the others. Nodded, he continued: "Not only that, the longer we stay in the Australian server, the more changes we will have, because other servers are also likely to sneak into the Russian server to start operations, and they will even sneak into our server."

Without waiting to break the waves and ride the wind, he continued: "In addition, there may be some dual-professional masters in the Australian server during the period to perform ults or other assassinations. Of course, it would be better if they were killed by Russian players during the period."

"Oh, that's true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded: "So the shorter time we have to do, the better. Then let Jiansan and the others act after 7 or 8 minutes, just don't know Russia. Can those who serve it last so long."

"The Russian server has no internal worries. They can mobilize a large number of players to guard the tank city, because there are experts from other servers to help, and in addition to being on the defending side, it is not a big problem to persist for some time." Fengxing said solemnly, and then his tone One turn: "Even if they can't hold on, it doesn't matter. We have done everything we can. There is nothing they can do if they can't hold us."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, he continued: "As analyzed before, at this time the Russian server has already been on the server with the German server, even if there is no Tank City, they will share some pressure for us more or less, maybe because of the loss. In Tank City, they are more hostile to the British server, French server and other servers, which is better for us."

Knowing this, everyone nodded, then said nothing, and continued to wait patiently.

Time passed, and 7 or 8 minutes passed in a blink of an eye. During this time, as Ye Luo said, the players of the Australian server have performed some killer tricks, such as more dual-professional masters have performed big moves, such as they have performed Many powerful, wide-ranging skills, and even a group combination of skills were used, which caused a lot of trouble to the Russian army.

Of course, this was great news for Ye Luo and the others. After learning of this news, Fireworks Yieldly ordered the Jiansan and others to start operations, and the Jiansan and others who had been on standby did not hesitate to cross. Crossed the national border and infiltrated the Australian server, and after making sure that there were no Australian server players guarding them, they used the [Cross-Server*Group Teleport Scroll] and then sent Ye Luo and their three-way army players to the past-Australian server, After all, the Indian server is an ally, and the two sides are not very fortified, so Jiansan and the others can sneak into the Australian server so easily.

Not to mention that Ye Luo and the others were teleported to the Australian server, and that the players in the Japanese server, Hanbok, and the US server were instantly cleared when they saw the Chinese server players sneaking into their servers, which made their previous ominous premonitions become more intense— -With the resourcefulness of the people under Mount Fuji, Twilight, etc., when they saw that Ye Luo and the others were only harassing them and did not attack their gang station with all their strength, they guessed that Ye Luo and the others used the tactics of slamming them. Knowing which target Ye Luo and the others chose, they even suspected that it was one of their three servers, because they knew that Ye Luo and the others had a chance to forcibly capture a gang’s resident when they concentrated their efforts, so it was the same for them to defend themselves in the server. in this way.

It is precisely because of this that although they did not rush out under Mount Fuji, nor did they leave their server and sneak into the Russian server, because they also knew that the initiative was in the hands of Yeluo, and once they left, the players in the middle server would definitely attack them. The most important thing is that the players in the Chinese server are fully capable of taking down their gang.

Because I don’t know which Ye Luo’s target is, although Fujiyama and others have sent a warning message to other servers, there are not too many servers that care, especially since their attack on Tank City came to an end and gained a lot of benefits. Circumstances-Although Tank City has not been completely robbed at this time, but the Russian server has been killed many players, and even a player with a national weapon was killed, and this national weapon has also caused major players The people on the server become crazy, and in this case they will naturally not return to the server, especially if they think they will not be attacked.

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