VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1985: : Ye Luo Arrives

Midnight Shu and Jiansan blocked the foot of Mount Fuji, entangled him for a few seconds and waited for his invincibility effect to disappear. Then everyone can use various control skills to control it to death, and then Ye Luo Others will also come, especially Ye Luo, his personal strength is already very strong, the most important thing is that he can also work with the firework Yi Leng and others to jointly display combo skills, I believe that when he arrives, it will solve the problem of Mount Fuji and others. There is no problem, including those dual-professional masters from other gangs who also rushed back.

It is also that the situation is completely stabilized. The people are in the mood to attack and laugh, and they say that the key to this battle is the scrolls such as the [Group Blessing Scroll], and through the Tokyo Mythology that there is no such scroll, they also concluded that these The scrolls are quite rare, they are absolutely lucky to get these, so it is very useful for them to keep the remaining scrolls.

While talking about this, the people like Po Lang Chengfeng increased their attacks, and others did the same. As a result, the blood of the 4 players in the third enchantment decreased faster, and they were already beheaded 2 One, and the remaining two are already in residual blood.

After 3, 4 seconds, the invincible state under Mount Fuji finally disappeared. At this time, he still couldn't get rid of the obstacles of Midnight Shu and Jiansan, as did the others, and then the Mammoth Cavalry and the Green Summoner could perform various controls. Skills control them, so it's easy to kill them.

But at this time, suddenly another invincible skill was cast at the foot of Mount Fuji, and this skill lasted 10 seconds. The most important thing was that he once again used the displacement skill to get rid of Midnight Shu and came to Samadhi and others, and then easily interrupted. A player from Miomi Pavilion casts 【Plum Blossom Array】.

The player was interrupted, and the effect of the previous [Plum Blossom Formation] disappeared. As a result, Tokyo Myth and another dual professional master finally broke free, and they were killed as soon as they came out, and the two were like tigers. Especially in Tokyo Mythology. At this time, the increased attack power from his killing is still there. Skills such as [Dragon Clone] and [Dragon Sword Formation] are displayed, and there are even group attack skills such as [Ice and Snow], which makes a terrifying attack for a while. It caused terrible damage to nearby players who did not use invincibility skills, and some players were even killed in seconds.

Seeing this scene, Samadhi crescent frowned. She hurriedly ordered everyone to use their invincible skills to resist, while the firework Yi was cold and ordered the mammoth cavalry, the blue dragon summoner and other players with control abilities to focus on attacking Tokyo Mythology and another escape [梅花Array] soldiers under siege.

However, before dealing with Tokyo Mythology and others, the Mammoth Cavalry and the Summoner of the Qingjiao have mostly used control skills such as [Frozen Magic Bullet], [Long Yin Nine Heavens], and [Dragon Swing Tail], plus Tokyo Mythology and another person. This time they decisively used their invincible skills so that they could attack unscrupulously.

Tokyo Mythology is also a wise man. After breaking free from the barrier, he went to the third barrier, and then interrupted the people in Miomi Pavilion to continue to use the [Plum Blossom Formation] to control the remaining two players, so that they were in the team. There are 4 players who have the blessing of "Baqi Tianxiang", so the threat to fireworks and others is undoubtedly greater.

Fortunately, at this time, under the command of Samadhi, most of the people have used invincible means. It is not a problem to persist for a period of time. In addition, the black dragon Tianzhan and others do not have the luck and equipment of Mount Fuji with an additional invincible skill, so they They were under control at all, and their qi and blood dropped rapidly under the surrounding various skills coverage attacks, depending on the situation, it would not last long.

That's right, the reason why Mount Fuji has another invincibility skill is that he is an additional skill of ancient saint-level equipment, and this is his last invincibility method, while the Black Dragon Heavenly Slash and the God of Susa have no such skills. If the surrounding players use control skills on it, they may be controlled all the time, and then it will become inevitable to be killed.

If Heilong Tianzhan and others are killed, there are only a few people left here, such as Tokyo Mythology, even if they perform their big moves and they are in a state of [Yaki Heaven], they may not be able to resist more than 300 people. The siege, not to mention Ye Luo, Damo Guyan and others soon arrived.

"Sister Feng, stop Tokyo Mythology, so he can't let him use skills." Firework Yi Leng gave an order. Seeing that the waves and wind used displacement skills to stop Tokyo Mythology, she looked at the Samadhi: "Sister Shi, command everyone to Kill the surrounding enemies, no more reservations."

At this time, players in Misty Pavilion have been killed, and the remaining dual-professional masters of the Black Hawk Gang and other gangs are also quickly coming. The most important thing is that more than 100,000 elite players are killing here. If you can’t kill Tokyo in time If the people of Mythology are killed, the situation will be very passive, and it is even possible that they will be killed.

Samadhi is also a wise man. He immediately judged the current situation, and then began to order everyone to quickly solve the enemy. All kinds of powerful skills were displayed for a while, including some combination skills, while the blood of Heilongtianzhan and others was rapidly decreasing. .

