VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1992: : Infiltration plan

After hearing the words of the cherry blossoms in full bloom, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Heilong Tianzhan directly proposed to sneak into the Chinese server, because this way they can also kill monsters and get the [Group Blessing Scroll], so they can also kill.

Hearing this, many people’s eyes lit up, and Susano Shinto said: "Yes, that’s right, we can also explode some [Group Blessing Scrolls] by sneaking into the Chinese server to kill monsters, so we can kill them there. Knowing that after we sneak in, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others will definitely return to support, surround Wei and save Zhao, so we will have no problem here."

"Yes, yes, eldest brother killing people can increase attack power, and Ruxue is a space magician. We can infiltrate the Chinese server to cause them great losses. In this case, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others must return to the server. With support, the crisis here will be resolved." Heilong slashed in a very excited manner.

Think about it, everyone was worried that it would be difficult to expel Ye Luo and others from the Japanese clothes, but there is no good way. After all, Ye Luo and the others are very mobile, and the Black Hawks are gone [Heaven and Earth Cage] , [Group Teleport Scroll] and other props, now I think of how to get rid of Ye Luo and others from the Japanese clothes, and it can also cause a lot of trouble to the Chinese game power. This is what Heilongtianzhan dreams of, no wonder they are listening After this approach, I will be so excited.

"But before Sister Sakura and Brother Xia Fuji, didn't we say that it is difficult for us to cross the ancient battlefield and then sneak into the Chinese server?" Sakura Ruxue's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she was a little worried in her tone: "Because the Chinese players must have done a good job intercepting us. Preparation."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, even if we can break into the Chinese server, we may not be able to force them back, and our leaving here will make them more unscrupulous, and they may even break our gang. If that’s bad."

As I said before, if Ye Luo and the others break through a Japanese gang site and reach or exceed level 3, then other Chinese players will be able to teleport over through the teleportation array. This is a disaster for the Japanese game power.

It is precisely these concerns that Sakura Ruxue was so worried after hearing the suggestions of Heilong Tianzhan and others.

"Hey, let's talk about whether we can break into the Chinese server first." Heilongtian cut the monster laughed, and said this he looked at the Tokyo myth: "Before it was difficult for us to break into China through the monsters of the ancient battlefield and the interception of Chinese players. The server, but now it’s different. The eldest brother just got the last component of the [Baqi Gou Jade Plate] to trigger the most powerful skill of this magic weapon-[Baqi Heavenly Fall]. After turning on this skill, the eldest brother can easily bring a crowd. The expert sneaked into the Chinese server."

There is nothing wrong with what Heilong Tianzhan said. After all, the 10 players after Tokyo Mythology's ultimate move and the [Yaki Heavenly Fall] are extremely powerful, especially the 90% reduction in damage and negative effects, 11 in this state A player can easily surpass the various monsters in the ancient battlefield and the obstacles of Chinese players. I am afraid that even Ye Luo and Dongfang Killing may not be able to intercept them.

"Yes, we are almost invincible after the eldest brother cast [Yaki Tianxiang], plus Ye Luo Zhiqiu is on our server, so no one can stop us at all." The God of Susao said confidently.

"By the way, I also heard the news that Dongfang Jitian has sneaked into the South Korean server with a group of experts." Suddenly Mt. Fuji went down, and he nodded his head when he saw Heilongtianzhan and them exuding surprise. "That's right. , So no one can stop us, we can organize an elite team to sneak into the Chinese server, and almost nothing can stop us when Ye Luo Zhiqiu, Eastern Killing the Sky, and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind are not there, let alone others The country’s elites are also sneaking into China, which means that we can kill and kill on the Chinese server."

The reason why Heilong Tianzhan and they are so excited is not only because they are very likely to sneak into the Chinese server to kill and kill, the most important thing is that the words under Mount Fuji mean that he agrees with them to sneak into the Chinese server to start hunting operations. Only when he and Sakura Bloom agree to do so can they have the opportunity to carry out this kind of action.

Think about it, the cherry blossoms and the foot of Mount Fuji can be regarded as the military commander of the Japanese game force, and the status is similar to that of the current fireworks. Only if they agree to be afraid of Tokyo mythology will they agree to take everyone into the Chinese server.

"Do you agree to do this too?" Tokyo Shinhwa looked at the foot of Mount Fuji, and when he said this, he was already a little moved.

