VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 9: : Intercept the enemy

Knowing that Yeluo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, and others still have big moves, the number is more than the number of dual-professional masters who retain their big moves in the Japanese server. After the cherry blossoms bloom, they know that they are unable to recover, so they recommend Tokyo Mythology to escape as much as possible. To avoid being killed and explosive equipment.

However, as time went by, Tokyo Mythology, they also saw that they had no chance of surviving in the cage of heaven and earth, especially when the energy cage was reduced to only 1 kilometer, they would still be killed in the future. It would be better to take advantage of it. Now there are still many people on their side who are starting to counterattack, so even if they can't kill Ye Luo and others and reverse the situation, they have a chance to force them to use their big moves.

Think about it, too, when the energy cage is only 1 kilometer left, Ye Luo and others can chase and intercept masters such as Tokyo Mythology, using Ye Luo, breaking the waves and riding the wind, fireworks easy to cold, desert solitary smoke, night and night unless and other super masters. There is no problem with the ability to intercept it and then kill it. It is better to take advantage of the 30,000 to 40,000 players to counterattack and then force Ye Luo and others to use their assassin.

If Ye Luo and others' ults are forced out, then they will be more cautious in the RB server, and even if they have the opportunity to gather a group of masters to surround them and then kill them, their losses will be even worse. Smaller.

After thinking of this, Tokyo Mythology briefly discussed with Black Hawk and others, and the latter quickly agreed to their proposal. Then they commanded everyone to line up, and then rushed to Ye Luo and others.

"Hey, they were running away before, so why did they suddenly come here?" After seeing this scene, June Feixue was puzzled, but didn't worry about anything. After all, they still had a lot of killers at this time.

"It's easy to understand. Tokyo Mythology realizes that it's useless to escape now. It's better to fight with us." Po Lang Chengfeng said casually, and then she laughed: "But this is for us. But it's a good thing, at least it will be easier for them to gather together and we will kill them."

"I'm afraid that they don't just want to fight us happily, but they want to force our big move." Samadhi said, seeing the waves and the wind all thinking, she nodded: "That's right , Tokyo Mythology, they are also smart people. They know that if we don’t have a big move, the damage to them will be much smaller, and they can even concentrate their forces to continue chasing us. After all, we have used too many assassins in this battle. Without great power, wide range of skills, and combination of skills, then if they send air forces such as the Ice Dragon Eagle to chase and kill, it is not impossible to kill us all."

"But if we have big moves and they don't have big ones, it's different. Then we can almost attack their leveling point unscrupulously." Sitting on Qinxin, she took the conversation, and then she changed her conversation: "But if Tokyo Shinhwa and others Do all of their big moves, plus they still have 30,000 or 40,000 players, so we may not be able to resist if we don’t use big moves, especially Tokyo Shinhwa and others will have a great chance to rush into our camp after using big moves. Among them, if that happens, we will have a greater loss, even..."

Think about it, too, if Tokyo Shinhwa and other more than a dozen dual-professionals all perform their big moves and then charge, and they carry an army of 30,000 to 40,000, so they still have a great chance to get close to the fireworks and they are easy to be cold, and then there will be some losses. It is also inevitable, and even as the piano heart said, it is really possible to be killed.

After sitting on the piano, I looked at the fireworks and the samādhi poems. The meaning is self-evident.

Seeing the waves and the wind began to eager to try, Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Sister Feng, Ye Luo, you don't have to use big moves, you can even more shock them by keeping them."

"Uh, can we stop the Tokyo Mythology if we don't use big moves?" Po Lang Riding the Wind was quite puzzled, and then she raised her voice a little bit after thinking about it: "Could it be that you want to use the last [Group Blessing Scroll] ] Well, it’s good to dare, and you can easily suppress them after using this scroll."

Ignoring the question of breaking the waves and riding the wind, the fireworks looked coldly at Samadhi and the others: "Sister Poetry, smile in the dust, smile in the wind, you use big tricks to stop Tokyo Mythology and others, as long as you can delay some time."

Those people mentioned by the fireworks are going to return to the internal server after this battle. Even if they use their big moves, it doesn’t matter. It’s better to use their big moves to intercept Tokyo Mythology and others. The fireworks are cold and they can keep them. The strongest combat power, the next action here will be easier.

Samadhi is also a wise person, and they quickly understand this, but they don't say much, ready to use their big moves to intercept Tokyo Myth and others at any time.