Breaking the waves and riding the wind to the Tokyo mythology, but the latter obviously does not intend to pay attention to her, but as much as possible to cause casualties to the fireworks and others. At this time, he is in the state of big tricks, and he also has the [eight Qi heaven drop] Blessing, various attributes are higher, and his operation level is very strong, so it is not a problem to get rid of the waves and wind, so he can almost unscrupulously attack the surrounding people, if not everyone has displayed invincibility The method is afraid that there will be a lot of casualties.

A few seconds later, the invincible state of Tokyo Mythology disappeared, and at this time Ye Luo, Zuan Qin Xin and others finally arrived. After seeing the crisis, Ye Luo didn't say much, and immediately displayed it with Zuo Qin Xin [ Six * Ten Thousand Swords Guardian Shield (group)], the powerful attack power kills the **** Heilong Tianzhan and others also imposes a 10-second invincible state for everyone, so that everyone does not have to worry about it in these 10 seconds what is the problem.

Ye Luo did not give up after casting [Six Paths * Ten Thousand Swords Guardian Shield]. The body shape shift skill was displayed, and then the Tokyo Myth was blocked. The long sword sweep easily interrupted his skill, and the dagger in his left hand was also straight. Stabbed him in the throat, so that the latter had to defend.

Although Tokyo Mythology now has one more state of [Yaqi Heavenly Fall] than Ye Luo, Ye Luo has displayed [The Brave Without Fear] at this time, and his original equipment level is one level higher than Tokyo Mythology. The most important thing is He is the best at defensive, and there is no problem blocking Tokyo Myth in such a short time.

"Sister Qin, trap me and Tokyo Mythology..." Ye Luo said, but before he finished talking about Tokyo Mythology, he performed the [Devil Dragon Shuttle Technique] and put [Penqusa www.biqusa.info] off him. Then he rushed in the other direction, obviously he did not want to entangle Ye Luo.

[Shattering Technique] was displayed, and then Ye Luo performed [Charge], and in the next moment, he came to Tokyo Mythology again, interrupting his skills again, and while the dagger was blocking the Tokyo Myth’s attack His sword swept across [Flying Sand and Stone] and displayed it.

[Flying Sand and Stone] is an additional skill of [Tai Chi Bagua Pan], which can cause damage to the enemy's target, but also reduce its vision and movement speed. At this time, it is not bad to deal with Tokyo Mythology, even if he is in [八秋天落] 】Can offset 90% of the negative state under the protection.

Seeing Ye Luo tangled up like a tarsal maggot, Tokyo Mythology frowned. If he is in the state of "Baqi Heavenly Fall", he is naturally not afraid, and he even wants to compete with Ye Luo, but The situation is different now. They have a great disadvantage. If they can't cause heavy casualties to people who are easy to cold, break the waves and ride the wind, then they are likely to be annihilated, so he cannot fight against them. , Once again use displacement skills to escape.

However, Ye Luo obviously didn't let his intentions go. [Zuchou Tianya] played it, and once again entangled him, and even had free time to cast [Cloud and Mist].

[Mist and Clouds] is an additional skill of [Tai Chi Bagua Pan], which can make dense fog condense within 100 meters centered on Ye Luo, reducing the movement speed of all hostile targets caught in the fog by 10%, reducing the attack distance by 10%, and the sight distance Reduced by 10%, the hit rate is reduced by 10%, while the attack distance and hit rate of friendly units in the fog increase by 10%, and the fog is maintained for 5 minutes. At this time, Ye Luo uses this skill not only to restrict Tokyo Mythology, Fujiyama and others, but also Can provide some help to teammates, kill two birds with one stone.

His brows frowned again, Tokyo Mythology used the last displacement skill. Ye Luo should have no displacement skill in his heart, but then Ye Luo used [Shattering Shadow], which was added to [Reincarnation Boots] The skill can be teleported to any of the 8 afterimages, and the displacement distance is 15 meters, which is enough for Ye Luo to catch up with the Tokyo Myth once again and interrupt him to use the skill.

In this way, Ye Luo entangled the Tokyo mythology, although he can't cause much threat to it, and can't even destroy his vitality, but it can prevent him from using his skills to attack the surrounding players, so his threat is only It has become a lot smaller, or almost non-existent-no matter how strong Tokyo Myth is, Ye Luo can block his ordinary attacks and interrupt him to use skills, so he will naturally not harm the surrounding players.

That’s right, at this time, the entire Celestial Tribulation game can entangle the Tokyo mythology in its current state. Ye Luo is the only one. Of course, the Eastern Killing Heaven who has performed [Holy Beasts] also has a chance, but he is not like Ye Luo. Good at defense.

Seeing that Ye Luo was entangled in Tokyo mythology, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others breathed a sigh of relief, and then Po Lang Cheng Feng, Desert Lone Smoke and others specially dealt with the other 3 players who had the status of "Baqi Heavenly Fall". Others also used various group attack skills to cover attacks. Under their siege, their vitality was slowly decreasing, and depending on the situation, they would be killed in no time.

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