"Well, it seems that the only way we can turn our passivity into the initiative is that it is only in this way that we can have the opportunity to drive Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others away." The foot of Mount Fuji nodded solemnly: "Even this is for us. It's an opportunity, an opportunity to weaken China's power."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "You and I all know how powerful Chinese games are now. This can be seen from the previous extreme challenge competitions, the conflicts in the Fallen Devildom, and the martial arts tournament. If we don’t want to try to contain them , Then we have no chance of winning against them in the future, and waiting for our fate is probably the only way to destroy it."

Hearing this, Tokyo Mythology and others nodded. They naturally know how powerful the Chinese game is now. If they are allowed to continue to be strong, then their destiny as neighboring countries will be inevitably destroyed. After thinking of these, the Tokyo myth is even more heart-warming.

"The reason why Brother Mt. Fuji said this is an opportunity is that there are already many elites from other countries sneaking into the Chinese server, and if we can sneak into it, it will surely cause greater losses, especially if we join together. After being together." Sakura blossoms took over the words: "Next, Chinese players are overwhelmed by themselves, and naturally there is no time to deal with us. As time goes by, more and more elite masters will sneak into Chinese servers, which will make their players have no time. Leveling, not to mention that many players will be killed by us and then bursting with equipment, so China's game power will become weaker and weaker."

After pondering a little, Tokyo Mythology said: "Well, yes, this is an opportunity for us."

But what he thought of, his brows frowned slightly: "But if we leave, will Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others become more arrogant? If they are allowed to have a Level 3 gang station in our country, wouldn't we..."

Tokyo Mythology did not continue to say the following, but everyone knew what he was worried about. Then they all looked at the foot of Mount Fuji and the cherry blossoms in full bloom, wanting to see how they could solve this problem.

"It's not so easy to break through our gang's resident. Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others are so small, especially since they don't have many siege equipment." Mount Fuji dismissively said: "Besides, we are not bringing all the elite masters. Leaving, at least 60% of the dual-professional masters will be left. With the help of the gang resident and various defense equipment to resist Ye Luo Zhiqiu and them, there is no problem, especially we dispatch all the ice dragon eagle summoners and other restrained air forces. So Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others would at least send millions of troops to the defense, but sending these troops also meant a head-on confrontation with us. Now fireworks are easy to cold, they would not do that."

"Hey, if we sneak into the Chinese server, we will definitely be able to kill and kill it, making it a miasma, so they will not be able to send millions of troops to come." Heilongtian smiled, and then his tone changed: " Even if they send millions of troops to come, it will take a long time for millions of troops to be on the way. This time is enough for us to return. Then we can take the troops to meet the enemy head-on, don’t forget We have a great advantage on the territory of China, and it is not a problem to kill all of them."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they also had this confidence.

"Under the situation where countries are deliberately targeting, Chinese servers are overwhelmed. It is unrealistic to send a large army over. What's more, even if they can break through our gang site, there will be no chance to rebuild and restore it to operation at that time." Sakura Blossom took over. She looked at everyone: "It takes 24 hours for the gang to be hacked to respond, and if you are harassed during the period, you can’t reply. For such a long time, we have organized a heavy counterattack, and it’s no problem to retake the gang’s resident. Send troops to attack, but Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others cannot."

In the absence of a Level 3 gang site, Chinese players can only travel long distances to enter the Japanese server, and it takes a long time to cross the border barriers to come over, which means that if one Chinese player is killed, one will be lost. At this time in Tokyo Mythology, they can continue to attack with crowds of tactics, so that it will not take too long to kill all Chinese players.

Without the guard of the players, the gang resident will naturally not be able to recover, so their worries about the cherry blossoms will naturally cease to exist.

After pondering a little, Tokyo Mythology said: "Well, yes, it is not so easy to seize a third-level gang station in our country. At least they do not have this strength now, so we have nothing to worry about, so The plan to sneak into Chinese servers can be implemented."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's act quickly." Heilong urged eagerly.

"It's not possible now." Mt. Fuji shook his head and saw the black dragon knife and others wondering, he explained: "Because we are all on the CD nowadays, and the same is true of Big Brother's [Eight Qi Tian Jiang], no We don’t have much chance of sneaking into Chinese servers with these killer features, so we have to wait."

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