"Sister Feng and Ye Luo, you are in the front to intercept. Sister Qin and the others will impose [Spell Immunity] on you to prevent them from approaching our formation as much as possible." Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing Ye Luo nodding their heads, her tone One turn: "Sister Qin, Sister Feng, if it is necessary, you take turns to use [Mad Lion Roar] to force the Tokyo Mythology and their big move, Feixue, Wednesday, if necessary, you can use combination skills, Ye Luo, you still have [ Rainstorm Day Luo] This skill can be used if necessary."

Ye Luo is also a smart person, and soon understood, he nodded and said: "Yeah, I understand."

As for June Feixue and Wednesday, they are also ready to use [Meteorite Fall (group)] at any time, and they are a little excited watching the many players rushing over.

While the fireworks were so cold, the Tokyo Mythology had already rushed over with a large number of players, and soon they were less than 50 meters away from them. At this time, sitting on the heart of the piano, breaking the waves and riding the wind are also ready to display [Mad Lion Roar] preparations.

Of course, Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng fought at the front of the team. Various skills were displayed, and the high damage figures floated one by one. With the addition of June Feixue and others assisting in the attack, there was no player at all. Can get close to them within 15 meters, not to mention close to fireworks and other archers.

"Sister Qin, Sister Shi, you will perform [Mad Lion Roar] in Tokyo Mythology when we are still 30 meters away, so as to force his invincible skills." Ye Luo reminded, and the two of them are also very good at breaking waves and riding wind. I soon understood what he meant.

If you think about it, if Tokyo Shinhwa and other dual-professional masters are 30 meters away, even if they sit on the piano and use their control skills, they don’t have to use their invincible skills, because Ye Luo and others can’t get close to them and kill them in seconds. After getting rid of the state of control, they can still rush over again, and they will waste a powerful group control skill in vain.

Seeing Ye Luo and the others changed their formation, Tokyo Mythology naturally knew that their own plan was already known by the fireworks, but at this time they were already riding a tiger and could only bite the bullet, and they were only 30 meters away from Ye Luo. At that time they decisively used their big move, and then rushed over.

Seeing the Tokyo mythology, they rushed over, and sat on the Qin Xin to cast the [Mad Lion Roar] first, while Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng were ready to use their displacement skills at any time.

Ye Luo still has a lot of displacement skills at this time, such as [Simulation Technique] and [Zhou Zhi Tian Ya], these two skills can make him rush out more than 20 meters, and the latter [Charge] can come to Tokyo Shinhwa and others. , Next, control skills such as [Scary Slash] can always control the target, and it is naturally easy to kill it. And this is why Ye Luo let the two girls sit on the piano in Tokyo Mythology before they are close to 30 meters. [Mad Lion Roar].

However, Tokyo Mythology clearly saw Ye Luo's plan through, so when they saw a huge lion head phantom in the sky, they used invincible means, and then rushed over.

Seeing this scene, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind curled her lips, she said: "It seems that Tokyo Mythology, they are also smart people, knowing that we want to kill them after controlling them, so decisively used the invincible skills, so we want to kill them The plan to intercept 30 meters away was frustrated."

"We didn't get nothing, at least we have forced out one of Tokyo Mythology's invincible skills." Sitting on Qin Xin said, there was a gentle smile on her pretty face: "The previous battle was Tokyo Mythology. Most of them have used one or two invincible methods. I am afraid that this is their last invincible method. In the best case, there are only two invincible methods left. When their invincible effect disappears, we can use group control skills to cover the attack. It’s no problem to kill them all in this way."

Hearing that, Palang Ride the wind nodded, and then she didn’t say much. She stared at Tokyo Mythology and others, and was ready to intercept them at any time. According to the arrangement of fireworks, the Tokyo Mythology could not be allowed to cross their defenses and then Rush into their camp.

Of course, it is obviously difficult to stop all those who use big moves such as Tokyo Mythology by only relying on Yeluo and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. However, Samadhi, Yixiao Hongchen and others have already used their big moves, so there is no big problem to resist them. .

Ye Luo’s goal is the Tokyo Mythology. After all, the latter poses the greatest threat to fireworks. Ye Luo is almost the only one who can stop him, so Ye Luo can only give him the task of intercepting him. .

At this time, Tokyo Mythology has no longer the state of "Yaqi Heavenly Fall". Although the overall attributes are greatly improved after using the ultimate move, it is okay for Ye Luo to stop him for a while, after all, he has a lot of displacement skills at this time. , Even as long as the Tokyo Myth can be interrupted-when the invincible effect of Tokyo Myth disappears, various group attack skills can cover it and it is not impossible to control it to death.

The fact is also true, Ye Luo is not difficult to stop the Tokyo Mythology, and at this time the latter’s invincibility effect is only about 2 seconds, and soon he must use the last invincible skill, and wait for this invincible If the skills can't rush into their camp, then he will only be killed.

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