VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1987: : Continue to hunt down

The people under Mount Fuji were killed, especially the other players blessed by the [Yaki Heavenly Fall] were also killed. After Tokyo Shinhwa and others realized that they were no longer Ye Luo and their opponents, even if their more than 100,000 troops had already rushed. Even so, in order to reduce the loss, they could only order their people to disperse, after all, Ye Luo and the others would waste a lot of time just chasing these people.

In the minds of Tokyo Mythology and others, the [Group Blessing Scroll] used by Ye Luo and others must be quite rare, and there should be no such scroll, and Ye Luo and others have used the scroll for 5 or 6 minutes, so only 4, In 5 minutes, as long as they don't have the effect of the scroll blessing, then their people still have a chance to counterattack. After all, Ye Luo's people don't have many invincible means, and many of their people can restrain air power.

Seeing this scene of breaking the waves and riding the wind and others were surprised, but after a little surprise, Othello began to ask how the fireworks Yi was cold and how to pursue them: "Fireworks, if the Tokyo myth orders their people to disperse, then we want to disperse them. It is difficult to kill all of them. At least there will be no chance before the effect of our [Group Blessing Scroll] ends. Then, shall we pursue elite masters such as Tokyo Mythology or their large forces?"

"Of course it is chasing elite masters such as Tokyo Mythology. Killing them will have a greater impact on Japanese power." Po Lang Chengfeng took a natural tone, and in her heart she naturally wanted to kill Tokyo Mythology and others once.

"But Tokyo Mythology is not that easy to kill. Their individual mobility is much stronger than ours. It will take a long time to kill them. At least we didn’t have the effect of [Group Blessing Scroll]. There is a chance to kill them. Without the attribute bonus, it will be difficult for us to kill the Tokyo Mythology and their large units." Samadhi shook his head, and then changed his tone: "So I recommend that you give priority to hunting down their large units. , Take advantage of our strong attributes to kill them as much as possible."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued: "Like [Painting the Earth as a Prison], the [Heaven and Earth Cage] will shrink quickly, and eventually it will only be a hemispherical energy shield with a radius of 1 km. By then, Tokyo Mythology and their range of activities will be smaller. It’s easy to kill them, and the state of Tokyo Mythology's [Yaki Heavenly Fall] will disappear. We will be more sure of killing them."

"Sister Shi is right." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she looked forward when she said this: "However, the Japanese players have dispersed, so we have to divide our troops into three groups, the mammoth cavalry, the blue dragon summoner, and the archer. Following me to kill the enemy in the middle, Sister Feng led Yixiao Hongchen and the others to the left. Ye Luo took Sister Qin, Feixue, and Wednesday to the right, trying to kill the most people in the shortest time."

Naturally, I also know that fireworks are easy to be cold. This arrangement is the most efficient and safest, so everyone did not say anything. They acted separately. Most of them summoned flying mounts. The speed was much faster than the speed of the Japanese army, and they launched attacks along the way. Push forward, and kill all the enemies you encounter along the way, just like rice.

The fireworks are easy to be cold. Needless to say, there are all archers, mammoth cavalry, and blue water summoners in the middle. The overall damage output is very high. The sky energy arrows roar away, and the target can't enter them within 20 meters. They can Steady progress, even without any priest treatment.

As for breaking the waves and riding the wind, although there are only more than 20 people on their side, they are all masters. Misty rain, Yixiao Hongchen, and Jianliu are on the list. The most important thing is that the waves and the wind have been fully attacked. Following the [spell immunity] imposed on her by others on Saturday, she brazenly rushed to the forefront. Various group attack skills plus sputtering and lightning chain attacks, the damage output is not low, at least they advance faster than fireworks They are slow when cold.

As for Ye Luo's side, although they only have 4 people, the damage output of only one Ye Luo is extremely terrifying, and even the total damage output of all people except Waves and Wind can be topped. What's more, there are also the two lava magicians, June Feixue and Wednesday, who have used various group attack magic, and their damage output is also very impressive, and this also makes them advance very quickly.

Sitting on Qinxin's role in this team is also quite important, that is, to give Ye Luo who rushed in the front [spell immunity], of course, she did not forget to attack, after all, her damage output is still very good.

In this way, Ye Luo and the others advanced in three ways, and all the players they encountered were killed by them, and the number of Japanese players in the [Heaven and Earth Cage] was rapidly decreasing.

Because of the existence of the [Heaven and Earth Cage] Japanese players cannot use the teleportation scroll to leave. Although the player who casts the [Heaven and Earth Cage] can open an exit on the enchantment to take everyone away, but the gang of the Ninja House was defeated in the previous battle Killed, that is to say, the players in the cage cannot leave at all, and can only wait for the enchantment cage to disappear by itself.

That’s right, the fireworks are easy to get cold. I also know that [Heaven and Earth Cage] can open an exit to take people away like [Painting the Earth as a Prison], so she ordered Ye Luo and Midnight Shu to kill that person, and Jian San Ye Living up to the expectations, he kept staring at the person, and then with the cooperation of the slender hand and other assassins, he killed him, and killed him twice. At this time, he was lying down, so naturally he could not take everyone away.

The gang leader of the Ninja House is lying around, and there are assassins such as Midnight Book and Swordsman guarding him. He does not give the priest a chance to resurrect him. As a result, the players in the barrier cage naturally cannot leave. At this time, Tokyo Mythology They have a feeling of "cocooning themselves".

The goal of more than 100,000 troops is a big goal. It is impossible for them to avoid Ye Luo and the others, especially when the enchantment cage is still shrinking rapidly. As a result, the scope of their activities is smaller, and everyone is also The more concentrated they are, this will also give them a lot of convenience. After all, everyone is concentrated and their killing efficiency has improved a lot.

Seeing that the people on their side were being killed one by one, the Japanese players' eyes were splitting, and many masters couldn't bear to rush up, including some dual-pro masters who used big moves, but anger does not represent strength. In Yeluo After people’s concentrated fire attack, they won’t be able to insist on being killed for long, and this also means that there are fewer and fewer dual-professional masters in the enchantment cage, even if Ye Luo’s [Group Blessing Scroll] blessed The end of the effect will not be too much pressure.

Time passed in the unilateral slaughter, and soon 4 or 5 minutes passed, and the scroll effect of Ye Luo and others, who was the first to use the [Group Blessing Scroll], has arrived, including all the archers, so their damage The output is greatly reduced.

However, after 4 or 5 minutes, the Japanese players have been killed by 70, 80,000. At this time, there are only 30,000 or 40,000 left. Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng are still in full attack power. The damage output is still terrifying, and there is even the ability to kill the enemy in front of you.

As for the archers such as Firework Easy Cold, although their damage output is much lower, they still have the strength to organize targets to rush to them within 20 meters after Firework Easy Cold ordered the waves to ride the wind and the team led by Ye Luo joined together. It's just that the killing speed has slowed down a bit.

However, the fireworks are easy to cold and they are not in a hurry, because there are still more than 40 minutes of time in the cage enchantment, and these time are enough for them to kill all the remaining players, so they did not use the third [Group Blessing Scroll 】After all, this scroll is quite precious.

After such a long time, the gang leader of the Ninja House who was booked by Midnight to keep their corpses had already returned to the city to resurrect because the time limit for lying down had expired. With him, there were tens of thousands of players who returned to the city to resurrect with white light. The scene was quite spectacular.

At this time, the midnight book and others also had a new task-cleaning the battlefield and collecting the spoils.

Although under the effect of [Forced Deprivation], the probability of players being killed and exploding equipment is still not high, but this time Ye Luo and the others have killed too many players. They have killed 70, 80,000 players, so high. Hundreds of thousands of pieces of equipment are still okay if the base is down.

The fact is also true. At this time, most of the assassins and the assassins picked up a backpack of equipment at midnight. The total number is probably no less than hundreds. Among them, there are many holy equipment, and there are also a lot of them. This can not only greatly improve the equipment of Misty Pavilion. Level, but also greatly weakened Japan's game power.

Think about it, this time in Tokyo Mythology, they mobilized the most elite players from the major gangs, including almost all dual-professional masters. Their equipment level is also the best among Japanese players, and they will kill them. Naturally, the equipment will be very good, the worst is the Primordial God-level.

Of course, there are still many Japanese players alive in the barrier cage at this time, especially the masters of Tokyo Mythology. If they are killed, they will surely explode very good equipment, which means that this time Ye Luo and the others will gain even more. .

"Fireworks, without the effect of [Group Blessing Scroll], the killing efficiency is too slow. Why don't we use the last scroll." Seeing that the advancing speed has been greatly reduced, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind couldn't help saying: "Anyway, this battle is happening. After the Tokyo Mythology, their overall strength will be greatly weakened, and it will not be a threat to us, so using scrolls is nothing."

Not waiting for the fireworks to be cold, she continued: "Besides, we will kill a lot of bosses in the future, and it is easy to burst some scrolls."

"It seems that there is no need to use scrolls at all, because even if there is no scroll plus state we can kill them one by one, but it takes a little longer." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then his tone changed: " But it doesn’t matter if the time is longer, the remaining 40 minutes is enough."

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